package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel; import prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel; /** * Supports an ordered range of arbitrary objects. Designed to support * range-based dynamic queries over ordered, but not necessarily numerical, * data. * @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a> */ public class ObjectRangeModel extends DefaultBoundedRangeModel implements ValuedRangeModel { private Object[] m_objects; private Map m_ordinal; /** * Create a new ObjectRangeModel with the given objects. The objects are * assumed to sorted in ascending order. * @param objects the members of this ObjectRangeModel, sorted in ascending * order. */ public ObjectRangeModel(Object[] objects) { setValueRange(objects); } /** * Sets the range model to the given objects. The objects are * assumed to sorted in ascending order. * @param objects the members of this ObjectRangeModel, sorted in ascending * order. */ public void setValueRange(Object[] objects) { if ( m_objects != null && objects.length == m_objects.length ) { boolean equal = true; for ( int i=0; i<objects.length; ++i ) { if ( objects[i] != m_objects[i] ) { equal = false; break; } } if ( equal ) return; // early exit, model hasn't changed } // build a new object array m_objects = new Object[objects.length]; System.arraycopy(objects, 0, m_objects, 0, objects.length); // build the object->index map if ( m_ordinal == null ) { m_ordinal = new HashMap(); } else { m_ordinal.clear(); } for ( int i=0; i<objects.length; ++i ) { m_ordinal.put(objects[i], new Integer(i)); } setRangeProperties(0, objects.length-1, 0, objects.length-1, false); } /** * Return the Object at the given index. * @param i the index of the Object * @return return the requested Object. */ public Object getObject(int i) { return m_objects[i]; } /** * Return the index for a given Object, indicating its order in the range. * @param o the Object to lookup. * @return the index of the Object in the range model, -1 if the Object is * not found in the model. */ public int getIndex(Object o) { Integer idx = (Integer)m_ordinal.get(o); return (idx==null ? -1 : idx.intValue()); } /** * @see prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel#getMinValue() */ public Object getMinValue() { return m_objects[getMinimum()]; } /** * @see prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel#getMaxValue() */ public Object getMaxValue() { return m_objects[getMaximum()]; } /** * @see prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel#getLowValue() */ public Object getLowValue() { return m_objects[getValue()]; } /** * @see prefuse.util.ui.ValuedRangeModel#getHighValue() */ public Object getHighValue() { return m_objects[getValue()+getExtent()]; } } // end of class ObjectRangeModel