package com.mopub.mobileads; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.location.Location; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.webkit.WebViewDatabase; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import com.mopub.common.AdFormat; import com.mopub.common.MoPub; import com.mopub.common.logging.MoPubLog; import com.mopub.common.util.ManifestUtils; import com.mopub.common.util.Visibility; import com.mopub.mobileads.factories.AdViewControllerFactory; import com.mopub.mobileads.factories.CustomEventBannerAdapterFactory; import java.util.*; import static com.mopub.common.LocationService.LocationAwareness; import static com.mopub.mobileads.MoPubErrorCode.ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND; public class MoPubView extends FrameLayout { public interface BannerAdListener { public void onBannerLoaded(MoPubView banner); public void onBannerFailed(MoPubView banner, MoPubErrorCode errorCode); public void onBannerClicked(MoPubView banner); public void onBannerExpanded(MoPubView banner); public void onBannerCollapsed(MoPubView banner); } public static final int DEFAULT_LOCATION_PRECISION = 6; @Nullable protected AdViewController mAdViewController; protected CustomEventBannerAdapter mCustomEventBannerAdapter; private Context mContext; private int mScreenVisibility; private BroadcastReceiver mScreenStateReceiver; private BannerAdListener mBannerAdListener; private OnAdWillLoadListener mOnAdWillLoadListener; private OnAdLoadedListener mOnAdLoadedListener; private OnAdFailedListener mOnAdFailedListener; private OnAdPresentedOverlayListener mOnAdPresentedOverlayListener; private OnAdClosedListener mOnAdClosedListener; private OnAdClickedListener mOnAdClickedListener; public MoPubView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public MoPubView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); ManifestUtils.checkWebViewActivitiesDeclared(context); mContext = context; mScreenVisibility = getVisibility(); setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(false); setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); // There is a rare bug in Froyo/2.2 where creation of a WebView causes a // NullPointerException. ( // It happens when the WebView can't access the local file store to make a cache file. // Here, we'll work around it by trying to create a file store and then just go inert // if it's not accessible. if (WebViewDatabase.getInstance(context) == null) { MoPubLog.e("Disabling MoPub. Local cache file is inaccessible so MoPub will " + "fail if we try to create a WebView. Details of this Android bug found at:" + ""); return; } mAdViewController = AdViewControllerFactory.create(context, this); registerScreenStateBroadcastReceiver(); } private void registerScreenStateBroadcastReceiver() { mScreenStateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) { if (!Visibility.isScreenVisible(mScreenVisibility) || intent == null) { return; } final String action = intent.getAction(); if (Intent.ACTION_USER_PRESENT.equals(action)) { setAdVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF.equals(action)) { setAdVisibility(View.GONE); } } }; final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_PRESENT); mContext.registerReceiver(mScreenStateReceiver, filter); } private void unregisterScreenStateBroadcastReceiver() { try { mContext.unregisterReceiver(mScreenStateReceiver); } catch (Exception IllegalArgumentException) { MoPubLog.d("Failed to unregister screen state broadcast receiver (never registered)."); } } public void loadAd() { if (mAdViewController != null) { mAdViewController.loadAd(); } } /* * Tears down the ad view: no ads will be shown once this method executes. The parent * Activity's onDestroy implementation must include a call to this method. */ public void destroy() { unregisterScreenStateBroadcastReceiver(); removeAllViews(); if (mAdViewController != null) { mAdViewController.cleanup(); mAdViewController = null; } if (mCustomEventBannerAdapter != null) { mCustomEventBannerAdapter.invalidate(); mCustomEventBannerAdapter = null; } } Integer getAdTimeoutDelay() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getAdTimeoutDelay() : null; } protected void loadFailUrl(MoPubErrorCode errorCode) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.loadFailUrl(errorCode); } protected void loadCustomEvent(String customEventClassName, Map<String, String> serverExtras) { if (mAdViewController == null) { return; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(customEventClassName)) { MoPubLog.d("Couldn't invoke custom event because the server did not specify one."); loadFailUrl(ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (mCustomEventBannerAdapter != null) { mCustomEventBannerAdapter.invalidate(); } MoPubLog.d("Loading custom event adapter."); mCustomEventBannerAdapter = CustomEventBannerAdapterFactory.create( this, customEventClassName, serverExtras, mAdViewController.getBroadcastIdentifier(), mAdViewController.getAdReport()); mCustomEventBannerAdapter.loadAd(); } protected void registerClick() { if (mAdViewController != null) { mAdViewController.registerClick(); // Let any listeners know that an ad was clicked adClicked(); } } protected void trackNativeImpression() { MoPubLog.d("Tracking impression for native adapter."); if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.trackImpression(); } @Override protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(final int visibility) { // Ignore transitions between View.GONE and View.INVISIBLE if (Visibility.hasScreenVisibilityChanged(mScreenVisibility, visibility)) { mScreenVisibility = visibility; setAdVisibility(mScreenVisibility); } } private void setAdVisibility(final int visibility) { if (mAdViewController == null) { return; } if (Visibility.isScreenVisible(visibility)) { mAdViewController.unpauseRefresh(); } else { mAdViewController.pauseRefresh(); } } protected void adLoaded() { MoPubLog.d("adLoaded"); if (mBannerAdListener != null) { mBannerAdListener.onBannerLoaded(this); } else if (mOnAdLoadedListener != null) { mOnAdLoadedListener.OnAdLoaded(this); } } protected void adFailed(MoPubErrorCode errorCode) { if (mBannerAdListener != null) { mBannerAdListener.onBannerFailed(this, errorCode); } else if (mOnAdFailedListener != null) { mOnAdFailedListener.OnAdFailed(this); } } protected void adPresentedOverlay() { if (mBannerAdListener != null) { mBannerAdListener.onBannerExpanded(this); } else if (mOnAdPresentedOverlayListener != null) { mOnAdPresentedOverlayListener.OnAdPresentedOverlay(this); } } protected void adClosed() { if (mBannerAdListener != null) { mBannerAdListener.onBannerCollapsed(this); } else if (mOnAdClosedListener != null) { mOnAdClosedListener.OnAdClosed(this); } } protected void adClicked() { if (mBannerAdListener != null) { mBannerAdListener.onBannerClicked(this); } else if (mOnAdClickedListener != null) { mOnAdClickedListener.OnAdClicked(this); } } protected void nativeAdLoaded() { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.scheduleRefreshTimerIfEnabled(); adLoaded(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void setAdUnitId(String adUnitId) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.setAdUnitId(adUnitId); } public String getAdUnitId() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getAdUnitId() : null; } public void setKeywords(String keywords) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.setKeywords(keywords); } public String getKeywords() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getKeywords() : null; } public void setLocation(Location location) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.setLocation(location); } public Location getLocation() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getLocation() : null; } public void setTimeout(int milliseconds) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.setTimeout(milliseconds); } public int getAdWidth() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getAdWidth() : 0; } public int getAdHeight() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getAdHeight() : 0; } public String getResponseString() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getResponseString() : null; } @Deprecated public void setClickthroughUrl(String url) { // Does nothing. } public String getClickTrackingUrl() { return (mAdViewController != null) ? mAdViewController.getClickTrackingUrl() : null; } @Deprecated public String getClickthroughUrl() { return getClickTrackingUrl(); } public Activity getActivity() { return (Activity) mContext; } public void setBannerAdListener(BannerAdListener listener) { mBannerAdListener = listener; } public BannerAdListener getBannerAdListener() { return mBannerAdListener; } public void setLocalExtras(Map<String, Object> localExtras) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.setLocalExtras(localExtras); } public Map<String, Object> getLocalExtras() { if (mAdViewController != null) { return mAdViewController.getLocalExtras(); } return new TreeMap<String, Object>(); } public void setAutorefreshEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (mAdViewController != null) { mAdViewController.forceSetAutorefreshEnabled(enabled); } } public boolean getAutorefreshEnabled() { if (mAdViewController != null) return mAdViewController.getAutorefreshEnabled(); else { MoPubLog.d("Can't get autorefresh status for destroyed MoPubView. " + "Returning false."); return false; } } public void setAdContentView(View view) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.setAdContentView(view); } public void setTesting(boolean testing) { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.setTesting(testing); } public boolean getTesting() { if (mAdViewController != null) return mAdViewController.getTesting(); else { MoPubLog.d("Can't get testing status for destroyed MoPubView. " + "Returning false."); return false; } } public void forceRefresh() { if (mCustomEventBannerAdapter != null) { mCustomEventBannerAdapter.invalidate(); mCustomEventBannerAdapter = null; } if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.forceRefresh(); } AdViewController getAdViewController() { return mAdViewController; } public AdFormat getAdFormat() { return AdFormat.BANNER; } @Deprecated public void setLocationAwareness(LocationAwareness locationAwareness) { MoPub.setLocationAwareness(locationAwareness.getNewLocationAwareness()); } @Deprecated public LocationAwareness getLocationAwareness() { return LocationAwareness.fromMoPubLocationAwareness(MoPub.getLocationAwareness()); } @Deprecated public void setLocationPrecision(int precision) { MoPub.setLocationPrecision(precision); } @Deprecated public int getLocationPrecision() { return MoPub.getLocationPrecision(); } @Deprecated public interface OnAdWillLoadListener { public void OnAdWillLoad(MoPubView m, String url); } @Deprecated public interface OnAdLoadedListener { public void OnAdLoaded(MoPubView m); } @Deprecated public interface OnAdFailedListener { public void OnAdFailed(MoPubView m); } @Deprecated public interface OnAdClosedListener { public void OnAdClosed(MoPubView m); } @Deprecated public interface OnAdClickedListener { public void OnAdClicked(MoPubView m); } @Deprecated public interface OnAdPresentedOverlayListener { public void OnAdPresentedOverlay(MoPubView m); } @Deprecated public void setOnAdWillLoadListener(OnAdWillLoadListener listener) { mOnAdWillLoadListener = listener; } @Deprecated public void setOnAdLoadedListener(OnAdLoadedListener listener) { mOnAdLoadedListener = listener; } @Deprecated public void setOnAdFailedListener(OnAdFailedListener listener) { mOnAdFailedListener = listener; } @Deprecated public void setOnAdPresentedOverlayListener(OnAdPresentedOverlayListener listener) { mOnAdPresentedOverlayListener = listener; } @Deprecated public void setOnAdClosedListener(OnAdClosedListener listener) { mOnAdClosedListener = listener; } @Deprecated public void setOnAdClickedListener(OnAdClickedListener listener) { mOnAdClickedListener = listener; } @Deprecated protected void adWillLoad(String url) { MoPubLog.d("adWillLoad: " + url); if (mOnAdWillLoadListener != null) mOnAdWillLoadListener.OnAdWillLoad(this, url); } @Deprecated public void customEventDidLoadAd() { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.customEventDidLoadAd(); } @Deprecated public void customEventDidFailToLoadAd() { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.customEventDidFailToLoadAd(); } @Deprecated public void customEventActionWillBegin() { if (mAdViewController != null) mAdViewController.customEventActionWillBegin(); } /** * @deprecated As of release 2.4 */ @Deprecated public void setFacebookSupported(boolean enabled) {} /** * @deprecated As of release 2.4 */ @Deprecated public boolean isFacebookSupported() { return false; } }