package com.vdom.core; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import com.vdom.api.ActionCard; import com.vdom.api.Card; import com.vdom.api.CardCostComparator; import com.vdom.api.DurationCard; import com.vdom.api.FrameworkEvent; import com.vdom.api.FrameworkEventHelper; import com.vdom.api.GameEvent; import com.vdom.api.GameEventListener; import com.vdom.api.GameType; import com.vdom.api.TreasureCard; import com.vdom.api.VictoryCard; import com.vdom.core.Player.WatchTowerOption; public class Game { public static boolean junit = false; public static boolean debug = false; public static Integer cardSequence = 1; public static HashMap<String, Double> GAME_TYPE_WINS = new HashMap<String, Double>(); public static HashMap<String, Integer> winStats = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public static final String QUICK_PLAY = "(QuickPlay)"; public static final String BANE = "bane+"; public static String[] cardsSpecifiedAtLaunch; public static ArrayList<String> unfoundCards = new ArrayList<String>(); String cardListText = ""; String unfoundCardText = ""; int totalCardCountGameBegin = 0; int totalCardCountGameEnd = 0; /** * Player classes and optionally the url to the jar on the web that the class is located in. Player class * is in index [0] of the array and the jar is in index [1]. Index [1] is null (but still there) if the * default class loader should be used. */ static ArrayList<String[]> playerClassesAndJars = new ArrayList<String[]>(); /** * The card set to use for the game. * * @see com.vdom.api.GameType */ public static GameType gameType = GameType.Random; public static String gameTypeStr = null; public static boolean showUsage = false; public static boolean alwaysIncludePlatColony = false; public static boolean alwaysUseShelters = false; public static boolean sheltersPassedIn = false; public static boolean quickPlay = false; public static boolean sortCards = false; public static boolean actionChains = false; public static boolean suppressRedundantReactions = false; public static boolean equalStartHands = false; public static boolean maskPlayerNames = false; public static final HashSet<GameEvent.Type> showEvents = new HashSet<GameEvent.Type>(); public static final HashSet<String> showPlayers = new HashSet<String>(); static boolean test = false; static boolean ignoreAllPlayerErrors = false; static boolean ignoreSomePlayerErrors = false; static HashSet<String> ignoreList = new HashSet<String>(); static ArrayList<GameStats> gameTypeStats = new ArrayList<GameStats>(); static int numGames = -1; static int gameCounter = 0; public ArrayList<GameEventListener> listeners = new ArrayList<GameEventListener>(); public GameEventListener gameListener; static boolean forceDownload = false; static HashMap<String, Double> overallWins = new HashMap<String, Double>(); public static Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); public HashMap<String, AbstractCardPile> piles = new HashMap<String, AbstractCardPile>(); public HashMap<String, Integer> embargos = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public ArrayList<Card> trashPile = new ArrayList<Card>(); public ArrayList<Card> possessedTrashPile = new ArrayList<Card>(); public ArrayList<Card> possessedBoughtPile = new ArrayList<Card>(); public int tradeRouteValue = 0; public Card baneCard = null; double chanceForPlatColony = -1; double chanceForShelters = 0.0; public boolean bakerInPlay = false; private static final int kingdomCardPileSize = 10; public static int victoryCardPileSize = 12; ArrayList<Card>[] cardsObtainedLastTurn; static int playersTurn; // public UI ui; int turnCount = 0; int consecutiveTurnCounter = 0; public static HashMap<String, Player> cachedPlayers = new HashMap<String, Player>(); public static HashMap<String, Class<?>> cachedPlayerClasses = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); public static Player[] players; public boolean sheltersInPlay = false; public int possessionsToProcess = 0; public Player possessingPlayer = null; public int nextPossessionsToProcess = 0; public Player nextPossessingPlayer = null; public static int numPlayers; boolean gameOver = false; private static HashMap<String, Player> playerCache = new HashMap<String, Player>(); public static void main(String[] args) { try { go(args, false); } catch (ExitException e) { // This is what we would correctly need to do. // May break some code though which relies on vdom being less strict System.exit(-1); } } public static void go(String[] args, boolean html) throws ExitException { /* * Don't catch ExitException here. If someone throws an ExitException, it means the game is over, which should be handled by whoever owns us. */ processArgs(args); Util.debug(""); // Start game(s) if (gameTypeStr != null) { gameType = GameType.fromName(gameTypeStr); new Game().start(); } else { for (String[] className : playerClassesAndJars) { overallWins.put(className[0], 0.0); } for (GameType p : GameType.values()) { gameType = p; new Game().start(); } if (test) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { gameType = GameType.RandomBaseGame; new Game().start(); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { gameType = GameType.RandomIntrigue; new Game().start(); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { gameType = GameType.RandomSeaside; new Game().start(); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { gameType = GameType.RandomDarkAges; new Game().start(); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { gameType = GameType.Random; new Game().start(); } } if (!debug && !test) { Util.log("----------------------------------------------------"); } printStats(overallWins, numGames * GameType.values().length, "Total"); printStats(GAME_TYPE_WINS, GameType.values().length, "Types"); } if (test) { printGameTypeStats(); } FrameworkEvent frameworkEvent = new FrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.Type.AllDone); FrameworkEventHelper.broadcastEvent(frameworkEvent); } void start() throws ExitException { HashMap<String, Double> gameTypeSpecificWins = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (String[] className : playerClassesAndJars) { gameTypeSpecificWins.put(className[0], 0.0); if (!GAME_TYPE_WINS.containsKey(className[0])) { GAME_TYPE_WINS.put(className[0], 0.0); } } long turnCountTotal = 0; long vpTotal = 0; long numCardsTotal = 0; // if (test) { // System.out.print(gameType + " "); // } for (int gameCount = 0; gameCount < numGames; gameCount++) { // if (test) { // System.out.print(gameCount + " "); // System.out.flush(); // } Util.debug("---------------------", false); Util.debug("New Game:" + gameType); initGameBoard(); if (test) { Util.log(gameType.toString()); totalCardCountGameBegin = totalCardCount(); } gameOver = false; gameCounter++; playersTurn = 0; turnCount = 1; Util.debug("Turn " + turnCount); while (!gameOver) { Player player = players[playersTurn]; MoveContext context = new MoveContext(this, player); playerBeginTurn(player, context); // ///////////////////////////////// // Actions // ///////////////////////////////// playerAction(player, context); // ///////////////////////////////// // Select Treasure for Buy // ///////////////////////////////// playTreasures(player, context); // Spend Guilds coin tokens if applicable playGuildsTokens(player, context); // ///////////////////////////////// // Buy Phase // ///////////////////////////////// playerBuy(player, context); if (context.totalCardsBoughtThisTurn == 0) { GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.NoBuy, context); broadcastEvent(event); Util.debug(player.getPlayerName() + " did not buy a card with coins:" + context.getCoinAvailableForBuy()); } // ///////////////////////////////// // Discard, draw new hand // ///////////////////////////////// player.cleanup(context); boolean takeAnotherTurn = playerEndTurn(player, context); gameOver = checkGameOver(); if (!gameOver) { setPlayersTurn(takeAnotherTurn); } } // unmask players maskPlayerNames = false; int vps[] = gameOver(gameTypeSpecificWins); if (test) { // Compute game stats turnCountTotal += turnCount; for (int i = 0; i < vps.length; i++) { vpTotal += vps[i]; numCardsTotal += players[i].getAllCards().size(); } totalCardCountGameEnd = totalCardCount(); assert (totalCardCountGameBegin == totalCardCountGameEnd); } } // Java program ending if (!debug) { markWinner(gameTypeSpecificWins); printStats(gameTypeSpecificWins, numGames, gameType.toString()); // Util.log("---------------------"); } if (test) { // System.out.println(); ArrayList<Card> gameCards = new ArrayList<Card>(); for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { Card card = pile.card(); if (!card.equals(Cards.copper) && !card.equals(Cards.silver) && !card.equals( && !card.equals(Cards.platinum) && !card.equals( && !card.equals(Cards.duchy) && !card.equals(Cards.province) && !card.equals(Cards.colony) && !card.equals(Cards.curse)) { gameCards.add(card); } } GameStats stats = new GameStats(); stats.gameType = gameType; = gameCards.toArray(new Card[0]); stats.aveTurns = (int) (turnCountTotal / numGames); stats.aveNumCards = (int) (numCardsTotal / (numGames * numPlayers)); stats.aveVictoryPoints = (int) (vpTotal / (numGames * numPlayers)); gameTypeStats.add(stats); } FrameworkEvent frameworkEvent = new FrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.Type.GameTypeOver); frameworkEvent.setGameType(gameType); frameworkEvent.setGameTypeWins(gameTypeSpecificWins); FrameworkEventHelper.broadcastEvent(frameworkEvent); } protected void setPlayersTurn(boolean takeAnotherTurn) { if (!takeAnotherTurn && consecutiveTurnCounter > 0) { // next player consecutiveTurnCounter = 0; if (++playersTurn >= numPlayers) { playersTurn = 0; Util.debug("Turn " + ++turnCount, true); } } } public int cardsInLowestPiles (int numPiles) { int[] ips = new int[piles.size() - 1 - (isColonyInGame() ? 