package org.objectstyle.wolips.templateeditor; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.FuzzyXMLDocument; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.FuzzyXMLElement; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.FuzzyXMLNode; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.FuzzyXMLParser; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.FuzzyXMLText; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.RenderContext; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModelEvent; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelListener; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelListenerExtension; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionAnnotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionAnnotationModel; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser; import org.eclipse.swt.browser.StatusTextEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.browser.StatusTextListener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.ui.part.Page; import org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.IContentOutlinePage; import org.objectstyle.wolips.bindings.wod.IWodBinding; import org.objectstyle.wolips.bindings.wod.IWodElement; import org.objectstyle.wolips.variables.BuildProperties; import org.objectstyle.wolips.wodclipse.core.completion.WodParserCache; import org.objectstyle.wolips.wodclipse.core.util.WodHtmlUtils; import tk.eclipse.plugin.htmleditor.HTMLPlugin; import tk.eclipse.plugin.htmleditor.editors.IHTMLOutlinePage; /** * An implementaion of IContentOutlinePage for the HTML editor. * This shows the outline of HTML document. */ public class TemplateOutlinePage extends Page implements IContentOutlinePage, IHTMLOutlinePage, StatusTextListener, IAnnotationModelListener, IAnnotationModelListenerExtension { private static final String COMPACT_VIEW_PREFERENCE_KEY = "org.objectstyle.wolips.templateEditor.compactView"; private static final String COLLAPSE_STRING = "–"; private static final String EXPAND_STRING = "+"; private TemplateSourceEditor _editor; private FuzzyXMLDocument _doc; private Browser _browser; private int _counter; private Map<String, FuzzyXMLNode> _idToNodeMap; private Map<FuzzyXMLNode, String> _nodeToIDMap; private List<ISelectionChangedListener> _selectionChangedListeners; private ISelection _selection; private Set<String> _collapsedIDs; private boolean _compactView; private int _lastPageOffset; public TemplateOutlinePage(TemplateSourceEditor editor) { _editor = editor; _selectionChangedListeners = new LinkedList<ISelectionChangedListener>(); _collapsedIDs = new HashSet<String>(); _compactView = HTMLPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(HTMLPlugin.PREF_TEMPLATE_COMPACT_VIEW); } public FuzzyXMLDocument getDoc() { return _doc; } @Override public void createControl(Composite parent) { try { _browser = new Browser(parent, SWT.NONE); _browser.addStatusTextListener(this); } catch (Throwable t) { HTMLPlugin.logException(t); } update(); } protected boolean isHTML() { return true; } protected FuzzyXMLParser createParser(IProject project) { BuildProperties buildProperties = (BuildProperties)project.getAdapter(BuildProperties.class); FuzzyXMLParser parser = new FuzzyXMLParser(buildProperties != null ? buildProperties.isWellFormedTemplateRequired() : false, isHTML()); return parser; } @Override public Control getControl() { return _browser; } @Override public void setFocus() { // MS: This might be a little bit weird on the interaction side. We refresh // the view when it gets focus, to prevent you from clicking on something that // is now out of date. if (_editor.isDirty()) { update(); } if (_browser != null) { _browser.setFocus(); } } /** * The protocol that we use to communicate between the Browser preview component * and TBLips is via the Browser status text. Changing status text in Javascript * fires an SWT event of the form 'command:target' that we parse on the Java side * to determine what action the user performed inside the Browser. This method * handles each of the corresponding event types. * * @param event the status text event */ public void changed(StatusTextEvent event) { String text = event.text; int colonIndex = text.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex == -1) { //wodeditor active + hit command+s return; } String command = text.substring(0, colonIndex); String target = text.substring(colonIndex + 1); if ("select".equals(command)) { outlineNodeSelected(target); } else if ("expand".equals(command)) { outlineNodeExpanded(target); } else if ("collapse".equals(command)) { outlineNodeCollapsed(target); } else if ("toggleCompact".equals(command)) { _compactView = !_compactView; HTMLPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().setValue(HTMLPlugin.PREF_TEMPLATE_COMPACT_VIEW, _compactView); } else if ("pageYOffset".equals(command)) { try { _lastPageOffset = Integer.parseInt(target); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); _lastPageOffset = 0; } } } /** * Called when the user collapses an outline node * * @param target the id of the target node */ public void outlineNodeCollapsed(String target) { if (!