/* * ==================================================================== * * The ObjectStyle Group Software License, Version 1.0 * * Copyright (c) 2006 The ObjectStyle Group and individual authors of the * software. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must * include the following acknowlegement: "This product includes software * developed by the ObjectStyle Group (http://objectstyle.org/)." Alternately, * this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such * third-party acknowlegements normally appear. * * 4. The names "ObjectStyle Group" and "Cayenne" must not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. * For written permission, please contact andrus@objectstyle.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "ObjectStyle" nor * may "ObjectStyle" appear in their names without prior written permission of * the ObjectStyle Group. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * OBJECTSTYLE GROUP OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on * behalf of the ObjectStyle Group. For more information on the ObjectStyle * Group, please see <http://objectstyle.org/>. * */ package org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler.core.model; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.objectstyle.wolips.baseforplugins.util.ComparisonUtils; import org.objectstyle.wolips.baseforplugins.util.StringUtils; import org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler.core.Messages; import org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler.core.kvc.IKey; import org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler.core.kvc.ResolvedKey; import org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler.core.model.history.EOAttributeRenamedEvent; import org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler.core.utils.BooleanUtils; public class EOAttribute extends AbstractEOArgument<EOEntity> implements IEOAttribute, ISortableEOModelObject { public static final String PRIMARY_KEY = "primaryKey"; public static final String CLASS_PROPERTY = "classProperty"; public static final String USED_FOR_LOCKING = "usedForLocking"; public static final String PROTOTYPE = "prototype"; public static final String READ_FORMAT = "readFormat"; public static final String WRITE_FORMAT = "writeFormat"; public static final String CLIENT_CLASS_PROPERTY = "clientClassProperty"; public static final String COMMON_CLASS_PROPERTY = "commonClassProperty"; public static final String INDEXED = "indexed"; public static final String READ_ONLY = "readOnly"; public static final String GENERATE_SOURCE = "generateSource"; private static final String[] PROTOTYPED_PROPERTIES = { AbstractEOArgument.NAME, AbstractEOArgument.COLUMN_NAME, AbstractEOArgument.ALLOWS_NULL, AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_CLASS_NAME, AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_METHOD_NAME, AbstractEOArgument.EXTERNAL_TYPE, AbstractEOArgument.FACTORY_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, AbstractEOArgument.PRECISION, AbstractEOArgument.SCALE, AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME, AbstractEOArgument.CLASS_NAME, AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME, AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_METHOD_NAME, AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_TYPE, AbstractEOArgument.DEFINITION, AbstractEOArgument.WIDTH, EOAttribute.READ_FORMAT, EOAttribute.WRITE_FORMAT, EOAttribute.INDEXED, EOAttribute.READ_ONLY }; private static Map<String, IKey> myCachedPropertyKeys; static { myCachedPropertyKeys = new HashMap<String, IKey>(); } protected static synchronized IKey getPropertyKey(String _property) { IKey key = myCachedPropertyKeys.get(_property); if (key == null) { key = new ResolvedKey(EOAttribute.class, _property); myCachedPropertyKeys.put(_property, key); } return key; } private EOEntity myEntity; private String myPrototypeName; private EOAttribute myCachedPrototype; private Boolean myClassProperty; private Boolean myPrimaryKey; private Boolean myUsedForLocking; private Boolean myClientClassProperty; private Boolean _commonClassProperty; private Boolean myIndexed; private Boolean myReadOnly; private String myReadFormat; private String myWriteFormat; private EOAttributePath myDefinitionPath; private boolean _generateSource; public EOAttribute() { _generateSource = true; } public EOAttribute(String _name) { super(_name); _generateSource = true; } public EOAttribute(String _name, String _definition) { super(_name, _definition); _generateSource = true; } public void pasted() { // DO NOTHING } protected AbstractEOArgument _createArgument(String _name) { return new EOAttribute(_name); } protected void _propertyChanged(String _propertyName, Object _oldValue, Object _newValue) { if (myEntity != null) { myEntity._attributeChanged(this, _propertyName, _oldValue, _newValue); } } // public int hashCode() { // int hashCode = ((myEntity == null) ? 1 : myEntity.hashCode()) * // super.hashCode(); // return hashCode; // } // // public boolean equals(Object _obj) { // boolean equals = false; // if (_obj instanceof EOAttribute) { // EOAttribute attribute = (EOAttribute) _obj; // equals = (attribute == this) || // (ComparisonUtils.equals(attribute.myEntity, myEntity) && // ComparisonUtils.equals(attribute.getName(), getName())); // } // return equals; // } public void guessColumnNameInEntity(EOEntity entity) { String columnName = getName(); if (entity != null) { columnName = entity.getModel().getAttributeNamingConvention().format(columnName); } setColumnName(columnName); } public void guessPrototype(boolean _skipIfAlreadyPrototyped) { if (!