package; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import; import; import; import prefuse.util.collections.DefaultLiteralComparator; import test.prefuse.TestConfig; public class TableTest extends TestCase implements TableTestData { int rows[] = { -1, NROWS+1, 2*NROWS }; int cols[] = { -1, NCOLS+1, 2*NCOLS }; Table t; public static Table getTestCaseTable() { Table t = new Table(NROWS, NCOLS); for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { t.addColumn(HEADERS[c], TYPES[c]); for ( int r=0; r<NROWS; ++r ) { t.set(r, HEADERS[c], TABLE[c][r]); } } return t; } /** * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); t = getTestCaseTable(); } /** * @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown() */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); t = null; } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testGetColumnCount() { assertEquals(NCOLS, t.getColumnCount()); } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testGetColumnClassInt() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { assertEquals(TYPES[c], t.getColumnType(c)); } } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testGetColumnClassString() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { assertEquals(TYPES[c], t.getColumnType(HEADERS[c])); } } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testGetRowCount() { assertEquals(NROWS, t.getRowCount()); } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testAddRow() { int r = t.addRow(); assertEquals(NROWS+1, t.getRowCount()); assertEquals(NROWS, r); t.set(r,HEADERS[0],TABLE[0][0]); assertEquals(TABLE[0][0], t.get(r,HEADERS[0])); } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testAddRows() { int nrows = 3; t.addRows(nrows); assertEquals(NROWS+nrows, t.getRowCount()); } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testRemoveRow() { for ( int i=0; i<NROWS; ++i ) { t.removeRow(i); assertEquals(NROWS-1, t.getRowCount()); int r = t.addRow(); assertEquals(i, r); assertEquals(NROWS, t.getRowCount()); } try { tearDown(); setUp(); } catch ( Exception e ) {} for ( int i=0; i<NROWS; ++i ) { t.removeRow(i); assertEquals(NROWS-i-1, t.getRowCount()); try { t.get(i, HEADERS[0]); fail("Allowed access to invalid row"); } catch ( Exception e ) {} try { t.get(i, HEADERS[2]); fail("Allowed access to invalid row"); } catch ( Exception e ) {} } } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testGetColumnName() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { assertEquals(HEADERS[c], t.getColumnName(c)); } } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testGetColumnIndex() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { assertEquals(c, t.getColumnNumber(HEADERS[c])); } } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testGetColumn() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { Column col1 = t.getColumn(c); Column col2 = t.getColumn(HEADERS[c]); assertEquals(col1, col2); } } /* * Test method for ', Class)' */ public void testAddColumn() { String[] names = { "polygon", "boolean" }; Class[] types = { GeneralPath.class, boolean.class }; for ( int i=0; i < names.length; ++i ) { t.addColumn(names[i], types[i]); Column col = t.getColumn(names[i]); assertTrue(col.getRowCount() >= t.getRowCount()); assertTrue(col.canSet(types[i])); assertFalse(col.canSet(Math.class)); assertEquals(NCOLS+i+1, t.getColumnCount()); assertEquals(types[i], t.getColumnType(names[i])); } } /* * Test method for '' */ public void testRemoveColumnString() { t.removeColumn(HEADERS[0]); assertEquals(NCOLS-1, t.getColumnCount()); assertEquals(-1, t.getColumnNumber(HEADERS[0])); try { t.get(0,HEADERS[0]); fail("Allowed access to removed column"); } catch ( Exception success ) {} try { t.set(0,HEADERS[0],TABLE[0][0]); fail("Allowed access to removed column"); } catch ( Exception success ) {} } /* * Test method for ', Class)' */ public void testCanGet() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { assertTrue(t.canGet(HEADERS[c], TYPES[c])); assertFalse(t.canGet(HEADERS[c], Math.class)); } } /* * Test method for ', Class)' */ public void testCanSet() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { assertTrue(t.canSet(HEADERS[c], TYPES[c])); assertFalse(t.canSet(HEADERS[c], Math.class)); } } /* * Test method for ', int)' */ public void testGet() { for ( int r=0; r<NROWS; ++r ) { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { assertEquals(TABLE[c][r], t.get(r, HEADERS[c])); } } for ( int i=0; i<rows.length; ++i ) { try { t.get(rows[i],HEADERS[0]); fail("Allowed illegal access"); } catch ( Exception success ) { } } for ( int i=0; i<cols.length; ++i ) { try { t.get(0,cols[i]); fail("Allowed illegal access"); } catch ( Exception success ) { } } } /* * Test method for ', String, int)' */ public void testSet() { for ( int c=0; c<NCOLS; ++c ) { t.set(0, HEADERS[c], TABLE[c][1]); assertEquals(TABLE[c][1], t.get(0, HEADERS[c])); } for ( int i=0; i<rows.length; ++i ) { try { t.set(rows[i],HEADERS[0],TABLE[0][i]); fail("Allowed illegal access"); } catch ( Exception success ) { } } for ( int i=0; i<cols.length; ++i ) { try { t.set(0,cols[i],TABLE[i][0]); fail("Allowed illegal access"); } catch ( Exception success ) { } } } public void testSort() { String h1 = HEADERS[2]; String h2 = HEADERS[1]; Iterator iter = t.tuples(null, Sort.parse(h1+", "+h2+" desc")); Tuple[] tpls = new Tuple[t.getRowCount()]; for ( int i=0; iter.hasNext(); ++i ) { tpls[i] = (Tuple); if ( TestConfig.verbose() ) System.err.println(tpls[i]); } Comparator cmp = DefaultLiteralComparator.getInstance(); for ( int i=0; i<tpls.length-1; ++i ) { Tuple t1 = tpls[i], t2 = tpls[i+1]; int c =, t2.get(h1)); assertTrue(c<=0); if ( c == 0 ) { c =, t2.get(h2)); assertTrue(c>=0); } } } }