package BulletGame$1; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import javax.swing.JFrame; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; import processing.core.PImage; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL; import TaiGameCore.GameDataBase; import TaiGameCore.P5GLExtend; import TaiGameCore.PressActionThreshold; import TaiGameCore.PressTypeThreshold; import TaiGameCore.TaiImgMap; import TaiGameCore.TaiScriptEditor; import TaiGameCore.TaiScriptTxtInfo; import TaiGameCore.TaiVBO; public abstract class BulletGame$1Engine$L1$1$OpenglTextRenderer extends BulletGame$1Engine$ABasicEngine { public BulletGame$1Engine$L1$1$OpenglTextRenderer(JFrame holder, PApplet hold) { super(holder, hold); } public class EditorTextSheet extends KeyAdapter { private Rectangle2D.Float textR; public EditorTextSheet(Rectangle2D.Float usableSpace, int linesToShow) { this(usableSpace, linesToShow, true, true, true, 1024, 16); } public EditorTextSheet(Rectangle2D.Float usableSpace, int linesToShow, boolean b, boolean c, boolean d) { this(usableSpace, linesToShow, b, c, d, 1024, 16); } public EditorTextSheet(Rectangle2D.Float usableSpace, int linesToShow, boolean drawBG, boolean editable, boolean showsemicolon, int FontStorageSize, int numberOfGlyphsSqrt) { this.drawBG = drawBG; this.editable = editable; this.dontDrawSemicolons = !showsemicolon; // well. textR = usableSpace; tse = new TaiScriptEditor(""); this.linesToShow = this.linesToShow480 = linesToShow; renderedGlyphLocations = new ArrayList(); rowNoise = new float[linesToShow]; long myNoiseSeed = 109243; g.noiseSeed(myNoiseSeed); float noiseScale = 20; g.noiseDetail(10, .5f); for (int k = 0; k < rowNoise.length; k++) { rowNoise[k] = 50 * g.noise(k / 20f * noiseScale); } //Shader initialization GL2 gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).gl; FontGlyphStorage = new TaiImgMap(numberOfGlyphsSqrt * numberOfGlyphsSqrt, FontStorageSize); TextBuffer = new TaiVBO(gl); for (Shader1VertShader attrib : Shader1VertShader.values()) { TextBuffer.registerAttrib(attrib, attrib.Type, attrib.attribNum, attrib.attribOff); } } public void useTSE(TaiScriptEditor target) { this.tse = target; WindowLine = Math.max(0, Math.min(tse.CaretLine, tse.Editing.size() - linesToShow)); isTextModified = true; textWasModifiedThisFrame = true; } private PFont TextFont; public String defaultToFont = "SansSerif"; public int defaultToFontSize = 24; private boolean selectable = true; private float TXTSCL = 1.0f; private boolean editable = true; private boolean drawBG = true; private float RowHeight; private float LEFT_TXT_INDENT = .01f; private int linesToShow, linesToShow480; // Less may actually be "on screen". private float[] rowNoise; private boolean dontDrawSemicolons = false; private float GL_X = 0, GL_Y = 0; // UPDATE ON ALL TRANSLATIONS. private boolean cleanedUp = false; public void cleanup() { cleanedUp = true; // FontGlyphStorage.cleanup(); PImages are cleanedup via finalize. FontGlyphStorage.cleanup((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g); //Don't clean up the myShaders! Those are cached. FontGlyphStorage = null; TextBuffer = null; } public void finalize() { if (!cleanedUp) { throw new RuntimeException( "I was not cleaned up (EditTextScreeN)!!!" + " " + tse.Editing); } } TaiImgMap FontGlyphStorage; TaiVBO TextBuffer; public boolean hasMouseFocus = true; public float getRowHeight() { return (RowHeight=1.f / (linesToShow480 * g.height / 480f)); } public void draw() { RowHeight = getRowHeight(); linesToShow = (int) (1f / RowHeight); for (; renderedGlyphLocations.size() < linesToShow; ){ renderedGlyphLocations.add(new ArrayList()); } GL2 gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).gl; float