_skipIfAlreadyPrototyped || getPrototype() == null) { boolean probablyBooleanString = Integer.valueOf(5).equals(getWidth()) && ("S".equals(getValueType()) || "c".equals(getValueType())); EOAttribute matchingPrototypeAttribute = null; Iterator<EOAttribute> prototypeAttributesIter = getEntity().getModel().getPrototypeAttributes().iterator(); while (matchingPrototypeAttribute == null && prototypeAttributesIter.hasNext()) { EOAttribute prototypeAttribute = prototypeAttributesIter.next(); boolean prototypeMatches = true; for (int propertyNum = 0; prototypeMatches && propertyNum < PROTOTYPED_PROPERTIES.length; propertyNum++) { String propertyName = PROTOTYPED_PROPERTIES[propertyNum]; if (AbstractEOArgument.NAME != propertyName && AbstractEOArgument.COLUMN_NAME != propertyName) { Object currentValue = EOAttribute.getPropertyKey(propertyName).getValue(this); Object prototypeValue = EOAttribute.getPropertyKey(propertyName).getValue(prototypeAttribute); if (prototypeValue != null && !prototypeValueEquals(propertyName, currentValue, prototypeValue)) { // MS: These are some commonly wrong values that // occur when you reverse engineer a database. We // want to be kind of lenient about these when we're // guessing prototype attributes. if (AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_TYPE.equals(propertyName) && ("S".equals(currentValue) || "c".equals(currentValue)) && ("S".equals(prototypeValue) || "c".equals(prototypeValue))) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_TYPE.equals(propertyName) && "B".equals(currentValue) && "i".equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME.equals(propertyName) && "NSDecimalNumber".equals(currentValue) && "NSNumber".equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (probablyBooleanString && AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_CLASS_NAME.equals(propertyName) && currentValue == null && "toString".equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (probablyBooleanString && AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_METHOD_NAME.equals(propertyName) && currentValue == null && "toString".equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (probablyBooleanString && AbstractEOArgument.FACTORY_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE.equals(propertyName) && currentValue == null && EOFactoryMethodArgumentType.STRING.equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (probablyBooleanString && AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME.equals(propertyName) && "NSString".equals(currentValue) && "java.lang.Boolean".equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (probablyBooleanString && AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME.equals(propertyName) && currentValue == null && "valueOf".equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else if (probablyBooleanString && AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_METHOD_NAME.equals(propertyName) && currentValue == null && "valueOf".equals(prototypeValue)) { prototypeMatches = true; } else { prototypeMatches = false; } } } } if (prototypeMatches) { matchingPrototypeAttribute = prototypeAttribute; } } if (matchingPrototypeAttribute != null) { setPrototype(matchingPrototypeAttribute); } } } public Boolean isToMany() { return Boolean.FALSE; } protected boolean prototypeValueEquals(String propertyName, Object value1, Object value2) { if (AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_TYPE.equals(propertyName)) { return ComparisonUtils.equals(value1, value2); } return ComparisonUtils.equalsIgnoreCaseIfStrings(value1, value2); } public boolean isPrototyped(String _property) { boolean prototyped = false; if (myPrototypeName != null) { EOAttribute prototype = getPrototype(); if (prototype != null) { IKey key = EOAttribute.getPropertyKey(_property); Object value = key.getValue(this); if (value != null) { Object prototypeValue = key.getValue(prototype); prototyped = prototypeValueEquals(_property, value, prototypeValue); } } } return prototyped; } @Override public boolean isPrototyped() { boolean prototyped = false; EOAttribute prototype = getPrototype(); if (prototype != null) { prototyped = true; } return prototyped; } public boolean isFlattened() { return StringUtils.isKeyPath(_getDefinition()); } public boolean isInherited() { boolean inherited = false; if (myEntity != null) { EOEntity parent = myEntity.getParent(); if (parent != null) { EOAttribute attribute = parent.getAttributeNamed(getName()); inherited = (attribute != null); } } return inherited; } public boolean isGenerateSource() { return _generateSource; } public void setGenerateSource(boolean generateSource) { boolean oldGenerateSource = _generateSource; _generateSource = generateSource; firePropertyChange(EOEntity.GENERATE_SOURCE, oldGenerateSource, _generateSource); } public EOAttribute getPrototype() { if (myCachedPrototype == null && myPrototypeName != null && myEntity != null) { myCachedPrototype = myEntity.getModel().getPrototypeAttributeNamed(myPrototypeName); } return myCachedPrototype; } public void clearCachedPrototype(Set<EOModelVerificationFailure> _failures, boolean _reload) { if (myPrototypeName != null) { clearCachedPrototype(myPrototypeName, _failures, true, _reload); } } public void clearCachedPrototype(String _prototypeName, Set<EOModelVerificationFailure> _failures, boolean _callSetPrototype, boolean _reload) { myCachedPrototype = null; myPrototypeName = _prototypeName; if (_reload && _prototypeName != null && myEntity != null) { EOAttribute