/* * Copyright (c) 2007 BUSINESS OBJECTS SOFTWARE LIMITED * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Business Objects nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * ModulePackager.java * Creation date: Sep 13, 2004. * By: Edward Lam */ package org.openquark.cal.services; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.zip.Deflater; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import org.openquark.cal.compiler.ModuleName; import org.openquark.cal.services.ResourcePath.Folder; /** * This class provides utility methods to aid in persistence and navigation of module resources in .packaged form. * @author Edward Lam */ public class ModulePackager { /* TODOEL: add more properties to the manifest. Examples: BCEL manifest: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: Apache Jakarta Maven Built-By: dahm Package: org.apache.bcel Build-Jdk: 1.4.1_01 Name: org.apache.bcel Specification-Title: bcel Specification-Version: 5.1 Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Implementation-Title: org.apache.bcel Implementation-Version: 5.1 Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation cecore.mf: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Product-Name: Crystal Enterprise Java SDK (C) Implementation-Title: Crystal Enterprise SDK core Implementation-Version: Implementation-Vendor: Business Objects, Inc.(C) */ /** The name of the manifest attribute for a Car's canonical name. */ static final String CAR_NAME_MANIFEST_ATTRIBUTE = "Car-Name"; /** * Test target. * Creates a test .jar. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // JarFile jarFile = new JarFile("C:\\Prelude.jar"); // for (Enumeration enum = jarFile.entries(); enum.hasMoreElements(); ) { // JarEntry jarEntry = (JarEntry)enum.nextElement(); // System.out.println(jarEntry.getName()); // } // Create the manifest Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); // Add some attributes. Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String manifestVersionString = Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION.toString(); mainAttributes.putValue(manifestVersionString, "1.0"); String mainClassString = Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS.toString(); mainAttributes.putValue(mainClassString, "foo.bar.Baz"); // JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:\\temp\\foo.jar")), manifest); JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:\\foo.jar")), manifest); // Set comment and compression level. jos.setComment("This is the jar file comment."); jos.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); // Add an entry. JarEntry jarEntry = new JarEntry("entryName"); // jarEntry.getAttributes().putValue("someAttributeName", "someValue"); jos.putNextEntry(jarEntry); jos.write(new byte[]{1, 2, 3}); // Add a second entry. jarEntry = new JarEntry("foo/bar.baz"); jos.putNextEntry(jarEntry); jos.write(new byte[]{49, 105, 96, 97, 98}); // Add a third entry. jarEntry = new JarEntry("/foo/bar/Baz.class"); jos.putNextEntry(jarEntry); jos.write(new byte[]{49, 105, 96, 97, 98}); jos.flush(); jos.close(); } /** * Write a module from the workspace to a file. * @param workspace the workspace containing the module to write. * @param moduleName the name of the module to write. * @param packagedModuleFile the file which will contain the packaged module. This will be created if it doesn't already exist. * @throws IOException */ public static void writePackagedModule(CALWorkspace workspace, ModuleName moduleName, File packagedModuleFile) throws IOException { writeModuleToJar(workspace, moduleName, new FileOutputStream(packagedModuleFile), true); } /** * Write the workspace resources for a metamodule to a jar. * @param workspace the workspace with the module to persist. * @param moduleName the name of a module to persist. * @param outputStream the output stream to which the jar will be written. * @throws IOException */ public static void writeModuleToJar(CALWorkspace workspace, ModuleName moduleName, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { writeModuleToJar(workspace, moduleName, outputStream, false); } /** * Write the workspace resources for a metamodule to a jar. * @param workspace the workspace with the module to persist. * @param moduleName the name of a module to persist. * @param outputStream the output stream to which the jar will be written. * @param encrypt if true, the resource files will be encrypted in a simple way. * @throws IOException */ private static void writeModuleToJar(CALWorkspace workspace, ModuleName moduleName, OutputStream outputStream, boolean encrypt) throws IOException { // JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream), manifest); JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream)); // Write out a minimal manifest. writeMinimalManifestToJar(jos); // Set compression level. jos.