package TaiGameCore; import; import; import BulletGame$1.BulletGame$1Engine$ABasicEngine.Shader1VertShader; /** * ATTRIBUTE 2 IS RESERVED FOR AN INCREASING SHORT (0 to n) FOR ALL GEOMETRY. */ public class TaiVBO { private int MAXVERTICES = 32*1024; private class Attrib { private int myIndex; private int DataType; private Object[] codeIds = new Object[4]; private int numUsed = 0; private boolean isModified = false; private int myBuffer = -1; public Attrib(int i) { myIndex = i; } private float[] bufferF; private short[] bufferS; private int FORMATSIZE = -1; public void setData(int r, Object object) { if (FORMATSIZE==-1){ //Time to init this sucker. if (DataType==GL.GL_FLOAT){ FORMATSIZE = 4; bufferF = new float[MAXVERTICES*FORMATSIZE]; } else if (DataType==GL.GL_SHORT){ FORMATSIZE = 2; bufferS = new short[MAXVERTICES*FORMATSIZE]; } else { throw new Error(); } } int offset = queuedVertices * numUsed + r; if (DataType==GL.GL_FLOAT){ bufferF[offset]=(Float)object; } else if (DataType == GL.GL_SHORT){ bufferS[offset]=(Short)object; } else { throw new Error(); } isModified = true; } } private Attrib[] attribs; private int queuedVertices; public void reset(){ queuedVertices = 0; } private GL2 gl; public TaiVBO(GL2 gl){ = gl; attribs = new Attrib[8]; for(int k = 0; k < attribs.length; k++){ attribs[k] = new Attrib(k); } registerAttrib("CORNER_COUNT", GL.GL_SHORT, 2, 0); } public float[] CurrentColor = new float[3]; public void drawQueuedElements(){ gl.glColor3f(CurrentColor[0], CurrentColor[1], CurrentColor[2]); gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_QUADS); /* for(int k = 0; k < queuedVertices; k++){ for(Attrib c : attribs){ if (c.isModified){ //System.out.println(c.myIndex+" "+c.numUsed); if (c.DataType==GL.GL_FLOAT){ if (c.numUsed==2){ gl.glVertexAttrib2fARB(c.myIndex, c.bufferF[k*2],c.bufferF[k*2+1]); } else { gl.glVertexAttrib4fARB(c.myIndex, c.bufferF[k*4],c.bufferF[k*4+1], c.bufferF[k*4+2],c.bufferF[k*4+3]); } } else { gl.glVertexAttrib1sARB(c.myIndex,c.bufferS[k]); } } } gl.glVertexAttrib1fARB(0,0); } */ for(int k = 0; k < queuedVertices; k++){ /* Center_X("Center_X", GL.GL_FLOAT, 3, 0), // Center_Y("Center_Y", GL.GL_FLOAT, 3, 1), // RectWidth("RectWidth", GL.GL_FLOAT, 4, 0), // TODO // nonsquare RectHeight("RectHeight", GL.GL_FLOAT, 4, 1), // Rotation("Rotation", GL.GL_FLOAT, 3, 3), // X_TexOffset("X_TexOffset", GL.GL_FLOAT, 5, 0), // Y_TexOffset("Y_TexOffset", GL.GL_FLOAT, 5, 1), // TexScaleX("TexScaleX", GL.GL_FLOAT, 5, 2), // TexScaleY("TexScaleY", GL.GL_FLOAT, 5, 3), // */ short[] data2 = attribs[2].bufferS; float[] data3 = attribs[3].bufferF; float[] data4 = attribs[4].bufferF; float[] data5 = attribs[5].bufferF; int corner = data2[k]; float cornerX = -.5f; float cornerY = -.5f; if (corner == 2 || corner == 3){ cornerX = .5f; } if (corner == 3 || corner == 4){ cornerY = .5f; } float xtexoffset = data5[k*4+0]; float ytexoffset = data5[k*4+1]; float xtexscl = data5[k*4+2]; float ytexscl = data5[k*4+3]; gl.glTexCoord2f(xtexoffset+(xtexscl)*(cornerX + .5f), ytexoffset+(ytexscl)*(cornerY + .5f)); float xoff = data3[k*4+0]; float yoff = data3[k*4+1]; float rotation = data3[k*4+3]; float xscl = data4[k*2+0]; float yscl = data4[k*2+1]; gl.glVertex3f( xoff + xscl * cornerX, yoff + yscl * cornerY, 0); } gl.glEnd(); return; } public void addNgon(int numTimes, Object ... data){ short corner = 0; for(int Time = 0; Time < numTimes; Time++){ for(Attrib c : attribs){ for(int r = 0; r < c.numUsed; r++){ for(int k = 0; k < data.length; k+=2){ Object codeId = data[k]; if (c.codeIds[r]==codeId){ c.setData(r,data[k+1]); } } } } corner++; attribs[2].setData(0, corner); queuedVertices++; } } /** * Are either floats or shorts. */ public void registerAttrib(Object CodeID, int DataType, int attribNumber, int index){ if (attribNumber==0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attrib 0 is reserved for setting vertices."); } Attrib toUse = attribs[attribNumber]; toUse.DataType = DataType; toUse.codeIds[index]=CodeID; toUse.numUsed = Math.max(toUse.numUsed,index+1); } }