prototype = myEntity.getModel().getPrototypeAttributeNamed(_prototypeName); if (_callSetPrototype) { setPrototype(prototype); } if (prototype == null) { myCachedPrototype = prototype; myPrototypeName = _prototypeName; if (_failures != null) { _failures.add(new MissingPrototypeFailure(_prototypeName, this)); } } } } public void setPrototype(EOAttribute _prototype) { setPrototype(_prototype, true); } public void setPrototype(EOAttribute _prototype, boolean _updateFromPrototype) { EOAttribute oldPrototype = getPrototype(); boolean prototypeNameChanged = true; if (_prototype == null && oldPrototype == null) { prototypeNameChanged = false; } else if (ComparisonUtils.equals(_prototype, oldPrototype)) { prototypeNameChanged = false; } Map<String, Object> oldValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int propertyNum = 0; propertyNum < PROTOTYPED_PROPERTIES.length; propertyNum++) { String propertyName = PROTOTYPED_PROPERTIES[propertyNum]; oldValues.put(propertyName, EOAttribute.getPropertyKey(propertyName).getValue(this)); } myCachedPrototype = _prototype; if (_prototype == null) { myPrototypeName = null; } else { myPrototypeName = _prototype.getName(); } firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.PROTOTYPE, oldPrototype, _prototype); if (prototypeNameChanged && _updateFromPrototype) { for (int propertyNum = 0; propertyNum < PROTOTYPED_PROPERTIES.length; propertyNum++) { String propertyName = PROTOTYPED_PROPERTIES[propertyNum]; IKey propertyKey = EOAttribute.getPropertyKey(propertyName); Object oldValue = oldValues.get(propertyName); Object newPrototypeValue = _prototype != null ? propertyKey.getValue(_prototype) : oldValue; Object newValue; if (AbstractEOArgument.NAME.equals(propertyName)) { newValue = oldValue; } else if (AbstractEOArgument.COLUMN_NAME.equals(propertyName) && oldValue != null) { newValue = oldValue; } else { newValue = newPrototypeValue; } //System.out.println("EOAttribute.setPrototype: " + propertyName + "," + newValue + "," + oldValue + " (" + wasPrototyped + ")"); propertyKey.setValue(this, newValue); firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue); } //Q: The value of DataType is probably going to change underneath us as we iterate and if it happens to end up back at what we started with it may not get updated // so we pass a null to force an update of the UI updateDataType(null); } } protected Object _prototypeValueIfNull(String _property, Object _value) { Object value = _value; if ((value == null || (value instanceof String && ((String) _value).length() == 0)) && myPrototypeName != null) { EOAttribute prototype = getPrototype(); if (prototype != null) { value = EOAttribute.getPropertyKey(_property).getValue(prototype); } } return value; } protected Object _nullIfPrototyped(String _property, Object _value) { Object value = _value; if (value != null && myPrototypeName != null) { EOAttribute prototype = getPrototype(); if (prototype != null && prototypeValueEquals(_property, value, EOAttribute.getPropertyKey(_property).getValue(prototype))) { value = null; } } return value; } public void setName(String _name, boolean _fireEvents) throws DuplicateNameException { String oldName = getName(); String newName = (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.NAME, _name); if (newName == null) { throw new NullPointerException(Messages.getString("EOAttribute.noBlankAttributeNames")); } if (myEntity != null) { myEntity._checkForDuplicateAttributeName(this, newName, null); EOModel model = myEntity.getModel(); if (model != null) { model.getModelEvents().addEvent(new EOAttributeRenamedEvent(this)); } } super.setName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.NAME, newName), _fireEvents); if (myEntity != null && myEntity.getModel() != null) { for (EOEntity childrenEntity : myEntity.getChildrenEntities()) { EOAttribute childAttribute = childrenEntity.getAttributeNamed(oldName); if (childAttribute != null) { childAttribute.setName(newName, _fireEvents); } } EOModelGroup modelGroup = myEntity.getModel().getModelGroup(); for (EOEntity entity : modelGroup.getEntities()) { for (EOAttribute attribute : entity.getAttributes()) { attribute.updateDefinitionBecauseAttributeNameChanged(this); } } for (EOEntityIndex index : getReferencingEntityIndexes()) { index.getEntity().setEntityDirty(true); } for (EORelationship relationship : getReferencingRelationships(true, new VerificationContext(getEntity().getModel().getModelGroup()))) { relationship.getEntity().setEntityDirty(true); } } if (_fireEvents) { synchronizeNameChange(oldName, newName); } } public String getName() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.NAME, super.getName()); } public String getUppercaseName() { return getName().toUpperCase(); } public String getUppercaseUnderscoreName() { return StringUtils.camelCaseToUnderscore(getName()).toUpperCase(); } public String getCapitalizedName() { String name = getName(); if (name != null) { name = StringUtils.toUppercaseFirstLetter(name); } return name; } public Boolean getReadOnly() { return isReadOnly(); } public Boolean isReadOnly() { return (Boolean) _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.READ_ONLY, myReadOnly); } public void setReadOnly(Boolean _readOnly) { setReadOnly(_readOnly, true); } public void setReadOnly(Boolean _readOnly, boolean _fireEvents) { Boolean oldReadOnly = getReadOnly(); myReadOnly = (Boolean) _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.READ_ONLY, _readOnly); if (_fireEvents) { firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.READ_ONLY, oldReadOnly, getReadOnly()); } } public