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); writeModuleToJar(workspace, moduleName, jos, encrypt, false); // For some reason, closing the enclosing output stream isn't sufficient. jos.close(); } /** * Writes a minimal manifest file to the jar. * @param jos the jar output stream. * @throws IOException */ static void writeMinimalManifestToJar(JarOutputStream jos) throws IOException { // Create the manifest Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); // Add some attributes. Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String manifestVersionString = Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION.toString(); mainAttributes.putValue(manifestVersionString, "1.0"); writeManifestToJar(jos, manifest); } /** * Writes a minimal manifest file to the Car or Car-jar. * @param jos the jar output stream. * @param carName the canonical name of the car. * @throws IOException */ static void writeMinimalManifestToCar(JarOutputStream jos, String carName) throws IOException { // Create the manifest Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); // Add some attributes. Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String manifestVersionString = Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION.toString(); mainAttributes.putValue(manifestVersionString, "1.0"); mainAttributes.putValue(CAR_NAME_MANIFEST_ATTRIBUTE, carName); writeManifestToJar(jos, manifest); } /** * Writes a manifest file to the jar. * @param jos the jar output stream. * @param manifest the manifest to be written out. * @throws IOException */ private static void writeManifestToJar(JarOutputStream jos, Manifest manifest) throws IOException { // Manually add the manifest, so that we can set the time for its entry. ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME); // TODOEL: Find a sensible time to put here. // If this time changes for every output, the .jar file which is created will have a different timestamp for this entry. // This will cause the digest on the jar "packaged module" in CE to be different. // // Possibilities: // The latest time for any of the added resources. // The time of the first resource added after Manifest.mf. // Use a pre-written Manifest.mf. // e.setTime(0); jos.putNextEntry(e); manifest.write(new BufferedOutputStream(jos)); jos.closeEntry(); } /** * Write the workspace resources for a module to a jar. * @param workspace the workspace with the module to persist. * @param moduleName the name of a module to persist. * @param jos the JarOutputStream to be written to. * @param buildSourcelessModules whether to build the jar with sourceless modules (i.e. the CAL files will be empty stubs). * @throws IOException */ static void writeModuleToJar(CALWorkspace workspace, ModuleName moduleName, JarOutputStream jos, boolean buildSourcelessModules) throws IOException { writeModuleToJar(workspace, moduleName, jos, false, buildSourcelessModules); } /** * Write the workspace resources for a module to a jar. * @param workspace the workspace with the module to persist. * @param moduleName the name of a module to persist. * @param jos the JarOutputStream to be written to. * @param encrypt if true, the resource files will be encrypted in a simple way. * @param buildSourcelessModules whether to build the jar with sourceless modules (i.e. the CAL files will be empty stubs). * @throws IOException */ private static void writeModuleToJar(CALWorkspace workspace, ModuleName moduleName, JarOutputStream jos, boolean encrypt, boolean buildSourcelessModules) throws IOException { // Iterate over the resource managers. for (final ResourceManager resourceManager : workspace.getResourceManagersForModule(moduleName)) { if (resourceManager instanceof ModuleResourceManager) { writeResourcesToJar(workspace, (ModuleResourceManager)resourceManager, moduleName, jos, encrypt, buildSourcelessModules); } } } /** * Writes the user resources associated with a module into a jar. * @param workspace the workspace with the module. * @param moduleName the name of the module whose user resources are to be written out. * @param jos the JarOutputStream to be written to. * @throws IOException */ public static void writeUserResourcesToJar(final CALWorkspace workspace, final ModuleName moduleName, final JarOutputStream jos) throws IOException { final UserResourceManager userResourceManager = workspace.getUserResourceManager(moduleName); writeResourcesToJar(workspace, userResourceManager, moduleName, jos, false, false); } /** * Writes the resources from a resource manager into a jar. * @param workspace the workspace with the module to persist. * @param resourceManager the resource manager. * @param moduleName the name of a module to persist. * @param jos the JarOutputStream to be written to. * @param encrypt if true, the resource files will be encrypted in a simple