package TaiGameCore; import java.awt.Font; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PImage; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL; import ddf.minim.AudioPlayer; import ddf.minim.AudioSample; import ddf.minim.Minim; /** * Simple filesystem, to get my files. * @author Benjamin */ public class GameVirtualFS { private PApplet g; public GameVirtualFS(PApplet on) { g = on; } public String InputStreamTxtRead(InputStream is, String startAt) throws IOException { BufferedReader brv = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String vsrc = ""; String line; boolean inAppend = false; while ((line = brv.readLine()) != null) { if (startAt == null || line.startsWith(startAt)) inAppend = true; if (inAppend) vsrc += line + "\n"; } return vsrc; } /* * Opengl natives are at /data/glBin * * NOTE: native libraries can't be read inside of jars, so "class-resource" is useless. public static void fixOpenglNativePath(){ com.sun.gluegen.runtime.NativeLibLoader.disableLoading(); com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader.setLoadingAction(new LoaderAction(){ { //Force the gluegen to load... loadLibrary("gluegen-rt", null, false, false); } public void loadLibrary(String arg0, String[] arg1, boolean arg2, boolean arg3) { String dir = new File("").getAbsolutePath()+String.format("%1$sdata%1$sglBin%1$s",File.separator); dir+=System.mapLibraryName(arg0); System.out.println(dir); if (!new File(dir).exists()){ System.err.println("WARNING: no library "+dir); } else System.load(dir); } }); } */ /* public String getBaseCreatedFilesDirectory() { String userDir = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".bullethell1"; if (!new File(userDir).exists()) { new File(userDir).mkdirs(); } return userDir; } */ public String getBaseJarUrl() { String whole = GameVirtualFS.class.getResource("").toString(); int remove = 2; if (!whole.startsWith("jar")) { remove = 3; } for (int i = 0; i < remove; i++) whole = whole.substring(0, whole.lastIndexOf("/")); whole += "/"; //Ok, now we're at the base of THIS jar... but... if (whole.startsWith("jar")) { int the_1 = whole.lastIndexOf("_1"); whole = whole.substring(0, the_1 + 1) + "2" + whole.substring(the_1 + 2); } ; System.out.println(whole); return whole; } /** * For VLW fonts */ private HashMap<String, PFont> fonts = new HashMap(); public PFont getFont(String string) { PFont got = fonts.get(string); if (got != null) { return got; } try { URL srcU = getSrcUrlForString(string, getFontBase());//Get under the bulletGame$1package, then out of bin. //System.out.println(srcU); got = new PFont(srcU.openStream()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fonts.put(string, got); return got; } /** * To be overriden by other filesystems */ public String getFontBase() { return "embed/font/"; } /** * To be overriden by other filesystems */ public String getImgBase() { return "embed/imgs/"; } /** * To be overriden by other filesystems */ public String getSoundBase() { return "embed/sound/"; } public URL getSrcUrlForString(String string, String base) throws IOException { URL srcU = null; if (string.contains("http://") || string.contains("file://")) { srcU = new URL(string); } else { srcU = new URL(getBaseJarUrl() + base + string);//Get under the bulletGame$1package, then out of bin. } return srcU; } public PImage getImgFresh(final String string) { final PImage[] got = new PImage[1]; final boolean[] done = new boolean[1]; Thread made = new Thread() { public void run() { //System.out.println(srcU); try { URL srcU = getSrcUrlForString(string, getImgBase()); InputStream openStream = srcU.openStream(); openStream.close(); got[0] = g.loadImage(srcU.