/* * Copyright (c) 2007 BUSINESS OBJECTS SOFTWARE LIMITED * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Business Objects nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * GemCutterActionKeys.java * Creation date: (04/12/2002 4:02:00 PM) * By: Edward Lam */ package org.openquark.gems.client; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; /** * Container class which defines the keys used for mnemonics and accelerators in the GemCutter. * @author Edward Lam */ final class GemCutterActionKeys { /** * Constructor for a GemCutterActionKeys. * Not intended to be instantiated. */ private GemCutterActionKeys() { } // Menu bar mnemonics public static final int MNEMONIC_FILE_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_F; public static final int MNEMONIC_EDIT_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_E; public static final int MNEMONIC_DEBUG_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_VIEW_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_V; public static final int MNEMONIC_GENERATE_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_G; public static final int MNEMONIC_INSERT_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_I; public static final int MNEMONIC_WORKSPACE_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_W; public static final int MNEMONIC_RUN_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int MNEMONIC_HELP_MENU = KeyEvent.VK_H; // Menu mnemonics public static final int MNEMONIC_NEW = KeyEvent.VK_N; public static final int MNEMONIC_OPEN = KeyEvent.VK_O; public static final int MNEMONIC_SAVE_GEM = KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int MNEMONIC_DUMP_METADATA = KeyEvent.VK_E; public static final int MNEMONIC_EXIT = KeyEvent.VK_X; public static final int MNEMONIC_UNDO = KeyEvent.VK_U; public static final int MNEMONIC_REDO = KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int MNEMONIC_CUT = KeyEvent.VK_T; public static final int MNEMONIC_COPY = KeyEvent.VK_C; public static final int MNEMONIC_PASTE = KeyEvent.VK_P; public static final int MNEMONIC_DELETE = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_SELECT_ALL = KeyEvent.VK_A; public static final int MNEMONIC_SEARCH = KeyEvent.VK_F; public static final int MNEMONIC_VIEW_TOOLBAR = KeyEvent.VK_T; public static final int MNEMONIC_VIEW_STATUSBAR = KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int MNEMONIC_VIEW_OVERVIEW = KeyEvent.VK_O; public static final int MNEMONIC_TARGET_DOCKING = KeyEvent.VK_G; public static final int MNEMONIC_GEM_PROPERTIES_VIEWER = KeyEvent.VK_P; public static final int MNEMONIC_ARRANGE_GRAPH = KeyEvent.VK_A; public static final int MNEMONIC_FIT_TABLETOP = KeyEvent.VK_F; public static final int MNEMONIC_DEBUG_OUTPUT = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_VALUE_GEM = KeyEvent.VK_V; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_CODE_GEM = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_COLLECTOR_GEM = KeyEvent.VK_L; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_RECORD_FIELD_SELECTION_GEM = KeyEvent.VK_X; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_RECORD_CREATION_GEM = KeyEvent.VK_Y; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_REFLECTOR_GEM = KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int MNEMONIC_INTELLICUT = KeyEvent.VK_I; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_MODULE = KeyEvent.VK_A; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_STD_VAULT_MODULE = KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_LOCAL_FILE_MODULE = KeyEvent.VK_L; public static final int MNEMONIC_ADD_ENTERPRISE_MODULE = KeyEvent.VK_E; // TODOEL: use setDisplayedMnemonicIndex(), as "e" appears multiple times. public static final int MNEMONIC_REMOVE_MODULE = KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int MNEMONIC_EXPORT_MODULE = KeyEvent.VK_E; public static final int MNEMONIC_EXPORT_MODULE_TO_CE = KeyEvent.VK_E; public static final int MNEMONIC_EXPORT_MODULE_TO_JAR = KeyEvent.VK_J; public static final int MNEMONIC_SYNC = KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int MNEMONIC_SWITCH_WORKSPACE = KeyEvent.VK_W; public static final int MNEMONIC_DEPLOY_WORKSPACE = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_EXPORT_WORKSPACE_TO_CARS= KeyEvent.VK_X; public static final int MNEMONIC_REVERT_WORKSPACE = KeyEvent.VK_V; public static final int MNEMONIC_RECOMPILE = KeyEvent.VK_C; public static final int MNEMONIC_COMPILE_MODIFIED = KeyEvent.VK_M; public static final int MNEMONIC_CREATE_MINIMAL_WORKSPACE = KeyEvent.VK_W; public static final int MNEMONIC_WORKSPACE_INFO = KeyEvent.VK_I; public static final int MNEMONIC_RUN = KeyEvent.VK_U; public static final int MNEMONIC_RESUME = KeyEvent.VK_E; public static final int MNEMONIC_STOP = KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int MNEMONIC_RESET = KeyEvent.VK_A; public static final int MNEMONIC_HELP_TOPICS = KeyEvent.VK_T; public static final int MNEMONIC_ABOUT_BOX = KeyEvent.VK_A; public static final int MNEMONIC_PREFERENCES = KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int MNEMONIC_BURN = KeyEvent.VK_B; public static final int MNEMONIC_UNBURN = KeyEvent.VK_U; public static final int MNEMONIC_DISCONNECT = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_SPLITCONNECTION = KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int MNEMONIC_RETARGET_INPUT = KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int MNEMONIC_RETARGET_COLLECTOR = KeyEvent.VK_R; public static final int MNEMONIC_COPY_AS_IMAGE = KeyEvent.VK_F11; public static final int MNEMONIC_COPY_AS_TEXT = KeyEvent.VK_F12; public static final int MNEMONIC_TESTMETADATA = KeyEvent.VK_T; public static final int MNEMONIC_DUMPGRAPH = KeyEvent.VK_G; public static final int MNEMONIC_DUMPDEFINITION = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_LOADSAVEMETADATA = KeyEvent.VK_L; public static final int MNEMONIC_CHECKGRAPH = KeyEvent.VK_C; public static final int MNEMONIC_FINDORPHANS = KeyEvent.VK_O; public static final int MNEMONIC_DUMPFREQUENCIES = KeyEvent.VK_F; public static final int MNEMONIC_DUMPCOMPOSITIONALFREQUENCIES = KeyEvent.VK_M; public static final int MNEMONIC_DUMPLINTWARNINGS = KeyEvent.VK_W; public static final int MNEMONIC_DUMPINCONSISTENTARGUMENTMETADATA = KeyEvent.VK_A; // Prompt save dialog and Save dialog mnemonics public static final int MNEMONIC_DIALOG_OPTION_SAVE = KeyEvent.VK_S; public static final int MNEMONIC_DIALOG_OPTION_DONTSAVE = KeyEvent.VK_D; public static final int MNEMONIC_DIALOG_OPTION_CANCEL = KeyEvent.VK_C; // Popup menu mnemonics public static final int MNEMONIC_CHANGE_MODULE = KeyEvent.VK_C; // Accelerator keys public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_NEW = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control N"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_OPEN = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control O"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_SAVE_GEM = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control S"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_UNDO = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control Z"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_FIT_TABLETOP = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control H"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_PREFERENCES = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control R"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_REDO = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control Y"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_CUT = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control X"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_COPY = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control C"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_PASTE = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control V"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_DELETE = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DELETE"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_SELECT_ALL = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control A"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_SEARCH = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control F"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_ARRANGE_GRAPH = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control G"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_RUN = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control U"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_RESUME = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control E"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_STOP = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control T"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_RESET = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control M"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_INTELLICUT = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control I"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_COPY_AS_IMAGE = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F11"); public static final KeyStroke ACCELERATOR_COPY_AS_TEXT = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F12"); }