/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ddmlib.testrunner; import com.android.ddmlib.IShellOutputReceiver; import com.android.ddmlib.Log; import com.android.ddmlib.MultiLineReceiver; /** * Parses the 'raw output mode' results of an instrumentation test run from shell and informs a * ITestRunListener of the results. * * <p>Expects the following output: * * <p>If fatal error occurred when attempted to run the tests: * <pre> * INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: Error=error Message * INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: * </pre> * <p>or * <pre> * INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: shortMsg=error Message * </pre> * * <p>Otherwise, expect a series of test results, each one containing a set of status key/value * pairs, delimited by a start(1)/pass(0)/fail(-2)/error(-1) status code result. At end of test * run, expects that the elapsed test time in seconds will be displayed * * <p>For example: * <pre> * INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: 1 * INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: class=com.foo.FooTest * INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: test=testFoo * INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: numtests=2 * INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: stack=com.foo.FooTest#testFoo:312 * com.foo.X * INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: -2 * ... * * Time: X * </pre> * <p>Note that the "value" portion of the key-value pair may wrap over several text lines */ public class InstrumentationResultParser extends MultiLineReceiver { /** Relevant test status keys. */ private static class StatusKeys { private static final String TEST = "test"; private static final String CLASS = "class"; private static final String STACK = "stack"; private static final String NUMTESTS = "numtests"; private static final String ERROR = "Error"; private static final String SHORTMSG = "shortMsg"; } /** Test result status codes. */ private static class StatusCodes { private static final int FAILURE = -2; private static final int START = 1; private static final int ERROR = -1; private static final int OK = 0; } /** Prefixes used to identify output. */ private static class Prefixes { private static final String STATUS = "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: "; private static final String STATUS_CODE = "INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: "; private static final String STATUS_FAILED = "INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: "; private static final String CODE = "INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: "; private static final String RESULT = "INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: "; private static final String TIME_REPORT = "Time: "; } private final ITestRunListener mTestListener; /** * Test result data */ private static class TestResult { private Integer mCode = null; private String mTestName = null; private String mTestClass = null; private String mStackTrace = null; private Integer mNumTests = null; /** Returns true if all expected values have been parsed */ boolean isComplete() { return mCode != null && mTestName != null && mTestClass != null; } /** Provides a more user readable string for TestResult, if possible */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); if (mTestClass != null ) { output.append(mTestClass); output.append('#'); } if (mTestName != null) { output.append(mTestName); } if (output.length() > 0) { return output.toString(); } return "unknown result"; } } /** Stores the status values for the test result currently being parsed */ private TestResult mCurrentTestResult = null; /** Stores the current "key" portion of the status key-value being parsed. */ private String mCurrentKey = null; /** Stores the current "value" portion of the status key-value being parsed. */ private StringBuilder mCurrentValue = null; /** True if start of test has already been reported to listener. */ private boolean mTestStartReported = false; /** The elapsed time of the test run, in milliseconds. */ private long mTestTime = 0; /** True if current test run has been canceled by user. */ private boolean mIsCancelled = false; private static final String LOG_TAG = "InstrumentationResultParser"; /** * Creates the InstrumentationResultParser. * * @param listener informed of test results as the tests are executing */ public InstrumentationResultParser(ITestRunListener listener) { mTestListener = listener; } /** * Processes the instrumentation test output from shell. * * @see MultiLineReceiver#processNewLines */ @Override public void processNewLines(String[] lines) { for (String line : lines) { parse(line); // in verbose mode, dump all adb output to log Log.v(LOG_TAG, line); } } /** * Parse an individual output line. Expects a line that is one of: * <ul> * <li> * The start of a new status line (starts with Prefixes.STATUS or Prefixes.STATUS_CODE), * and thus there is a new key=value pair to parse, and the previous key-value pair is * finished. * </li> * <li> * A continuation of the previous status (the "value" portion of the key has wrapped * to the next line). * </li> * <li> A line reporting a fatal error in the test run (Prefixes.STATUS_FAILED) </li> * <li> A line reporting the total elapsed time of the test run. (Prefixes.TIME_REPORT) </li> * </ul> * * @param line Text output line */ private void parse(String line) { if (line.startsWith(Prefixes.STATUS_CODE)) { // Previous status key-value has been collected. Store it. submitCurrentKeyValue(); parseStatusCode(line); } else if (line.startsWith(Prefixes.STATUS)) { // Previous status key-value has been collected. Store it. submitCurrentKeyValue(); parseKey(line, Prefixes.STATUS.length()); } else if (line.startsWith(Prefixes.RESULT)) { // Previous status key-value has been collected. Store it. submitCurrentKeyValue(); parseKey(line, Prefixes.RESULT.length()); } else if (line.startsWith(Prefixes.STATUS_FAILED) || line.startsWith(Prefixes.CODE)) { // Previous status key-value has been collected. Store it. submitCurrentKeyValue(); // just ignore the remaining data on this line } else if (line.startsWith(Prefixes.TIME_REPORT)) { parseTime(line, Prefixes.TIME_REPORT.length()); } else { if (mCurrentValue != null) { // this is a value that has wrapped to next line. mCurrentValue.append("\r\n"); mCurrentValue.append(line); } else { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "unrecognized line " + line); } } } /** * Stores the currently parsed key-value pair into mCurrentTestInfo. */ private void submitCurrentKeyValue() { if (mCurrentKey != null && mCurrentValue != null) { TestResult testInfo = getCurrentTestInfo(); String statusValue = mCurrentValue.toString(); if (mCurrentKey.equals(StatusKeys.CLASS)) { testInfo.mTestClass = statusValue.trim(); } else if (mCurrentKey.equals(StatusKeys.TEST)) { testInfo.mTestName = statusValue.trim(); } else if (mCurrentKey.equals(StatusKeys.NUMTESTS)) { try { testInfo.mNumTests = Integer.parseInt(statusValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unexpected integer number of tests, received " + statusValue); } } else if (mCurrentKey.equals(StatusKeys.ERROR) || mCurrentKey.equals(StatusKeys.SHORTMSG)) { // test run must have failed handleTestRunFailed(statusValue); } else if (mCurrentKey.equals(StatusKeys.STACK)) { testInfo.mStackTrace = statusValue; } mCurrentKey = null; mCurrentValue = null; } } private TestResult getCurrentTestInfo() { if (mCurrentTestResult == null) { mCurrentTestResult = new TestResult(); } return mCurrentTestResult; } private void clearCurrentTestInfo() { mCurrentTestResult = null; } /** * Parses the key from the current line. * Expects format of "key=value". * * @param line full line of text to parse * @param keyStartPos the starting position of the key in the given line */ private void parseKey(String line, int keyStartPos) { int endKeyPos = line.indexOf('=', keyStartPos); if (endKeyPos != -1) { mCurrentKey = line.substring(keyStartPos, endKeyPos).trim(); parseValue(line, endKeyPos + 1); } } /** * Parses the start of a key=value pair. * * @param line - full line of text to parse * @param valueStartPos - the starting position of the value in the given line */ private void parseValue(String line, int valueStartPos) { mCurrentValue = new StringBuilder(); mCurrentValue.append(line.substring(valueStartPos)); } /** * Parses out a status code result. */ private void parseStatusCode(String line) { String value = line.substring(Prefixes.STATUS_CODE.length()).trim(); TestResult testInfo = getCurrentTestInfo(); try { testInfo.mCode = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Expected integer status code, received: " + value); } // this means we're done with current test result bundle reportResult(testInfo); clearCurrentTestInfo(); } /** * Returns true if test run canceled. * * @see IShellOutputReceiver#isCancelled() */ public boolean isCancelled() { return mIsCancelled; } /** * Requests cancellation of test run. */ public void cancel() { mIsCancelled = true; } /** * Reports a test result to the test run listener. Must be called when a individual test * result has been fully parsed. * * @param statusMap key-value status pairs of test result */ private void reportResult(TestResult testInfo) { if (!testInfo.isComplete()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "invalid instrumentation status bundle " + testInfo.toString()); return; } reportTestRunStarted(testInfo); TestIdentifier testId = new TestIdentifier(testInfo.mTestClass, testInfo.mTestName); switch (testInfo.mCode) { case StatusCodes.START: mTestListener.testStarted(testId); break; case StatusCodes.FAILURE: mTestListener.testFailed(ITestRunListener.TestFailure.FAILURE, testId, getTrace(testInfo)); mTestListener.testEnded(testId); break; case StatusCodes.ERROR: mTestListener.testFailed(ITestRunListener.TestFailure.ERROR, testId, getTrace(testInfo)); mTestListener.testEnded(testId); break; case StatusCodes.OK: mTestListener.testEnded(testId); break; default: Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unknown status code received: " + testInfo.mCode); mTestListener.testEnded(testId); break; } } /** * Reports the start of a test run, and the total test count, if it has not been previously * reported. * * @param testInfo current test status values */ private void reportTestRunStarted(TestResult testInfo) { // if start test run not reported yet if (!mTestStartReported && testInfo.mNumTests != null) { mTestListener.testRunStarted(testInfo.mNumTests); mTestStartReported = true; } } /** * Returns the stack trace of the current failed test, from the provided testInfo. */ private String getTrace(TestResult testInfo) { if (testInfo.mStackTrace != null) { return testInfo.mStackTrace; } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not find stack trace for failed test "); return new Throwable("Unknown failure").toString(); } } /** * Parses out and store the elapsed time. */ private void parseTime(String line, int startPos) { String timeString = line.substring(startPos); try { float timeSeconds = Float.parseFloat(timeString); mTestTime = (long) (timeSeconds * 1000); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unexpected time format " + timeString); } } /** * Process a instrumentation run failure */ private void handleTestRunFailed(String errorMsg) { mTestListener.testRunFailed(errorMsg == null ? "Unknown error" : errorMsg); } /** * Called by parent when adb session is complete. */ @Override public void done() { super.done(); mTestListener.testRunEnded(mTestTime); } }