_collapsedIDs.contains(target)) { _collapsedIDs.add(target); FuzzyXMLNode selectedNode = _idToNodeMap.get(target); ProjectionAnnotationModel model = ((ProjectionViewer) _editor.getViewer()).getProjectionAnnotationModel(); ProjectionAnnotation lastAnnotation = getAnnotationForNode(selectedNode, model); if (lastAnnotation != null) { model.collapse(lastAnnotation); } } } /** * Called when the user expands an outline node * * @param target the id of the target node */ public void outlineNodeExpanded(String target) { if (_collapsedIDs.contains(target)) { _collapsedIDs.remove(target); FuzzyXMLNode selectedNode = _idToNodeMap.get(target); ProjectionAnnotationModel model = ((ProjectionViewer) _editor.getViewer()).getProjectionAnnotationModel(); ProjectionAnnotation lastAnnotation = getAnnotationForNode(selectedNode, model); if (lastAnnotation != null) { model.expand(lastAnnotation); } } } /** * Called when the user clicks on an outline node. * * @param target the id of the target node */ public void outlineNodeSelected(String target) { FuzzyXMLNode selectedNode = _idToNodeMap.get(target); _selection = new StructuredSelection(selectedNode); SelectionChangedEvent selectionChangedEvent = new SelectionChangedEvent(this, _selection); for (ISelectionChangedListener listener : _selectionChangedListeners) { listener.selectionChanged(selectionChangedEvent); } _editor.selectAndReveal(selectedNode.getOffset(), selectedNode.getLength()); _editor.getViewer().getTextWidget().setFocus(); } /** * Returns the annotation whose position is equal the given node's offset. * * @param node the node to lookup annotations for * @param model the annotation model * @return the matching annotation (or null if not found) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected ProjectionAnnotation getAnnotationForNode(FuzzyXMLNode node, ProjectionAnnotationModel model) { ProjectionAnnotation matchingAnnotation = null; if (model != null) { int index = node.getOffset(); Iterator<ProjectionAnnotation> annotationsIter = model.getAnnotationIterator(); while (annotationsIter.hasNext()) { ProjectionAnnotation annotation =; if (model.getPosition(annotation).getOffset() == index) { matchingAnnotation = annotation; } } } return matchingAnnotation; } /** * Called when the projection annotation model changes. This allows * us to sync expanding/collapsing of editor folding with expanding/collapsing * of the outline view. * * @param event the event */ public void modelChanged(AnnotationModelEvent event) { if (_browser != null) { IAnnotationModel model = event.getAnnotationModel(); Annotation[] annotations = event.getChangedAnnotations(); if (annotations != null) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof ProjectionAnnotation) { ProjectionAnnotation projectionAnnotation = (ProjectionAnnotation) annotation; Position annotationPosition = model.getPosition(annotation); FuzzyXMLNode node = _doc.getElementByOffset(annotationPosition.getOffset()); String nodeID = _nodeToIDMap.get(node); if (nodeID != null) { if (projectionAnnotation.isCollapsed()) { _browser.execute("collapse('" + nodeID + "');"); } else { _browser.execute("expand('" + nodeID + "');"); } _browser.execute("window.scrollTo(getPageXOffset(), getPageYOffset());"); } } } } } } public void modelChanged(IAnnotationModel model) { // DO NOTHING } public void addSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener listener) { _selectionChangedListeners.add(listener); } public ISelection getSelection() { return _selection; } public void removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener listener) { _selectionChangedListeners.remove(listener); } public void setSelection(ISelection selection) { // System.out.println("TemplateOutlinePage.setSelection: " + selection); } @Override public void dispose() { _nodeToIDMap.clear(); _idToNodeMap.clear(); _collapsedIDs.clear(); _selectionChangedListeners.clear(); super.dispose(); } /** * Called when the document changes. */ public void update() { if (getControl() == null || getControl().isDisposed()) { return; } ProjectionAnnotationModel model = ((ProjectionViewer) _editor.getViewer()).getProjectionAnnotationModel(); model.removeAnnotationModelListener(this); model.addAnnotationModelListener(this); try { _doc = createParser(_editor.getParserCache().getProject()).parse(_editor.getHTMLSource()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } _counter = 0; _idToNodeMap = new HashMap<String, FuzzyXMLNode>(); _nodeToIDMap = new HashMap<FuzzyXMLNode, String>(); try { WodParserCache cache = _editor.getParserCache(); RenderContext renderContext = new RenderContext(true); FuzzyXMLElement documentElement = _doc.getDocumentElement(); StringBuffer documentContentsBuffer = new StringBuffer(); renderHeader(documentContentsBuffer); renderElement(documentElement, renderContext, documentContentsBuffer, cache); renderFooter(documentContentsBuffer); if (_browser != null) { _browser.execute("updatePageYOffset()"); } if (_lastPageOffset > 0) { documentContentsBuffer.append("<script>window.scrollTo(100, " + _lastPageOffset + ");</script>"); } String documentContents = documentContentsBuffer.toString(); boolean debug = false; if (debug) { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("/tmp/TemplateOutlinePage-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".html"); try { fw.write(documentContents); } finally { fw.close(); } } if (_browser != null) { boolean rendered = _browser.setText(documentContents); if (!rendered) { HTMLPlugin.logError("Can't create preview of component HTML."); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Renders the page header and embedded CSS. * * @param renderBuffer the render buffer */ protected void renderHeader(StringBuffer renderBuffer) { renderBuffer.append("<html>\n"); renderBuffer.append("<head>\n"); renderBuffer.append("<style>\n"); renderBuffer.append("body { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; margin: 5px; margin-top: 2px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("a { text-decoration: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.viewControls { right: 8px; margin: 0px; margin-bottom: 2px; text-align: right; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.viewControls a { color: rgb(0, 0, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.elements { margin-top: 0px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element { overflow: hidden; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(230, 230, 230); border-right: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary { cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240); padding: 3px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(230, 230, 230); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.empty div.summary { border-bottom: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary:hover { background-color: rgb(220, 220, 220); border-color: rgb(210, 210, 210); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.expandcollapse { cursor: pointer; float: right; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); width: 10px; border: 1px solid rgb(230, 230, 230); border-top: none; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; text-align: center; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.expandcollapse:hover { font-weight: bold; border-width: 2px; border-right-width: 1px; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.expandcollapse:active { font-weight: bold; border-width: 2px; border-right-width: 1px; background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.contents { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo { border-color: rgb(200, 200, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo > div.summary { background-color: rgb(240, 240, 255); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.empty > div.summary { border-bottom: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo > div.summary:hover { background-color: rgb(210, 210, 255); border-color: rgb(210, 210, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo > div.summary div.title span.type { font-weight: normal; font-size: 0.80em; color: rgb(150, 150, 150); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo > div.expandcollapse { border-color: rgb(200, 200, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo > div.expandcollapse:hover { background-color: rgb(245, 245, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo > div.expandcollapse:active { background-color: rgb(200, 200, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo > div.contents { background-color: rgb(250, 250, 255); border-color: rgb(200, 200, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary div.title { font-weight: bold; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary div.title.nonwo { color: rgb(180, 180, 180); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary div.title.missing { font-style: italic; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary div.title.nonwo span.idName { font-weight: bold; color: rgb(180, 180, 180); padding-left: 10px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary div.title.nonwo span.className { font-weight: bold; color: rgb(180, 180, 180); padding-left: 10px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary table.bindings { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary table.bindings th { text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(220, 0, 0); padding-right: 3px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary table.bindings td.literal { color: rgb(0, 0, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary table.bindings td.ognl { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element div.summary table.bindings td.keypath { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.text { display: inline; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("span.negate { font-weight: bold; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString.simple { display: inline; border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString.simple div.summary { display: inline; border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 255); border: none; background-color: transparent; padding: 0px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString.simple div.summary div.title { display: inline; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString.simple div.text.literal { color: rgb(0, 0, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString.simple div.text.ognl { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString.simple div.text.keypath { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString div.summary { background-color: rgb(240, 240, 255); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString div.summary:hover { background-color: rgb(240, 240, 255); border-color: rgb(170, 225, 170); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString div.contents { background-color: rgb(250, 255, 250); border-color: rgb(200, 255, 200); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBString:hover div.contents { display: block; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple { display: inline; border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple div.summary { display: inline; border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 255); border: none; background-color: transparent; padding: 0px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple div.summary div.title { display: inline; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple div.text.literal { color: rgb(0, 0, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple div.text.ognl { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple div.text.keypath { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional { border-color: rgb(190, 250, 190); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.summary { background-color: rgb(230, 250, 230); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.summary:hover { background-color: rgb(200, 250, 200); border-color: rgb(200, 255, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.expandcollapse { border-color: rgb(200, 255, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.expandcollapse:hover { background-color: rgb(245, 255, 245); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.expandcollapse:active { background-color: rgb(200, 255, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.contents { background-color: rgb(250, 255, 250); border-color: rgb(190, 250, 190); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.summary div.title span.type { display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.summary table.bindings th { text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(220, 0, 0); padding-right: 3px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.summary table.bindings td.literal { color: rgb(0, 0, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.summary table.bindings td.ognl { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBConditional > div.summary table.bindings td.keypath { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse { border-color: rgb(190, 250, 190); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.summary { background-color: rgb(230, 250, 230); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.summary:hover { background-color: rgb(200, 250, 200); border-color: rgb(200, 255, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.expandcollapse { border-color: rgb(200, 255, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.expandcollapse:hover { background-color: rgb(245, 255, 245); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.expandcollapse:active { background-color: rgb(200, 255, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.contents { background-color: rgb(250, 255, 250); border-color: rgb(190, 250, 190); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.summary div.title span.type { display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.summary table.bindings th { text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(220, 0, 0); padding-right: 3px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.summary table.bindings td.literal { color: rgb(0, 0, 200); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.summary table.bindings td.ognl { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.TBElse > div.summary table.bindings td.keypath { color: rgb(180, 0, 0); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition { border-color: rgb(255, 200, 200); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.summary { background-color: rgb(255, 230, 230); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.summary:hover { background-color: rgb(255, 210, 210); border-color: rgb(255, 200, 200); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.expandcollapse { border-color: rgb(255, 200, 200); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.expandcollapse:hover { background-color: rgb(255, 250, 250); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.expandcollapse:active { background-color: rgb(255, 200, 200); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.contents { background-color: rgb(255, 250, 250); border-color: rgb(255, 200, 200); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.summary div.title span.type { display: none; }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.summary table.bindings th { color: rgb(220, 0, 0); }\n"); // renderBuffer.append("div.element.wo.WORepetition div.summary table.bindings td { color: rgb(150, 0, 0); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.verbose div.element div.summary div.title span.nodeName.verbose { display: block; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.verbose div.element div.summary div.title span.nodeName.compact { display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact { font-size: 7.5pt; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 3px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.expandcollapse { width: 5px; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.expandcollapse:hover { border-width: 1px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.summary { padding: 1px; padding-left: 2px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.summary table.bindings { display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.summary div.title { font-weight: normal; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.summary div.title span.nodeName.verbose { display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.summary div.title span.nodeName.compact { display: block; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.summary div.title span.type { display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element div.contents { padding-left: 8px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBString { display: inline; border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBString div.summary { display: inline; border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBString div.summary div.title { display: inline; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBString.simple { border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBString.simple div.summary { border: none; background-color: transparent; padding: 0px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBString.simple div.summary div.title { display: inline; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString { display: inline; border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString div.summary { display: inline; border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 255); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString div.summary div.title { display: inline; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple { border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple div.summary { border: none; background-color: transparent; padding: 