1 : 0)]; int count = 0; for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (pile.card() != Cards.province && pile.card() != Cards.colony) ips[count++] = pile.getCount(); } Arrays.sort(ips); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPiles; i++) { count += ips[i]; } return count; } protected void playTreasures(Player player, MoveContext context) { // Set the turn gold to the correct amount = context.addGold; context.addGold = 0; context.potions = 0; context.buyPhase = true; boolean selectingCoins = playerShouldSelectCoinsToPlay(context, player.getHand()); ArrayList<TreasureCard> treasures = null; treasures = (selectingCoins) ? player.controlPlayer.treasureCardsToPlayInOrder(context) : player.getTreasuresInHand(); while (treasures != null && !treasures.isEmpty()) { while (!treasures.isEmpty()) { TreasureCard card = treasures.remove(0); if (player.hand.contains(card)) // this is needed due to counterfeit which trashes cards during this loop card.playTreasure(context); } treasures = (selectingCoins) ? player.controlPlayer.treasureCardsToPlayInOrder(context) : player.getTreasuresInHand(); } } protected void playGuildsTokens(Player player, MoveContext context) { int coinTokenTotal = player.getGuildsCoinTokenCount(); if (coinTokenTotal > 0) { // Offer the player the option of "spending" Guilds coin tokens prior to buying cards int numTokensToSpend = player.numGuildsCoinTokensToSpend(context); if (numTokensToSpend > 0 && numTokensToSpend <= coinTokenTotal) { player.spendGuildsCoinTokens(numTokensToSpend); context.addGold += numTokensToSpend; Util.debug(player, "Spent " + numTokensToSpend + " Guilds coin tokens"); } } } private void markWinner(HashMap<String, Double> gameTypeSpecificWins) { double highWins = 0; int winners = 0; for (String player : gameTypeSpecificWins.keySet()) { if (gameTypeSpecificWins.get(player) > highWins) { highWins = gameTypeSpecificWins.get(player); } } for (String player : gameTypeSpecificWins.keySet()) { if (gameTypeSpecificWins.get(player) == highWins) { winners++; } } double points = 1.0 / winners; for (String player : gameTypeSpecificWins.keySet()) { if (gameTypeSpecificWins.get(player) == highWins) { double playerWins = 0; if (GAME_TYPE_WINS.containsKey(player)) { playerWins = GAME_TYPE_WINS.get(player); } playerWins += points; GAME_TYPE_WINS.put(player, playerWins); } } GAME_TYPE_WINS.toString(); } protected int[] gameOver(HashMap<String, Double> gameTypeSpecificWins) { if (debug) printPlayerTurn(); int[] vps = calculateVps(); for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { int tieCount = 0; boolean loss = false; for (int j = 0; j < numPlayers; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } if (vps[i] < vps[j]) { loss = true; break; } if (vps[i] == vps[j]) { tieCount++; } } if (!loss) { double num = gameTypeSpecificWins.get(players[i].getClass().getName()); Double overall = overallWins.get(players[i].getClass().getName()); boolean trackOverall = (overall != null); if (tieCount == 0) { num += 1.0; if (trackOverall) { overall += 1.0; } } else { num += 1.0 / (tieCount + 1); if (trackOverall) { overall += 1.0 / (tieCount + 1); } } gameTypeSpecificWins.put(players[i].getClass().getName(), num); if (trackOverall) { overallWins.put(players[i].getClass().getName(), overall); } } Player player = players[i]; player.vps = vps[i]; = !loss; MoveContext context = new MoveContext(this, player); broadcastEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.GameOver, context)); } int index = 0; for (Player player : players) { int vp = vps[index++]; Util.debug(player.getPlayerName() + ":Victory Points=" + vp, true); GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.VictoryPoints, null); event.setPlayer(player); event.setComment(":" + vp); broadcastEvent(event); } return vps; } protected void printPlayerTurn() { for (Player player : players) { Util.debug("", true); ArrayList<Card> allCards = player.getAllCards(); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append(" " + allCards.size() + " Cards: "); final HashMap<String, Integer> cardCounts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Card card : allCards) { String key = card.getName() + " -> " + card.getDescription(); Integer count = cardCounts.get(key); if (count == null) { cardCounts.put(key, 1); } else { cardCounts.put(key, count + 1); } } ArrayList<Card> removeDuplicates = new ArrayList<Card>(); for (Card card : allCards) { if (!removeDuplicates.contains(card)) { removeDuplicates.add(card); } } allCards = removeDuplicates; Collections.sort(allCards, new Comparator<Card>() { public int compare(Card o1, Card o2) { String keyOne = o1.getName() + " -> " + o1.getDescription(); String keyTwo = o2.getName() + " -> " + o2.getDescription(); return cardCounts.get(keyTwo) - cardCounts.get(keyOne); } }); boolean first = true; for (Card card : allCards) { String key = card.getName() + " -> " + card.getDescription(); if (first) { first = false; } else { msg.append(", "); } msg.append("" + cardCounts.get(key) + " " + card.getName()); } Util.debug(player.getPlayerName() + ":" + msg, true); } Util.debug("", true); } protected boolean playerEndTurn(Player player, MoveContext context) { int handCount = 5; boolean takeAnotherTurn = false; // Can only have at most two consecutive turns for (Card card : player.nextTurnCards) { Card behaveAsCard = card.behaveAsCard(); if ((behaveAsCard instanceof DurationCard) && ((DurationCard) behaveAsCard).takeAnotherTurn()) { handCount = ((DurationCard) behaveAsCard).takeAnotherTurnCardCount(); if (consecutiveTurnCounter <= 1) { takeAnotherTurn = true; break; } } } // draw next hand for (int i = 0; i < handCount; i++) { drawToHand(player, null, false); } // ///////////////////////////////// // Reset context for status update // ///////////////////////////////// context.actionsPlayedSoFar = 0; context.actions = 1; context.buys = 1; context.addGold = 0; context.coppersmithsPlayed = 0; = context.getCoinAvailableForBuy(); GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.NewHand, context); broadcastEvent(event); event = null; // ///////////////////////////////// // Turn End // ///////////////////////////////// if (player.isPossessed()) { if (--possessionsToProcess == 0) player.controlPlayer = player; } else if (nextPossessionsToProcess > 0) { possessionsToProcess = nextPossessionsToProcess; possessingPlayer = nextPossessingPlayer; nextPossessionsToProcess = 0; nextPossessingPlayer = null; } event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.TurnEnd, context); broadcastEvent(event); return takeAnotherTurn; } protected void playerAction(Player player, MoveContext context) { // TODO move this check to action and buy (and others?) // if(player.hand.size() > 0) Card action = null; do { action = null; ArrayList<ActionCard> actionCards = null; if (!actionChains || player.controlPlayer.isAi()) { action = (ActionCard) player.controlPlayer.doAction(context); if (action != null) { actionCards = new ArrayList<ActionCard>(); actionCards.add((ActionCard) action); } } else { Card[] cs = player.controlPlayer.actionCardsToPlayInOrder(context); if (cs != null && cs.length != 0) { actionCards = new ArrayList<ActionCard>(); for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) { actionCards.add((ActionCard) cs[i]); } } } while (context.actions > 0 && actionCards != null && !actionCards.isEmpty()) { action = actionCards.remove(0); if (action != null) { if (isValidAction(context, action)) { GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.Status, (MoveContext) context); broadcastEvent(event); try { ((ActionCardImpl) action).play(this, (MoveContext) context, true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { Util.debug("Error:Invalid action selected"); // action = null; } } } } while (context.actions > 0 && action != null); } protected void playerBuy(Player player, MoveContext context) { Card buy = null; context.goldAvailable = context.getCoinAvailableForBuy(); do { try { buy = player.controlPlayer.doBuy(context); } catch (Throwable t) { Util.playerError(player, t); } if (buy != null) { if (isValidBuy(context, buy)) { context.totalCardsBoughtThisTurn++; GameEvent statusEvent = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.Status, (MoveContext) context); broadcastEvent(statusEvent); playBuy(context, buy); } else { // TODO report? buy = null; } } } while (context.buys > 0 && buy != null); context.buyPhase = false; } protected void playerBeginTurn(Player player, MoveContext context) { if ( > 0) { player.controlPlayer =; } else { player.controlPlayer = player; consecutiveTurnCounter++; } cardsObtainedLastTurn[playersTurn].clear(); if (consecutiveTurnCounter == 1) player.newTurn(); GameEvent gevent = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.TurnBegin, context); broadcastEvent(gevent); for (Card card : player.nextTurnCards) { if (card.behaveAsCard() instanceof DurationCard) { DurationCard thisCard = (DurationCard) card.behaveAsCard(); for (int clone = ((CardImpl) card).cloneCount; clone > 0; clone--) { GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.PlayingDurationAction, context); event.card = thisCard; broadcastEvent(event); context.actions += thisCard.getAddActionsNextTurn(); context.addGold += thisCard.getAddGoldNextTurn(); context.buys += thisCard.getAddBuysNextTurn(); int AddCardsNextTurn = thisCard.getAddCardsNextTurn(); if (thisCard.getType() == Cards.Type.Tactician) { context.actions += 1; context.addGold += 0; context.buys += 1; AddCardsNextTurn = 5; } for (int i = 0; i < AddCardsNextTurn; i++) { drawToHand(player, thisCard, true); } } } else if (!card.equals(Cards.throneRoom) && !card.equals(Cards.kingsCourt) && !card.equals(Cards.procession) && !card.equals(Cards.bandOfMisfits)) { Util.debug(player, "Bad duration card: " + card); } else { GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.PlayingDurationAction, context); event.card = card; broadcastEvent(event); } } while (!player.nextTurnCards.isEmpty()) { Card card = player.nextTurnCards.remove(0); CardImpl behaveAsCard = (CardImpl) card.behaveAsCard(); behaveAsCard.cloneCount = 1; if (!behaveAsCard.trashAfterPlay) { player.playedCards.add(card); } else { behaveAsCard.trashAfterPlay = false; } } while (!player.haven.isEmpty()) { player.hand.add(player.haven.remove(0)); } while (!player.horseTraders.isEmpty()) { Card horseTrader = player.horseTraders.remove(0); player.hand.add(horseTrader); drawToHand(player, horseTrader); } } private static void printStats(HashMap<String, Double> wins, int gameCount, String gameType) { if (!test || gameCount == 1) { return; } double totalGameCount = 0; Iterator<Entry<String, Double>> it = wins.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Double> e =; totalGameCount += e.getValue(); } gameCount = (int) totalGameCount; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String s = gameType + ":"; String start = "" + gameCount; if (gameCount > 1) { s = start + (gameType.equals("Types") ? " types " : " games ") + s; } if (!debug) { while (s.length() < 30) { // (24 + start.length())) { s += " "; } } sb.append(s); String winner = null; double high = 0.0; Iterator<String> keyIter = wins.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { String className =; double num = wins.get(className); double val = Math.round((num * 100 / gameCount)); if (val > high) { high = val; winner = className; } } keyIter = wins.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { String className =; double num = wins.get(className); String name; Player pclass = playerCache.get(className); if (pclass != null) { name = pclass.getPlayerName(); } else { name = className; } double val = Math.round((num * 100 / gameCount)); String numStr = "" + (int) val; while (numStr.length() < 3) { numStr += " "; } sb.append(" "); if (className.equals(winner)) { sb.append("*"); } else { sb.append(" "); } sb.append(name + " " + numStr + "%"); winStats.put(name, Integer.parseInt(numStr.trim())); } Util.log(sb.toString()); } private static void printGameTypeStats() { for (int i=0; i < gameTypeStats.size(); i++) { GameStats stats = gameTypeStats.get(i); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(stats.gameType); if (stats.gameType.toString().length() < 8) { sb.append("\t"); } if (stats.gameType.toString().length() < 16) { sb.append("\t"); } sb.append("\tvp=" + stats.aveVictoryPoints + "\t\tcards=" + stats.aveNumCards + "\tturns=" + stats.aveTurns + "\t" + Util.cardArrayToString(; Util.log(sb.toString()); } } public int calculateLead(Player player) { int playerVictoryPoints = -999; int otherHigh = -999; int[] vps = calculateVps(); for (int i = 0; i < vps.length; i++) { if (players[i].equals(player)) { playerVictoryPoints = vps[i]; } else if (vps[i] > otherHigh) { otherHigh = vps[i]; } } return playerVictoryPoints - otherHigh; } private static int[] calculateVps() { int[] vps = new int[numPlayers]; for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { vps[i] = players[i].getVPs(); } return vps; } protected static void processArgs(String[] args) throws ExitException { // dont remove tabs in following to keep easy upstream-mergeability processNewGameArgs(args); processUserPrefArgs(args); } protected static void processNewGameArgs(String[] args) throws ExitException { numPlayers = 0; cardsSpecifiedAtLaunch = null; overallWins.clear(); GAME_TYPE_WINS.clear(); gameTypeStats.clear(); playerClassesAndJars.clear(); playerCache.clear(); String gameCountArg = "-count"; String debugArg = "-debug"; String showEventsArg = "-showevents"; String gameTypeArg = "-type"; String gameTypeStatsArg = "-test"; String ignorePlayerErrorsArg = "-ignore"; String showPlayersArg = "-showplayers"; String siteArg = "-site="; String cardArg = "-cards="; for (String arg : args) { if (arg == null) { continue; } if (arg.startsWith("#")) { continue; } if (arg.startsWith("-")) { if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(debugArg)) { debug = true; if (showEvents.isEmpty()) { for (GameEvent.Type eventType : GameEvent.Type.values()) { showEvents.add(eventType); } } } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(showEventsArg)) { String showEventsString = arg.substring(showEventsArg.length() + 1); for (String event : showEventsString.split(",")) { showEvents.add(GameEvent.Type.valueOf(event)); } } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(showPlayersArg)) { String showPlayersString = arg.substring(showPlayersArg.length() + 1); for (String player : showPlayersString.split(",")) { showPlayers.add(player); } } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(ignorePlayerErrorsArg)) { if (arg.trim().toLowerCase().equals(ignorePlayerErrorsArg)) { ignoreAllPlayerErrors = true; } else { ignoreSomePlayerErrors = true; try { String player = arg.substring(ignorePlayerErrorsArg.length()).trim(); ignoreList.add(player); } catch (Exception e) { Util.log(e); throw new ExitException(); } } } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(gameTypeStatsArg)) { test = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(gameCountArg)) { try { numGames = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(gameCountArg.length())); } catch (Exception e) { Util.log(e); throw new ExitException(); } } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(cardArg)) { try { cardsSpecifiedAtLaunch = arg.substring(cardArg.length()).split("-"); } catch (Exception e) { Util.log(e); throw new ExitException(); } } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(siteArg)) { try { // UI.downloadSite = // arg.substring(siteArg.length()); } catch (Exception e) { Util.log(e); throw new ExitException(); } } else if (arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(gameTypeArg)) { try { gameTypeStr = arg.substring(gameTypeArg.length()); } catch (Exception e) { Util.log(e); throw new ExitException(); } // } else { // Util.log("Invalid arg:" + arg); // showUsage = true; } } else { String options = ""; String name = null; int starIndex = arg.indexOf("*"); if (starIndex != -1) { name = arg.substring(starIndex + 1); arg = arg.substring(0, starIndex); } if (arg.endsWith(QUICK_PLAY)) { arg = arg.substring(0, arg.length() - QUICK_PLAY.length()); options += "q"; } int atIndex = arg.indexOf("@"); String