package prefuse.activity; import java.util.ArrayList; import prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig; /** * <p>The ActivityManager is responsible for scheduling and running timed * activities that perform data processing and animation.</p> * * <p>The AcivityManager runs in its own separate thread of execution, and * one instance is used to schedule activities from any number of currently * active visualizations. The class is implemented as a singleton; the single * instance of this class is interacted with through static methods. These * methods are called by an Activity's run methods, and so are made only * package visible here.</p> * * <p>Activity instances can be scheduled by using their * {@link prefuse.activity.Activity#run()}, * {@link prefuse.activity.Activity#runAt(long)}, and * {@link prefuse.activity.Activity#runAfter(Activity)} * methods. These will automatically call the * appropriate methods with the ActivityManager.</p> * * <p>For {@link prefuse.action.Action} instances, one can also register * the actions with a {@link prefuse.Visualization} and use the * visualizations provided run methods to launch Actions in a * convenient fashion. The interface, which is backed by an {@link ActivityMap} * instance, also provides a useful level of indirection, allowing actions * to be changed dynamically without changes to code in other locations. * </p> * * @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a> * @see Activity * @see prefuse.action.Action */ public class ActivityManager extends Thread { private static ActivityManager s_instance; private ArrayList m_activities; private ArrayList m_tmp; private long m_nextTime; private boolean m_run; /** * Returns the active ActivityManager instance. * @return the ActivityManager */ private synchronized static ActivityManager getInstance() { if ( s_instance == null || !s_instance.isAlive() ) { s_instance = new ActivityManager(); } return s_instance; } /** * Create a new ActivityManger. */ private ActivityManager() { super("prefuse_ActivityManager"); m_activities = new ArrayList(); m_tmp = new ArrayList(); m_nextTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; int priority = PrefuseConfig.getInt("activity.threadPriority"); if ( priority >= Thread.MIN_PRIORITY && priority <= Thread.MAX_PRIORITY ) { this.setPriority(priority); } this.setDaemon(true); this.start(); } /** * Stops the activity manager thread. All scheduled actvities are * canceled, and then the thread is then notified to stop running. */ public static void stopThread() { ActivityManager am; synchronized ( ActivityManager.class ) { am = s_instance; } if ( am != null ) am._stop(); } /** * Schedules an Activity with the manager. * @param a the Activity to schedule */ static void schedule(Activity a) { getInstance()._schedule(a, a.getStartTime()); } /** * Schedules an Activity to start immediately, overwriting the * Activity's currently set startTime. * @param a the Activity to schedule */ static void scheduleNow(Activity a) { getInstance()._schedule(a, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Schedules an Activity at the specified startTime, overwriting the * Activity's currently set startTime. * @param a the Activity to schedule * @param startTime the time at which the activity should run */ static void scheduleAt(Activity a, long startTime) { getInstance()._schedule(a, startTime); } /** * Schedules an Activity to start immediately after another Activity. * The second Activity will be scheduled to start immediately after the * first one finishes, overwriting any previously set startTime. If the * first Activity is cancelled, the second one will not run. * * This functionality is provided by using an ActivityListener to monitor * the first Activity. The listener is removed upon completion or * cancellation of the first Activity. * * This method does not effect the scheduling of the first Activity. * @param before the first Activity to run * @param after the Activity to run immediately after the first */ static void scheduleAfter(Activity before, Activity after) { getInstance()._scheduleAfter(before, after); } /** * Schedules an Activity to start immediately after another Activity. * The second Activity will be scheduled to start immediately after the * first one finishes, overwriting any previously set startTime. If the * first Activity is cancelled, the second one will not run. * * This functionality is provided by using an ActivityListener to monitor * the first Activity. The listener will persist across mulitple runs, * meaning the second Activity will always be evoked upon a successful * finish of the first. * * This method does not otherwise effect the scheduling of the first Activity. * @param before the first Activity to run * @param after the Activity to run immediately after the first */ static void alwaysScheduleAfter(Activity before, Activity after) { getInstance()._alwaysScheduleAfter(before, after); } /** * Cancels an Activity and removes it from this manager, called by * an Activity when the activity needs to be cancelled. * @param a The activity to cancel. */ static void cancelActivity(Activity a){ getInstance()._cancelActivity(a); } /** * Returns the number of scheduled activities * @return the number of scheduled activities */ public static int activityCount() { return getInstance()._activityCount(); } /** * Stops the activity manager thread. All scheduled actvities are * canceled, and then the thread is then notified to stop running. */ private synchronized void _stop() { while ( m_activities.size() > 0 ) { Activity a = (Activity)m_activities.get(m_activities.size()-1); a.cancel(); } _setRunning(false); notify(); } /** * Schedules an Activity with the manager. * @param a the Activity to schedule */ private void _schedule(Activity a, long startTime) { if ( a.isScheduled() ) { try { notifyAll(); } catch ( Exception e ) {} return; // already scheduled, do nothing } a.setStartTime(startTime); synchronized ( this ) { m_activities.add(a); a.setScheduled(true); if ( startTime < m_nextTime ) { m_nextTime = startTime; notify(); } } } /** * Schedules an Activity to start immediately after another