package com.vdom.comms; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.vdom.comms.Event.EType; /** * Ok, I reworked this class a little. * Originally, this was a class for a hybrid between asynchronous and event-driven communication. * One could communicate using public get and put asynchronously and / or run this class as a thread. * * Now this class spawn a thread upon creation and communicate with it in a threadsafe manner. * Use doWait() in place of get(); put() keeps its functionality. * */ public class Comms { final static int TIMEOUT = 15000; // 15 seconds in ms final static boolean DEBUGGING = false; String host; int port; EventHandler parent; private boolean isServer = true; public class MonitorObject{}; private Socket pclient = null; private SocketThread networkThread; LinkedBlockingQueue<Event> latestEvents = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Event>(); /* * The following functions (doWait, get_ts, poll, doWaitTimeout) are used to synchronously receive packets * in a thread-safe manner (unlike the horrible mess we had before). * !!! They receive everything for which the message-handler returned false. !!! */ public Event doWait(){ return doWaitTimeout(TIMEOUT); } public Event get_ts() { // the old get, but threadsafe return doWaitTimeout(-1); } public Event poll() { // Look if we received something but don't block return doWaitTimeout(0); } /** * Returns the latest Event or null if none received within timeout * @param timeout in milliseconds. May be 0 if we don't wait (poll), or negative for infinite wait */ public Event doWaitTimeout(long timeout) { Event e = null; long towait = 0; long endtime = -1; boolean usetimeout = (timeout > 0); if (usetimeout) { endtime = System.nanoTime() + timeout * 1000 * 1000; // Don't use System.currentTimeMillis, it fails on timezone change etc. } if (networkThread.getDone()) // dispatch loop has finished return null; while(e == null){ if (usetimeout) { towait = (endtime - System.nanoTime()); if (towait <= 0) { break; } } else { if (timeout == 0) { // return instantly return latestEvents.poll(); } } try{ if (usetimeout) { e = latestEvents.poll(towait, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } else { e = latestEvents.take(); // wait indefinitely } } catch(InterruptedException e1){ } if (e != null && e.t == EType.KILLSENDER) { // We need the possibility to cancel a get_ts in case we had a put_ts error. return null; } if (networkThread.getDone()) // dispatch loop has finished return null; } return e; } public void put_ts(Event e) { if (!networkThread.getDone()) networkThread.put(e); } /** * Wait for the created thread to finish initializing, so that we know * if we want to throw an exception. * TODO: This is not the android-way of doing things, but it fits better into the existing codebase. */ private void waitForThreadInit(long timeout) { synchronized (networkThread.exceptionMonitorObject) { long endtime = System.nanoTime() + timeout * 1000 * 1000; // Don't use System.currentTimeMillis, it fails on timezone change etc. long towait = timeout; // wait 2 seconds max while (!networkThread.socketThreadInitialized) { try { networkThread.exceptionMonitorObject.wait(towait); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // don't care really } towait = (endtime - System.nanoTime()) / (1000 * 1000); if (towait <= 0) { break; } } } } /** * Initialize this as server. * * This starts the network thread, which does the initialization * of the socket and starts listening. * This also waits until the network thread is done initializing and * throws an error. TODO: This could block if the socket initialization * takes long (does that happen?) * @param parent In the example it's the VDomServer object * @param port * @throws IOException */ public Comms(EventHandler parent, int port) throws IOException { this.parent = parent; this.isServer = true; this.port = port; parent.debug("Creating server"); networkThread = new SocketThread(); new Thread(networkThread).start(); waitForThreadInit(2000); if (networkThread.thrownIOException != null) { throw networkThread.thrownIOException; } } /** * Initialize as client * * This starts the network thread, which does the initialization * of the socket and connects. * TODO: Do callers rely on the socket being connected as soon * as this returns? * @param parent (GameActivity) * @param host * @param port */ public Comms(EventHandler parent, String host, int port) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException, UnknownHostException { this.parent = parent; this.isServer = false; = host; this.port = port; parent.debug("Creating client"); networkThread = new SocketThread(); new Thread(networkThread).start(); waitForThreadInit(2000); if (networkThread.thrownUnknownHostException != null ) {throw networkThread.thrownUnknownHostException; } if (networkThread.thrownStreamCorruptedException != null) {throw networkThread.thrownStreamCorruptedException; } if (networkThread.thrownIOException != null) { throw networkThread.thrownIOException; } } public String getHost() { return host; } public int getPort() { return port; } private class SocketThread implements Runnable { private ServerSocket pserver = null; private ObjectInputStream ois = null; private ObjectOutputStream oos = null; private volatile boolean done = false; // this is true if and only if the dispatchLoop is working /** * Exception can be UnknownHostException, IOException, or StreamCorruptedException */ public IOException thrownIOException = null; // this is set to something in case creating the server fails public UnknownHostException thrownUnknownHostException = null; public StreamCorruptedException thrownStreamCorruptedException = null; public boolean socketThreadInitialized = false; private MonitorObject exceptionMonitorObject = new MonitorObject(); private SendingThread sendingThread = null; /** * Wake up threads waiting for us to receive something with get or doWait * @param e the event we received */ private void doNotify(Event e){ latestEvents.offer(e); } /** * doWait will return NULL once */ public void injectNullReceived() { doNotify(new Event(EType.KILLSENDER)); } /** * Set 'done' to true and wake up threads waiting for us to receive something. */ public void setDoneTrue() { done = true; injectNullReceived(); } public boolean getDone() { return done; } /** * Check if we are currently connected * @return true if connected, false otherwise */ private boolean isConnected() { return (pclient == null ? false : pclient.isConnected()); } private void CreateServer() throws IOException { debug("Opening server socket..."); pserver = new ServerSocket(port); host = pserver.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); debug("Opened: " + host + " / " + port); } public SocketThread() { } private void debug(String s) { s = host + ":" + port + " -- " + s; // System.err.println (":: Androminion :: " + s); if (DEBUGGING) parent.debug(s); } /** * This function blocks until it received something from the network. * This function should only be called from the network thread! * @return the received object, casted to an Event * @throws IOException */ private Event get() throws IOException { Event p = null; try { // debug("Trying to get..."); p = (Event) ois.readObject(); debug("Got: " + p.toString()); } catch (OptionalDataException e) { debug("OptionalDataException in Comms.get() -- ignoring."); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { debug("ClassNotFoundException in Comms.get() -- ignoring."); } catch (NullPointerException e) { debug("NullPointerException in Comms.get() -- ignoring."); } return p; } /** * This function assumes that done is set to true. * @return */ private boolean disconnect() { if (!done) { debug("Comms::SocketThread: 'disconnect' executed, but 'done' is not true."); } boolean clean = true; debug("Shutting down..."); debug("Waiting for sendqueue to drain"); put(new Event(EType.KILLSENDER)); while (sendingThread != null && sendingThread.isAlive()) { try { sendingThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // go on waiting } } try { // close I/O streams pclient.shutdownInput(); pclient.shutdownOutput(); debug("Streams shutdown."); } catch (Exception e) { clean = false; } try { oos.close(); ois.close(); debug("Streams closed."); } catch (Exception e) { clean = false; } try { // close socket connection pclient.close(); debug("Socket closed."); } catch (Exception e) { clean = false; } if (isServer) { // close server // debug ("Stopping server..."); try { pserver.close(); debug("Server stopped"); } catch (Exception e) { clean = false; } } ois = null; oos = null; pclient = null; pserver = null; debug(clean? "Disconnected cleanly" : "No clean disconnect. Apparently was already partially disconnected."); return clean; } private LinkedBlockingQueue<Event> toSendQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Event>(); private class SendingThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { Event toSend; while (true) { try { toSend = toSendQueue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { continue; } debug("sending event " + toSend.toString()); if (toSend.t == EType.KILLSENDER) { break; } try { oos.writeObject(toSend); } catch (IOException e) { if (!done) { // done is volatile, so this works parent.sendErrorHandler(e); } } } // while (true) debug("sending thread dying"); } } public void put(Event p) { debug("Put: " + p.toString()); if (!toSendQueue.offer(p)) { debug("Send Queue is full. Since the capacity of the queue is MAX_VALUE, you will not see this."); System.exit(1); // TODO: let the user know in some nicer way that something is seriously broken } } private Event ping() { // the try-block is not necessary; if there is an error, we will notice // since we aren't receiving anything. // try { put(new Event(Event.EType.PING)); // } catch (Exception e) { // debug("Exception in while sending -- quitting."); // e.printStackTrace(); // return true; // } Event p; try { p = get(); // This is legal, we are in the receiving thread } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { debug("Timed out in -- quitting."); return null; } catch (Exception e) { debug("Exception in while recving -- quitting."); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } if (p == null) { debug("Invalid packet in -- quitting."); } return p; } private void connect() throws UnknownHostException, IOException, StreamCorruptedException { if (isConnected()) return; // open a socket connection if (isServer) pclient = pserver.accept(); else pclient = new Socket(host, port); // Set read timeout, double for servers than for clients pclient.setSoTimeout(TIMEOUT * (isServer ? 2 : 1)); // open I/O streams for objects oos = new ObjectOutputStream(pclient.getOutputStream()); ois = new ObjectInputStream(pclient.getInputStream()); toSendQueue.clear(); sendingThread = new SendingThread(); sendingThread.start(); } @Override public void run() { synchronized (exceptionMonitorObject) { try { if (isServer) { CreateServer(); } else { try { connect(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { thrownUnknownHostException = e; } catch (StreamCorruptedException e) { thrownStreamCorruptedException = e; } } } catch (IOException e) { thrownIOException = e; } finally { socketThreadInitialized = true; exceptionMonitorObject.notify(); } } dispatchLoop(); } private void dispatchLoop() { done = false; if (!isConnected()) { if (isServer) { try { connect(); } catch (Exception e) { debug("Failed to connect in run: " + e.getMessage()); setDoneTrue(); return; } } else { setDoneTrue(); return; } } boolean timeout, disconnect = false; Event p = null; while (!done) { timeout = false; if (p == null) { // if p is not null, we handle p without receiving try { p = get(); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { debug("Connection timed out..."); timeout = true; } catch (EOFException e) { debug("Socket externally closed in -- quitting."); disconnect = true; } catch (Exception e) { debug("Other exception in -- quitting."); e.printStackTrace(); disconnect = true; } } if (done) break; if (p != null && p.t == EType.SLEEP) { try { Thread.sleep(p.i); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} p = null; continue; } if ((p != null) && (p.t == Event.EType.PING)) try { put(new Event(Event.EType.PONG)); } catch (Exception e) { debug("Could not pong in -- quitting."); e.printStackTrace(); disconnect = true; } else if ((p != null) && (p.t == Event.EType.GETSERVER)) try { put(new Event(Event.EType.SERVER).setString(host).setInteger(port)); } catch (Exception e) { debug("Could not pong server in -- quitting."); e.printStackTrace(); disconnect = true; } else if (p != null) { if (!parent.handle(p)) doNotify(p); } if (timeout) { // If we timed out: p = ping(); // send a ping. if (p == null) { // if ping unsuccessful: disconnect disconnect = true; } else { if (p.t == EType.PONG) { // if it is successful and we received PONG: delete p p = null; // OTHERWISE: keep p for next round! This solves a race condition } } } else { p = null; } if (disconnect) { p = new Event(Event.EType.DISCONNECT); if (!parent.handle(p)) doNotify(p); setDoneTrue(); } } disconnect(); debug("End of"); } } public boolean stop() { networkThread.setDoneTrue(); return networkThread.disconnect(); } public void injectNullReceived() { networkThread.injectNullReceived(); } }