// $ANTLR 2.7.6 (2005-12-22): "CALTreeParser.g" -> "CALTreeParser.java"$ // Package declaration package org.openquark.cal.compiler; import antlr.TreeParser; import antlr.Token; import antlr.collections.AST; import antlr.RecognitionException; import antlr.ANTLRException; import antlr.NoViableAltException; import antlr.MismatchedTokenException; import antlr.SemanticException; import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet; import antlr.ASTPair; import antlr.collections.impl.ASTArray; /******************************************* * CAL tree grammar definition starts here * *******************************************/ @SuppressWarnings(\u0022all\u0022) final class CALTreeParser extends antlr.TreeParser implements CALTreeParserTokenTypes { // Add declarations for CALTreeParser class here private CALCompiler compiler; /** * Construct CALTreeParser from a CALCompiler */ CALTreeParser (CALCompiler compiler) { this (); this.compiler = compiler; } /** * Override reportError method to direct standard error handling through to the CALCompiler error scheme * @param ex the recognition exception that originated the problem */ public void reportError (RecognitionException ex) { //tree parsing errors are FATAL because they should only occur when there has been a programming //mistake in CAL.g or CALTreeParser.g i.e. they cannot be caused by user error in .cal code. final SourcePosition startSourcePosition = new SourcePosition(ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn(), ex.getFilename()); final SourcePosition endSourcePosition = new SourcePosition(ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn()+1, ex.getFilename()); final SourceRange sourceRange = new SourceRange(startSourcePosition, endSourcePosition); compiler.logMessage(new CompilerMessage (sourceRange, new MessageKind.Fatal.TreeParsingError(), ex)); } public CALTreeParser() { tokenNames = _tokenNames; } public final void codeGemExpr(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST codeGemExpr_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling expr(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void expr(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST expr_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LITERAL_let: { AST __t175 = _t; AST tmp1_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_let); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); letDefnList(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t175; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_if: { AST __t176 = _t; AST tmp2_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_if); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t176; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_case: { AST __t177 = _t; AST tmp3_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_case); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; altList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t177; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LAMBDA_DEFN: { AST __t178 = _t; AST tmp4_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LAMBDA_DEFN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); lambdaParamList(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t178; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case BARBAR: { AST __t179 = _t; AST tmp5_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,BARBAR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t179; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case AMPERSANDAMPERSAND: { AST __t180 = _t; AST tmp6_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,AMPERSANDAMPERSAND); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t180; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LESS_THAN: { AST __t181 = _t; AST tmp7_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LESS_THAN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t181; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS: { AST __t182 = _t; AST tmp8_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t182; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case EQUALSEQUALS: { AST __t183 = _t; AST tmp9_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,EQUALSEQUALS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t183; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case NOT_EQUALS: { AST __t184 = _t; AST tmp10_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,NOT_EQUALS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t184; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS: { AST __t185 = _t; AST tmp11_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t185; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case GREATER_THAN: { AST __t186 = _t; AST tmp12_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,GREATER_THAN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t186; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case PLUS: { AST __t187 = _t; AST tmp13_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,PLUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t187; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case MINUS: { AST __t188 = _t; AST tmp14_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,MINUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t188; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case ASTERISK: { AST __t189 = _t; AST tmp15_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,ASTERISK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t189; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case SOLIDUS: { AST __t190 = _t; AST tmp16_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,SOLIDUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t190; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case PERCENT: { AST __t191 = _t; AST tmp17_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,PERCENT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t191; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case COLON: { AST __t192 = _t; AST tmp18_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,COLON); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t192; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case PLUSPLUS: { AST __t193 = _t; AST tmp19_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,PLUSPLUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t193; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case UNARY_MINUS: { AST __t194 = _t; AST tmp20_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,UNARY_MINUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t194; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case BACKQUOTE: { AST __t195 = _t; AST tmp21_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,BACKQUOTE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; { _loop198: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==QUALIFIED_VAR||_t.getType()==QUALIFIED_CONS)) { { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case QUALIFIED_VAR: { qualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case QUALIFIED_CONS: { qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } expr(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop198; } } while (true); } _t = __t195; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case POUND: { AST __t199 = _t; AST tmp22_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,POUND); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t199; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case DOLLAR: { AST __t200 = _t; AST tmp23_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DOLLAR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t200; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case APPLICATION: { AST __t201 = _t; AST tmp24_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,APPLICATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt203=0; _loop203: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_tokenSet_0.member(_t.getType()))) { expr(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt203>=1 ) { break _loop203; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt203++; } while (true); } _t = __t201; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case QUALIFIED_VAR: { qualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case QUALIFIED_CONS: { qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case STRING_LITERAL: case CHAR_LITERAL: case INTEGER_LITERAL: case FLOAT_LITERAL: { literal(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t204 = _t; AST tmp25_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop206: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_tokenSet_0.member(_t.getType()))) { expr(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop206; } } while (true); } _t = __t204; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LIST_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t207 = _t; AST tmp26_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LIST_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop209: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_tokenSet_0.member(_t.getType()))) { expr(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop209; } } while (true); } _t = __t207; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t210 = _t; AST tmp27_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); baseRecord(_t); _t = _retTree; fieldModificationList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t210; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case SELECT_RECORD_FIELD: { AST __t211 = _t; AST tmp28_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,SELECT_RECORD_FIELD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t211; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case SELECT_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_FIELD: { AST __t212 = _t; AST tmp29_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,SELECT_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_FIELD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t212; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case EXPRESSION_TYPE_SIGNATURE: { AST __t213 = _t; AST tmp30_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,EXPRESSION_TYPE_SIGNATURE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expr(_t); _t = _retTree; typeSignature(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t213; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void startTypeSignature(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST startTypeSignature_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling typeSignature(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeSignature(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeSignature_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t57 = _t; AST tmp31_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_SIGNATURE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); typeContextList(_t); _t = _retTree; type(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t57; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void adjunct(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST adjunct_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t4 = _t; AST