textDistance = 4; // Sadly, my text renderer doesn't support // perspective yet. if (drawBG) { g.pushMatrix(); for (int k = WindowLine; k < WindowLine + linesToShow; k++) { float oldH = -textDistance;// sin(k/5f)*2-4; float newH = -textDistance * 1;// sin((k+1)/5f)*2-4; drawPaperBackgroundRow(k, oldH, newH); g.translate(0, RowHeight); } g.popMatrix(); } if (false) { // Show the text map. g.tint(255, 255, 255, 255); g.image(FontGlyphStorage.getCombinedImage(), 0, 0, 1, 1); } g.g.flush(); gl.glClear(GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); screen2D4GL(640, 480); GL_X = 0; GL_Y = 0; handleFrameModificationLogic(); int k = WindowLine; gl.glPushMatrix(); for (; k < WindowLine + linesToShow && k < tse.Editing.size(); k++) { float oldH = -textDistance;// sin(k/5f)*2-4; float newH = -textDistance * 1;// sin((k+1)/5f)*2-4; GL_X += LEFT_TXT_INDENT; // A little offset. textRow(k, oldH, newH, isTextModified, GL_X, GL_Y, 1); GL_X = 0; gl.glTranslatef(0, -GL_Y + (GL_Y += RowHeight), 0); } gl.glPopMatrix(); renderToGL(); screen2D(); if (arrowScroll != null) { float rh = Math.max(RowHeight, .11f); float arrowWidth = rh, arrowHeight = rh * 1.8f; boolean showScrollUpArrow = WindowLine > 0; boolean showScrollDownArrow = (tse.Editing.size() - WindowLine) * RowHeight > 1; if (showScrollUpArrow) { g.pushMatrix(); g.translate(1 - arrowWidth, arrowHeight); g.scale(1, -1); g.image(FILE_SYSTEM.getImg(arrowScroll), 0f, 0f, arrowWidth, arrowHeight); g.popMatrix(); } if (showScrollDownArrow) { g.pushMatrix(); g.translate(1 - arrowWidth, 1 - arrowHeight); g.image(FILE_SYSTEM.getImg(arrowScroll), 0f, 0f, arrowWidth, arrowHeight); g.popMatrix(); } } } /** * To be called once each frame, before rendering text. */ private void handleFrameModificationLogic() { // isTextModified |= g.mousePressed; isTextModified |= isResized; // The coordinates change. if (tse.CaretLine >= WindowLine + linesToShow) { isTextModified = true; // New perspectives! WindowLine = tse.CaretLine - (linesToShow - 1); } if (tse.CaretLine < WindowLine) { isTextModified = true;// New perspectives! WindowLine = tse.CaretLine; } if (isTextModified) { TextBuffer.reset(); } } /** * Pushes the text buffer to the screen. */ private void renderToGL(){ GL2 gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).gl; textWasModifiedThisFrame = isTextModified; isTextModified = false; //gl.glClear(GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // So, draw the TEXT on top of the other stuff: boolean oldVal = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).MAKE_MIPMAPS; ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).MAKE_MIPMAPS = false; (((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g)).bindTexture(FontGlyphStorage .getCombinedImage()); ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).MAKE_MIPMAPS = oldVal; // int id = // ((PGraphicsOpenGL.ImageCache)smiley.getCache(g.g)).tindex; gl.glEnable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); TextBuffer.CurrentColor[0] = / 255.f; TextBuffer.CurrentColor[1] = / 255.f; TextBuffer.CurrentColor[2] = / 255.f; TextBuffer.drawQueuedElements(); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } private float[] mouseLoc = new float[2]; public String arrowScroll = null; public void setArrowScrollGraphic(String arrow) { arrowScroll = arrow; } /** * Pooled float arrays for ngonAddition */ private float[] textRow0 = new float[4]; private float[] textRow1 = new float[4]; private float[] textRow2 = new float[4]; private float[] textRow3 = new float[4]; private float[] textRow4 = new float[4]; private float[] writeFloats(float[] arr, float... values) { for (int k = 0; k < values.length; k++) { arr[k] = values[k]; } return arr; } private void textRow(final