Boolean getIndexed() { return isIndexed(); } public Boolean isIndexed() { return (Boolean) _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.INDEXED, myIndexed); } public void setIndexed(Boolean _indexed) { setIndexed(_indexed, true); } public void setIndexed(Boolean _indexed, boolean _fireEvents) { Boolean oldIndexed = getIndexed(); myIndexed = (Boolean) _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.INDEXED, _indexed); if (_fireEvents) { firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.INDEXED, oldIndexed, getIndexed()); } } public Boolean isAllowsNull() { return (Boolean) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.ALLOWS_NULL, super.isAllowsNull()); } @Override public void setAllowsNull(Boolean allowsNull) { setAllowsNull(allowsNull, true); } public void setAllowsNull(Boolean _allowsNull, boolean _fireEvents) { Boolean newAllowsNull = _allowsNull; if (_fireEvents && BooleanUtils.isTrue(getPrimaryKey())) { newAllowsNull = Boolean.FALSE; } super.setAllowsNull((Boolean) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.ALLOWS_NULL, newAllowsNull), _fireEvents); Boolean mandatory = BooleanUtils.negate(newAllowsNull); EOEntity entity = getEntity(); if (entity != null && !entity.isSingleTableInheritance()) { EOModel model = entity.getModel(); if (model != null) { EOModelGroup modelGroup = model.getModelGroup(); if (modelGroup != null) { for (EORelationship referencingRelationship : entity.getRelationships()) { if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(referencingRelationship.isToOne())) { boolean relationshipReferencesAttribute = false; List<EOJoin> joins = referencingRelationship.getJoins(); for (EOJoin join : joins) { if (join.getSourceAttribute() == this) { relationshipReferencesAttribute = true; } } if (relationshipReferencesAttribute) { referencingRelationship._setMandatory(mandatory); } } } } } } } public Boolean getClassProperty() { return isClassProperty(); } public Boolean isClassProperty() { return BooleanUtils.isTrue(myClassProperty);// (Boolean) // _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.CLASS_PROPERTY, // myClassProperty); } public void setClassProperty(Boolean _classProperty) { setClassProperty(_classProperty, true); } public void setClassProperty(Boolean _classProperty, boolean _fireEvents) { Boolean oldClassProperty = getClassProperty(); // myClassProperty = (Boolean) // _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.CLASS_PROPERTY, _classProperty); myClassProperty = _classProperty; if (_fireEvents) { firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.CLASS_PROPERTY, oldClassProperty, getClassProperty()); } } public String getColumnName() { if(isFlattened()) { return null; } return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.COLUMN_NAME, super.getColumnName()); } public void setColumnName(String _columnName) { super.setColumnName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.COLUMN_NAME, _columnName)); } public void _setEntity(EOEntity _entity) { myEntity = _entity; } public EOEntity getEntity() { return myEntity; } public Boolean getPrimaryKey() { return isPrimaryKey(); } public Boolean isPrimaryKey() { // return (Boolean) _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY, // myPrimaryKey); return BooleanUtils.isTrue(myPrimaryKey); } public void setPrimaryKey(Boolean _primaryKey) { setPrimaryKey(_primaryKey, true); } public void setPrimaryKey(Boolean _primaryKey, boolean _fireEvents) { Boolean oldPrimaryKey = getPrimaryKey(); // myPrimaryKey = (Boolean) _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY, // _primaryKey); myPrimaryKey = _primaryKey; if (_fireEvents && BooleanUtils.isTrue(_primaryKey)) { setAllowsNull(Boolean.FALSE, _fireEvents); setClassProperty(Boolean.FALSE, _fireEvents); } if (_fireEvents) { firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY, oldPrimaryKey, getPrimaryKey()); } } public Boolean getUsedForLocking() { return isUsedForLocking(); } public Boolean isUsedForLocking() { // return (Boolean) _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.USED_FOR_LOCKING, // myUsedForLocking); return BooleanUtils.isTrue(myUsedForLocking); } public void setUsedForLocking(Boolean _usedForLocking) { setUsedForLocking(_usedForLocking, true); } public void setUsedForLocking(Boolean _usedForLocking, boolean _fireEvents) { Boolean oldUsedForLocking = getUsedForLocking(); // myUsedForLocking = (Boolean) // _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.USED_FOR_LOCKING, _usedForLocking); myUsedForLocking = _usedForLocking; if (_fireEvents) { firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.USED_FOR_LOCKING, oldUsedForLocking, getUsedForLocking()); } } public String getAdaptorValueConversionClassName() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_CLASS_NAME, super.getAdaptorValueConversionClassName()); } public void setAdaptorValueConversionClassName(String _adaptorValueConversionClassName) { super.setAdaptorValueConversionClassName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_CLASS_NAME, _adaptorValueConversionClassName)); } public String getAdaptorValueConversionMethodName() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_METHOD_NAME, super.getAdaptorValueConversionMethodName()); } public void setAdaptorValueConversionMethodName(String _adaptorValueConversionMethodName) { super.setAdaptorValueConversionMethodName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.ADAPTOR_VALUE_CONVERSION_METHOD_NAME, _adaptorValueConversionMethodName)); } public String