tmp32_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,OUTER_DEFN_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop6: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DEFN||_t.getType()==TOP_LEVEL_TYPE_DECLARATION||_t.getType()==INSTANCE_DEFN)) { adjunctDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop6; } } while (true); } _t = __t4; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void adjunctDefn(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST adjunctDefn_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case TOP_LEVEL_TYPE_DECLARATION: { topLevelTypeDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case INSTANCE_DEFN: { instanceDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DEFN: { topLevelFunction(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void topLevelTypeDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST topLevelTypeDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t51 = _t; AST tmp33_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TOP_LEVEL_TYPE_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; typeDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t51; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void instanceDefn(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST instanceDefn_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t134 = _t; AST tmp34_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INSTANCE_DEFN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; instanceName(_t); _t = _retTree; instanceMethodList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t134; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void topLevelFunction(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST topLevelFunction_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t159 = _t; AST tmp35_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DEFN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; functionName(_t); _t = _retTree; functionParamList(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t159; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void module(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST module_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t9 = _t; AST tmp36_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,MODULE_DEFN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; moduleName(_t); _t = _retTree; importDeclarationList(_t); _t = _retTree; friendDeclarationList(_t); _t = _retTree; outerDefnList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t9; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void optionalDocComment(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST optionalDocComment_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t298 = _t; AST tmp37_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,OPTIONAL_CALDOC_COMMENT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_COMMENT: { docComment(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t298; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void moduleName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST moduleName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t11 = _t; AST tmp38_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,HIERARCHICAL_MODULE_NAME); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); moduleNameQualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; cons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t11; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void importDeclarationList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST importDeclarationList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t16 = _t; AST tmp39_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,IMPORT_DECLARATION_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop18: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==LITERAL_import)) { importDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop18; } } while (true); } _t = __t16; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void friendDeclarationList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST friendDeclarationList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t40 = _t; AST tmp40_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FRIEND_DECLARATION_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop42: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==LITERAL_friend)) { friendDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop42; } } while (true); } _t = __t40; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void outerDefnList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST outerDefnList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t46 = _t; AST tmp41_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,OUTER_DEFN_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop48: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_tokenSet_1.member(_t.getType()))) { outerDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop48; } } while (true); } _t = __t46; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void moduleNameQualifier(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST moduleNameQualifier_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case HIERARCHICAL_MODULE_NAME_EMPTY_QUALIFIER: { AST tmp42_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,HIERARCHICAL_MODULE_NAME_EMPTY_QUALIFIER); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case HIERARCHICAL_MODULE_NAME: { AST __t13 = _t; AST tmp43_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,HIERARCHICAL_MODULE_NAME); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); moduleNameQualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; cons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t13; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void cons(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST cons_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST tmp44_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CONS_ID); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void maybeModuleName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST maybeModuleName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling moduleNameQualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void importDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST importDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t20 = _t; AST tmp45_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_import); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); moduleName(_t); _t = _retTree; { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LITERAL_using: { usingClause(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t20; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void usingClause(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST usingClause_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t23 = _t; AST tmp46_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_using); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop25: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if (((_t.getType() >= LITERAL_function && _t.getType() <= LITERAL_typeClass))) { usingItem(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop25; } } while (true); } _t = __t23; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void usingItem(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST usingItem_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LITERAL_function: { AST __t27 = _t; AST tmp47_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_function); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); usingVarList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t27; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_typeConstructor: { AST __t28 = _t; AST tmp48_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_typeConstructor); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); usingConsList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t28; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_dataConstructor: { AST __t29 = _t; AST tmp49_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_dataConstructor); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); usingConsList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t29; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_typeClass: { AST __t30 = _t; AST tmp50_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_typeClass); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); usingConsList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t30; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void usingVarList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST usingVarList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling { var(_t); _t = _retTree; { _loop38: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==COMMA)) { AST tmp51_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,COMMA); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); var(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop38; } } while (true); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void usingConsList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST usingConsList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling { cons(_t); _t = _retTree; { _loop34: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==COMMA)) { AST tmp52_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,COMMA); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); cons(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop34; } } while (true); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void var(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST var_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST tmp53_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,VAR_ID); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void friendDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST friendDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t44 = _t; AST tmp54_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_friend); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); moduleName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t44; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void outerDefn(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST outerDefn_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case TOP_LEVEL_TYPE_DECLARATION: { topLevelTypeDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case FOREIGN_DATA_DECLARATION: { foreignDataDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case DATA_DECLARATION: { dataDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case TYPE_CLASS_DEFN: { typeClassDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case INSTANCE_DEFN: { instanceDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case FOREIGN_FUNCTION_DECLARATION: { foreignFunctionDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case PRIMITIVE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION: { primitiveFunctionDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DEFN: { topLevelFunction(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void foreignDataDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST foreignDataDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t93 = _t; AST tmp55_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FOREIGN_DATA_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; externalName(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; cons(_t); _t = _retTree; { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LITERAL_deriving: { derivingClause(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t93; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void dataDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST dataDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t96 = _t; AST tmp56_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; typeConsName(_t); _t = _retTree; typeConsParamList(_t); _t = _retTree; dataConstructorDefnList(_t); _t = _retTree; { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LITERAL_deriving: { derivingClause(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t96; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeClassDefn(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeClassDefn_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t122 = _t; AST tmp57_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_CLASS_DEFN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; classContextList(_t); _t = _retTree; typeClassName(_t); _t = _retTree; var(_t); _t = _retTree; classMethodList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t122; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void foreignFunctionDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST foreignFunctionDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t154 = _t; AST tmp58_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FOREIGN_FUNCTION_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; externalName(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; typeDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t154; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void primitiveFunctionDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST primitiveFunctionDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t157 = _t; AST tmp59_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,PRIMITIVE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; typeDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t157; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t55 = _t; AST tmp60_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); var(_t); _t = _retTree; typeSignature(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t55; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void letDefnTypeDeclaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST letDefnTypeDeclaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t53 = _t; AST tmp61_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LET_DEFN_TYPE_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; typeDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t53; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeContextList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeContextList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case TYPE_CONTEXT_LIST: { AST __t59 = _t; AST tmp62_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_CONTEXT_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop61: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CLASS_CONTEXT||_t.getType()==LACKS_FIELD_CONTEXT)) { typeContext(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop61; } } while (true); } _t = __t59; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case TYPE_CONTEXT_SINGLETON: { AST __t62 = _t; AST tmp63_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_CONTEXT_SINGLETON); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); typeContext(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t62; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case TYPE_CONTEXT_NOTHING: { AST tmp64_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_CONTEXT_NOTHING); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST type_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case FUNCTION_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t74 = _t; AST tmp65_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FUNCTION_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); type(_t); _t = _retTree; type(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t74; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case TUPLE_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t75 = _t; AST tmp66_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TUPLE_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop77: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_tokenSet_2.member(_t.getType()))) { type(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop77; } } while (true); } _t = __t75; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LIST_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t78 = _t; AST tmp67_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LIST_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); type(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t78; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case TYPE_APPLICATION: { AST __t79 = _t; AST tmp68_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_APPLICATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt81=0; _loop81: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_tokenSet_2.member(_t.getType()))) { type(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt81>=1 ) { break _loop81; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt81++; } while (true); } _t = __t79; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case QUALIFIED_CONS: { qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case VAR_ID: { var(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case RECORD_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t82 = _t; AST tmp69_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,RECORD_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); recordVar(_t); _t = _retTree; fieldTypeAssignmentList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t82; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeContext(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeContext_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CLASS_CONTEXT: { classContext(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case LACKS_FIELD_CONTEXT: { lacksContext(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void classContextList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST classContextList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CLASS_CONTEXT_LIST: { AST __t64 = _t; AST tmp70_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CLASS_CONTEXT_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop66: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CLASS_CONTEXT)) { classContext(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop66; } } while (true); } _t = __t64; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CLASS_CONTEXT_SINGLETON: { AST __t67 = _t; AST tmp71_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CLASS_CONTEXT_SINGLETON); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); classContext(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t67; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CLASS_CONTEXT_NOTHING: { AST tmp72_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CLASS_CONTEXT_NOTHING); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void classContext(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST classContext_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t70 = _t; AST tmp73_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CLASS_CONTEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; var(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t70; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void lacksContext(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST lacksContext_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t72 = _t; AST tmp74_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LACKS_FIELD_CONTEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); var(_t); _t = _retTree; fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t72; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void qualifiedCons(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST qualifiedCons_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t229 = _t; AST tmp75_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,QUALIFIED_CONS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); maybeModuleName(_t); _t = _retTree; cons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t229; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case VAR_ID: { var(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case ORDINAL_FIELD_NAME: { AST tmp76_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,ORDINAL_FIELD_NAME); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void recordVar(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST recordVar_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t84 = _t; AST tmp77_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,RECORD_VAR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case VAR_ID: { var(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t84; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldTypeAssignmentList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldTypeAssignmentList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t87 = _t; AST tmp78_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FIELD_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop89: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==FIELD_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT)) { fieldTypeAssignment(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop89; } } while (true); } _t = __t87; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldTypeAssignment(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldTypeAssignment_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t91 = _t; AST tmp79_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FIELD_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; type(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t91; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void accessModifier(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST accessModifier_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t161 = _t; AST tmp80_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,ACCESS_MODIFIER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LITERAL_public: { AST tmp81_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_public); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_private: { AST tmp82_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_private); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_protected: { AST tmp83_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_protected); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t161; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void externalName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST externalName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST tmp84_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,STRING_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void derivingClause(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST derivingClause_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t118 = _t; AST tmp85_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LITERAL_deriving); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt120=0; _loop120: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==QUALIFIED_CONS)) { qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt120>=1 ) { break _loop120; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt120++; } while (true); } _t = __t118; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeConsName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeConsName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling cons(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeConsParamList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeConsParamList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling { AST tmp86_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TYPE_CONS_PARAM_LIST); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); { _loop102: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==VAR_ID)) { var(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop102; } } while (true); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void dataConstructorDefnList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST dataConstructorDefnList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t104 = _t; AST tmp87_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_DEFN_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt106=0; _loop106: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_DEFN)) { dataConstructorDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt106>=1 ) { break _loop106; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt106++; } while (true); } _t = __t104; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void dataConstructorDefn(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST dataConstructorDefn_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t108 = _t; AST tmp88_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_DEFN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; cons(_t); _t = _retTree; dataConstructorArgList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t108; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void dataConstructorArgList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST dataConstructorArgList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t110 = _t; AST tmp89_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_ARG_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop112: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAMED_ARG)) { dataConstructorArg(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop112; } } while (true); } _t = __t110; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void dataConstructorArg(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST dataConstructorArg_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t114 = _t; AST tmp90_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAMED_ARG); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case STRICT_ARG: { AST __t116 = _t; AST tmp91_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,STRICT_ARG); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); type(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t116; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case VAR_ID: case FUNCTION_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: case TYPE_APPLICATION: case QUALIFIED_CONS: case LIST_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: case TUPLE_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: case RECORD_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { type(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t114; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void typeClassName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST typeClassName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling cons(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void classMethodList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST classMethodList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t125 = _t; AST tmp92_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CLASS_METHOD_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop127: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CLASS_METHOD)) { classMethod(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop127; } } while (true); } _t = __t125; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void classMethod(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST classMethod_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t129 = _t; AST tmp93_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CLASS_METHOD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; accessModifier(_t); _t = _retTree; classMethodName(_t); _t = _retTree; typeSignature(_t); _t = _retTree; { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case QUALIFIED_VAR: { defaultClassMethodName(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t129; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void classMethodName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST classMethodName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling var(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void defaultClassMethodName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST defaultClassMethodName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling qualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void qualifiedVar(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST qualifiedVar_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t227 = _t; AST tmp94_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,QUALIFIED_VAR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); maybeModuleName(_t); _t = _retTree; var(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t227; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void instanceName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST instanceName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t136 = _t; AST tmp95_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INSTANCE_NAME); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); classContextList(_t); _t = _retTree; qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; instanceTypeConsName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t136; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void instanceMethodList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST instanceMethodList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t146 = _t; AST tmp96_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INSTANCE_METHOD_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop148: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==INSTANCE_METHOD)) { instanceMethod(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop148; } } while (true); } _t = __t146; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void instanceTypeConsName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST instanceTypeConsName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case GENERAL_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t138 = _t; AST tmp97_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,GENERAL_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; { _loop140: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==VAR_ID)) { var(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop140; } } while (true); } _t = __t138; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case UNPARENTHESIZED_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t141 = _t; AST tmp98_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,UNPARENTHESIZED_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t141; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case FUNCTION_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t142 = _t; AST tmp99_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FUNCTION_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); var(_t); _t = _retTree; var(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t142; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case UNIT_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST tmp100_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,UNIT_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LIST_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t143 = _t; AST tmp101_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LIST_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); var(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t143; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case RECORD_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t144 = _t; AST tmp102_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,RECORD_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); var(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t144; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void instanceMethod(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST instanceMethod_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t150 = _t; AST tmp103_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INSTANCE_METHOD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; instanceMethodName(_t); _t = _retTree; instanceMethodDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t150; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void instanceMethodName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST instanceMethodName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling var(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void instanceMethodDefn(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST instanceMethodDefn_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling qualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void functionName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST functionName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling var(_t); _t = _retTree; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void functionParamList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST functionParamList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t165 = _t; AST tmp104_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FUNCTION_PARAM_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop167: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==STRICT_PARAM||_t.getType()==LAZY_PARAM)) { functionParam(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop167; } } while (true); } _t = __t165; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void functionParam(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST functionParam_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LAZY_PARAM: { AST tmp105_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LAZY_PARAM); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case STRICT_PARAM: { AST tmp106_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,STRICT_PARAM); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void