way. * @param buildSourcelessModules whether to build the jar with sourceless modules (i.e. the CAL files will be empty stubs). * @throws IOException */ private static void writeResourcesToJar(final CALWorkspace workspace, final ModuleResourceManager resourceManager, final ModuleName moduleName, final JarOutputStream jos, boolean encrypt, final boolean buildSourcelessModules) throws IOException { // The byte buffer and array used for copying resources. byte[] bufArray = new byte[1024]; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bufArray); boolean isSourceManager = resourceManager instanceof CALSourceManager; // Iterate over the resources in the manager. for (Iterator<WorkspaceResource> it = resourceManager.getResourceIterator(moduleName); it.hasNext(); ) { WorkspaceResource moduleResource = it.next(); // Get the name of the resource, and the path to that resource. ResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier = moduleResource.getIdentifier(); ResourcePath.FilePath filePath = workspace.getResourcePath(resourceIdentifier); // Add a jar entry. JarEntry jarEntry = new JarEntry(filePath.getPathStringMinusSlash()); jarEntry.setTime(moduleResource.getTimeStamp()); jos.putNextEntry(jarEntry); if (!isSourceManager || !buildSourcelessModules) { // We omit the content of the entry if the resource is a module source and buildSourcelessModules is true. // Write the bytes for that entry. InputStream moduleResourceStream = null; try { moduleResourceStream = moduleResource.getInputStream(new Status("Input Status")); // shouldn't normally be null.. ReadableByteChannel byteChannel = Channels.newChannel(moduleResourceStream); while (true) { int bytesRead = byteChannel.read(buffer); if (bytesRead < 0) { // end of file. break; } // Write the data. jos.write(bufArray, 0, bytesRead); buffer.rewind(); // rewind the buffer so that the next read starts at position 0 again } } finally { // Don't forget to close the input stream.. if (moduleResourceStream != null) { try { moduleResourceStream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } } } } /** * Get the names representing the resources in a folder. * * @param jarFileManager the jar file to search * @param folder the folder to search. * @param pathMapper the path mapper to use to map paths back to resource names * @return the names representing the resources in the given directory. * Never null, but may be empty if the given file is not a directory. */ public static List<ResourceName> getFolderResourceNames(JarFileManager jarFileManager, ResourcePath.Folder folder, ResourcePathMapper pathMapper) { return getFilteredFolderResourceNames(jarFileManager, folder, pathMapper, null); } /** * Get a filtered list of the names representing the resources in a folder. * * @param jarFileManager the jar file to search * @param folder the folder to search. * @param pathMapper the path mapper to use to map paths back to resource names * @param filter the filter to use for determining which resource names to keep in the returned list. * @return the names representing the resources in the given directory. * Never null, but may be empty if the given file is not a directory. */ public static List<ResourceName> getFilteredFolderResourceNames(JarFileManager jarFileManager, ResourcePath.Folder folder, ResourcePathMapper pathMapper, ResourceName.Filter filter) { String relativePathOfFolder = folder.getPathStringMinusSlash(); Set<ResourceName> filteredSet = new TreeSet<ResourceName>(); // sort alphabetically.. // Iterate over the entries in the jar file in the folder. Set<String> fileNamesInFolder = jarFileManager.getFileNamesInFolder(relativePathOfFolder); if (fileNamesInFolder != null) { for (final String fileName : fileNamesInFolder) { // It passes if the path mapper returns a non-null resource name (e.g. it has the right file extension). ResourceName resourceName = pathMapper.getResourceNameFromFolderAndFileName(folder, fileName); if (resourceName != null) { // If the filter is not null, check the path to make sure it's acceptable first if (filter == null || filter.accept(resourceName)) { filteredSet.add(resourceName); } } } } return new ArrayList<ResourceName>(filteredSet); } /** * Get the names representing the resources in the subtree rooted at the folder. * * @param jarFileManager the jar file to search * @param folder the folder to search. * @param pathMapper the path mapper to use to map paths back to resource names * @return the names representing the resources in the given directory. * Never null, but may be empty if the given file is not a directory. */ public static List<ResourceName> getResourceNamesInSubtreeRootedAtFolder(JarFileManager jarFileManager, ResourcePath.Folder folder, ResourcePathMapper pathMapper) { String relativePathOfFolder = folder.getPathStringMinusSlash(); Set<ResourceName> filteredSet = new TreeSet<ResourceName>(); // sort alphabetically.. // Iterate over the entries in the jar file in all the subfolders and the given folder. Set<String> foldersToCheck = new HashSet<String>(); foldersToCheck.add(relativePathOfFolder); foldersToCheck.addAll(jarFileManager.getAllDescendentFolderPathsInFolder(relativePathOfFolder)); for (final String relativePathOfFolderToCheck : foldersToCheck) { ResourcePath.Folder resourceFolderToCheck = ResourcePath.Folder.makeFromPathStringMinusSlash(relativePathOfFolderToCheck); Set<String> fileNamesInFolder = jarFileManager.getFileNamesInFolder(relativePathOfFolderToCheck); if (fileNamesInFolder != null) { for (final String fileName : fileNamesInFolder) { // It passes if the path mapper returns a non-null resource name (e.g. it has the right file extension). ResourceName resourceName = pathMapper.getResourceNameFromFolderAndFileName(resourceFolderToCheck, fileName); if (resourceName != null) { filteredSet.add(resourceName); } } } } return new ArrayList<ResourceName>(filteredSet); } /** * Get the subfolders of a given folder which contain any files with a given extension. * @param parentFolder the folder whose subfolders will be searched. The names of these subfolders * are eligible to be returned. * @param fileExtension the file extension to search for. If null, all files will be returned. * @param convertFromFileSystemName whether the folder names in the jar file are encoded with getFileSystemName(), and should be decoded. * @return the names of folders for which files with the given extension exist. */ public static Set<String> getFolderNamesWithFileExtension(JarFileManager jarFileManager, ResourcePath.Folder parentFolder, String fileExtension, boolean convertFromFileSystemName) { String relativePathOfParentFolder = parentFolder.getPathStringMinusSlash(); Set<String> matchingFolderNameSet = new HashSet<String>(); // Get the components of the parent folder. String[] parentFolderElements = parentFolder.getPathElements(); int nParentFolderElements = parentFolderElements.length; // Iterate over the entries in the jar file in the folder. Set<String> subfolderPaths = jarFileManager.getAllDescendentFolderPathsInFolder(relativePathOfParentFolder); if (subfolderPaths != null) { for (final String subfolderPath : subfolderPaths) { Set<String> folderContents = jarFileManager.getFileNamesInFolder(subfolderPath); if (folderContents != null) { for (final String fileName : folderContents) { // Get the name of the entry, minus the leading slash. String entryName = subfolderPath + "/" + fileName; // Split into its components. String[] entryNameComponents = (entryName.charAt(0) == '/') ? entryName.substring(1).split("/") : entryName.split("/"); int nEntryNameComponents = entryNameComponents.length; // // Convert from file system name if necessary. // if (convertFromFileSystemName) { // for (int i = 0; i < nEntryNameComponents; i++) { // entryNameComponents[i] = FileSystemResourceHelper.fromFileSystemName(entryNameComponents[i]); // } // } // Check that there are enough components in the entry. if (nEntryNameComponents <= nParentFolderElements) { continue; } // Check that the components of the entry name match with the parent folder. for (int i = 0; i < nParentFolderElements; i++) { if (!parentFolderElements[i].equals(entryNameComponents[i])) { continue; } } // Check that the file extension matches. if (fileExtension != null && !entryNameComponents[nEntryNameComponents - 1].endsWith("." + fileExtension)) { continue; } // If we're here, the folder matches. String matchingFolderName = entryNameComponents[nParentFolderElements]; if (convertFromFileSystemName) { matchingFolderName = FileSystemResourceHelper.fromFileSystemName(matchingFolderName); } matchingFolderNameSet.add(matchingFolderName); } } } } return matchingFolderNameSet; } /** * Returns a set of folder resource paths of all non-empty subfolders in the given folder. * @param jarFileManager the jar file manager containing the jar to be processed. * @param parentFolder the folder resource path of the root of the subtree to process. * @return a set of folder resource paths of all non-empty subfolders in the given folder. */ public static Set<ResourcePath.Folder> getResourcePathsOfAllNonEmptySubfolders(JarFileManager jarFileManager, ResourcePath.Folder parentFolder) { String relativePathOfParentFolder = parentFolder.getPathStringMinusSlash(); Set<ResourcePath.Folder> result = new HashSet<Folder>(); // Iterate over the entries in the jar file in the folder. Set<String> subfolderPaths = jarFileManager.getAllDescendentFolderPathsInFolder(relativePathOfParentFolder); for (final String subfolderPath : subfolderPaths) { if (!jarFileManager.getFileNamesInFolder(subfolderPath).isEmpty()) { result.add(ResourcePath.Folder.makeFromPathStringMinusSlash(subfolderPath)); } } return result; } }