package prefuse.util.collections; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Comparator that makes comparison using an ordered list of * individual comparators; * * @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a> */ public class CompositeComparator implements Comparator { private static final int INCREMENT = 2; private Comparator[] m_cmp; private int m_rev = 1; private int m_size = 0; /** * Creates an empty CompositeComparator with the given capacity. * @param size the starting capacity of this comparator */ public CompositeComparator(int size) { this(size, false); } /** * Creates an empty CompositeComparator with the given capacity. * @param size the starting capacity of this comparator * @param reverse when true, reverses the sort order of the included * comparators, when false, objects are sorted as usual */ public CompositeComparator(int size, boolean reverse) { m_cmp = new Comparator[size]; m_rev = reverse ? -1 : 1; } /** * Creates a new CompositeComparator. * @param cmp the constituent comparators of this composite */ public CompositeComparator(Comparator[] cmp) { this(cmp, false); } /** * Creates a new CompositeComparator. * @param cmp the constituent comparators of this composite * @param reverse when true, reverses the sort order of the included * comparators, when false, objects are sorted as usual */ public CompositeComparator(Comparator[] cmp, boolean reverse) { this(cmp.length, reverse); System.arraycopy(cmp, 0, m_cmp, 0, cmp.length); m_size = cmp.length; } /** * Adds an additional comparator to this composite. * @param c the Comparator to add */ public void add(Comparator c) { if ( c == null ) return; if ( m_cmp.length == m_size ) { Comparator[] cmp = new Comparator[m_size+INCREMENT]; System.arraycopy(m_cmp, 0, cmp, 0, m_size); m_cmp = cmp; } m_cmp[m_size++] = c; } /** * Removes a comparator from this composite. * @param c the Comparator to remove * @return true if the comparator was successfully removed, * false otherwise */ public boolean remove(Comparator c) { for ( int i=0; i<m_size; ++i ) { if ( m_cmp[i].equals(c) ) { System.arraycopy(m_cmp, i+1, m_cmp, i, m_size-i); --m_size; return true; } } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { for ( int i=0; i<m_cmp.length; ++i ) { int c = m_cmp[i].compare(o1, o2); if ( c != 0 ) { return m_rev*c; } } return 0; } } // end of class CompositeComparator