lambdaParamList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST lambdaParamList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t169 = _t; AST tmp107_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FUNCTION_PARAM_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt171=0; _loop171: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==STRICT_PARAM||_t.getType()==LAZY_PARAM)) { functionParam(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt171>=1 ) { break _loop171; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt171++; } while (true); } _t = __t169; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void letDefnList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST letDefnList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t231 = _t; AST tmp108_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LET_DEFN_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt233=0; _loop233: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LET_DEFN: { letDefn(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case LET_DEFN_TYPE_DECLARATION: { letDefnTypeDeclaration(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case LET_PATTERN_MATCH_DECL: { letPatternMatchDecl(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { if ( _cnt233>=1 ) { break _loop233; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } } _cnt233++; } while (true); } _t = __t231; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void altList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST altList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t247 = _t; AST tmp109_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,ALT_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt249=0; _loop249: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==ALT)) { alt(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt249>=1 ) { break _loop249; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt249++; } while (true); } _t = __t247; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void literal(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST literal_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case INTEGER_LITERAL: { AST tmp110_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INTEGER_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case FLOAT_LITERAL: { AST tmp111_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FLOAT_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CHAR_LITERAL: { AST tmp112_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CHAR_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case STRING_LITERAL: { AST tmp113_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,STRING_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void baseRecord(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST baseRecord_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t215 = _t; AST tmp114_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,BASE_RECORD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case LAMBDA_DEFN: case APPLICATION: case TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR: case LIST_CONSTRUCTOR: case QUALIFIED_VAR: case QUALIFIED_CONS: case RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR: case SELECT_RECORD_FIELD: case SELECT_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_FIELD: case EXPRESSION_TYPE_SIGNATURE: case UNARY_MINUS: case STRING_LITERAL: case LITERAL_let: case LITERAL_if: case LITERAL_case: case DOLLAR: case BARBAR: case AMPERSANDAMPERSAND: case LESS_THAN: case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS: case EQUALSEQUALS: case NOT_EQUALS: case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS: case GREATER_THAN: case COLON: case PLUSPLUS: case PLUS: case MINUS: case ASTERISK: case SOLIDUS: case PERCENT: case POUND: case BACKQUOTE: case CHAR_LITERAL: case INTEGER_LITERAL: case FLOAT_LITERAL: { expr(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t215; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldModificationList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldModificationList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t218 = _t; AST tmp115_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FIELD_MODIFICATION_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop220: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case FIELD_EXTENSION: { fieldExtension(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case FIELD_VALUE_UPDATE: { fieldValueUpdate(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { break _loop220; } } } while (true); } _t = __t218; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldExtension(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldExtension_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t222 = _t; AST tmp116_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FIELD_EXTENSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t222; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldValueUpdate(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldValueUpdate_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t224 = _t; AST tmp117_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FIELD_VALUE_UPDATE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t224; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void letDefn(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST letDefn_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t235 = _t; AST tmp118_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LET_DEFN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); optionalDocComment(_t); _t = _retTree; functionName(_t); _t = _retTree; functionParamList(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t235; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void letPatternMatchDecl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST letPatternMatchDecl_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t237 = _t; AST tmp119_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LET_PATTERN_MATCH_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); letPatternMatchPattern(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t237; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void letPatternMatchPattern(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST letPatternMatchPattern_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case PATTERN_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t239 = _t; AST tmp120_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,PATTERN_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST __t240 = _t; AST tmp121_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_SINGLETON); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t240; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); dataConstructorArgumentBindings(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t239; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t241 = _t; AST tmp122_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop243: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==VAR_ID||_t.getType()==UNDERSCORE)) { patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop243; } } while (true); } _t = __t241; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case COLON: { AST __t244 = _t; AST tmp123_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,COLON); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t244; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case RECORD_PATTERN: { AST __t245 = _t; AST tmp124_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,RECORD_PATTERN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); baseRecordPattern(_t); _t = _retTree; fieldBindingVarAssignmentList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t245; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void dataConstructorArgumentBindings(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST dataConstructorArgumentBindings_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case PATTERN_VAR_LIST: { patternVarListZeroOrMore(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case FIELD_BINDING_VAR_ASSIGNMENT_LIST: { fieldBindingVarAssignmentList(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void patternVar(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST patternVar_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case VAR_ID: { var(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case UNDERSCORE: { wildcard(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void baseRecordPattern(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST baseRecordPattern_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t284 = _t; AST tmp125_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,BASE_RECORD_PATTERN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case VAR_ID: case UNDERSCORE: { patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t284; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldBindingVarAssignmentList(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldBindingVarAssignmentList_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t287 = _t; AST tmp126_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FIELD_BINDING_VAR_ASSIGNMENT_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop289: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==FIELD_BINDING_VAR_ASSIGNMENT)) { fieldBindingVarAssignment(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop289; } } while (true); } _t = __t287; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void alt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST alt_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t251 = _t; AST tmp127_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,ALT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); pat(_t); _t = _retTree; expr(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t251; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void pat(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST pat_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case PATTERN_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t253 = _t; AST tmp128_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,PATTERN_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); dataConstructorNameListOneOrMore(_t); _t = _retTree; dataConstructorArgumentBindings(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t253; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST __t254 = _t; AST tmp129_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop256: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==VAR_ID||_t.getType()==UNDERSCORE)) { patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop256; } } while (true); } _t = __t254; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LIST_CONSTRUCTOR: { AST tmp130_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,LIST_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case INT_PATTERN: { AST __t257 = _t; AST tmp131_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INT_PATTERN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); maybeMinusIntListOneOrMore(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t257; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CHAR_PATTERN: { AST __t258 = _t; AST tmp132_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CHAR_PATTERN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); charListOneOrMore(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t258; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case COLON: { AST __t259 = _t; AST tmp133_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,COLON); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t259; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case UNDERSCORE: { wildcard(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case RECORD_PATTERN: { AST __t260 = _t; AST tmp134_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,RECORD_PATTERN); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); baseRecordPattern(_t); _t = _retTree; fieldBindingVarAssignmentList(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t260; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void dataConstructorNameListOneOrMore(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST dataConstructorNameListOneOrMore_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_LIST: { AST __t267 = _t; AST tmp135_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt269=0; _loop269: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==QUALIFIED_CONS)) { qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt269>=1 ) { break _loop269; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt269++; } while (true); } _t = __t267; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_SINGLETON: { AST __t270 = _t; AST tmp136_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_SINGLETON); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t270; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void maybeMinusIntListOneOrMore(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST maybeMinusIntListOneOrMore_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t272 = _t; AST tmp137_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,MAYBE_MINUS_INT_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt274=0; _loop274: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==MINUS||_t.getType()==INTEGER_LITERAL)) { maybeMinusInt(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt274>=1 ) { break _loop274; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt274++; } while (true); } _t = __t272; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void charListOneOrMore(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST charListOneOrMore_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t278 = _t; AST tmp138_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CHAR_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt280=0; _loop280: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CHAR_LITERAL)) { AST tmp139_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CHAR_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } else { if ( _cnt280>=1 ) { break _loop280; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt280++; } while (true); } _t = __t278; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void wildcard(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST wildcard_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST tmp140_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,UNDERSCORE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void patternVarListZeroOrMore(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST patternVarListZeroOrMore_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t263 = _t; AST tmp141_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,PATTERN_VAR_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop265: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==VAR_ID||_t.getType()==UNDERSCORE)) { patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop265; } } while (true); } _t = __t263; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void maybeMinusInt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST maybeMinusInt_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case MINUS: { AST __t276 = _t; AST tmp142_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,MINUS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp143_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INTEGER_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); _t = __t276; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case INTEGER_LITERAL: { AST tmp144_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INTEGER_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void fieldBindingVarAssignment(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST fieldBindingVarAssignment_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t291 = _t; AST tmp145_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,FIELD_BINDING_VAR_ASSIGNMENT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case VAR_ID: case UNDERSCORE: { patternVar(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case 3: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t291; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void literal_index(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST literal_index_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST tmp146_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,INTEGER_LITERAL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docComment(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docComment_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t301 = _t; AST tmp147_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_COMMENT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentDescriptionBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; docCommentTaggedBlocks(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t301; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentDescriptionBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentDescriptionBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t303 = _t; AST tmp148_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_DESCRIPTION_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t303; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentTaggedBlocks(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentTaggedBlocks_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t360 = _t; AST tmp149_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TAGGED_BLOCKS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop362: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_AUTHOR_BLOCK: { docCommentAuthorBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_DEPRECATED_BLOCK: { docCommentDeprecatedBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_RETURN_BLOCK: { docCommentReturnBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_VERSION_BLOCK: { docCommentVersionBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_ARG_BLOCK: { docCommentArgBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_SEE_BLOCK: { docCommentSeeBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { break _loop362; } } } while (true); } _t = __t360; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentTextualContent(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentTextualContent_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t305 = _t; AST tmp150_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop307: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_TEXT_LINE: { AST tmp151_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_BLANK_TEXT_LINE: { AST tmp152_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_BLANK_TEXT_LINE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_INLINE_BLOCK: { docCommentInlineBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINE_BREAK: { AST tmp153_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINE_BREAK); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { break _loop307; } } } while (true); } _t = __t305; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t317 = _t; AST tmp154_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_INLINE_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_TEXT_URL: { docCommentInlineUrlBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINK: { docCommentInlineLinkBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_EMPHASIZED_TEXT: { docCommentInlineEmBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_STRONGLY_EMPHASIZED_TEXT: { docCommentInlineStrongBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_SUPERSCRIPT_TEXT: { docCommentInlineSupBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_SUBSCRIPT_TEXT: { docCommentInlineSubBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_SUMMARY: { docCommentInlineSummaryBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_CODE_BLOCK: { docCommentInlineCodeBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_ORDERED_LIST: { docCommentInlineOrderedListBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_UNORDERED_LIST: { docCommentInlineUnorderedListBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t317; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentPreformattedBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentPreformattedBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t309 = _t; AST tmp155_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_PREFORMATTED_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop311: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_TEXT_LINE: { AST tmp156_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_BLANK_TEXT_LINE: { AST tmp157_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_BLANK_TEXT_LINE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_INLINE_BLOCK: { docCommentInlineBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINE_BREAK: { AST tmp158_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINE_BREAK); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { break _loop311; } } } while (true); } _t = __t309; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentTextBlockWithoutInlineTags(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentTextBlockWithoutInlineTags_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t313 = _t; AST tmp159_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_BLOCK_WITHOUT_INLINE_TAGS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop315: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_TEXT_LINE: { AST tmp160_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_BLANK_TEXT_LINE: { AST tmp161_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_BLANK_TEXT_LINE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINE_BREAK: { AST tmp162_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINE_BREAK); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { break _loop315; } } } while (true); } _t = __t313; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineUrlBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineUrlBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t320 = _t; AST tmp163_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_URL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextBlockWithoutInlineTags(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t320; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineLinkBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineLinkBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t322 = _t; AST tmp164_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_FUNCTION: { docCommentLinkFunction(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_MODULE: { docCommentLinkModule(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_DATACONS: { docCommentLinkDataCons(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_TYPECONS: { docCommentLinkTypeCons(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_TYPECLASS: { docCommentLinkTypeClass(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_WITHOUT_CONTEXT: { docCommentLinkWithoutContext(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t322; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineEmBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineEmBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t325 = _t; AST tmp165_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_EMPHASIZED_TEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t325; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineStrongBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineStrongBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t327 = _t; AST tmp166_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_STRONGLY_EMPHASIZED_TEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t327; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineSupBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineSupBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t329 = _t; AST tmp167_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_SUPERSCRIPT_TEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t329; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineSubBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineSubBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t331 = _t; AST tmp168_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_SUBSCRIPT_TEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t331; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineSummaryBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineSummaryBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t333 = _t; AST tmp169_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_SUMMARY); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t333; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineCodeBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineCodeBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t335 = _t; AST tmp170_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_CODE_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentPreformattedBlock(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t335; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineOrderedListBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineOrderedListBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t337 = _t; AST tmp171_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_ORDERED_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop339: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CALDOC_TEXT_LIST_ITEM)) { docCommentListItem(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop339; } } while (true); } _t = __t337; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentInlineUnorderedListBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentInlineUnorderedListBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t341 = _t; AST tmp172_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_UNORDERED_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop343: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CALDOC_TEXT_LIST_ITEM)) { docCommentListItem(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { break _loop343; } } while (true); } _t = __t341; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentLinkFunction(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentLinkFunction_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t347 = _t; AST tmp173_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_FUNCTION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t347; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentLinkModule(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentLinkModule_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t349 = _t; AST tmp174_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_MODULE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentMaybeUncheckedModuleName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t349; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentLinkDataCons(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentLinkDataCons_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t351 = _t; AST tmp175_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_DATACONS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t351; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentLinkTypeCons(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentLinkTypeCons_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t353 = _t; AST tmp176_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_TYPECONS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t353; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentLinkTypeClass(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentLinkTypeClass_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t355 = _t; AST tmp177_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_TYPECLASS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t355; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentLinkWithoutContext(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentLinkWithoutContext_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t357 = _t; AST tmp178_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_WITHOUT_CONTEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS: case CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS: { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR: case CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR: { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } _t = __t357; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentListItem(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentListItem_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t345 = _t; AST tmp179_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_TEXT_LIST_ITEM); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t345; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedVar(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedVar_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR: { AST __t398 = _t; AST tmp180_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t398; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR: { AST __t399 = _t; AST tmp181_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t399; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentMaybeUncheckedModuleName(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentMaybeUncheckedModuleName_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_CHECKED_MODULE_NAME: { AST __t395 = _t; AST tmp182_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_CHECKED_MODULE_NAME); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); moduleName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t395; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_UNCHECKED_MODULE_NAME: { AST __t396 = _t; AST tmp183_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_UNCHECKED_MODULE_NAME); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); moduleName(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t396; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS: { AST __t401 = _t; AST tmp184_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t401; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS: { AST __t402 = _t; AST tmp185_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t402; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentAuthorBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentAuthorBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t364 = _t; AST tmp186_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_AUTHOR_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t364; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentDeprecatedBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentDeprecatedBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t366 = _t; AST tmp187_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_DEPRECATED_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t366; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentReturnBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentReturnBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t368 = _t; AST tmp188_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_RETURN_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t368; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentVersionBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentVersionBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t370 = _t; AST tmp189_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_VERSION_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t370; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentArgBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentArgBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t372 = _t; AST tmp190_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_ARG_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); fieldName(_t); _t = _retTree; docCommentTextualContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t372; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentSeeBlock(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentSeeBlock_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling AST __t374 = _t; AST tmp191_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_SEE_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); docCommentSeeBlockContent(_t); _t = _retTree; _t = __t374; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public final void docCommentSeeBlockContent(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST docCommentSeeBlockContent_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST)_t; try { // for error handling if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_SEE_FUNCTION_BLOCK: { AST __t376 = _t; AST tmp192_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_SEE_FUNCTION_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt378=0; _loop378: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR||_t.getType()==CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR)) { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt378>=1 ) { break _loop378; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt378++; } while (true); } _t = __t376; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_SEE_MODULE_BLOCK: { AST __t379 = _t; AST tmp193_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_SEE_MODULE_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt381=0; _loop381: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CALDOC_CHECKED_MODULE_NAME||_t.getType()==CALDOC_UNCHECKED_MODULE_NAME)) { docCommentMaybeUncheckedModuleName(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt381>=1 ) { break _loop381; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt381++; } while (true); } _t = __t379; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_SEE_DATACONS_BLOCK: { AST __t382 = _t; AST tmp194_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_SEE_DATACONS_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt384=0; _loop384: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS||_t.getType()==CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS)) { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt384>=1 ) { break _loop384; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt384++; } while (true); } _t = __t382; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_SEE_TYPECONS_BLOCK: { AST __t385 = _t; AST tmp195_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_SEE_TYPECONS_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt387=0; _loop387: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS||_t.getType()==CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS)) { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt387>=1 ) { break _loop387; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt387++; } while (true); } _t = __t385; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_SEE_TYPECLASS_BLOCK: { AST __t388 = _t; AST tmp196_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_SEE_TYPECLASS_BLOCK); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt390=0; _loop390: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType()==CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS||_t.getType()==CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS)) { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; } else { if ( _cnt390>=1 ) { break _loop390; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } _cnt390++; } while (true); } _t = __t388; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case CALDOC_SEE_BLOCK_WITHOUT_CONTEXT: { AST __t391 = _t; AST tmp197_AST_in = (AST)_t; match(_t,CALDOC_SEE_BLOCK_WITHOUT_CONTEXT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { int _cnt393=0; _loop393: do { if (_t==null) _t=ASTNULL; switch ( _t.getType()) { case CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS: case CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS: { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedCons(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } case CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR: case CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR: { docCommentMaybeUncheckedQualifiedVar(_t); _t = _retTree; break; } default: { if ( _cnt393>=1 ) { break _loop393; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(_t);} } } _cnt393++; } while (true); } _t = __t391; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();} } _retTree = _t; } public static final String[] _tokenNames = { "<0>", "EOF", "<2>", "NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD", "the start of a CALDoc comment '/**'", "the end of a CALDoc comment '*/'", "an identifier starting with a capital letter", "an identifier starting with a lowercase letter", "ORDINAL_FIELD_NAME", "'='", "','", "DOT", "CALDOC_NEWLINE", "CALDOC_WS", "CALDOC_NEWLINE_WITH_LEADING_ASTERISK", "CALDOC_NEWLINE_WITH_OPTIONAL_LEADING_ASTERISK_SPEC", "CALDOC_NEWLINE_WITH_OPTIONAL_LEADING_ASTERISK", "whitespace", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_FUNCTION_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_MODULE_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_DATACONS_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_TYPECONS_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_TYPECLASS_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_CONS_ID", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_VAR_ID", "'\\\"'", "'='", "','", "'.'", "CALDOC_AUTHOR_TAG", "CALDOC_DEPRECATED_TAG", "CALDOC_RETURN_TAG", "CALDOC_VERSION_TAG", "CALDOC_ARG_TAG", "CALDOC_ARG_TAG_VAR_ID", "CALDOC_ARG_TAG_ORDINAL_FIELD_NAME", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG", "CALDOC_OPEN_INLINE_TAG", "CALDOC_CLOSE_INLINE_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_SUMMARY_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_EM_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_STRONG_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_SUP_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_SUB_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_UNORDERED_LIST_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_ORDERED_LIST_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_ITEM_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_CODE_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_URL_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_LINK_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_TAG", "CALDOC_INLINE_UNKNOWN_TAG", "CALDOC_UNKNOWN_TAG", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_SEE_TAG_UNKNOWN_REFERENCE", "CALDOC_REGULAR_TEXT_LINE", "CALDOC_BLANK_TEXT_LINE", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINE", "TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DEFN", "FUNCTION_PARAM_LIST", "STRICT_PARAM", "LAZY_PARAM", "LAMBDA_DEFN", "APPLICATION", "ALT_LIST", "ALT", "LET_DEFN_LIST", "LET_DEFN", "LET_PATTERN_MATCH_DECL", "TOP_LEVEL_TYPE_DECLARATION", "LET_DEFN_TYPE_DECLARATION", "TYPE_DECLARATION", "FUNCTION_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR", "TYPE_APPLICATION", "TUPLE_CONSTRUCTOR", "LIST_CONSTRUCTOR", "DATA_DECLARATION", "TYPE_CONS_PARAM_LIST", "DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_DEFN_LIST", "DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_DEFN", "DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_ARG_LIST", "DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAMED_ARG", "TYPE_CONTEXT_LIST", "TYPE_CONTEXT_SINGLETON", "TYPE_CONTEXT_NOTHING", "CLASS_CONTEXT_LIST", "CLASS_CONTEXT_SINGLETON", "CLASS_CONTEXT_NOTHING", "CLASS_CONTEXT", "LACKS_FIELD_CONTEXT", "FRIEND_DECLARATION_LIST", "IMPORT_DECLARATION_LIST", "OUTER_DEFN_LIST", "ACCESS_MODIFIER", "QUALIFIED_VAR", "QUALIFIED_CONS", "HIERARCHICAL_MODULE_NAME", "HIERARCHICAL_MODULE_NAME_EMPTY_QUALIFIER", "COMPILATION_UNIT", "MODULE_DEFN", "PATTERN_CONSTRUCTOR", "UNIT_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR", "LIST_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR", "TUPLE_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR", "INT_PATTERN", "CHAR_PATTERN", "FOREIGN_FUNCTION_DECLARATION", "PRIMITIVE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION", "FOREIGN_DATA_DECLARATION", "TYPE_CLASS_DEFN", "CLASS_METHOD_LIST", "CLASS_METHOD", "INSTANCE_DEFN", "INSTANCE_NAME", "INSTANCE_METHOD_LIST", "INSTANCE_METHOD", "UNPARENTHESIZED_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR", "GENERAL_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR", "PATTERN_VAR_LIST", "DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_LIST", "DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_SINGLETON", "MAYBE_MINUS_INT_LIST", "CHAR_LIST", "RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR", "BASE_RECORD", "FIELD_MODIFICATION_LIST", "FIELD_EXTENSION", "FIELD_VALUE_UPDATE", "RECORD_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR", "RECORD_VAR", "FIELD_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST", "FIELD_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT", "SELECT_RECORD_FIELD", "SELECT_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_FIELD", "RECORD_PATTERN", "BASE_RECORD_PATTERN", "FIELD_BINDING_VAR_ASSIGNMENT_LIST", "FIELD_BINDING_VAR_ASSIGNMENT", "TYPE_SIGNATURE", "STRICT_ARG", "EXPRESSION_TYPE_SIGNATURE", "UNARY_MINUS", "OPTIONAL_CALDOC_COMMENT", "CALDOC_COMMENT", "CALDOC_TEXT", "CALDOC_DESCRIPTION_BLOCK", "CALDOC_TAGGED_BLOCKS", "CALDOC_AUTHOR_BLOCK", "CALDOC_DEPRECATED_BLOCK", "CALDOC_RETURN_BLOCK", "CALDOC_VERSION_BLOCK", "CALDOC_ARG_BLOCK", "CALDOC_SEE_BLOCK", "CALDOC_SEE_FUNCTION_BLOCK", "CALDOC_SEE_MODULE_BLOCK", "CALDOC_SEE_DATACONS_BLOCK", "CALDOC_SEE_TYPECONS_BLOCK", "CALDOC_SEE_TYPECLASS_BLOCK", "CALDOC_SEE_BLOCK_WITHOUT_CONTEXT", "CALDOC_CHECKED_MODULE_NAME", "CALDOC_UNCHECKED_MODULE_NAME", "CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR", "CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_VAR", "CALDOC_CHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS", "CALDOC_UNCHECKED_QUALIFIED_CONS", "CALDOC_TEXT_PREFORMATTED_BLOCK", "CALDOC_TEXT_BLOCK_WITHOUT_INLINE_TAGS", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINE_BREAK", "CALDOC_TEXT_INLINE_BLOCK", "CALDOC_TEXT_URL", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINK", "CALDOC_TEXT_EMPHASIZED_TEXT", "CALDOC_TEXT_STRONGLY_EMPHASIZED_TEXT", "CALDOC_TEXT_SUPERSCRIPT_TEXT", "CALDOC_TEXT_SUBSCRIPT_TEXT", "CALDOC_TEXT_SUMMARY", "CALDOC_TEXT_CODE_BLOCK", "CALDOC_TEXT_ORDERED_LIST", "CALDOC_TEXT_UNORDERED_LIST", "CALDOC_TEXT_LIST_ITEM", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_FUNCTION", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_MODULE", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_DATACONS", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_TYPECONS", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_TYPECLASS", "CALDOC_TEXT_LINK_WITHOUT_CONTEXT", "VIRTUAL_LET_NONREC", "VIRTUAL_LET_REC", "VIRTUAL_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_CASE", "VIRTUAL_RECORD_CASE", "VIRTUAL_TUPLE_CASE", "VIRTUAL_UNIT_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR", "\"module\"", "';'", "\"import\"", "\"using\"", "\"function\"", "\"typeConstructor\"", "\"dataConstructor\"", "\"typeClass\"", "\"friend\"", "\"class\"", "'::'", "'=>'", "'('", "')'", "'\\'", "'->'", "'['", "']'", "'{'", "'}'", "'|'", "\"data\"", "\"foreign\"", "\"unsafe\"", "\"jvm\"", "'!'", "\"deriving\"", "\"where\"", "\"default\"", "\"instance\"", "a string literal", "\"primitive\"", "\"public\"", "\"private\"", "\"protected\"", "\"let\"", "\"in\"", "\"if\"", "\"then\"", "\"else\"", "\"case\"", "\"of\"", "'$'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'<'", "'<='", "'=='", "'!='", "'>='", "'>'", "':'", "'++'", "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "'%'", "'#'", "'`'", "':='", "'_'", "a character literal", "an integer value", "FLOAT_LITERAL", "whitespace", "a comment", "a comment", "ESC", "HEX_DIGIT", "EXPONENT" }; private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_0() { long[] data = new long[10]; data[0]=-9223372036854775808L; data[1]=1152921511049304065L; data[2]=24672L; data[3]=-6917535278965981184L; data[4]=3L; return data; } public static final BitSet _tokenSet_0 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_0()); private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_1() { long[] data = { 576460752303423488L, 694891348762688L, 0L, 0L, 0L}; return data; } public static final BitSet _tokenSet_1 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_1()); private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_2() { long[] data = { 128L, 1653562410496L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 0L}; return data; } public static final BitSet _tokenSet_2 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_2()); }