Activity. * The second Activity will be scheduled to start immediately after the * first one finishes, overwriting any previously set startTime. If the * first Activity is cancelled, the second one will not run. * * This functionality is provided by using an ActivityListener to monitor * the first Activity. The listener is removed upon completion or * cancellation of the first Activity. * * This method does not effect the scheduling of the first Activity. * @param before the first Activity to run * @param after the Activity to run immediately after the first */ private void _scheduleAfter(Activity before, Activity after) { before.addActivityListener(new ScheduleAfterActivity(after,true)); } /** * Schedules an Activity to start immediately after another Activity. * The second Activity will be scheduled to start immediately after the * first one finishes, overwriting any previously set startTime. If the * first Activity is cancelled, the second one will not run. * * This functionality is provided by using an ActivityListener to monitor * the first Activity. The listener will persist across mulitple runs, * meaning the second Activity will always be evoked upon a successful * finish of the first. * * This method does not otherwise effect the scheduling of the first Activity. * @param before the first Activity to run * @param after the Activity to run immediately after the first */ private void _alwaysScheduleAfter(Activity before, Activity after) { before.addActivityListener(new ScheduleAfterActivity(after,false)); } /** * Cancels an action, called by an Activity when it is cancelled. * Application code should not call this method! Instead, use * Activity.cancel() to stop a sheduled or running Activity. * @param a The Activity to cancel */ private void _cancelActivity(Activity a){ /* * Prefuse Bug ID #1708926 * The fix ("Contribution") has not been tested and/or validated for release as or in products, * combinations with products or other commercial use. * Any use of the Contribution is entirely made at the user's own responsibility and the user can * not rely on any features, functionalities or performances Alcatel-Lucent has attributed to the Contribution. * THE CONTRIBUTION BY ALCATEL-LUCENT (...) IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, COMPLIANCE, NON-INTERFERENCE AND/OR INTERWORKING WITH THE SOFTWARE * TO WHICH THE CONTRIBUTION HAS BEEN MADE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL ALCATEL-LUCENT (...) BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABLITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRIBUTION * OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE CONTRIBUTION, * WHETHER TOGETHER WITH THE SOFTWARE TO WHICH THE CONTRIBUTION RELATES OR ON A STAND ALONE BASIS. */ boolean fire = false; //removeActivity synchronizes on this, we need to lock this //before we lock the activity to avoid deadlock synchronized ( this ) { synchronized(a) { if ( a.isScheduled() ) { // attempt to remove this activity, if the remove fails, // this activity is not currently scheduled with the manager _removeActivity(a); fire = true; } a.setRunning(false); } } if ( fire ) a.fireActivityCancelled(); } /** * Removes an Activity from this manager, called by an * Activity when it finishes or is cancelled. Application * code should not call this method! Instead, use * Activity.cancel() to stop a sheduled or running Activity. * @param a * @return true if the activity was found and removed, false * if the activity is not scheduled with this manager. */ private boolean _removeActivity(Activity a) { boolean r; synchronized ( this ) { r = m_activities.remove(a); if ( r ) { if ( m_activities.size() == 0 ) { m_nextTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } } if ( r ) { a.setScheduled(false); } return r; } /** * Returns the number of scheduled activities * @return the number of scheduled activities */ private synchronized int _activityCount() { return m_activities.size(); } /** * Sets the running flag for the ActivityManager instance. */ private synchronized void _setRunning(boolean b) { m_run = b; } /** * Used by the activity loop to determine if the ActivityManager * thread should keep running or exit. */ private synchronized boolean _keepRunning() { return m_run; } /** * Main scheduling thread loop. This is automatically started upon * initialization of the ActivityManager. */ public void run() { _setRunning(true); while ( _keepRunning() ) { if ( _activityCount() > 0 ) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long t = -1; synchronized (this) { // copy content of activities, as new activities might // be added while we process the current ones for ( int i=0; i<m_activities.size(); i++ ) { Activity a = (Activity)m_activities.get(i); m_tmp.add(a); // remove activities that won't be run again if ( currentTime >= a.getStopTime() ) { m_activities.remove(i--); a.setScheduled(false); } } // if no activities left, reflect that in the next time if ( m_activities.size() == 0 ) { m_nextTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } for ( int i=0; i<m_tmp.size(); i++ ) { // run the activity - the activity will check for // itself if it should perform any action or not Activity a = (Activity)m_tmp.get(i); long s = a.runActivity(currentTime); // compute minimum time for next activity cycle t = (s<0 ? t : t<0 ? s : Math.min(t,s)); } // clear the temporary list m_tmp.clear(); if ( t == -1 ) continue; // determine the next time we should run try { synchronized (this) { wait(t); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } else { // nothing to do, chill out until notified try { synchronized (this) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } public class ScheduleAfterActivity extends ActivityAdapter { Activity after; boolean remove; public ScheduleAfterActivity(Activity after, boolean remove) { this.after = after; this.remove = remove; } public void activityFinished(Activity a) { if ( remove ) a.removeActivityListener(this); scheduleNow(after); } public void activityCancelled(Activity a) { if ( remove ) a.removeActivityListener(this); } } // end of inner class ScheduleAfterActivity } // end of class ActivityManager