package com.mopub.nativeads; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.mopub.common.VisibleForTesting; import com.mopub.common.logging.MoPubLog; class NativeViewHolder { @Nullable TextView titleView; @Nullable TextView textView; @Nullable TextView callToActionView; @Nullable ImageView mainImageView; @Nullable ImageView iconImageView; @VisibleForTesting static final NativeViewHolder EMPTY_VIEW_HOLDER = new NativeViewHolder(); // Use fromViewBinder instead of a constructor private NativeViewHolder() {} @NonNull static NativeViewHolder fromViewBinder(@NonNull final View view, @NonNull final ViewBinder viewBinder) { final NativeViewHolder nativeViewHolder = new NativeViewHolder(); try { nativeViewHolder.titleView = (TextView) view.findViewById(viewBinder.titleId); nativeViewHolder.textView = (TextView) view.findViewById(viewBinder.textId); nativeViewHolder.callToActionView = (TextView) view.findViewById(viewBinder.callToActionId); nativeViewHolder.mainImageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(viewBinder.mainImageId); nativeViewHolder.iconImageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(viewBinder.iconImageId); return nativeViewHolder; } catch (ClassCastException exception) { MoPubLog.w("Could not cast from id in ViewBinder to expected View type", exception); return EMPTY_VIEW_HOLDER; } } void update(@NonNull final NativeResponse nativeResponse) { addTextView(titleView, nativeResponse.getTitle()); addTextView(textView, nativeResponse.getText()); addTextView(callToActionView, nativeResponse.getCallToAction()); nativeResponse.loadMainImage(mainImageView); nativeResponse.loadIconImage(iconImageView); } void updateExtras(@NonNull final View outerView, @NonNull final NativeResponse nativeResponse, @NonNull final ViewBinder viewBinder) { for (final String key : viewBinder.extras.keySet()) { final int resourceId = viewBinder.extras.get(key); final View view = outerView.findViewById(resourceId); final Object content = nativeResponse.getExtra(key); if (view instanceof ImageView) { // Clear previous image ((ImageView) view).setImageDrawable(null); nativeResponse.loadExtrasImage(key, (ImageView) view); } else if (view instanceof TextView) { // Clear previous text value ((TextView) view).setText(null); if (content instanceof String) { addTextView((TextView) view, (String) content); } } else { MoPubLog.d("View bound to " + key + " should be an instance of TextView or ImageView."); } } } private void addTextView(@Nullable final TextView textView, @Nullable final String contents) { if (textView == null) { MoPubLog.d("Attempted to add text (" + contents + ") to null TextView."); return; } // Clear previous value textView.setText(null); if (contents == null) { MoPubLog.d("Attempted to set TextView contents to null."); } else { textView.setText(contents); } } }