package com.mopub.mobileads; import android.content.Context; import; import android.location.Location; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import com.mopub.common.AdReport; import com.mopub.common.ClientMetadata; import com.mopub.common.Constants; import com.mopub.common.VisibleForTesting; import com.mopub.common.event.MoPubEvents; import com.mopub.common.logging.MoPubLog; import com.mopub.common.util.Dips; import com.mopub.common.util.Utils; import com.mopub.mraid.MraidNativeCommandHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mopub.volley.RequestQueue; import com.mopub.volley.VolleyError; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import static android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE; import static; import static; public class AdViewController { static final int MINIMUM_REFRESH_TIME_MILLISECONDS = 10000; // 10 seconds static final int DEFAULT_REFRESH_TIME_MILLISECONDS = 60000; // 1 minute static final int MAX_REFRESH_TIME_MILLISECONDS = 600000; // 10 minutes static final double BACKOFF_FACTOR = 1.5; private static final FrameLayout.LayoutParams WRAP_AND_CENTER_LAYOUT_PARAMS = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.CENTER); private final static WeakHashMap<View,Boolean> sViewShouldHonorServerDimensions = new WeakHashMap<View, Boolean>(); private final Context mContext; private final long mBroadcastIdentifier; private MoPubView mMoPubView; private final WebViewAdUrlGenerator mUrlGenerator; @Nullable private AdResponse mAdResponse; private final Runnable mRefreshRunnable; @Nullable private final AdRequest.Listener mAdListener; private boolean mIsDestroyed; private Handler mHandler; private boolean mIsLoading; private String mUrl; // This is the power of the exponential term in the exponential backoff calculation. private int mBackoffPower = 1; private Map<String, Object> mLocalExtras = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private boolean mAutoRefreshEnabled = true; private boolean mPreviousAutoRefreshSetting = true; private String mKeywords; private Location mLocation; private boolean mIsTesting; private boolean mAdWasLoaded; @Nullable private String mAdUnitId; private int mTimeoutMilliseconds; @Nullable private AdRequest mActiveRequest; @Nullable private Integer mRefreshTimeMillis; public static void setShouldHonorServerDimensions(View view) { sViewShouldHonorServerDimensions.put(view, true); } private static boolean getShouldHonorServerDimensions(View view) { return sViewShouldHonorServerDimensions.get(view) != null; } public AdViewController(Context context, MoPubView view) { mContext = context; mMoPubView = view; // Default timeout means "never refresh" mTimeoutMilliseconds = -1; mBroadcastIdentifier = Utils.generateUniqueId(); mUrlGenerator = new WebViewAdUrlGenerator(context, MraidNativeCommandHandler.isStorePictureSupported(mContext)); mAdListener = new AdRequest.Listener() { @Override public void onSuccess(final AdResponse response) { onAdLoadSuccess(response); } @Override public void onErrorResponse(final VolleyError volleyError) { onAdLoadError(volleyError); } }; mRefreshRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { internalLoadAd(); } }; mRefreshTimeMillis = DEFAULT_REFRESH_TIME_MILLISECONDS; mHandler = new Handler(); } @VisibleForTesting void onAdLoadSuccess(@NonNull final AdResponse adResponse) { mBackoffPower = 1; mAdResponse = adResponse; // Do other ad loading setup. See AdFetcher & AdLoadTask. mTimeoutMilliseconds = mAdResponse.getAdTimeoutMillis() == null ? mTimeoutMilliseconds : mAdResponse.getAdTimeoutMillis(); Integer refreshTime = mAdResponse.getRefreshTimeMillis(); if (refreshTime != null) { mRefreshTimeMillis = refreshTime; } setNotLoading(); // Get our custom event from the ad response and load into the view. AdLoader adLoader = AdLoader.fromAdResponse(mAdResponse, this); if (adLoader != null) { adLoader.load(); } scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); } @VisibleForTesting void onAdLoadError(final VolleyError error) { MoPubErrorCode errorCode = MoPubErrorCode.UNSPECIFIED; // Handle errors. Do backoff & retry if it makes sense. if (error instanceof MoPubNetworkError) { MoPubNetworkError mpError = (MoPubNetworkError) error; if (mpError.getReason() == NO_FILL || mpError.getReason() == WARMING_UP) { errorCode = MoPubErrorCode.NO_FILL; } } if (error.networkResponse != null && error.networkResponse.statusCode >= 400) { // Backoff with the retry timer. mBackoffPower += 1; errorCode = MoPubErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR; } setNotLoading(); adDidFail(errorCode); } public MoPubView getMoPubView() { return mMoPubView; } public void loadAd() { mBackoffPower = 1; internalLoadAd(); } private void internalLoadAd() { mAdWasLoaded = true; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mAdUnitId)) { MoPubLog.d("Can't load an ad in this ad view because the ad unit ID is not set. " + "Did you forget to call setAdUnitId()?"); return; } if (!isNetworkAvailable()) { MoPubLog.d("Can't load an ad because there is no network connectivity."); scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); return; } String adUrl = generateAdUrl(); loadNonJavascript(adUrl); } void loadNonJavascript(String url) { if (url == null) return; MoPubLog.d("Loading url: " + url); if (mIsLoading) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mAdUnitId)) { // This shouldn't be able to happen? MoPubLog.i("Already loading an ad for " + mAdUnitId + ", wait to finish."); } return; } mUrl = url; mIsLoading = true; fetchAd(mUrl); } public void reload() { MoPubLog.d("Reload ad: " + mUrl); loadNonJavascript(mUrl); } void loadFailUrl(MoPubErrorCode errorCode) { mIsLoading = false; Log.v("MoPub", "MoPubErrorCode: " + (errorCode == null ? "" : errorCode.toString())); final String failUrl = mAdResponse == null ? "" : mAdResponse.getFailoverUrl(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(failUrl)) { MoPubLog.d("Loading failover url: " + failUrl); loadNonJavascript(failUrl); } else { // No other URLs to try, so signal a failure. adDidFail(MoPubErrorCode.NO_FILL); } } @Deprecated void setFailUrl(String failUrl) { // Does nothing. } void setNotLoading() { this.mIsLoading = false; if (mActiveRequest != null) { if (!mActiveRequest.isCanceled()) { mActiveRequest.cancel(); } mActiveRequest = null; } } public String getKeywords() { return mKeywords; } public void setKeywords(String keywords) { mKeywords = keywords; } public Location getLocation() { return mLocation; } public void setLocation(Location location) { mLocation = location; } public String getAdUnitId() { return mAdUnitId; } public void setAdUnitId(String adUnitId) { mAdUnitId = adUnitId; } public long getBroadcastIdentifier() { return mBroadcastIdentifier; } public void setTimeout(int milliseconds) { mTimeoutMilliseconds = milliseconds; } public int getAdWidth() { if (mAdResponse != null && mAdResponse.getWidth() != null) { return mAdResponse.getWidth(); } return 0; } public int getAdHeight() { if (mAdResponse != null && mAdResponse.getHeight() != null) { return mAdResponse.getHeight(); } return 0; } @Deprecated public String getClickTrackingUrl() { return mAdResponse == null ? null : mAdResponse.getClickTrackingUrl(); } @Deprecated public String getRedirectUrl() { return mAdResponse == null ? null : mAdResponse.getRedirectUrl(); } @Deprecated public String getResponseString() { return mAdResponse == null ? null : mAdResponse.getStringBody(); } public boolean getAutorefreshEnabled() { return mAutoRefreshEnabled; } void pauseRefresh() { mPreviousAutoRefreshSetting = mAutoRefreshEnabled; setAutorefreshEnabled(false); } void unpauseRefresh() { setAutorefreshEnabled(mPreviousAutoRefreshSetting); } void forceSetAutorefreshEnabled(boolean enabled) { mPreviousAutoRefreshSetting = enabled; setAutorefreshEnabled(enabled); } private void setAutorefreshEnabled(boolean enabled) { final boolean autorefreshChanged = mAdWasLoaded && (mAutoRefreshEnabled != enabled); if (autorefreshChanged) { final String enabledString = (enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled"; MoPubLog.d("Refresh " + enabledString + " for ad unit (" + mAdUnitId + ")."); } mAutoRefreshEnabled = enabled; if (mAdWasLoaded && mAutoRefreshEnabled) { scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); } else if (!mAutoRefreshEnabled) { cancelRefreshTimer(); } } @Nullable public AdReport getAdReport() { if (mAdUnitId != null && mAdResponse != null) { return new AdReport(mAdUnitId, ClientMetadata.getInstance(mContext), mAdResponse); } return null; } public boolean getTesting() { return mIsTesting; } public void setTesting(boolean enabled) { mIsTesting = enabled; } @Deprecated Object getAdConfiguration() { return null; } boolean isDestroyed() { return mIsDestroyed; } /* * Clean up the internal state of the AdViewController. */ void cleanup() { if (mIsDestroyed) { return; } if (mActiveRequest != null) { mActiveRequest.cancel(); mActiveRequest = null; } setAutorefreshEnabled(false); cancelRefreshTimer(); // WebView subclasses are not garbage-collected in a timely fashion on Froyo and below, // thanks to some persistent references in WebViewCore. We manually release some resources // to compensate for this "leak". mMoPubView = null; // Flag as destroyed. LoadUrlTask checks this before proceeding in its onPostExecute(). mIsDestroyed = true; } Integer getAdTimeoutDelay() { return mAdResponse == null ? null : mAdResponse.getAdTimeoutMillis(); } void trackImpression() { if (mAdResponse != null) { TrackingRequest.makeTrackingHttpRequest(mAdResponse.getImpressionTrackingUrl(), mContext, MoPubEvents.Type.IMPRESSION_REQUEST); } } void registerClick() { if (mAdResponse != null) { TrackingRequest.makeTrackingHttpRequest(mAdResponse.getClickTrackingUrl(), mContext, MoPubEvents.Type.CLICK_REQUEST); } } void fetchAd(String url) { AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest(url, mMoPubView.getAdFormat(), mAdListener ); RequestQueue requestQueue = Networking.getRequestQueue(mContext); requestQueue.add(adRequest); mActiveRequest = adRequest; } void forceRefresh() { setNotLoading(); loadAd(); } String generateAdUrl() { return mUrlGenerator .withAdUnitId(mAdUnitId) .withKeywords(mKeywords) .withLocation(mLocation) .generateUrlString(Constants.HOST); } void adDidFail(MoPubErrorCode errorCode) { MoPubLog.i("Ad failed to load."); setNotLoading(); scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); getMoPubView().adFailed(errorCode); } void scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled() { cancelRefreshTimer(); if (mAutoRefreshEnabled && mRefreshTimeMillis != null && mRefreshTimeMillis > 0) { mHandler.postDelayed(mRefreshRunnable, Math.min(MAX_REFRESH_TIME_MILLISECONDS, mRefreshTimeMillis * (long) Math.pow(BACKOFF_FACTOR, mBackoffPower))); } } void setLocalExtras(Map<String, Object> localExtras) { mLocalExtras = (localExtras != null) ? new TreeMap<String,Object>(localExtras) : new TreeMap<String,Object>(); } /** * Returns a copied map of localExtras */ Map<String, Object> getLocalExtras() { return (mLocalExtras != null) ? new TreeMap<String,Object>(mLocalExtras) : new TreeMap<String,Object>(); } private void cancelRefreshTimer() { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mRefreshRunnable); } private boolean isNetworkAvailable() { // If we don't have network state access, just assume the network is up. int result = mContext.checkCallingPermission(ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE); if (result == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) return true; // Otherwise, perform the connectivity check. ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo networkInfo = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); return networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected(); } void setAdContentView(final View view) { // XXX: This method is called from the WebViewClient's callbacks, which has caused an error on a small portion of devices // We suspect that the code below may somehow be running on the wrong UI Thread in the rare case. // see: Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MoPubView moPubView = getMoPubView(); if (moPubView == null) { return; } moPubView.removeAllViews(); moPubView.addView(view, getAdLayoutParams(view)); } }); } private FrameLayout.LayoutParams getAdLayoutParams(View view) { Integer width = null; Integer height = null; if (mAdResponse != null) { width = mAdResponse.getWidth(); height = mAdResponse.getHeight(); } if (width != null && height != null && getShouldHonorServerDimensions(view) && width > 0 && height > 0) { int scaledWidth = Dips.asIntPixels(width, mContext); int scaledHeight = Dips.asIntPixels(height, mContext); return new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, Gravity.CENTER); } else { return WRAP_AND_CENTER_LAYOUT_PARAMS; } } @Deprecated public void customEventDidLoadAd() { setNotLoading(); trackImpression(); scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); } @Deprecated public void customEventDidFailToLoadAd() { loadFailUrl(MoPubErrorCode.UNSPECIFIED); } @Deprecated public void customEventActionWillBegin() { registerClick(); } @Deprecated public void setClickthroughUrl(String clickthroughUrl) { // Does nothing } /** * @deprecated As of release 2.4 */ @Deprecated public boolean isFacebookSupported() { return false; } /** * @deprecated As of release 2.4 */ @Deprecated public void setFacebookSupported(boolean enabled) {} }