className = arg; String jar = null; if (atIndex != -1) { className = className.substring(0, atIndex); jar = arg.substring(atIndex + 1); } playerClassesAndJars.add(new String[] { className, jar, name, options }); } } numPlayers = playerClassesAndJars.size(); if (numPlayers < 1 || numPlayers > 6 || showUsage) { Util.log("Usage: [-debug][-ignore(playername)][-count(# of Games)][-type(Game type)] class1 class2 [class3] [class4]"); throw new ExitException(); } if (gameTypeStr == null) { if (debug) { gameTypeStr = "FirstGame"; } } if (numGames == -1) { numGames = 1; } } public static void processUserPrefArgs(String[] args) throws ExitException { quickPlay = false; sortCards = false; maskPlayerNames = false; actionChains = false; suppressRedundantReactions = false; alwaysIncludePlatColony = false; alwaysUseShelters = false; equalStartHands = false; String quickPlayArg = "-quickplay"; String maskPlayerNamesArg = "-masknames"; String sortCardsArg = "-sortcards"; String actionChainsArg = "-actionchains"; String suppressRedundantReactionsArg = "-suppressredundantreactions"; String platColonyArg = "-platcolony"; String useSheltersArg = "-useshelters"; String equalStartHandsArg = "-equalstarthands"; for (String arg : args) { if (arg == null) { continue; } if (arg.startsWith("#")) { continue; } if (arg.startsWith("-")) { if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(quickPlayArg)) { quickPlay = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(sortCardsArg)) { sortCards = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(maskPlayerNamesArg)) { maskPlayerNames = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(actionChainsArg)) { actionChains = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(suppressRedundantReactionsArg)) { suppressRedundantReactions = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(platColonyArg)) { alwaysIncludePlatColony = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(useSheltersArg)) { alwaysUseShelters = true; } else if (arg.toLowerCase().equals(equalStartHandsArg)) { equalStartHands = true; } } } } public boolean isValidAction(MoveContext context, Card action) { if (action == null) { return false; } if (!(action instanceof ActionCard)) { return false; } for (Card card : context.getPlayer().hand) { if (action.equals(card)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isValidBuy(MoveContext context, Card card) { return isValidBuy(context, card, context.getCoinAvailableForBuy()); } public boolean isValidBuy(MoveContext context, Card card, int gold) { if (card == null) { return true; } // TODO: Temp hack to prevent AI from buying possession, even though human player can, since it only half works // (AI will make decisions while possessed, but will try to make "good" ones) // if(card.equals(Cards.possession) && context != null && context.getPlayer() != null && context.getPlayer().isAi()) { // return false; // } AbstractCardPile thePile = getPile(card); if (thePile == null || thePile.isSupply() == false) { return false; } if (!Cards.isSupplyCard(card)) { return false; } if (isPileEmpty(card)) { return false; } if (context.cantBuy.contains(card)) { return false; } if ((context.countCardsInPlay(Cards.copper) > 0) && card.equals(Cards.grandMarket)) { return false; } int cost = card.getCost(context, true); int potions = context.getPotions(); if (cost <= gold && (!card.costPotion() || potions > 0)) { return true; } return false; } void playBuy(MoveContext context, Card buy) { Player player = context.getPlayer(); context.buys--; int embargos = getEmbargos(buy); for (int i = 0; i < embargos; i++) { player.gainNewCard(Cards.curse, Cards.embargo, context); } Card card = takeFromPileCheckTrader(buy, context); if (card != null) { GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.BuyingCard, (MoveContext) context); event.card = card; event.newCard = true; broadcastEvent(event); // Swap in the real knight if (buy.equals(Cards.virtualKnight)) { buy = card; } } // cost adjusted based on any cards played or card being bought int cost = buy.getCost(context); // If card can be overpaid for, do so now if (buy.isOverpay()) { context.overpayAmount = player.amountToOverpay(context, cost); if (context.potions > 0) { context.overpayPotions = player.overpayByPotions(context, context.potions); context.potions -= context.overpayPotions; } if (context.overpayAmount > 0 || context.overpayPotions > 0) { GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.OverpayForCard, (MoveContext) context); event.card = card; event.newCard = true; broadcastEvent(event); } } else { context.overpayAmount = 0; context.overpayPotions = 0; } -= (buy.getCost(context) + context.overpayAmount); if (buy.costPotion()) { context.potions--; } else if (!(buy instanceof VictoryCard) && !buy.isKnight() && cost < 5) { for (int i = 1; i <= context.countCardsInPlay(Cards.talisman); i++) { if (!buy.isRuins() || (card != null && card.equals(getTopRuinsCard()))) { context.getPlayer().gainNewCard(buy, Cards.talisman, context); } } } player.addVictoryTokens(context, context.countGoonsInPlayThisTurn()); if (context.countMerchantGuildsInPlayThisTurn() > 0) { player.gainGuildsCoinTokens(context.countMerchantGuildsInPlayThisTurn()); GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.GuildsTokenObtained, context); broadcastEvent(event); } if (buy instanceof VictoryCard) { context.victoryCardsBoughtThisTurn++; for (int i = 1; i <= context.countCardsInPlay(Cards.hoard); i++) { player.gainNewCard(, Cards.hoard, context); } } buy.isBought(context); haggler(context, buy); } private void haggler(MoveContext context, Card cardBought) { if(! return; int hagglers = context.countCardsInPlay(Cards.haggler); int cost = cardBought.getCost(context); boolean potion = cardBought.costPotion(); List<Card> validCards = new ArrayList<Card>(); for (int i = 0; i < hagglers; i++) { validCards.clear(); for (Card card : getCardsInGame()) { if (!(card instanceof VictoryCard) && Cards.isSupplyCard(card) && getCardsLeftInPile(card) > 0) { int gainCardCost = card.getCost(context); boolean gainCardPotion = card.costPotion(); if (gainCardCost < cost || (gainCardCost == cost && !gainCardPotion && potion)) { validCards.add(card); } } } if (validCards.size() > 0) { Card toGain = context.getPlayer().controlPlayer.haggler_cardToObtain(context, cost - 1, potion); if(toGain != null) { if (!validCards.contains(toGain)) { Util.playerError(context.getPlayer(), "Invalid card returned from Haggler, ignoring."); } else { context.getPlayer().gainNewCard(toGain, Cards.haggler, context); } } } } } public boolean buyWouldEndGame(Card card) { if (isColonyInGame() && card.equals(Cards.colony)) { if (pileSize(card) <= 1) { return true; } } if (card.equals(Cards.province)) { if (pileSize(card) <= 1) { return true; } } if (emptyPiles() >= 2 && pileSize(card) <= 1) { return true; } return false; } private boolean checkGameOver() { if (isColonyInGame() && isPileEmpty(Cards.colony)) { return true; } if (isPileEmpty(Cards.province)) { return true; } switch (numPlayers) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: /* Ends game for 1, 2, 3 or 4 players */ if (emptyPiles() >= 3) { return true; } break; case 5: case 6: /* Ends game for 5 or 6 players */ if (emptyPiles() >= 4) { return true; } } return false; } // TODO: all calls should use this but initial turn draws... boolean drawToHand(Player player, Card responsible) { return drawToHand(player, responsible, true); } boolean drawToHand(Player player, Card responsible, boolean showUI) { Card card = draw(player); if (card == null) return false; if (responsible != null) { Util.debug(player, responsible.getName() + " draw:" + card.getName(), true); } player.hand.add(card, showUI); return true; } Card draw(Player player) { if (player.deck.isEmpty()) { if (player.discard.