int k, final float oldH, final float newH, final boolean addToShader, float GL_X, float GL_Y, float maxW) { mouseLoc[0] = (g.mouseX / (float) g.width - textR.x) / (float) textR.width; mouseLoc[1] = (g.mouseY / (float) g.height - textR.y) / (float) textR.height; long now = System.nanoTime(); float GL_X_0 = GL_X; GL2 gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g.g).gl; int bestIndex = -1; float[] highlightColor = new float[] { 31 / 255f, 79 / 255f, 179 / 255f }; if (addToShader) { // Clear location cache clearXcoordinates(k); } if (tse.Editing.size() <= k) return; int charIndex = 0; char lastChar = 0; for (char c : tse.Editing.get(k).toCharArray()) { boolean addToShaderTmp = addToShader; boolean lineEnd = false; boolean skipDraw = false; if (GL_X-GL_X_0 > maxW) { //Over. lineEnd = true; skipDraw = true; } if (tse.CaretLine == k && tse.CaretPosition == charIndex && selectable) { gl.glColor3f(255, 0, 0); gl.glBegin(gl.GL_LINES); gl.glVertex2f(0 + GL_X, 0); gl.glVertex2f(0 + GL_X, RowHeight); gl.glEnd(); } if (c == TaiScriptEditor.LINE_END_SUBCHAR) { c = ';'; lineEnd = true; //Alright, did this line end with {, or }? if (lastChar == '{' || lastChar == '}') { skipDraw = true; } if (dontDrawSemicolons) { skipDraw = true; } } float leftBound = GL_X; if (!skipDraw) { PFont TextFontTmp = TextFont; if (TextFontTmp == null) { /** * IF it can't find it, it returns a font that only * contains '?' **/ char lookup = c; if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { lookup = '!'; } TextFontTmp = FILE_SYSTEM.getPFontFor(defaultToFont, lookup, defaultToFontSize); } int index = -1; int multiplyLetterWidth = 1; if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { index = TextFontTmp.index('a'); addToShaderTmp = false; //Use the size of the letter 'a' if (c == '\t') { //Workaround for tab multiplyLetterWidth = 4; } } else { index = TextFontTmp.index(c); if (index == -1) { index = TextFontTmp.index('?'); } } if (index == -1) { index = 0; } float high = (float) TextFontTmp.height[index]; float bwidth = (float) TextFontTmp.width[index]; float lextent = (float) TextFontTmp.leftExtent[index]; float textent = (float) TextFontTmp.topExtent[index]; /** * Performance needs work. */ float baseLine = TextFontTmp.size + 1; float viewscl = g.width*textR.width/640f; float yscl = RowHeight * .8f / baseLine; float charW = .03f * TXTSCL / viewscl / baseLine; // System.out.println(charW); // System.out.println(xscl+" "+yscl); // Careful, charWToMove must aliased float charWToMove = (TextFontTmp.setWidth[index]) * charW; charWToMove = ((int) (charWToMove * currentViewPortWidth)) / (float) currentViewPortWidth * multiplyLetterWidth; if (selectable && tse.Selection.isInsideRegion(k, charIndex)) { // Single-character highlights are slow. if (tse.Selection.LineBegin == k || tse.Selection.LineEnd == k) { gl.glColor3f(highlightColor[0], highlightColor[1], highlightColor[2]); gl.glBegin(gl.GL_QUADS); gl.glVertex3f(0 + GL_X, 0, oldH); gl.glVertex3f(charWToMove + GL_X, 0, oldH); gl.glVertex3f(charWToMove + GL_X, RowHeight, newH); gl.glVertex3f(0 + GL_X, RowHeight, newH); gl.glEnd(); } } markXcoordinate(k, charIndex, GL_X); if (addToShaderTmp) { float charLeft = charW * (lextent); float charRight = charW * (lextent + bwidth); float dispHRatio = (baseLine - textent) * yscl; float bottomHRatio = dispHRatio + (high) * yscl; PImage img = TextFontTmp.images[index]; // Calculate the image positiosn float imgWidth = ((float) bwidth) / FontGlyphStorage.width; float imgHeight = ((float) high) / FontGlyphStorage.height; //PERFORMANCE! float[] position = textRow0; FontGlyphStorage.addImage(img, position); float[] toMapTo = writeFloats(textRow1, charLeft, dispHRatio, charRight, bottomHRatio); float[] center = writeFloats(textRow2, (toMapTo[0] + toMapTo[2]) / 2, (toMapTo[1] + toMapTo[3]) / 2); float[] sizes = writeFloats(textRow3, toMapTo[2] - toMapTo[0], toMapTo[3] - toMapTo[1]); // Texture info. float[] chunk = writeFloats(textRow4, position[0], position[1], imgWidth, imgHeight); //ADD! TextBuffer.addNgon(4, Shader1VertShader.Center_X, GL_X + center[0], Shader1VertShader.Center_Y, GL_Y + center[1], Shader1VertShader.RectWidth, sizes[0], Shader1VertShader.RectHeight, sizes[1], Shader1VertShader.Rotation, 0f, Shader1VertShader.X_TexOffset, chunk[0], Shader1VertShader.Y_TexOffset, chunk[1], Shader1VertShader.TexScaleX, chunk[2], Shader1VertShader.TexScaleY, chunk[3] // Shader1VertShader.tint, Txtcolor ); } GL_X += charWToMove; // Getting rid of matrix // operations in these // loops!!! // Next char: if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { lastChar = c; } } if (lineEnd) { // Fill in the lines. float offsetLeft = GL_X; if (!(tse.Selection.LineBegin == k || tse.Selection.LineEnd == k)) { // Fill in whole line. offsetLeft = LEFT_TXT_INDENT; } if (selectable && tse.Selection.isInsideRegion(k, charIndex)) { // Rest-of-line // highlight gl.glColor3f(highlightColor[0], highlightColor[1], highlightColor[2]); gl.glBegin(gl.GL_QUADS); gl.glVertex3f(0 + offsetLeft, 0, oldH); gl.glVertex3f(1 + offsetLeft, 0, oldH); // Just // very // very // long, // please. gl.glVertex3f(1 + offsetLeft, RowHeight, newH); gl.glVertex3f(0 + offsetLeft, RowHeight, newH); gl.glEnd(); } } float[] topBotBound = new float[] { GL_Y, GL_Y + RowHeight }; // Mouse over? if (mouseLoc[0] >= leftBound && mouseLoc[1] >= topBotBound[0] && mouseLoc[1] < topBotBound[1]) { // System.out.println(charIndex+" "+GL_Y+" "+GL_X+" "+Arrays.toString(mouseLoc)+" "+Arrays.toString(topBotBound)); bestIndex = charIndex; } charIndex++; } if (bestIndex != -1) { if (g.mousePressed && hasMouseFocus) { if (draggingSelection < 0) { if (truth(keyboard.get(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT))) { draggingSelection = 1; } else { tse.CaretLine = k; tse.CaretPosition = bestIndex; draggingSelection = 0.1; beginDraggingSelection = System.nanoTime(); tse.Selection = new TaiScriptTxtInfo(k, bestIndex, k, bestIndex); tse.Selection.TemporaryDisable = true; } } if (draggingSelection < 1) { draggingSelection = (System.nanoTime() - beginDraggingSelection) / 1e9 / .1; // So, // .1 // second } else { if (tse.Selection.TemporaryDisable) { if (k != tse.Selection.LineBegin || bestIndex != tse.Selection.CharBegin) { tse.Selection.TemporaryDisable = false; } } if (!tse.Selection.TemporaryDisable) { tse.CaretLine = k; tse.CaretPosition = bestIndex; //Very good, highlighting selection puts new cursor at new dragged edge of selection. tse.Selection = new TaiScriptTxtInfo(tse.Selection.LineBegin, tse.Selection.CharBegin, tse.CaretLine, tse.CaretPosition); } } } else { draggingSelection = -1; } } // System.out.println((System.nanoTime()-now)/1e9); } private long beginDraggingSelection; private double draggingSelection = -1; private void drawPaperBackgroundRow(int k, float oldH, float newH) { g.noStroke(); //push fillcolor int color = g.g.fillColor; g.fill(rowNoise[k % rowNoise.length]); g.beginShape(); g.vertex(0, 0, oldH); g.vertex(1, 0, oldH); g.vertex(1, RowHeight, newH); g.vertex(0, RowHeight, newH); g.endShape(); g.fill(color); } public boolean isTextModified = true; public boolean textWasModifiedThisFrame = true; public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (!editable && !selectable) { return; } if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) { arrowKeysText.release(); return; } if (e.getKeyChar() != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) { if (e.isControlDown()) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_C: tse.copy(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_X: if (!tse.Selection.isEmpty()) { tse.copy(); tse.backspace(); isTextModified = true; } break; case KeyEvent.VK_V: if (editable) { tse.paste(); isTextModified = true; } break; case KeyEvent.VK_A: tse.selectAll(); break; } } else if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED && editable) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE: tse.backspace(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: tse.line(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_TAB:; break; case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE: if (tse.Selection.TemporaryDisable) { int old1 = tse.CaretLine, old2 = tse.CaretPosition; tse.caretRight(); // If we actually moved if (old1 != tse.CaretLine || old2 != tse.CaretPosition) tse.backspace(); } else { tse.backspace(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL: break; case KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE: break; default: tse.insert(e.getKeyChar()); } isTextModified = true; } else { int beforeL = tse.CaretLine, beforeC = tse.CaretPosition; // May // not // be // used. switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_END: tse.CaretPosition = tse.Editing.get(tse.CaretLine) .length() - 1; break; case KeyEvent.VK_HOME: tse.CaretPosition = 0; break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: if (arrowKeysText.isTypeTime(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)) tse.caretLeft(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: if (arrowKeysText.isTypeTime(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)) tse.caretRight(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: if (arrowKeysText.isTypeTime(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)) tse.caretDown(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: if (arrowKeysText.isTypeTime(KeyEvent.VK_UP)) tse.caretUp(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN: if (arrowKeysText.isTypeTime(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN)) { for (int k = 0; k < linesToShow; k++) tse.caretDown(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP: if (arrowKeysText.isTypeTime(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP)) { for (int k = 0; k < linesToShow; k++) tse.caretUp(); } break; default: } // If we moved somewhere, affect selection. if (tse.CaretLine != beforeL || tse.CaretPosition != beforeC) { if (truth(keyboard.get(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT))) { if (tse.Selection.TemporaryDisable) { tse.Selection = new TaiScriptTxtInfo(beforeL, beforeC, beforeL, beforeC); } // Set the end of the selection to be the "new" // cursor. tse.Selection = new TaiScriptTxtInfo( tse.Selection.LineBegin, tse.Selection.CharBegin, tse.CaretLine, tse.CaretPosition); } else { singleWidthSelect(); } } } } else { } } /** * Sets the selection to be the empty selection, at the current * tse.CaretLine, tse.CaretPosition */ public void singleWidthSelect() { tse.Selection = new TaiScriptTxtInfo(tse.CaretLine, tse.CaretPosition, tse.CaretLine, tse.CaretPosition); tse.Selection.TemporaryDisable = true; } private PressTypeThreshold arrowKeysText = new PressTypeThreshold(.2, .03); private int WindowLine = 0; public int getLinesToShow() { return linesToShow; } public int getWindowLine() { return WindowLine; } public TaiScriptEditor tse; /** * 0 means unlimited. * * Restricts the number of lines to 'i' and the number of columns to 'j'. */ public void setTextRestrictions(int i, int j) { tse.sizeRestrictions(i, j); } public void setDisplaysLineEnd(boolean displayLineEnd) { dontDrawSemicolons = !displayLineEnd; } public String getRowText(int