package com.mopub.common; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import com.mopub.common.event.ErrorEvent; import com.mopub.common.event.Event; import com.mopub.common.event.MoPubEvents; import com.mopub.common.logging.MoPubLog; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; public class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask<HttpUriRequest, Void, DownloadResponse> { private final DownloadTaskListener mDownloadTaskListener; private final MoPubEvents.Type mEventType; private String mUrl; public static interface DownloadTaskListener { abstract void onComplete(String url, DownloadResponse downloadResponse); } public DownloadTask(final DownloadTaskListener downloadTaskListener) throws IllegalArgumentException { this(downloadTaskListener, null); } public DownloadTask(final DownloadTaskListener downloadTaskListener, final MoPubEvents.Type eventType) { if (downloadTaskListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DownloadTaskListener must not be null."); } mDownloadTaskListener = downloadTaskListener; mEventType = eventType; } @Override protected DownloadResponse doInBackground(final HttpUriRequest... httpUriRequests) { if (httpUriRequests == null || httpUriRequests.length == 0 || httpUriRequests[0] == null) { MoPubLog.d("Download task tried to execute null or empty url"); return null; } final HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest = httpUriRequests[0]; mUrl = httpUriRequest.getURI().toString(); if (mEventType != null) { MoPubEvents.log(new Event.Builder("", "").build()); } AndroidHttpClient httpClient = null; try { httpClient = HttpClient.getHttpClient(); final HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpUriRequest); return new DownloadResponse(httpResponse); } catch (Exception e) { MoPubLog.d("Download task threw an internal exception", e); return null; } finally { if (httpClient != null) { httpClient.close(); } } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(final DownloadResponse downloadResponse) { if (isCancelled()) { onCancelled(); return; } mDownloadTaskListener.onComplete(mUrl, downloadResponse); } @Override protected void onCancelled() { MoPubLog.d("DownloadTask was cancelled."); } }