package com.vdom.comms; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import com.vdom.api.ActionCard; import com.vdom.api.Card; import com.vdom.api.TreasureCard; import com.vdom.api.VictoryCard; import com.vdom.core.Cards; import com.vdom.core.MoveContext; /** * Gives information about cards that are selected by the player from the table (piles, hand, play) * * This clas gives information about the constrains set on the selection of cards, e.g. what type, cost, from which place * */ public class SelectCardOptions implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1473106875075390348L; public enum ActionType { REVEAL, DISCARD, DISCARDFORCOIN, DISCARDFORCARD, GAIN, TRASH, NAMECARD, OPPONENTDISCARD } public enum PickType { SELECT(""), SELECT_WITH_ALL(" T"), SELECT_IN_ORDER(" T"), PLAY (""), PLAY_IN_ORDER(" 1"), BUY (""), DISCARD (" D"), KEEP (" K"), GIVE (" P"), TRASH (" X"), UPGRADE ("X"), MINT ("M"), SWINDLE (""); private final String indicator; PickType(String indicator) { this.indicator= indicator; } public String indicator() { return indicator; } } public PickType pickType = PickType.SELECT; public int defaultCardSelected = -1; public boolean fromHand = false; public int count = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public boolean exactCount = false; public boolean ordered = false; public boolean isNonRats = false; public boolean fromTable = false; public boolean isBuyPhase = false; public boolean allowEmpty = false; public int minCost = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public int maxCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public int maxCostWithoutPotion = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public int copperCountInPlay = 0; public int potionCost = -1; public boolean fromPrizes = false; public boolean isAction = false; public boolean isReaction = false; public boolean isTreasure = false; public boolean isNonTreasure = false; public boolean isVictory = false; public boolean isNonVictory = false; public boolean isAttack = false; public boolean isNonShelter = false; public String passString = null; public String header = null; public ArrayList<Integer> allowedCards = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // public SelectCardOptions setType(SelectType s) {selectType = s; return this;} public SelectCardOptions setHeader(String s) {header = s; return this;} public SelectCardOptions setPassable(String s) {passString = s; return this;} public SelectCardOptions setPickType(PickType pickType) {this.pickType = pickType;return this;} public SelectCardOptions fromHand() {fromHand = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions defaultCardSelected(int c) {defaultCardSelected = c; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isNonShelter() {isNonShelter = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isNonRats() {isNonRats = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions ordered() {ordered = true; this.pickType = PickType.SELECT_IN_ORDER; return this;} public SelectCardOptions setCount(int c) {count = c; return this;} public SelectCardOptions exactCount() {exactCount = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions fromTable() {fromTable = true;isNonShelter=true;count=1;exactCount=true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isBuy() {isBuyPhase= true; this.pickType = PickType.BUY; return this;} public SelectCardOptions allowEmpty() {allowEmpty = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions fromPrizes() {fromPrizes = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions minCost(int c) {minCost = c; return this;} public SelectCardOptions maxCost(int c) {maxCost = c; maxCostWithoutPotion = c; return this;} public SelectCardOptions exactCost(int c) {minCost = c; maxCost = c; maxCostWithoutPotion = c; return this;} public SelectCardOptions potionCost(int c) {potionCost = c; return this;} public SelectCardOptions maxCostWithoutPotion() {maxCostWithoutPotion = maxCost + (maxCost < Integer.MAX_VALUE && potionCost > 0 ? 1 : 0); return this;} public SelectCardOptions copperCountInPlay(int c) {copperCountInPlay = c; return this; } public SelectCardOptions isAction() {isAction = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isReaction() {isReaction = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isTreasure() {isTreasure = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isNonTreasure() {isNonTreasure = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isVictory() {isVictory = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isNonVictory() {isNonVictory = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions isAttack() {isAttack = true; return this;} public SelectCardOptions allowedCards(int[] is) { for (int i : is) addValidCard(i); return this; } public PickType getPickType() { return pickType; } public boolean cardInList(int card) { if (allowedCards.size() == 0) return true; return allowedCards.contains(new Integer(card)); } // Return the number of cards that have matched the filter public int getAllowedCardCount() { return allowedCards.size(); } public void addValidCard(int card) { allowedCards.add(new Integer(card)); } public boolean checkValid(MyCard c) { return checkValid(c, 0); } public boolean checkValid(MyCard c, int cost) { if ((maxCost >= 0) && (cost > maxCost )) return false; if ((minCost >= 0) && (cost < minCost)) return false; if (isAction && !c.isAction) return false; if (isReaction && !c.isReaction) return false; if (isTreasure && !c.isTreasure) return false; if (isNonTreasure && c.isTreasure) return false; if (isVictory && !c.isVictory) return false; if (isNonVictory && c.isVictory) return false; if (isAttack && !c.isAttack) return false; if (isNonShelter && c.isShelter) return false; if (isReaction && !c.isReaction) return false; if (fromPrizes && !c.isPrize) return false; if (fromTable && !fromPrizes && c.isPrize) return false; //if (fromPrizes && !c.isPrize && !fromTable) return false; if (potionCost == 0 && c.costPotion) return false; if (maxCost == minCost && potionCost > 0 && !c.costPotion) return false; if (!cardInList( return false; return true; } public boolean checkValid(Card c) { return checkValid(c, 0); } public boolean checkValid(Card c, int cost) { if ((maxCost >= 0) && (cost > (c.costPotion() ? maxCost : maxCostWithoutPotion))) return false; if ((minCost >= 0) && (cost < minCost)) return false; if (isReaction && !(Cards.isReaction(c))) return false; if (isTreasure && !(c instanceof TreasureCard)) return false; if (isNonTreasure && (c instanceof TreasureCard)) return false; if (isVictory && !(c instanceof VictoryCard)) return false; if (isNonVictory && (c instanceof VictoryCard)) return false; if (fromPrizes && !c.isPrize()) return false; if (fromTable && !fromPrizes && c.isPrize()) return false; if (potionCost == 0 && c.costPotion()) return false; if (maxCost == minCost && potionCost > 0 && !c.costPotion()) return false; if (isNonRats && c.equals(Cards.rats)) return false; if (c.equals(Cards.grandMarket) && copperCountInPlay > 0) return false; if (isNonShelter && c.isShelter()) return false; if (c instanceof ActionCard) { if (isAttack && !(((ActionCard) c).isAttack())) return false; } else { if (isAction || isAttack) return false; } if (isBuyPhase && !Cards.isSupplyCard(c)) return false; return true; } public boolean isPassable() { return (passString != null && !passString.trim().equals("")); } public String potionString() { String potionString = ""; if (potionCost == 1) { potionString = "p"; } else if (potionCost > 1) { potionString = "p" + potionCost; } return potionString; } }