i) { //Hmm, should I not return the line end char? String value = tse.Editing.get(i); value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1); //LINE_END is a character return value; } private void markXcoordinate(int rowNumber, int glyphId, float value) { int k = rowNumber - WindowLine; while (glyphId >= renderedGlyphLocations.get(k).size()) { renderedGlyphLocations.get(k).add(0f); } renderedGlyphLocations.get(k).set(glyphId, value); } private void clearXcoordinates(int rowNumber) { int k = rowNumber - WindowLine; renderedGlyphLocations.get(k).clear(); } /** * Gets the x-coordinate of glypy <i>glyphId</i> of the text row * <i>rowNumber</i>. */ public float getXcoordinate(int rowNumber, int glyphId) { if (rowNumber < WindowLine || rowNumber >= WindowLine + linesToShow) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Text row " + rowNumber + " was not rendered this frame! call draw() first."); } if (glyphId < 0 || glyphId >= tse.Editing.get(rowNumber).length()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid glyphId: " + glyphId); } int k = rowNumber - WindowLine; if (glyphId >= renderedGlyphLocations.get(k).size()) { return 1; } return renderedGlyphLocations.get(k).get(glyphId); } private ArrayList<ArrayList<Float>> renderedGlyphLocations;// linesToShow public void setTextFont(PFont font) { TextFont = font; } public void scaleText(float scale) { TXTSCL = scale; } public void setSelectable(boolean b) { selectable = b; } } public class TaiTextBox { public EditorTextSheet ets; public EditorTextSheet getText() { return ets; } public Rectangle2D.Float area; public TaiTextBox(double x, double y, double w, double h, int numLines) { this(new Rectangle2D.Float((float) x, (float) y, (float) w, (float) h), numLines); } public TaiTextBox(Rectangle2D.Float area, int numLines) { this(area, numLines, false); } public TaiTextBox(Rectangle2D.Float area, int numLines, boolean editable) { this(area, numLines, editable, 256, 8); } public TaiTextBox(Rectangle2D.Float area, int numLines, boolean editable, int size, int numGlypsSqrt) { this.area = area; if (!editable) { ets = new EditorTextSheet(area, numLines, false, false, false, size, numGlypsSqrt); ets.setSelectable(false); } else { ets = new EditorTextSheet(area, numLines, false, true, false, size, numGlypsSqrt); ets.setSelectable(true); } ets.setArrowScrollGraphic(null); ets.setTextRestrictions(numLines, 0); addSubKeyListener(ets); this.editable = editable; postConstructor(); } public void setArea(Rectangle2D.Float area) { this.area = area; ets.textR = area; } private boolean editable; public boolean isEditable() { return editable; } public void postConstructor() { } public void useFont(PFont arcadeFont) { ets.setTextFont(arcadeFont); } private float txtScl = 1; public void setTextScale(float scl) { txtScl = scl; } private String lastString = ""; public void setText(String string) { if (lastString.equals(string)) { return; } //else lastString = string; ets.isTextModified = true; ets.tse.newFile(); ets.tse.insertText(string); } public void setTextRow(String row, int rowNum) { if (ets.getRowText(rowNum).equals(row)) { //Can't do equals; line ending char return; } //else ets.isTextModified = true; ets.tse.setLine(row, rowNum); } public void draw() { viewport(area.x, area.y, area.width, area.height); if (false) { outlineViewport(); } ets.scaleText(txtScl); ets.draw(); viewport(0, 0, 1, 1); } public void beginMultitext(){ ets.handleFrameModificationLogic(); } /** * Draws a single line of the text buffer to a given offset coordinate. * The area rectangle is effectively ignored in this rendering mode. * * This is useful because it conserves font resources by using a single text component * to render multiple, disconnected, text