/* * Copyright (c) 2007 BUSINESS OBJECTS SOFTWARE LIMITED * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Business Objects nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * CALMessageResourceBundle.java * Created: Apr 21, 2005 * By: Peter Cardwell */ package org.openquark.cal.compiler; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; import org.openquark.cal.module.Cal.Core.CAL_Prelude; import org.openquark.cal.module.Cal.Core.CAL_Record; /** * A resource bundle for messages in the CAL compiler package. * * The keys for the resource strings are programatically generated from the class names of * MessageKinds because in the Release build these names will be obfuscated. This scheme will * ensure that no matter what the MessageKinds are renamed to by the obfuscation process, they will * match the keys in the resource bundle below. * * @author Peter Cardwell */ public class CALMessageResourceBundle extends ListResourceBundle { @Override public Object[][] getContents() { return contents; } private Object[][] contents = { { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptedRedefinitionOfModule.class), "Attempted redefinition of module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToImportModuleIntoItself.class), "Attempt to import a module {0} into itself." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.BadASTTree.class), "Bad parse tree." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.SyntaxError.class), "Syntax error." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.SyntaxErrorWithParaphrase.class), "Syntax error. Encountered ''{1}'' while trying to parse {0} (starting from token ''{3}''). Expected one of: [{2}]. "} , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.SyntaxErrorWithParaphraseSingleExpected.class), "Syntax error. Encountered ''{1}'' while trying to parse {0} (starting from token ''{3}''). Expected {2}. "} , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.SyntaxErrorWithSuggestion.class), "Syntax error. Unexpected token ''{0}''. Was {1} intended?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.BadTokenStream.class), "Bad token stream." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Info.UnableToRecover.class), "Not able to recover from previous compilation error(s)." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.InternalCodingError.class), "Aborted due to internal coding error. Please contact Business Objects." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotReadModuleSource.class), "Could not read source for module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CyclicDependenciesBetweenModules.class), "Cyclic module dependencies between modules: {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.CyclicClassContextDependenciesBetweenClasses.class), "Cyclic class context dependencies between classes: {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.ErrorWhilePackagingModule.class), "Error while packaging module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FailedValidationASTParse.class), "Failed validation AST parse: {0}" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleCouldNotBeParsed.class), "Module {0} could not be parsed." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CannotLoadSourcelessModuleMaybeInvalidCar.class), "The CMI file of the sourceless module {0} could not be loaded. The Car file containing this module may be invalid." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CannotLoadSourcelessModuleDependeeNotFound.class), "The CMI file of the sourceless module {0} could not be loaded because the imported module {1} cannot be found." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CannotLoadSourcelessModuleOlderThanDependee.class), "The CMI file of the sourceless module {0} could not be loaded because it is out-of-date with respect to the imported module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidSourcelessModule.class), "The CMI file of the sourceless module {0} could not be loaded." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleCouldNotBeRead.class), "Module {0} could not be read." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleNameDoesNotCorrespondToSourceName.class), "Module name {0} does not correspond to source name: {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.ModuleNotInWorkspace.class), "Module {0} is not in the workspace." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleNotWriteable.class), "Module {0} is not writeable." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.MoreThanOneDefinitionInANonRecursiveLet.class), "Internal Coding Error- more than one definition in a non-recursive let." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Info.TooManyErrors.class), "Too many errors ({0}), compilation aborted." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToGenerateExpressionTree.class), "Unable to generate expression tree." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToCloseModuleAndPackage.class), "Unable to close module and package: {0}" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToCloseModule.class), "Unable to close module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.UnliftedLambdaExpression.class), "Internal Coding Error- Unlifted lambda expression." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnresolvedExternalModuleImportWithNoSuggestions.class), "Unresolved external module import {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnresolvedExternalModuleImportWithOneSuggestion.class), "Unresolved external module import {0}. Did you mean {1}?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnresolvedExternalModuleImportWithMultipleSuggestions.class), "Unresolved external module import {0}. Was one of these intended: {1}?