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { replenishDeck(player); } } return player.deck.remove(0); } public void replenishDeck(Player player) { player.replenishDeck(); MoveContext context = new MoveContext(this, player); GameEvent event = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.DeckReplenished, context); broadcastEvent(event); } private void handleShowEvent(GameEvent event) { if (showEvents.contains(event.getType())) { Player player = event.getPlayer(); if (player == null || (player != null && !showPlayers.isEmpty() && !showPlayers.contains(player.getPlayerName()))) { return; } if (event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.TurnEnd) { Util.debug(""); return; } StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append(player.getPlayerName() + "::" + turnCount + ":" + event.getType()); if (event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.BuyingCard) { msg.append(":" + event.getContext().getCoinAvailableForBuy() + " gold"); if (event.getContext().getBuysLeft() > 0) { msg.append(", buys remaining: " + event.getContext().getBuysLeft() + ")"); } } else if (event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.PlayingAction || event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.TurnBegin || event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.NoBuy) { msg.append(":" + getHandString(player)); } else if (event.attackedPlayer != null) { msg.append(":" + event.attackedPlayer.getPlayerName() + " with " + event.card.getName()); } if (event.card != null) { msg.append(" -> " + event.card.getName()); } if (event.getComment() != null) { msg.append(event.getComment()); } Util.debug(msg.toString()); } } int totalCardCount() { HashMap<String, Integer> cardCounts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String cardName : piles.keySet()) { cardCounts.put(cardName, piles.get(cardName).getCount()); } for (Card card : trashPile) { cardCounts.put(card.getName(), cardCounts.get(card.getName()) + 1); } for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { for (Card card : players[i].getAllCards()) { cardCounts.put(card.getName(), cardCounts.get(card.getName()) + 1); } } Util.log(cardCounts.toString()); int totalCardCount = 0; for (Integer v : cardCounts.values()) { totalCardCount += v; } return totalCardCount; } void initGameBoard() throws ExitException { cardSequence = 1; baneCard = null; initGameListener(); initCards(); initPlayers(numPlayers); initPlayerCards(); gameOver = false; } protected void initPlayers(int numPlayers) throws ExitException { initPlayers(numPlayers, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void initPlayers(int numPlayers, boolean isRandom) throws ExitException { players = new Player[numPlayers]; cardsObtainedLastTurn = new ArrayList[numPlayers]; for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { cardsObtainedLastTurn[i] = new ArrayList<Card>(); } ArrayList<String[]> randomize = new ArrayList<String[]>(); while (!playerClassesAndJars.isEmpty()) { if(isRandom) { randomize.add(playerClassesAndJars.remove(rand.nextInt(playerClassesAndJars.size()))); } else { randomize.add(playerClassesAndJars.remove(0)); } } playerClassesAndJars = randomize; playerCache.clear(); playersTurn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { try { String[] playerStartupInfo = playerClassesAndJars.get(i); if (playerStartupInfo[1] == null) { players[i] = (Player) Class.forName(playerStartupInfo[0]).newInstance(); } else { String key = playerStartupInfo[0] + "::" + playerStartupInfo[1]; // players[i] = cachedPlayers.get(key); // // if(players[i] == null) { // URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL(classAndJar[1]) }); // players[i] = classLoader.loadClass(classAndJar[0]).newInstance(); // cachedPlayers.put(key, players[i]); // } Class<?> playerClass = cachedPlayerClasses.get(key); if (playerClass == null) { URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL(playerStartupInfo[1]) }); playerClass = classLoader.loadClass(playerStartupInfo[0]); cachedPlayerClasses.put(key, playerClass); } players[i] = (Player) playerClass.newInstance(); } if(playerStartupInfo[2] != null) { players[i].setName(playerStartupInfo[2]); } //String options = playerStartupInfo[3]; playerCache.put(playerStartupInfo[0], players[i]); } catch (Exception e) { Util.log(e); throw new ExitException(); } players[i].game = this; players[i].playerNumber = i; // Interactive player needs this called once for each player on startup so internal counts work properly. players[i].getPlayerName(); MoveContext context = new MoveContext(this, players[i]); players[i].newGame(context); players[i].initCards(); context = new MoveContext(this, players[i]); String s = cardListText + "\n---------------\n\n"; if (chanceForPlatColony > -1) { s += "Chance for Platinum/Colony\n " + (Math.round(chanceForPlatColony * 100)) + "% ... " + (isPlatInGame() ? "included\n" : "not included\n"); } else { s += "Platinum/Colony included...\n"; } if (baneCard != null) { s += "Bane card: " + baneCard.getName() + "\n"; } // When Baker is included in the game, each Player starts with 1 coin token if (bakerInPlay) { players[i].gainGuildsCoinTokens(1); } if (alwaysUseShelters || sheltersPassedIn) { s += "Shelters included...\n"; } else { s += "Chance for Shelters\n " + (Math.round(chanceForShelters * 100)) + "% ... " + (sheltersInPlay ? "included\n" : "not included\n"); } s += unfoundCardText; context.message = s; broadcastEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.GameStarting, context)); } } protected void initPlayerCards() { Player player; for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { player = players[i]; player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.copper), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.copper), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.copper), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.copper), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.copper), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.copper), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.copper), null, null); if (sheltersInPlay) { player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.necropolis), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.overgrownEstate), null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(Cards.hovel), null, null); // Also need to remove the Estates that were put in the pile prior to // determining if Shelters would be used takeFromPile(; takeFromPile(; takeFromPile(; } else { player.discard(takeFromPile(, null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(, null, null); player.discard(takeFromPile(, null, null); } if (!equalStartHands || i == 0) { while (player.hand.size() < 5) drawToHand(player, null, false); } else { // make subsequent player hands equal for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Card card = players[0].hand.get(j); player.discard.remove(card); player.hand.add(card); } player.replenishDeck(); } } // Add tradeRoute tokens if tradeRoute in play tradeRouteValue = 0; if (isCardInGame(Cards.tradeRoute)) { for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (pile.card() instanceof VictoryCard) { pile.setTradeRouteToken(); } } } } protected void initCards() { piles.clear(); embargos.clear(); trashPile.clear(); boolean platColonyNotPassedIn = false; boolean platColonyPassedIn = false; int provincePileSize = -1; int curseCount = -1; int treasureMultiplier = 1; switch (numPlayers) { case 1: case 2: curseCount = 10; provincePileSize = 8; victoryCardPileSize = 8; break; case 3: curseCount = 20; provincePileSize = 12; victoryCardPileSize = 12; break; case 4: curseCount = 30; provincePileSize = 12; victoryCardPileSize = 12; break; case 5: curseCount = 40; provincePileSize = 15; victoryCardPileSize = 12; treasureMultiplier = 2; break; case 6: curseCount = 50; provincePileSize = 18; victoryCardPileSize = 12; treasureMultiplier = 2; break; } addPile(, 30 * treasureMultiplier); addPile(Cards.silver, 40 * treasureMultiplier); addPile(Cards.copper, 60 * treasureMultiplier); addPile(Cards.curse, curseCount); addPile(Cards.province, provincePileSize); addPile(Cards.duchy, victoryCardPileSize); addPile(, victoryCardPileSize + (3 * numPlayers)); unfoundCards.clear(); int added = 0; if(cardsSpecifiedAtLaunch != null) { platColonyNotPassedIn = true; for(String cardName : cardsSpecifiedAtLaunch) { Card card = null; boolean bane = false; if(cardName.startsWith(BANE)) { bane = true; cardName = cardName.substring(BANE.length()); } /* StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(char c : cardName.toCharArray()) { if(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { sb.append(c); } } String s = sb.toString(); for (Card c : Cards.actionCards) { if(c.getSafeName().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { // hotspot card = c; break; } }*/ card = Cards.actionCardsMap.get(cardName); String s = cardName; if (card == null) { // maybe we need equalsIgnoreCase for (Card c : Cards.actionCards) { if(c.getSafeName().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { card = c; break; } } } if(card != null && bane) { baneCard = card; } if (cardName.equalsIgnoreCase("Knights")) { card = Cards.virtualKnight; } if(card != null // && !card.equals(Cards.possession) ) { addPile(card); added += 1; } else if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.curse.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase( || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.duchy.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.province.