package prefuse.util; /** * Library routines dealing with Java Class types. * * @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a> */ public class TypeLib { private TypeLib() { // prevent instantiation } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Check if an object is an instance of a given class, or, if the class * is a primitive type, if the Object is an instance of the wrapper class * for that primitive (e.g., as Integer is a wrapper for int). * @param type the Class type * @param instance the Object instance * @return true if the object is an instance of the given class, or if * of the appropriate primitive wrapper type. */ public static boolean typeCheck(Class type, Object instance) { return type.isAssignableFrom(instance.getClass()) || isWrapperInstance(type, instance); } /** * Get the nearest shared ancestor class of two objects. Note: this * currently does not compute the actual least common ancestor, but * only looks up one level in the inheritance tree and quits if * it does not find a match. * @param o1 the first object * @param o2 the second object * @return the nearest class instance of which both objects * are instances */ public static Class getSharedType(Object o1, Object o2) { return getSharedType(o1.getClass(), o2.getClass()); } /** * Get the nearest shared ancestor class of two classes. Note: this * currently does not compute the actual least common ancestor, but * only looks up one level in the inheritance tree and quits if * it does not find a match. * @param type1 the first type * @param type2 the second type * @return the nearest class instance which is equal to or a * superclass of the two class instances */ public static Class getSharedType(Class type1, Class type2) { if ( type1 == type2 ) { return type1; } else if ( type1.isAssignableFrom(type2) ) { return type1; } else if ( type2.isAssignableFrom(type1) ) { return type2; } else { return null; } } /** * Indicates if an object is an instance of a wrapper class for a given * primitive type. * @param type the primitive Class type * @param instance the object to test as wrapper (e.g., as Integer is a * wrapper type for int) * @return true if the object is a wrapper instance of the given * primitive type */ public static boolean isWrapperInstance(Class type, Object instance) { if ( !type.isPrimitive() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input type must be a primitive"); if ( int.class == type && instance instanceof Integer ) { return true; } else if ( long.class == type && instance instanceof Long ) { return true; } else if ( float.class == type && instance instanceof Float ) { return true; } else if ( double.class == type && instance instanceof Double ) { return true; } else if ( boolean.class == type && instance instanceof Boolean ) { return true; } else if ( short.class == type && instance instanceof Short ) { return true; } else if ( byte.class == type && instance instanceof Byte ) { return true; } else if ( char.class == type && instance instanceof Character ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Given a numeric (byte, short, int, long, float, or double) class type or * associated wrapper class type, return the primitive class type * @param type the type to look up, must be a numerical type, but can be * either primitive or a wrapper. * @return the primitive class type */ public static Class getPrimitiveType(Class type) { if ( Integer.class.equals(type) || type == int.class ) { return int.class; } else if ( Long.class.equals(type) || type == long.class ) { return long.class; } else if ( Float.class.equals(type) || type == float.class ) { return float.class; } else if ( Double.class.equals(type) || type == double.class ) { return double.class; } else if ( Byte.class.equals(type) || type == byte.class ) { return byte.class; } else if ( Short.class.equals(type) || type == short.class ) { return short.class; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Input class must be a numeric type"); } } /** * Get the wrapper class type for a primitive class type. * @param type a class type * @return the wrapper class for the input type if it is a * primitive class type, otherwise returns the input type */ public static Class getWrapperType(Class type) { if ( !type.isPrimitive() ) { return type; } else if ( int.class == type ) { return Integer.class; } else if ( long.class == type ) { return Long.class; } else if ( float.class == type ) { return Float.class; } else if ( double.class == type ) { return Double.class; } else if ( boolean.class == type ) { return Boolean.class; } else if ( short.class == type ) { return Short.class; } else if ( char.class == type ) { return Character.class; } else if ( byte.class == type ) { return Byte.class; } else if ( short.class == type ) { return Short.class; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * Indicates if a given class type is a primitive integer type * (one of byte, short, int, or long). * @param type the type to check * @return true if it is a primitive numeric type, false otherwise */ public static boolean isIntegerType(Class type) { return ( type == byte.class || type == short.class || type == int.class || type == long.class); } /** * Indicates if a given class type is a primitive numeric one type * (one of byte, short, int, long, float, or double). * @param type the type to check * @return true if it is a primitive numeric type, false otherwise */ public static boolean isNumericType(Class type) { return ( type == byte.class || type == short.class || type == int.class || type == long.class || type == double.class || type == float.class ); } /** * Get a compatible numeric type for two primitive numeric * class types. Any of (byte, short, int) will resolve to int. * @param c1 a numeric primitive class type (int, long, float, or double) * @param c2 a numeric primitive class type (int, long, float, or double) * @return the compatible numeric type for binary operations involving * both types. */ public static Class getNumericType(Class c1, Class c2) { if ( !isNumericType(c1) || !isNumericType(c2) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Input types must be primitive number types"); } if ( c1 == double.class || c2 == double.class ) { return double.class; } else if ( c1 == float.class || c1 == float.class ) { return float.class; } else if ( c1 == long.class || c2 == long.class ) { return long.class; } else { return int.class; } } } // end of class TypeLib