boxes. To achieve this, simply write each * individual component's text to different lines (with setTextRow), and then draw * each with drawTextRow. * * Call beginMultitext before rendering lines, and finish with endMultitext */ public void drawMultitextRow(int linenumber, float x, float y){ ets.scaleText(txtScl); ets.textRow(linenumber, 0, 0, ets.isTextModified, x, y, 1); } public void endMultitext (){ ets.renderToGL(); } public void cleanup() { ets.cleanup(); removeSubKeyListener(ets); } public float getRowHeight() { return ets.getRowHeight(); } } public class SaveGameDialog extends ModalDialog { public SaveGameDialog(BulletGameScreen parent, final Runnable doAfter, GameDataBase saveObj, String arrowToShow) { super(parent, new ModalDialogCallback<SaveGameDialog>() { public void dialogFinished(SaveGameDialog self) { self.cleanup();; } }); hash = saveObj.hashToString(); StringBuffer neoHash = new StringBuffer(); int count = 0; for (char k : hash.toCharArray()) { neoHash.append(k); if (count++ % 48 == 47) { neoHash.append("\n"); } } hash = neoHash.toString(); //Certain number of area = new Rectangle2D.Float(.1f, .05f, .8f, .8f); innerArea = new Rectangle2D.Float(0f, .2f, 1f, .79f); scaleRect(innerArea, area); ets = new TaiTextBox(innerArea, 24); ets.setTextScale(.6f); ets.ets.setSelectable(true); ets.ets.setTextRestrictions(0, 0); ets.setText(hash); ets.ets.setArrowScrollGraphic(arrowToShow); ets.ets.tse.selectAll(); Rectangle2D.Float topArea = new Rectangle2D.Float(0f, 0f, 1f, .2f); scaleRect(topArea, area); display = new TaiTextBox(topArea, 3); display.setText("Your save game is below. Copy it to your clipboard \n(make sure you select all of it, try CTRL+A), \n and press ESCAPE to return."); } public void cleanup() { display.cleanup(); ets.cleanup(); } private Rectangle2D.Float area; private Rectangle2D.Float innerArea; private String hash; private TaiTextBox ets; private TaiTextBox display; public boolean drawDialog() { viewport(area); g.fill(0); g.rect(0, 0, 1, 1); g.fill(255); display.draw(); ets.draw(); return false; } } /** * Maps a rectangle (0,0,- 1, 1) onto another. * TexPlace is (first parameter) adjusted */ public void scaleRect(Rectangle2D.Float texPlace, Rectangle2D.Float dialogPlace) { texPlace.x = dialogPlace.width * texPlace.x + dialogPlace.x; texPlace.y = dialogPlace.height * texPlace.y + dialogPlace.y; texPlace.width *= dialogPlace.width; texPlace.height *= dialogPlace.height; } /** * UnMaps a rectangle (0,0,- 1, 1) onto another. * TexPlace is (first parameter) adjusted */ public void unScaleRect(Rectangle2D.Float texPlace, Rectangle2D.Float dialogPlace) { texPlace.x = (texPlace.x - dialogPlace.x) / dialogPlace.width; texPlace.y = (texPlace.y - dialogPlace.y) / dialogPlace.height; texPlace.width /= dialogPlace.width; texPlace.height /= dialogPlace.height; } public static class MouseChecker { public MouseChecker(P5GLExtend g){ this.g2 = g; } private boolean isInvalidPress; private P5GLExtend g2; public Point2D.Float getMouse(){ return new Point2D.Float(g2.g.mouseX / (float) g2.currentViewPortWidth, g2.g.mouseY / (float) g2.currentViewPortHeight); } private PressActionThreshold pat = new PressActionThreshold(.3f,20f); public boolean hovers(Rectangle2D.Float r){ PApplet g = g2.g; float moX = g.mouseX / (float) g2.currentViewPortWidth; float moY = g.mouseY / (float) g2.currentViewPortHeight; Point2D.Float mo = new Point2D.Float(moX, moY); return r.contains(mo); } public boolean mouseChecker(Rectangle2D.Float r){ PApplet g = g2.g; if (g.mousePressed){ if (hovers(r) && pat.isActionTime(true)){ if (isInvalidPress){ return false; } return true; } else { isInvalidPress = true; } } else { pat.isActionTime(false); isInvalidPress = false; } return false; } } }