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.copper.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.silver.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.potion.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase( || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.diadem.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.followers.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.princess.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.trustySteed.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.bagOfGold.getSafeName()) ) { // do nothing } else if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.platinum.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.colony.getSafeName()) ) { platColonyPassedIn = true; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Shelter") || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.hovel.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.overgrownEstate.getSafeName()) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(Cards.necropolis.getSafeName()) ) { sheltersPassedIn = true; } else { unfoundCards.add(s); Util.debug("ERROR::Could not find card:" + s); } } for(String s : unfoundCards) { if (added >= 10) break; Card c = null; int replacementCost = -1; if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("blackmarket")) { replacementCost = 3; } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("stash")) { replacementCost = 5; } if(replacementCost != -1) { ArrayList<Card> cardsWithSameCost = new ArrayList<Card>(); for (Card card : Cards.actionCards) { if(card.getCost(null) == replacementCost && !cardInGame(card)) { cardsWithSameCost.add(card); } } if(cardsWithSameCost.size() > 0) { c = cardsWithSameCost.get(rand.nextInt(cardsWithSameCost.size())); } } while(c == null) { c = Cards.actionCards.get(rand.nextInt(Cards.actionCards.size())); if(cardInGame(c)) { c = null; } } addPile(c); added += 1; } gameType = GameType.Specified; } else { CardSet cardSet = CardSet.getCardSet(gameType); if(cardSet == null) { cardSet = CardSet.getCardSet(CardSet.defaultGameType); } for(Card card : cardSet.getCards()) { this.addPile(card); } if(cardSet.getBaneCard() != null) { this.baneCard = cardSet.getBaneCard(); //Adding the bane card could probably be done in the CardSet class, but it seems better to call it out explicitly. this.addPile(this.baneCard); } } if (piles.containsKey(Cards.virtualKnight.getName())) { VariableCardPile kp = (VariableCardPile) this.getPile(Cards.virtualKnight); for (Card k : Cards.knightsCards) { kp.addLinkedPile((SingleCardPile) addPile(k, 1, false)); } } chanceForShelters = 0.0; if (alwaysUseShelters || sheltersPassedIn) { sheltersInPlay = true; } else { sheltersInPlay = false; boolean alreadyCountedKnights = false; for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (pile != null && pile.card() != null && pile.card().getExpansion() != null && pile.card().isShelter() == false && pile.card().isRuins() == false && (pile.card().isKnight() == false || !alreadyCountedKnights) && pile.card().getExpansion().equals("Dark Ages")) { chanceForShelters += 0.1; } if (chanceForShelters >= 1.0) { chanceForShelters = 1.0; break; } if (pile.card().isKnight()) { alreadyCountedKnights = true; } } if (rand.nextDouble() < chanceForShelters) { sheltersInPlay = true; } } if (sheltersInPlay) { addPile(Cards.necropolis, numPlayers, false); addPile(Cards.overgrownEstate, numPlayers, false); addPile(Cards.hovel, numPlayers, false); } // Check for PlatColony boolean addPlatColony = false; if (alwaysIncludePlatColony || platColonyPassedIn) { addPlatColony = true; } else if (platColonyNotPassedIn) { addPlatColony = false; } else { chanceForPlatColony = 0; for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (pile != null && pile.card() != null && pile.card().getExpansion() != null && pile.card().getExpansion().equals("Prosperity")) { chanceForPlatColony += 0.1; } } if (rand.nextDouble() < chanceForPlatColony) { addPlatColony= true; } } if (addPlatColony) { addPile(Cards.platinum, 12); addPile(Cards.colony); } // Add the potion if there are any cards that need them. for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (pile.card().costPotion()) { addPile(Cards.potion, 16); break; } } // We have to add one "invisible" pile for each ruins card and a "virtual" visible pile boolean looter = false; for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (pile.card() instanceof ActionCard && ((ActionCard)pile.card()).isLooter()) { looter = true; } } if (looter) { VariableCardPile rp = (VariableCardPile) this.addPile(Cards.virtualRuins, (numPlayers * 10) - 10); for (Card r : Cards.ruinsCards) { rp.addLinkedPile((SingleCardPile) this.addPile(r, 10, false)); } } if (piles.containsKey(Cards.tournament.getName()) && !piles.containsKey(Cards.bagOfGold.getName())) { addPile(Cards.bagOfGold, 1, false); addPile(Cards.diadem, 1, false); addPile(Cards.followers, 1, false); addPile(Cards.princess, 1, false); addPile(Cards.trustySteed, 1, false); } // If Bandit Camp, Pillage, or Marauder is in play, we'll need Spoils (non-supply) if (piles.containsKey(Cards.banditCamp.getName()) || piles.containsKey(Cards.pillage.getName()) || piles.containsKey(Cards.marauder.getName())) { addPile(Cards.spoils, 15, false); } // If Urchin is in play, we'll need Mercenary (non-supply) if (piles.containsKey(Cards.urchin.getName())) { addPile(Cards.mercenary, 10, false); } // If Hermit is in play, we'll need Madman (non-supply) if (piles.containsKey(Cards.hermit.getName())) { addPile(Cards.madman, 10, false); } // If Baker is in play, each player starts with one coin token if (piles.containsKey(Cards.baker.getName())) { bakerInPlay = true; } boolean oldDebug = debug; if (!debug && !showEvents.isEmpty()) { debug = true; } Util.debug(""); Util.debug("Cards in Play", true); Util.debug("---------------", true); cardListText += "Cards in play\n---------------\n"; int cost = 0; while (cost < 10) { for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (!Cards.nonKingdomCards.contains(pile.card())) { if (pile.card().getCost(null) == cost) { Util.debug(Util.getShortText(pile.card()), true); cardListText += Util.getShortText(pile.card()) + "\n"; } } } cost++; } if (baneCard != null) { Util.debug("(Bane) " + Util.getShortText(baneCard), true); } Util.debug(""); debug = oldDebug; if (unfoundCards != null && unfoundCards.size() > 0) { unfoundCardText += "\n"; String cardList = ""; boolean first = true; for (String s : unfoundCards) { if (first) { first = false; } else { cardList += "\n"; } cardList += s; } cardList += "\n\n"; unfoundCardText += "The following cards are not \navailable, so replacements \nhave been used:\n" + cardList; } // context = new MoveContext(this, null); // context.message = "" + ((int) chance * 100) + "% - " + // (platInPlay?"Yes":"No"); // broadcastEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.PlatAndColonyChance, // context)); } protected void initGameListener() { listeners.clear(); gameListener = new GameEventListener() { public void gameEvent(GameEvent event) { handleShowEvent(event); if (event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.GameStarting || event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.GameOver) { return; } if (event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.CardObtained || event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.BuyingCard) { MoveContext context = event.getContext(); Player player = context.getPlayer(); if (player.isPossessed()) { possessedBoughtPile.add(event.card); MoveContext controlContext = new MoveContext(, context.getPlayer().controlPlayer); controlContext.getPlayer().gainCardAlreadyInPlay(event.card, Cards.possession, controlContext); return; } if (context != null && event.card instanceof VictoryCard) { context.vpsGainedThisTurn += ((VictoryCard) event.card).getVictoryPoints(); } if (Cards.inn.equals(event.responsible)) Util.debug((String.format("discard pile: %d", player.discard.size())), true); // See rules explanation of Tunnel for what commandedDiscard means. boolean commandedDiscard = true; if(event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.BuyingCard || event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.CardObtained) { commandedDiscard = false; } else if(event.responsible != null) { Card r = event.responsible; if(r.equals(Cards.borderVillage) || r.equals(Cards.feast) || r.equals(Cards.remodel) || r.equals(Cards.swindler) || r.equals(Cards.ironworks) || r.equals(Cards.saboteur) || r.equals(Cards.upgrade) || r.equals(Cards.ambassador) || r.equals(Cards.smugglers) || r.equals(Cards.talisman) || r.equals(Cards.expand) || r.equals(Cards.forge) || r.equals(Cards.remake) || r.equals(Cards.hornOfPlenty) || r.equals(Cards.jester) || r.equals(Cards.develop) || r.equals(Cards.haggler) || r.equals(Cards.workshop) || r.equals(Cards.hermit) || r.equals(Cards.dameNatalie)) { commandedDiscard = false; } } boolean handled = false; //Not sure if this is exactly right for the Trader, but it seems to be based on detailed card explanation in the rules //The handling for new cards is done before taking the card from the pile in a different method below. if(!event.newCard) { if(player.hand.contains(Cards.trader)) { if(player.controlPlayer.trader_shouldGainSilverInstead((MoveContext) context, event.card)) { player.reveal(Cards.trader, null, context); player.trash(event.card, Cards.trader, (MoveContext) context); event.card = Cards.silver; player.gainNewCard(Cards.silver, Cards.trader, context); return; } } } if (event.getPlayer() == players[playersTurn]) { cardsObtainedLastTurn[playersTurn].add(event.card); } if (player.hand.contains(Cards.watchTower)) { WatchTowerOption choice = context.player.controlPlayer.watchTower_chooseOption((MoveContext) context, event.card); if (choice == WatchTowerOption.TopOfDeck) { handled = true; GameEvent watchTowerEvent = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.CardRevealed, context); watchTowerEvent.card = Cards.watchTower; watchTowerEvent.responsible = null;; player.putOnTopOfDeck(event.card, context, true); } else if (choice == WatchTowerOption.Trash) { handled = true; GameEvent watchTowerEvent = new GameEvent(GameEvent.Type.CardRevealed, context); watchTowerEvent.card = Cards.watchTower; watchTowerEvent.responsible = null;; player.trash(event.card, Cards.watchTower, context); } } if(!handled) { if (context.isRoyalSealInPlay() && context.player.controlPlayer.royalSeal_shouldPutCardOnDeck((MoveContext) context, event.card)) { player.putOnTopOfDeck(event.card); } else if (event.card.equals(Cards.nomadCamp)) { player.putOnTopOfDeck(event.card); } else if (event.responsible != null) { Card r = event.responsible; if (r.equals(Cards.bagOfGold) || r.equals(Cards.develop) || r.equals(Cards.bureaucrat) || r.equals(Cards.seaHag) || r.equals(Cards.treasureMap) || r.equals(Cards.tournament) || r.equals(Cards.foolsGold) || r.equals(Cards.graverobber) || r.equals(Cards.armory)) { player.putOnTopOfDeck(event.card); } else if (r.equals(Cards.beggar)) { if (event.card.equals(Cards.copper)) { player.hand.add(event.card); } else if (event.card.equals(Cards.silver) && context.beggarSilverIsOnTop++ == 0) { player.putOnTopOfDeck(event.card); } else if (event.card.equals(Cards.silver)) { player.discard.add(event.card); } } else if (r.equals(Cards.tradingPost) || r.equals(Cards.mine) || r.equals(Cards.explorer) || r.equals(Cards.torturer)) { player.hand.add(event.card); } else if (r.equals(Cards.illGottenGains) && event.card.equals(Cards.copper)) { player.hand.add(event.card); } else { player.discard(event.card, null, null, commandedDiscard); } } else { player.discard(event.card, null, null, commandedDiscard); } } if (event.card.equals(Cards.illGottenGains)) { for(Player targetPlayer : getPlayersInTurnOrder()) { if(targetPlayer != player) { MoveContext targetContext = new MoveContext(Game.this, targetPlayer); // TODO: Is this really not an attack? Doesn't seem to be based on card, but not sure... // targetPlayer.attacked(Cards.illGottenGains, targetContext); targetPlayer.gainNewCard(Cards.curse, event.card, targetContext); } } } else if(event.card.equals(Cards.province)) { for(Player targetPlayer : getPlayersInTurnOrder()) { if(targetPlayer != player) { int foolsGoldCount = 0; // Check all of the cards, not just for existence, since there may be more than 1 for(Card c : targetPlayer.hand) { if(c.equals(Cards.foolsGold)) { foolsGoldCount++; } } while(foolsGoldCount-- > 0) { MoveContext targetContext = new MoveContext(Game.this, targetPlayer); if(targetPlayer.controlPlayer.foolsGold_shouldTrash(targetContext)) { targetPlayer.hand.remove(Cards.foolsGold); targetPlayer.trash(Cards.foolsGold, Cards.foolsGold, targetContext); targetPlayer.gainNewCard(, Cards.foolsGold, targetContext); } } } } } else if(event.card.equals(Cards.duchy)) { if (getCardsLeftInPile(Cards.duchess) > 0) { if(player.controlPlayer.duchess_shouldGainBecauseOfDuchy((MoveContext) context)) { player.gainNewCard(Cards.duchess, Cards.duchess, context); } } } else if(event.card.equals(Cards.embassy)) { for(Player targetPlayer : getPlayersInTurnOrder()) { if(targetPlayer != player) { MoveContext targetContext = new MoveContext(Game.this, targetPlayer); targetPlayer.gainNewCard(Cards.silver, event.card, targetContext); } } } else if(event.card.equals(Cards.cache)) { for(int i=0; i < 2; i++) { player.gainNewCard(Cards.copper, event.card, context); } } else if(event.card.equals(Cards.inn)) { ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>(); int actionCardsFound = 0; for(int i=player.discard.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Card c = player.discard.get(i); if(c instanceof ActionCard) { actionCardsFound++; if(player.controlPlayer.inn_shuffleCardBackIntoDeck(event.getContext(), (ActionCard) c)) { cards.add(c); } } } Util.debug((String.format("Inn: %d action(s) found in %d-card discard pile", actionCardsFound, player.discard.size())), true); if (cards.size() > 0) { for(Card c : cards) { player.discard.remove(c); player.deck.add(c); } player.shuffleDeck(); } } else if (event.card.equals(Cards.borderVillage)) { boolean validCard = false; for(Card c : event.context.getCardsInGame()) { if(c.getCost(context) < Cards.borderVillage.getCost(context) && !c.costPotion() && event.context.getCardsLeftInPile(c) > 0) { validCard = true; break; } } if(validCard) { Card card = context.player.controlPlayer.borderVillage_cardToObtain((MoveContext) context); if (card != null) { if(card.getCost(context) < Cards.borderVillage.getCost(context) && !card.costPotion()) { player.controlPlayer.gainNewCard(card, event.card, (MoveContext) context); } else { Util.playerError(player, "Border Village returned invalid card, ignoring."); } } } } else if (event.card.equals(Cards.mandarin)) { CardList playedCards = ((MoveContext) context).getPlayedCards(); ArrayList<Card> treasureCardsInPlay = new ArrayList<Card>(); for(Card c : playedCards) { if(c instanceof TreasureCard) { treasureCardsInPlay.add(c); } } if(treasureCardsInPlay.size() > 0) { Card[] order ; if (treasureCardsInPlay.size() == 1) order = treasureCardsInPlay.toArray(new Card[treasureCardsInPlay.size()]); else order = player.controlPlayer.mandarin_orderCards(context, treasureCardsInPlay.toArray(new Card[treasureCardsInPlay.size()])); for (int i = order.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Card c = order[i]; player.putOnTopOfDeck(c); playedCards.remove(c); } } } else if (event.card.equals(Cards.deathCart)) { context.player.controlPlayer.gainNewCard(Cards.virtualRuins, event.card, context); context.player.controlPlayer.gainNewCard(Cards.virtualRuins, event.card, context); } // Achievement check... if(event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.BuyingCard && !player.achievementSingleCardFailed) { if (Cards.isKingdomCard(event.getCard())) { if(player.achievementSingleCardFirstKingdomCardBought == null) { player.achievementSingleCardFirstKingdomCardBought = event.getCard(); } else { if(!player.achievementSingleCardFirstKingdomCardBought.equals(event.getCard())) { player.achievementSingleCardFailed = true; player.achievementSingleCardFirstKingdomCardBought = null; } } } } } boolean shouldShow = (debug || junit); if (!shouldShow) { if (event.getType() != GameEvent.Type.TurnBegin && event.getType() != GameEvent.Type.TurnEnd && event.getType() != GameEvent.Type.DeckReplenished && event.getType() != GameEvent.Type.GameStarting) { shouldShow = true; } } if (!showEvents.contains(event.getType()) && shouldShow) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append(event.getPlayer().getPlayerName() + ":" + event.getType()); if (event.card != null) { msg.append(":" + event.card.getName()); if (event.card.getControlCard() != event.card) { msg.append(" <" + event.card.getControlCard().getName() + ">"); } if (event.card.isImpersonatingAnotherCard()) { msg.append(" (as " + event.card.behaveAsCard().getName() + ")"); } } if (event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.TurnBegin && event.getPlayer().isPossessed()) { msg.append(" possessed by " + event.getPlayer().controlPlayer.getPlayerName() + "!"); } if (event.attackedPlayer != null) { msg.append(", attacking:" + event.attackedPlayer.getPlayerName()); } if (event.getType() == GameEvent.Type.BuyingCard) { msg.append(" (with gold: " + event.getContext().getCoinAvailableForBuy() + ", buys remaining: " + event.getContext().getBuysLeft()); } Util.debug(msg.toString(), true); } } }; } boolean hasMoat(Player player) { for (Card card : player.hand) { if (card.equals(Cards.moat)) { return true; } } return false; } boolean hasLighthouse(Player player) { for (Card card : player.nextTurnCards) { if (card.behaveAsCard().equals(Cards.lighthouse) && !