getExternalType() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.EXTERNAL_TYPE, super.getExternalType()); } public void setExternalType(String _externalType) { super.setExternalType((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.EXTERNAL_TYPE, _externalType)); } public EOFactoryMethodArgumentType getFactoryMethodArgumentType() { return (EOFactoryMethodArgumentType) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.FACTORY_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, super.getFactoryMethodArgumentType()); } public void setFactoryMethodArgumentType(EOFactoryMethodArgumentType _factoryMethodArgumentType) { super.setFactoryMethodArgumentType((EOFactoryMethodArgumentType) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.FACTORY_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, _factoryMethodArgumentType)); } public Integer getPrecision() { return (Integer) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.PRECISION, super.getPrecision()); } public void setPrecision(Integer _precision) { super.setPrecision((Integer) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.PRECISION, _precision)); } public Integer getScale() { return (Integer) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.SCALE, super.getScale()); } public void setScale(Integer _scale) { super.setScale((Integer) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.SCALE, _scale)); } public String getServerTimeZone() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.SERVER_TIME_ZONE, super.getServerTimeZone()); } public void setServerTimeZone(String _serverTimeZone) { super.setServerTimeZone((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.SERVER_TIME_ZONE, _serverTimeZone)); } public String getClassName() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.CLASS_NAME, super.getClassName()); } public synchronized void setClassName(String className) { super.setClassName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.CLASS_NAME, className)); } public String getValueClassName() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME, super.getValueClassName()); } public synchronized void setValueClassName(String _valueClassName, boolean _updateDataType) { super.setValueClassName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME, _valueClassName), _updateDataType); } public String getValueFactoryClassName() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME, super.getValueFactoryClassName()); } public void setValueFactoryClassName(String _valueFactoryClassName) { super.setValueFactoryClassName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME, _valueFactoryClassName)); } public String getValueFactoryMethodName() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_METHOD_NAME, super.getValueFactoryMethodName()); } public void setValueFactoryMethodName(String _valueFactoryMethodName) { super.setValueFactoryMethodName((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_FACTORY_METHOD_NAME, _valueFactoryMethodName)); } public String getValueType() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_TYPE, super.getValueType()); } public synchronized void setValueType(String _valueType, boolean _updateDataType) { super.setValueType((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_TYPE, _valueType), _updateDataType); } public Integer getWidth() { return (Integer) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.WIDTH, super.getWidth()); } public void setWidth(Integer _width) { super.setWidth((Integer) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.WIDTH, _width)); } public String getDefinition() { String definition; if (isFlattened() && myDefinitionPath != null) { definition = myDefinitionPath.toKeyPath(); } else { definition = _getDefinition(); } return definition; } public EOAttributePath getDefinitionPath() { if (myDefinitionPath == null) { updateDefinitionPath(); } return myDefinitionPath; } public String _getDefinition() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(AbstractEOArgument.DEFINITION, super._getDefinition()); } public boolean hasDefinition() { return getDefinition() != null; } public void updateDefinitionBecauseRelationshipNameChanged(EORelationship relationship) { if (isFlattened()) { EOAttributePath definitionPath = getDefinitionPath(); if (definitionPath != null && definitionPath.isRelatedTo(relationship)) { setDefinition(definitionPath.toKeyPath()); } } } public void updateDefinitionBecauseAttributeNameChanged(EOAttribute attribute) { if (isFlattened()) { EOAttributePath definitionPath = getDefinitionPath(); if (definitionPath != null && definitionPath.isRelatedTo(attribute)) { setDefinition(definitionPath.toKeyPath()); } } } protected void updateDefinitionPath() { if (isFlattened()) { AbstractEOAttributePath definitionPath = getEntity().resolveKeyPath(_getDefinition()); if (definitionPath instanceof EOAttributePath && definitionPath.isValid()) { myDefinitionPath = (EOAttributePath) definitionPath; } else { myDefinitionPath = null; } } else { myDefinitionPath = null; } } public void setDefinition(String _definition) { super.setDefinition((String) _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.DEFINITION, _definition)); } public String getReadFormat() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.READ_FORMAT, myReadFormat); } public void setReadFormat(String _readFormat) { String oldReadFormat = getReadFormat(); myReadFormat = (String) _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.READ_FORMAT, _readFormat); firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.READ_FORMAT, oldReadFormat, getReadFormat()); } public String