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { got[0] = null; //e.printStackTrace(); } done[0] = true; } }; made.start(); long now = System.nanoTime(); while (!done[0]) { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (System.nanoTime() - now > 3e9) { made.interrupt(); return null; } } return got[0]; } private HashMap<String, PImage> imgs = new HashMap(); public void set404Image(String d404Img) { this.d404Img = d404Img; } private String d404Img = null; public PImage getImg(String string) { PImage got = imgs.get(string); if (got != null) { if (got.getCache(got.parent.g) != null) { got.pixels = null; } return got; } got = getImgFresh(string); if (got == null && d404Img != null && !string.equals(d404Img)) { got = getImg(d404Img); //allow only one chance. When you leave a screen, it refreshes. } if (got != null) { imgs.put(string, got); ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).setUnmodifiablePImage(got); } return got; } public void memoryHack_UnmodifyPImage(PImage p) { ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).setUnmodifiablePImage(p); } /** private HashMap<String, TaiShaders> shaders = new HashMap(); * Should be called inside gl's draw action. public TaiShaders loadShader(String string, GL2 gl) { TaiShaders got = shaders.get(string); if (got != null) { return got; } String vertTxt = getStringResource("embed/gl/" + string + ".vert", "!!ARBvp1.0"); got = new TaiShaders(gl); got.initFromStrings(vertTxt); shaders.put(string, got); return got; } */ public String getStringResource(String string, String startAt) { String vertTxt = null; try { URL srcV = new URL(getBaseJarUrl() + string);//Get under the bulletGame$1package, then out of bin. vertTxt = InputStreamTxtRead(srcV.openStream(), startAt); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return vertTxt; } public AudioPlayer loadAudioFile(String string, Minim m) { try { URL srcU = getSrcUrlForString(string, getSoundBase()); return m.loadFile(srcU.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public AudioSample loadAudioSample(String string, Minim m) { try { URL srcU = getSrcUrlForString(string, getSoundBase()); return m.loadSample(srcU.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public void clearImages() { Set<Entry<String, PImage>> keySet = imgs.entrySet(); while (!keySet.isEmpty()) { Entry<String, PImage> toRem = keySet.iterator().next(); unloadResource(toRem.getValue(), toRem.getKey(), (PGraphicsOpenGL) toRem.getValue().parent.g); } } public int getVersion() { try { URL srcV = new URL(getBaseJarUrl() + "embed/version");//Get under the bulletGame$1package, then out of bin. String[] loadStrings = g.loadStrings(srcV.openStream()); return new Integer(loadStrings[0]); } catch (Throwable e) { //e.printStackTrace(); return -1; } } /** * To be used more later. */ public void unloadResource(Object res, String filename, PGraphicsOpenGL also) { if (res instanceof PFont) { PFont f = (PFont) res; for (PImage c : f.images) { c.removeCache(also); } fonts.remove(filename); } if (res instanceof PImage) { PImage g = (PImage) res; g.pixels = null; g.removeCache(also); imgs.remove(filename); } /* if (res instanceof TaiShaders) { TaiShaders resT = (TaiShaders) res; shaders.remove(filename); resT.cleanup(); } */ } private HashMap<String, AwtPfontLink> awtFonts = new HashMap(5); private class AwtPfontLink { public Font awtFont; public HashMap<Character, PFont> pFonts = new HashMap(1000); } //How to make it so that each pfont has > 1 character? oh well. /** * Uses createFont */ public PFont getPFontFor(String string, char c, int size) { String cacheName = string + "-size-" + size; AwtPfontLink got = awtFonts.get(cacheName); if (got == null) { Font fon = new Font(string, Font.PLAIN, size); got = new AwtPfontLink(); got.awtFont = fon; awtFonts.put(cacheName, got); } PFont gotFont = got.pFonts.get(c); if (gotFont == null) { gotFont = new PFont(got.awtFont, true, new char[] { c }); got.pFonts.put(c, gotFont); } return gotFont; } public void downloadFile(String string, URL url) throws IOException { File target = new File(string); if (target.exists()) { target.delete(); } target.createNewFile(); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream()); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(target)); byte[] read = new byte[1024]; int read2 = -1; while ((read2 = != -1) { bos.write(read, 0, read2); } bis.close(); bos.close(); } public boolean isOnline() { return getBaseJarUrl().contains("http:"); } public String getBaseCreatedFilesDirectory() { if (true) throw new RuntimeException(); return ""; } }