((CardImpl) card).trashAfterPlay) return true; } return false; } /* Note that any cards in the supply can have Embargo coins added. This includes the basic seven cards (Victory, Curse, Treasure), any of the 10 game piles, and Colony/Platinum when included. However, this does NOT include any Prizes from Cornucopia. */ AbstractCardPile addEmbargo(Card card) { if (isValidEmbargoPile(card)) { String name = card.getName(); embargos.put(name, getEmbargos(card) + 1); return piles.get(name); } return null; } public boolean isValidEmbargoPile(Card card) { return !(card == null || !cardInGame(card) || !Cards.isSupplyCard(card) ); } public int getEmbargos(Card card) { Integer count = embargos.get(card.getName()); return (count == null) ? 0 : count; } // Only is valid for cards in play... // protected Card readCard(String name) { // AbstractCardPile pile = piles.get(name); // if (pile == null || pile.getCount() <= 0) { // return null; // } // return pile.card(); // } protected Card takeFromPile(Card card) { if (card.isKnight()) card = Cards.virtualKnight; if (card.isRuins()) card = Cards.virtualRuins; AbstractCardPile pile = getPile(card); if (pile == null || pile.getCount() <= 0) { return null; } Card thisCard; tradeRouteValue += pile.takeTradeRouteToken(); if (card.equals(Cards.virtualRuins) || card.equals(Cards.virtualKnight)) { SingleCardPile cp = ((VariableCardPile) pile).getTopLinkedPile(); if (cp == null) return null; thisCard = cp.removeCard(); pile.removeCard(); } else { thisCard = pile.removeCard(); } return thisCard; } protected Card takeFromPileCheckTrader(Card cardToGain, MoveContext context) { if(!isPileEmpty(cardToGain) && context.getPlayer().hand.contains(Cards.trader) && !cardToGain.equals(Cards.silver)) { if (context.player.controlPlayer.trader_shouldGainSilverInstead((MoveContext) context, cardToGain)) { cardToGain = Cards.silver; context.player.reveal(Cards.trader, null, context); } } return takeFromPile(cardToGain); } public int pileSize(Card card) { AbstractCardPile pile = getPile(card); if (pile == null) { return -1; } return pile.getCount(); } public boolean isPileEmpty(Card card) { return pileSize(card) <= 0; } public int emptyPiles() { int emptyPiles = 0; for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (pile.getCount() <= 0 && pile.isSupply()) { emptyPiles++; } } return emptyPiles; } public boolean isCardInGame(Card card) { AbstractCardPile pile = getPile(card); if (pile == null) { return false; } return true; } public Card[] getCardsInGame() { return getCardsInGame(null); } public Card[] getCardsInGame(Class<?> c) { ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>(); for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if (c == null) { if (pile.type.equals(AbstractCardPile.PileType.RuinsPile)) { cards.add(Cards.virtualRuins); } else if (pile.type.equals(AbstractCardPile.PileType.KnightsPile)) { cards.add(Cards.virtualKnight); } else { cards.add(pile.card()); } } else if (c.isInstance(pile.card()) && pile.isSupply) { cards.add(pile.card()); } } return cards.toArray(new Card[0]); } public Card[] getActionsInGame() { return getCardsInGame(ActionCard.class); } public boolean cardInGame(Card c) { for (AbstractCardPile pile : piles.values()) { if(c.equals(pile.card())) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isPlatInGame() { return cardInGame(Cards.platinum); } public boolean isColonyInGame() { return cardInGame(Cards.colony); } public Card[] getTreasureCardsInGame() { return getCardsInGame(TreasureCard.class); } public Card[] getVictoryCardsInGame() { return getCardsInGame(VictoryCard.class); } public Card[] getCardsInGameOrderByCost() { Card[] cardsInGame = getCardsInGame(); Arrays.sort(cardsInGame, new CardCostComparator()); return cardsInGame; } public int getCardsLeftInPile(Card card) { AbstractCardPile pile = getPile(card); if (pile == null || pile.getCount() < 0) { return 0; } return pile.getCount(); } public ArrayList<Card> GetTrashPile() { return trashPile; } protected AbstractCardPile addPile(Card card) { // the Rats hack is dirty and should be cleaned up, but it works return addPile(card, ((card instanceof VictoryCard) ? victoryCardPileSize : (card.equals(Cards.rats) ? 20 : kingdomCardPileSize))); } protected AbstractCardPile addPile(Card card, int count) { return addPile(card, count, true); } protected AbstractCardPile addPile(Card card, int count, boolean isSupply) { AbstractCardPile pile; if (card.equals(Cards.virtualRuins)) { pile = new VariableCardPile(AbstractCardPile.PileType.RuinsPile, Math.max(10, Math.min(50, (numPlayers * 10) - 10))); } else if (card.equals(Cards.virtualKnight)) { pile = new VariableCardPile(AbstractCardPile.PileType.KnightsPile, Math.min(Cards.knightsCards.size(), 10)); } else { pile = new SingleCardPile(card, count); } if (!isSupply) { pile.notInSupply(); } piles.put(card.getName(), pile); return pile; } private ArrayList<Card> getCardsObtainedByPlayer(int PlayerNumber) { return cardsObtainedLastTurn[PlayerNumber]; } public ArrayList<Card> getCardsObtainedByPlayer() { return getCardsObtainedByPlayer(playersTurn); } public ArrayList<Card> getCardsObtainedByLastPlayer() { int playerOnRight = playersTurn - 1; if (playerOnRight < 0) { playerOnRight = numPlayers - 1; } return getCardsObtainedByPlayer(playerOnRight); } public Player getNextPlayer() { int next = playersTurn + 1; if (next >= numPlayers) { next = 0; } return players[next]; } public Player[] getPlayersInTurnOrder() { Player[] ordered = new Player[numPlayers]; int at = playersTurn; for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { ordered[i] = players[at]; at++; if (at >= numPlayers) { at = 0; } } return ordered; } public void broadcastEvent(GameEvent event) { for (GameEventListener listener : listeners) { listener.gameEvent(event); } // notify this class' listener last for proper action/logging order if(gameListener != null) gameListener.gameEvent(event); } String getHandString(Player player) { String handString = null; Card[] hand = player.getHand().toArray(); Arrays.sort(hand, new CardCostComparator()); for (Card card : hand) { if (card == null) { continue; } if (handString == null) { handString = card.getName(); } else { handString += ", " + card.getName(); } } return handString; } public boolean playerShouldSelectCoinsToPlay(MoveContext context, CardList cards) { if(!quickPlay) { return true; } if(cards == null) { return false; } AbstractCardPile grandMarket = getPile(Cards.grandMarket); for(Card card : cards) { if ( card.equals(Cards.philosophersStone) || card.equals( || card.equals(Cards.contraband) || card.equals( || card.equals(Cards.quarry) || card.equals(Cards.talisman) || card.equals(Cards.hornOfPlenty) || card.equals(Cards.diadem) || (card.equals(Cards.copper) && grandMarket != null && grandMarket.getCount() > 0) ) { return true; } } return false; } static boolean checkForInteractive() throws ExitException { for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { Player player; try { String[] classAndJar = playerClassesAndJars.get(i); if (classAndJar[1] == null) { player = (Player) Class.forName(classAndJar[0]).newInstance(); } else { URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL(classAndJar[1]) }); player = (Player) classLoader.loadClass(classAndJar[0]).newInstance(); } if(classAndJar[2] != null) { player.setName(classAndJar[2]); } } catch (Exception e) { Util.log(e); throw new ExitException(); } } return false; } /** * @return Card on top of the Ruins pile */ public Card getTopRuinsCard() { AbstractCardPile p = getPile(Cards.virtualRuins); if (p == null) return null; return p.card(); } public Card getTopKnightCard() { AbstractCardPile p = getPile(Cards.virtualKnight); if (p == null) return null; return p.card(); } public AbstractCardPile getPile(Card card) { return piles.get(card.getName()); } public void trashHovelsInHandOption(Player player, MoveContext context, Card responsible) { // If player has a Hovel (or multiple Hovels), offer the option to trash... ArrayList<Card> hovelsToTrash = new ArrayList<Card>(); for (Card c : player.hand) { if (c.getType() == Cards.Type.Hovel && player.controlPlayer.hovel_shouldTrash(context)) { hovelsToTrash.add(c); } } if (hovelsToTrash.size() > 0) { for (Card c : hovelsToTrash) { player.hand.remove(c); player.trash(c, responsible, context); } } } }