getWriteFormat() { return (String) _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.WRITE_FORMAT, myWriteFormat); } public void setWriteFormat(String _writeFormat) { String oldWriteFormat = getWriteFormat(); myWriteFormat = (String) _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.WRITE_FORMAT, _writeFormat); firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.WRITE_FORMAT, oldWriteFormat, getWriteFormat()); } public void setCommonClassProperty(Boolean commonClassProperty) { setCommonClassProperty(commonClassProperty, true); } public void setCommonClassProperty(Boolean commonClassProperty, boolean fireEvents) { Boolean oldCommonClassProperty = getCommonClassProperty(); _commonClassProperty = commonClassProperty; if (fireEvents) { firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.COMMON_CLASS_PROPERTY, oldCommonClassProperty, getCommonClassProperty()); } } public Boolean getCommonClassProperty() { return isCommonClassProperty(); } public Boolean isCommonClassProperty() { return BooleanUtils.isTrue(_commonClassProperty); } public void setClientClassProperty(Boolean _clientClassProperty) { setClientClassProperty(_clientClassProperty, true); } public void setClientClassProperty(Boolean _clientClassProperty, boolean _fireEvents) { Boolean oldClientClassProperty = getClientClassProperty(); // myClientClassProperty = (Boolean) // _nullIfPrototyped(EOAttribute.CLIENT_CLASS_PROPERTY, // _clientClassProperty); myClientClassProperty = _clientClassProperty; if (_fireEvents) { firePropertyChange(EOAttribute.CLIENT_CLASS_PROPERTY, oldClientClassProperty, getClientClassProperty()); } } public Boolean getClientClassProperty() { return isClientClassProperty(); } public Boolean isClientClassProperty() { // return (Boolean) // _prototypeValueIfNull(EOAttribute.CLIENT_CLASS_PROPERTY, // myClientClassProperty); return BooleanUtils.isTrue(myClientClassProperty); } public Set<EOModelReferenceFailure> getReferenceFailures() { Set<EOModelReferenceFailure> referenceFailures = new HashSet<EOModelReferenceFailure>(); for (EORelationship referencingRelationship : getReferencingRelationships(true, new VerificationContext(getEntity().getModel().getModelGroup()))) { referenceFailures.add(new EORelationshipAttributeReferenceFailure(referencingRelationship, this)); } for (EOAttribute referencingAttributes : getReferencingFlattenedAttributes()) { referenceFailures.add(new EOFlattenedAttributeAttributeReferenceFailure(referencingAttributes, this)); } for (EOEntityIndex referencingEntityIndex : getReferencingEntityIndexes()) { referenceFailures.add(new EOEntityIndexAttributeReferenceFailure(referencingEntityIndex, this)); } return referenceFailures; } public List<EOAttribute> getReferencingFlattenedAttributes() { List<EOAttribute> referencingFlattenedAttributes = new LinkedList<EOAttribute>(); if (myEntity != null) { for (EOModel model : getEntity().getModel().getModelGroup().getModels()) { for (EOEntity entity : model.getEntities()) { for (EOAttribute attribute : entity.getAttributes()) { if (attribute.isFlattened()) { EOAttributePath attributePath = attribute.getDefinitionPath(); if (attributePath != null && attributePath.isRelatedTo(this)) { referencingFlattenedAttributes.add(attribute); } } } } } } return referencingFlattenedAttributes; } public Set<EORelationship> getReferencingRelationships(boolean includeInheritedAttributes, VerificationContext verificationContext) { Set<EORelationship> referencingRelationships = new HashSet<EORelationship>(); if (myEntity != null) { Set<EORelationship> directReferencingRelationships = verificationContext.getReferencingRelationshipsCache().get(this); if (directReferencingRelationships != null) { referencingRelationships.addAll(directReferencingRelationships); } if (includeInheritedAttributes && myEntity != null) { String name = getName(); Set<EOEntity> childrenEntities = verificationContext.getInheritanceCache().get(myEntity); if (childrenEntities != null) { for (EOEntity childEntity : childrenEntities) { EOAttribute childAttribute = childEntity.getAttributeNamed(name); if (childAttribute != null) { referencingRelationships.addAll(childAttribute.getReferencingRelationships(includeInheritedAttributes, verificationContext)); } } } } } return referencingRelationships; } public Set<EOEntityIndex> getReferencingEntityIndexes() { Set<EOEntityIndex> referencingEntityIndexes = new HashSet<EOEntityIndex>(); if (myEntity != null) { for (EOModel model : getEntity().getModel().getModelGroup().getModels()) { for (EOEntity entity : model.getEntities()) { for (EOEntityIndex entityIndex : entity.getEntityIndexes()) { for (EOAttribute attribute : entityIndex.getAttributes()) { if (attribute == this) { referencingEntityIndexes.add(entityIndex); } } } } } } return referencingEntityIndexes; } public void loadFromMap(EOModelMap _attributeMap, Set<EOModelVerificationFailure> _failures) { super.loadFromMap(_attributeMap, _failures); myReadOnly = _attributeMap.getBoolean("isReadOnly"); myIndexed = _attributeMap.getBoolean("isIndexed"); if (_attributeMap.containsKey("selectFormat")) { myReadFormat = _attributeMap.getString("selectFormat", true); } else { myReadFormat = _attributeMap.getString("readFormat", true); } if (_attributeMap.containsKey("updateFormat")) { myWriteFormat = _attributeMap.getString("updateFormat", true); } else if (_attributeMap.containsKey("insertFormat")) { myWriteFormat = _attributeMap.getString("insertFormat", true); } else { myWriteFormat = _attributeMap.getString("writeFormat", true); } EOModelMap entityModelerMap = getEntityModelerMap(false); Boolean generateSource = entityModelerMap.getBoolean(EOAttribute.GENERATE_SOURCE); if (generateSource == null) { _generateSource = true; } else { _generateSource = generateSource.booleanValue(); } Boolean commonClassProperty = entityModelerMap.getBoolean(EOAttribute.COMMON_CLASS_PROPERTY); if (commonClassProperty != null) { _commonClassProperty = commonClassProperty.booleanValue(); } } @Override protected void writeUserInfo(EOModelMap modelMap) { super.writeUserInfo(modelMap); } public EOModelMap toMap() { // WOL-368 // EOAttributePath attributePath = getDefinitionPath(); // if (attributePath != null) { // EOAttribute flattenedAttribute = attributePath.getChildAttribute(); // flattenedAttribute._cloneIntoArgument(this, true); // } EOModelMap entityModelerMap = getEntityModelerMap(true); if (_generateSource) { entityModelerMap.remove(EOAttribute.GENERATE_SOURCE); } else { entityModelerMap.setBoolean(EOAttribute.GENERATE_SOURCE, Boolean.FALSE, EOModelMap.YESNO); } if (_commonClassProperty != null && _commonClassProperty.booleanValue()) { entityModelerMap.setBoolean(EOAttribute.COMMON_CLASS_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE, EOModelMap.YESNO); } else { entityModelerMap.remove(EOAttribute.COMMON_CLASS_PROPERTY); } EOModelMap attributeMap = super.toMap(); if (myPrototypeName != null) { attributeMap.setString("prototypeName", myPrototypeName, true); } else { attributeMap.remove("prototypeName"); } attributeMap.setBoolean("isReadOnly", myReadOnly, EOModelMap.YN); attributeMap.setBoolean("isIndexed", myIndexed, EOModelMap.YN); attributeMap.setString("readFormat", myReadFormat, true); attributeMap.remove("selectFormat"); attributeMap.setString("writeFormat", myWriteFormat, true); attributeMap.remove("updateFormat"); attributeMap.remove("insertFormat"); return attributeMap; } public void resolve(Set<EOModelVerificationFailure> _failures) { String prototypeName = getArgumentMap().getString("prototypeName", true); if (prototypeName != null && myEntity != null && myEntity.isPrototype()) { Set<String> checkPrototypeNames = new HashSet<String>(); checkPrototypeNames.add(getName()); String checkPrototypeName = prototypeName; while (checkPrototypeName != null) { if (checkPrototypeNames.contains(checkPrototypeName)) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(getEntity().getModel(), this, "The prototype '" + prototypeName + "' is a prototype of itself. Removing the prototype cycle.", false)); setPrototype(null); checkPrototypeName = null; prototypeName = null; } else { checkPrototypeNames.add(checkPrototypeName); EOAttribute prototype = myEntity.getModel().getPrototypeAttributeNamed(checkPrototypeName); checkPrototypeName = prototype.getArgumentMap().getString("prototypeName", true); } } } clearCachedPrototype(prototypeName, _failures, false, true); // MS: Fix a bug that I introduced where it briefly was accidently // setting className and valueClassName for prototyped attributes .. this will also clean up if // you've ever managed to get old crufty overridden className and valueClassNames on prototyped // attributes, which can lead to disaster if you ever change your prototype if (super.getClassName() != null && getPrototype() != null && _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.CLASS_NAME, super.getClassName()) == null) { if (!_inferredClassName) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(getEntity().getModel(), this, "Removed redundant 'className' attribute that was defined in the prototype '" + getPrototype().getName() + "'.", true)); } setClassName(getClassName()); setValueClassName(getPrototype().getValueClassName(), false); getEntity()._attributeChanged(this, AbstractEOArgument.CLASS_NAME, null, null); } if (super.getValueClassName() != null && getPrototype() != null && _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME, super.getValueClassName()) == null) { if (!_inferredValueClassName) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(getEntity().getModel(), this, "Removed redundant 'valueClassName' attribute that was defined in the prototype '" + getPrototype().getName() + "'.", true)); } setValueClassName(getPrototype().getValueClassName(), false); getEntity()._attributeChanged(this, AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME, null, null); } // MS: Yes. I know. It's a total hack fix for now ... I need to have some better support for type name aliases, but this is just a really common one else if (("NSTimestamp".equals(super.getValueClassName()) || "com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp".equals(super.getValueClassName())) && getPrototype() != null && _nullIfPrototyped(AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME, "NSCalendarDate") == null) { if (!_inferredValueClassName) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(getEntity().getModel(), this, "Removed redundant 'valueClassName' attribute that was defined in the prototype '" + getPrototype().getName() + "'.", true)); } setValueClassName(getPrototype().getValueClassName(), false); getEntity()._attributeChanged(this, AbstractEOArgument.VALUE_CLASS_NAME, null, null); } } public void verify(Set<EOModelVerificationFailure> _failures, @SuppressWarnings("unused") VerificationContext verificationContext) { String name = getName(); if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + " has an empty name.", false)); } else { if (name.indexOf(' ') != -1 && !name.startsWith("[") && !name.endsWith("]")) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + "'s name has a space in it.", false)); } // Q: Disabling this check for now because it can