0px; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body.compact div.element.wo.TBWLocalizedString.simple div.summary div.title { display: inline; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body div.element.document { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body div.element.document > div.summary { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body div.element.document > div.expandcollapse { display: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("body div.element.document > div.contents { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("</style>\n"); renderBuffer.append("<script>\n"); renderBuffer.append("function expandCollapse(id) { if ('none' == document.getElementById(id + '_contents').style.display) { expand(id); } else { collapse(id); } }\n"); renderBuffer.append("function expand(id) { document.getElementById(id + '_contents').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById(id + '_toggle').innerHTML = '" + TemplateOutlinePage.COLLAPSE_STRING + "'; window.status = 'expand:' + id; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("function collapse(id) { document.getElementById(id + '_contents').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById(id + '_toggle').innerHTML = '" + TemplateOutlinePage.EXPAND_STRING + "'; window.status = 'collapse:' + id; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("function toggleCompact() { if ('compact' == document.getElementById('outline').className) { document.getElementById('outline').className = 'verbose'; } else { document.getElementById('outline').className = 'compact'; } window.status = 'toggleCompact:'; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("function getPageYOffset() { var scrollY; if (document.all) { if (!document.documentElement.scrollTop) { scrollY = document.body.scrollTop; } else { scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } else { scrollY = window.pageYOffset; } return scrollY; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("function getPageXOffset() { var scrollX; if (document.all) { if (!document.documentElement.scrollLeft) { scrollX = document.body.scrollLeft; } else { scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } } else { scrollX = window.pageXOffset; } return scrollX; }\n"); renderBuffer.append("function updatePageYOffset() { window.status = 'pageYOffset:' + getPageYOffset(); }\n"); renderBuffer.append("</script>\n"); renderBuffer.append("</head>\n"); if (_compactView) { renderBuffer.append("<body id = \"outline\" class = \"compact\">\n"); } else { renderBuffer.append("<body id = \"outline\" class = \"verbose\">\n"); } renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"viewControls\"><a href = \"javascript:void(0)\" onclick = \"toggleCompact()\">toggle compact view</a></div>\n"); renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"elements\">\n"); } /** * Renders the page footer. * * @param renderBuffer the render buffer */ protected void renderFooter(StringBuffer renderBuffer) { renderBuffer.append("</div></body></html>"); } /** * All the magic happens here. This method renders a single document node (and recursively calls itself). * * @param node the node to render * @param renderContext the current render context * @param renderBuffer the render buffer * @param cache the WodParserCache for the current editor */ protected void renderElement(FuzzyXMLNode node, RenderContext renderContext, StringBuffer renderBuffer, WodParserCache cache) { String nodeID = "node" + (_counter++); _idToNodeMap.put(nodeID, node); _nodeToIDMap.put(node, nodeID); if (node instanceof FuzzyXMLElement) { FuzzyXMLElement element = (FuzzyXMLElement) node; boolean empty = element.isEmpty(); String nodeName = element.getName(); String className = "element"; boolean woTag = WodHtmlUtils.isWOTag(nodeName); boolean woSimpleString = false; IWodElement wodElement = null; if (woTag) { className = className + " wo"; try { BuildProperties buildProperties = (BuildProperties)_editor.getParserCache().getProject().getAdapter(BuildProperties.class); wodElement = WodHtmlUtils.getWodElement(element, buildProperties, true, cache); } catch (Throwable t) { // IGNORE t.printStackTrace(); } if (wodElement != null) { className = className + " " + wodElement.getElementType(); if ("TBString".equals(wodElement.getElementType()) || "TBWLocalizedString".equals(wodElement.getElementType())) { if (wodElement.getBindingNamed("value") != null) { if (wodElement.getBindingNamed("escapeHTML") != null && wodElement.getBindings().size() == 2) { woSimpleString = true; } else if (wodElement.getBindings().size() == 1) { woSimpleString = true; } } // MS: FORCE OFF FOR NOW //woSimpleString = false; if (woSimpleString) { className = className + " simple"; } } } } else { className = className + " " + nodeName.toLowerCase(); } boolean showExpandCollapse = !empty; if ("script".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName)) { // don't show script showExpandCollapse = false; } else if ("style".