package com.mopub.nativeads; import android.content.Context; import; import java.util.Map; /** * CustomEventNative is a base class for custom events that support native ads. By implementing * subclasses of CustomEventNative, you can enable the MoPub SDK to support a wider * variety of third-party ad networks, or execute any of your application code on demand. * * At runtime, the MoPub SDK will find and instantiate a CustomEventNative subclass as needed * and invoke its loadNativeAd() method. */ public abstract class CustomEventNative { /** * When the MoPub SDK receives a response indicating it should load a custom event, it will send * this message to your custom event class. Your implementation of this method can either load * a native ad from a third-party ad network, or execute any application code. It must also * notify the provided CustomEventNativeListener Object of certain lifecycle events. * * The localExtras parameter is a Map containing additional custom data that is set within * your application by calling MoPubNative.setLocalExtras(Map<String, Object>). Note that the * localExtras Map is a copy of the Map supplied to setLocalExtras(). * * The serverExtras parameter is a Map containing additional custom data configurable on the * MoPub website that you want to associate with a given custom event request. This data may be * used to pass dynamic information, such as publisher IDs, without changes in application code. */ protected abstract void loadNativeAd(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final CustomEventNativeListener customEventNativeListener, @NonNull final Map<String, Object> localExtras, @NonNull final Map<String, String> serverExtras); public interface ImageListener { /** * Called when images are successfully cached. If you haven't already called * {@link CustomEventNativeListener#onNativeAdLoaded}, you should typically do so now. */ void onImagesCached(); /** * Called when images failed to cache. You should typically call * {@link CustomEventNativeListener#onNativeAdFailed} from this callback. */ void onImagesFailedToCache(NativeErrorCode errorCode); } public interface CustomEventNativeListener { /** * Your custom event subclass must call this method when it successfully loads a native ad. * Failure to do so will disrupt the mediation waterfall and cause future ad requests to * stall. */ void onNativeAdLoaded(NativeAdInterface nativeAd); /** * Your custom event subclass must call this method when it fails to load a native ad. * Failure to do so will disrupt the mediation waterfall and cause future ad requests to * stall. */ void onNativeAdFailed(NativeErrorCode errorCode); } }