cause pain for some names. //if (!getEntity().isPrototype() && !StringUtils.isLowercaseFirstLetter(name)) { // _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + "'s name is capitalized, but should not be.", true)); //} if (name.equals("entityName")) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + " is named 'entityName', which is a method in EOEnterpriseObject.", true)); } } if (myPrototypeName != null && myPrototypeName.length() > 0 && getPrototype() == null) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + " references the prototype '" + myPrototypeName + "' which no longer appears to exist.", true)); } if (!myEntity.isPrototype()) { if (!isFlattened()) { String columnName = getColumnName(); if (columnName == null || columnName.trim().length() == 0) { if (getDefinition() == null && !BooleanUtils.isTrue(getEntity().isAbstractEntity())) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + " does not have a column name set.", true)); } } else if (columnName.indexOf(' ') != -1) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + "'s column name '" + columnName + "' has a space in it.", false)); } else { if (getDefinition() == null) { for (EOAttribute attribute : myEntity.getAttributes()) { if (attribute != this && prototypeValueEquals(AbstractEOArgument.COLUMN_NAME, columnName, attribute.getColumnName()) && (this.isReadOnly() == null || !this.isReadOnly()) && (attribute.isReadOnly() == null || !attribute.isReadOnly())) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + "'s column name is the same as " + attribute.getName() + "'s and it is not read only.", true)); } } } } if (getValueClassName() == null && getClassName() == null && !BooleanUtils.isTrue(getEntity().isAbstractEntity())) { _failures.add(new EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The attribute " + getName() + " does not have a value class name or a class name.", true)); } /* * Boolean classProperty = isClassProperty(); if (classProperty * != null && classProperty.booleanValue()) { * Set<EORelationship> referencingRelationships = * getReferencingRelationships(true, verificationContext); for * (EORelationship relationship : referencingRelationships) { * boolean foreignKey = false; if (relationship.isToOne() != * null && relationship.isToOne().booleanValue()) { for (EOJoin * join : relationship.getJoins()) { if * (this.equals(join.getSourceAttribute())) { foreignKey = true; * } } } if (foreignKey) { _failures.add(new * EOModelVerificationFailure(myEntity.getModel(), this, "The * attribute " + getName() + " is a class property, but is used * as a foreign key in the relationship " + * relationship.getName() + ".", true)); } } } */ } } } public String getFullyQualifiedName() { return ((myEntity == null) ? "?" : myEntity.getFullyQualifiedName()) + "/attr: " + getName(); } @Override public EOAttribute _cloneModelObject() { EOAttribute attribute = (EOAttribute) _cloneArgument(); return attribute; } @Override public void _cloneIntoArgument(AbstractEOArgument argument, boolean updatingFlattenedAttribute) { super._cloneIntoArgument(argument, updatingFlattenedAttribute); EOAttribute attribute = (EOAttribute) argument; attribute.myPrototypeName = myPrototypeName; attribute.myCachedPrototype = myCachedPrototype; attribute.myClassProperty = myClassProperty; attribute.myPrimaryKey = myPrimaryKey; attribute.myUsedForLocking = myUsedForLocking; attribute.myClientClassProperty = myClientClassProperty; attribute._commonClassProperty = _commonClassProperty; attribute.myIndexed = myIndexed; attribute.myReadOnly = myReadOnly; attribute.myReadFormat = myReadFormat; attribute.myWriteFormat = myWriteFormat; attribute._generateSource = _generateSource; } @Override public Class<EOEntity> _getModelParentType() { return EOEntity.class; } public EOEntity _getModelParent() { return getEntity(); } public void _removeFromModelParent(Set<EOModelVerificationFailure> failures) { if (getEntity() != null) { getEntity().removeAttribute(this, true); } } public void synchronizeNameChange(String oldName, String newName) { boolean reverseEngineered = false; String columnName = getColumnName(); if (columnName == null) { columnName = newName; } EOEntity entity = getEntity(); if (entity != null) { EOModel model = entity.getModel(); if (model != null) { reverseEngineered = model.isReverseEngineered(); if (!reverseEngineered) { columnName = model.getAttributeNamingConvention().format(oldName, newName, getColumnName()); } } } if (!reverseEngineered) { setColumnName(columnName); } } public void _addToModelParent(EOEntity modelParent, boolean findUniqueName, Set<EOModelVerificationFailure> failures) throws EOModelException { if (findUniqueName) { String oldName = getName(); String newName = modelParent.findUnusedAttributeName(oldName); setName(newName); modelParent.addAttribute(this); synchronizeNameChange(oldName, newName); } else { modelParent.addAttribute(this); } } public boolean getSqlGenerationAllowsNull() { return getEntity().isSingleTableInheritance() || BooleanUtils.isTrue(isAllowsNull()); } private static final String SQL_ALLOWS_NULL = "ALLOWS_NULL"; private static final String SQL_NOT_NULL = "NOT_NULL"; public String getSqlGenerationAllowsNullAsConstant() { return getSqlGenerationAllowsNull() ? SQL_ALLOWS_NULL : SQL_NOT_NULL; } public boolean getSqlGenerationCreateProperty() { return !hasDefinition() && (!isInherited() || getEntity().getSqlGenerationCreateInheritedProperties() || (isInherited() && !isFlattened() && getEntity().isVerticalInheritance())); } public String toString() { return "[EOAttribute: " + getName() + "]"; } }