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName)) { // don't show style showExpandCollapse = false; } if (!showExpandCollapse) { className += " empty"; } //renderBuffer.append("<div id = \"" + nodeID + "\" class = \"" + className + "\" onmouseover = \"window.status = 'over:" + nodeID + "';\" onmouseout = \"window.status = 'out:" + nodeID + "';\" >"); renderBuffer.append("<div id = \"" + nodeID + "\" class = \"" + className + "\">"); if (showExpandCollapse) { renderBuffer.append("<div id = \"" + nodeID + "_toggle\" class = \"expandcollapse\" onclick = \"expandCollapse('" + nodeID + "')\">"); if (_collapsedIDs.contains(nodeID)) { renderBuffer.append(TemplateOutlinePage.EXPAND_STRING); } else { renderBuffer.append(TemplateOutlinePage.COLLAPSE_STRING); } renderBuffer.append("</div>"); } renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"summary\" onclick = \"window.status = 'select:" + nodeID + "'\">"); // ... a simple string tag if (woSimpleString) { IWodBinding valueBinding = wodElement.getBindingNamed("value"); String text = valueBinding.getValue(); String textClassName; if (valueBinding.isLiteral()) { //text = text.replaceAll("^\"([^\"]+)\"", "$1"); textClassName = "text literal"; } else if (valueBinding.isOGNL()) { textClassName = "text ognl"; } else { textClassName = "text keypath"; } renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"title\"></div> <div class = \"" + textClassName + "\">[" + text + "]</div>"); } // ... a WO tag else if (woTag) { if (wodElement != null) { if (WodHtmlUtils.isInline(nodeName)) { String summaryName = wodElement.getElementType(); renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"title\"><span class = \"nodeName verbose\">" + summaryName + "</span></div>"); // Special case for the compact display of a conditional if ("TBConditional".equals(summaryName)) { String conditionValue = wodElement.getBindingValue("condition"); if (conditionValue != null) { summaryName = conditionValue; boolean negated = false; IWodBinding negateBinding = wodElement.getBindingNamed("negate"); if (negateBinding != null) { if (negateBinding.isTrueValue()) { negated = true; } } else if (nodeName.equals("tb:not") || nodeName.equals("wo:not")) { negated = true; } if (negated) { summaryName = "<span class = \"negate\">not</span> " + summaryName; } else if (negateBinding != null) { summaryName = summaryName + " <span class = \"negate\">not = " + negateBinding.getValue() + "</span>"; } } } // Special case for the compact display of a string else if ("TBString".equals(summaryName)) { String value = wodElement.getBindingValue("value"); if (value != null) { summaryName = "TBString: " + value; } } // Special case for the compact display of a localized string else if ("TBWLocalizedString".equals(summaryName)) { String value = wodElement.getBindingValue("value"); if (value != null) { summaryName = "TBWLocalizedString: " + value; } } // Special case for the compact display of links, buttons, etc else if (wodElement.getBindingNamed("action") != null) { String action = wodElement.getBindingValue("action"); summaryName = wodElement.getElementType() + ": " + action; } // Special case for the compact display of form fields else if (wodElement.getBindingNamed("value") != null) { String value = wodElement.getBindingValue("value"); summaryName = wodElement.getElementType() + ": " + value; } // Special case for the compact display of checkboxes else if (wodElement.getBindingNamed("checked") != null) { String checked = wodElement.getBindingValue("checked"); summaryName = wodElement.getElementType() + ": " + checked; } // Special case for the compact display of repetitions and popup buttons else if (wodElement.getBindingNamed("list") != null) { String list = wodElement.getBindingValue("list"); summaryName = wodElement.getElementType() + ": " + list; } renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"title\"><span class = \"nodeName compact\">" + summaryName + "</span></div>"); } else { renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"title\"><span class = \"nodeName\">" + wodElement.getElementName() + "</span> <span class = \"type\">: " + wodElement.getElementType() + "</span></div>"); } // WO bindings List<IWodBinding> wodBindings = wodElement.getBindings(); if (wodBindings.size() > 0) { renderBuffer.append("<table class = \"bindings\">"); for (IWodBinding wodBinding : wodBindings) { renderBuffer.append("<tr>"); renderBuffer.append("<th>" + wodBinding.getName() + "</th>"); String bindingClass; if (wodBinding.isLiteral()) { bindingClass = "literal"; } else if (wodBinding.isOGNL()) { bindingClass = "ognl"; } else { bindingClass = "keypath"; } renderBuffer.append("<td class = \"" + bindingClass + "\">" + wodBinding.getValue() + "</td>"); renderBuffer.append("</tr>"); } renderBuffer.append("</table>"); } } // ... if the WO tag doesn't have a WOD entry, show it as "missing" else { String missingName = element.getAttributeValue("name"); if (missingName == null) { missingName = nodeName; } renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"title missing\">" + missingName + "</div>"); } } // ... an html node else { renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"title nonwo\"><span class = \"nodeName\">"); renderBuffer.append(nodeName); renderBuffer.append("</span>"); String elementID = element.getAttributeValue("id"); if (elementID != null) { renderBuffer.append("<span class = \"idName\">#" + elementID + "</span>"); } String elementClass = element.getAttributeValue("class"); if (elementClass != null) { elementClass = elementClass.replace(' ', '.'); renderBuffer.append("<span class = \"className\">." + elementClass + "</span>"); } renderBuffer.append("</div>"); } renderBuffer.append("</div>"); // ... if there are children, show the contents if (showExpandCollapse) { renderBuffer.append("<div id = \"" + nodeID + "_contents\" class = \"contents\""); if (_collapsedIDs.contains(nodeID)) { renderBuffer.append(" style = \"display: none\""); } renderBuffer.append(">"); FuzzyXMLNode[] children = element.getChildren(); for (FuzzyXMLNode child : children) { renderElement(child, renderContext, renderBuffer, cache); } renderBuffer.append("</div>"); } renderBuffer.append("</div>"); } else { StringBuffer nodeBuffer = new StringBuffer(); node.toXMLString(renderContext, nodeBuffer); String nodeStr = nodeBuffer.toString(); boolean isText = (node instanceof FuzzyXMLText); if (isText) { renderBuffer.append("<div class = \"text\">" + nodeStr + "</div>"); } else { renderBuffer.append(nodeStr); } } } }