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleMustImportOtherModule.class), "Module {0} must import the {1} module." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AmbiguousTypeSignatureInInferredType.class), "Ambiguous type signature in inferred type {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RecordDictionaryMisused.class), CAL_Record.Functions.dictionary.getQualifiedName() + " function may only be called from a directly enclosing function that has exactly 1 record dictionary argument." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RecordDictionaryArgumentsInvalid.class), CAL_Record.Functions.dictionary.getQualifiedName() + " function may only be called with a record argument and a string literal argument." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DictionaryMethodDoesNotExist.class), "Dictionary for typeclass {0} does not contain method {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToPackageSuperCombinator.class), "Unable to package supercombinator: {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ConflictingNameInModule.class), "Conflicting name in module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToCreateOutputValueNode.class), "Unable to create an output value node for type {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToRetrieveAnOutputPolicy.class), "Unable to retrieve an output policy for type {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.TreeParsingError.class), "Tree parsing error." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotParseExpressionInModule.class), "Could not parse expression in module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToParseToIntegerLiteral.class), "Unable to parse {0} to an integer literal." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToParseToFloatingPointLiteral.class), "Unable to parse {0} to a floating point literal." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToParseToCharacterLiteral.class), "Unable to parse {0} to a character literal." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToParseToStringLiteral.class), "Unable to parse {0} to a string literal." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.StringLiteralTooLong.class), "The string literal {0} is too long." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.IntLiteralOutOfRange.class), "{0} is outside of range for the Int type. The valid range is " + Integer.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " (inclusive)." } , // Deprecation warning messages { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Warning.DeprecatedModule.class), "The module {0} is deprecated." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Warning.DeprecatedType.class), "The type {0} is deprecated." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Warning.DeprecatedDataCons.class), "The data constructor {0} is deprecated." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Warning.DeprecatedTypeClass.class), "The type class {0} is deprecated." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Warning.DeprecatedClassMethod.class), "The class method {0} is deprecated." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Warning.DeprecatedFunction.class), "The function {0} is deprecated." } , // Type Checker messages { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeErrorDuringApplication.class), "Type Error during an application." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CasePatternAndCaseConditionMustHaveSameType.class), "Type Error. The case pattern and the case condition must have the same type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExpressionDoesNotMatchDataConstructorType.class), "Type Error. The expression does not match the data constructor type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorPatternGroupArgumentNotTypeable.class), "Type error. There is no type compatible with argument \"{0}\" for all data constructors in the group pattern." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.UnexpectedUnificationFailure.class), "Internal Coding Error- unexpected unification failure." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnknownDataConstructor.class), "Unknown data constructor {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnknownDataConstructorField.class), "\"{1}\" is not a field of data constructor {0}. Valid field(s): {2}"} , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ZeroFieldDataConstructorFieldReference.class), "\"{1}\" is not a field of data constructor {0}. Data constructor {0} has no fields."} , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ConstructorMustHaveExactlyNArgsInPattern.class), "The data constructor {0} must have exactly {1} pattern {1,choice,0#arguments|1#argument|1<arguments} in its case alternative." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ConstructorMustHaveExactlyNArgsInLocalPatternMatchDecl.class), "The data constructor {0} must have exactly {1} pattern {1,choice,0#arguments|1#argument|1<arguments}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ConstructorMustHavePositiveArityInLocalPatternMatchDecl.class), "The data constructor {0} cannot be used in a local pattern match declaration because it has no fields." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorArgumentsDoNotMatchDataConstructor.class), "Type error. The arguments of the data constructor do not match the data constructor." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypesOfAllCaseBranchesMustBeCompatible.class), "Type error. The types of all the case branches must be compatible." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ConditionPartOfIfThenElseMustBeBoolean.class), "Type error. The condition part of an if-then-else must be a Boolean." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeOfThenAndElsePartsMustMatch.class), "Type error. The type of the \"then\" and \"else\" parts of an if-then-else must match." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnknownFunctionOrVariable.class), "Unknown function or variable {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnexpectedTypeClash.class), "Internal coding error- unexpected type clash." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AllListElementsMustHaveCompatibleTypes.class), "Type error. All elements of a list must have compatible types." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidRecordSelectionForField.class), "Type error. Invalid record selection for field {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidRecordFieldInLocalPatternMatchDecl.class), "Type error. The field {0} declared in the local pattern match declaration is missing from the type of the defining expression. The type of the expression is {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.LocalPatternMatchDeclMustHaveFields.class), "Type Error. The type of the defining expression of this local pattern match declaration must have all and only the declared fields {1}. The type of the expression is {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.LocalPatternMatchDeclMustAtLeastHaveFields.class), "Type Error. The type of the defining expression of this local pattern match declaration must have at least the declared fields {1}. The type of the expression is {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.LocalPatternMatchDeclMustHaveTupleDimension.class), "Type Error. The type of the defining expression of this local pattern match declaration must be a tuple type with dimension {1}. The type of the expression is {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidRecordFieldValueUpdate.class), "Type error. Invalid field value update for field {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidRecordExtension.class), "Type error. Invalid record extension." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DeclaredTypeOfExpressionNotCompatibleWithInferredType.class), "The declared type of the expression is not compatible with its inferred type {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DeclaredTypeOfLocalFunctionNotCompatibleWithInferredType.class), "The declared type of the local function {0} is not compatible with its inferred type {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DeclaredTypeOfFunctionNotCompatibleWithInferredType.class), "The declared type of the function {0} is not compatible with its inferred type {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.OrdinalFieldNameOutOfRange.class), "Ordinal field name {0} is out of range. " } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeErrorApplyingOperatorToFirstArgument.class), "Type error applying the operator \"{0}\" to its first argument." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeErrorApplyingOperatorToSecondArgument.class), "Type error applying the operator \"{0}\" to its second argument." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeOfLocalFunctionNotCompatibleWithDefiningExpression.class), "The type of the local function {0} is not compatible with its defining expression." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeOfPatternBoundVariableNotCompatibleWithLocalPatternMatchDecl.class), "The type of the local pattern-bound variable {0} is not compatible with the defining expression of the local pattern match declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeOfDesugaredDefnOfLocalPatternMatchDeclNotCompatibleWithPatternBoundVars.class), "The type of the defining expression of the local pattern match declaration is not compatible with the type(s) of the corresponding pattern-bound variable(s)." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeOfFunctionNotCompatibleWithDefiningExpression.class), "The type of the function {0} is not compatible with its defining expression." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExplicitTypeableInstance.class), "Explicit instance declarations for the " + CAL_Prelude.TypeClasses.Typeable.getQualifiedName() + " type class are not allowed." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeConstructorAppliedToOverlyManyArgs.class), "The type constructor {0} expects at most {1} type argument(s). {2} supplied." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InstanceDeclarationKindClash.class), "Invalid instance declaration; the kind of the type class {0} (i.e. {1}) is not the same as the kind of the application of the type constructor {2} to {3} type arguments (i.e. {4})." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InstanceDeclarationKindClashInConstraint.class), "Invalid instance declaration; the kind of the type variable {0} (i.e. {1}) is not the same as the kind of the constraining type class {2} (i.e. {3})." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RecordInstanceDeclarationKindClash.class), "Invalid record instance declaration; the kind of the type class {0} (i.e. {1}) is not equal to the kind *." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExtensionFieldsLacksConstraintsOnRecordVariable.class), "The extension fields {0} must be lacks constraints on the record variable." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UndefinedTypeClass.class), "Undefined type class {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RecordVariableNotUsedInTypeSignature.class), "Record variable {0} is not used in the type signature." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.VariableNotUsedInTypeSignature.class), "Variable {0} is not used in the type signature." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ClassTypeVarInMethodContext.class), "The class type variable {0} cannot be used in a class method context." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ClassMethodMustUseClassTypeVariable.class), "The class method {0} must use the type class type variable {1} in its type signature." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.KindErrorInTypeDeclarationForFunction.class), "Kind error in the type declaration for the function {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.KindErrorInTypeDeclarationForClassMethod.class), "Kind error in the type declaration for the class method {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.KindErrorInClassConstraints.class), "The kinds of all classes constraining the type variable ''{0}'' must be the same. Class {1} has kind {2} while class {3} has kind {4}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.KindErrorInTypeSignature.class), "Kind error in the type signature." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RecordVariableAlreadyUsedAsTypeVariable.class), "The record variable {0} is already used as a type variable." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeVariableAlreadyUsedAsRecordVariable.class), "The type variable {0} is already used as a record variable." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.NameAlreadyUsedAsFunctionName.class), "The name {0} is already used as a function name in this module." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.CouldNotCreateModuleInPackage.class), "Could not create a module {0} in the package." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Info.LocalOverloadedPolymorphicConstant.class), "Efficiency warning: local overloaded polymorphic constant {0} defined in {1} of type {2}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidPrimitiveFunction.class), "Invalid primitive function {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToRedeclarePrimitiveFunction.class), "Attempt to redeclare the primitive function {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToRedefinePrimitiveFunction.class), "Attempt to redefine the built-in primitive function {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.NoClassLoaderProvided.class), "No classloader provided for module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignDeclarationForBuiltinPrimitiveFunction.class), "Foreign declaration for built-in primitive function {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionDeclarationInvalidCalType.class), "The type signature is incompatible with the ''{0}'' external descriptor." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionDeclarationMustHaveExactlyNArgs.class), "A foreign function declaration for ''{0}'' must have exactly {1} argument(s)." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionDeclarationReferenceTypeExpected.class), "The implementation type must be a Java reference type and not the Java primitive type ''{0}''." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionDeclarationInvalidCast.class), "Cannot cast the Java type ''{0}'' to the Java type ''{1}''."} , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionDeclarationMustReturnBoolean.class), "A foreign function declaration for ''{0}'' must return " + CAL_Prelude.TypeConstructors.Boolean.getQualifiedName() + " (or a foreign type with Java implementation type boolean)." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionDeclarationInvalidInstanceOf.class), "If ''expr'' has Java type ''{0}'', then ''expr instanceof {1}'' is an invalid Java expression." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidJavaTypeChangeOnLoading.class), "The underlying Java types involved in the CAL foreign function {0} have changed. Recompilation is needed."} , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToRedefineFunction.class), "Attempt to redefine {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeDeclarationForBuiltInPrimitiveFuncton.class), "Type declaration for built-in primitive function {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeDeclarationForForeignFunction.class), "Type declaration for foreign function {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DefinitionMissing.class), "The definition of {0} is missing." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnboundTypeVariable.class), "Unbound type variable {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ContextTypeVariableUndefined.class), "The context type variable {0} is undefined. It must be {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.TypeClassCannotIncludeItselfInClassConstraintList.class), "The type class {0} cannot include itself in its list of class constraints." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedClassConstraint.class), "Repeated class constraint {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedClassConstraintOnTypeVariable.class), "Repeated class constraint {0} on the type variable {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedClassConstraintOnRecordVariable.class), "Repeated class constraint {0} on the record variable {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedDefinitionInLetDeclaration.class), "Repeated definition of {0} in let declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidLocalPatternMatchWildcardPattern.class), "A local pattern match declaration cannot be used with just the wildcard pattern ''_''." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidLocalPatternMatchNilPattern.class), "The empty list pattern ''[]'' cannot be used in a local pattern match declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidLocalPatternMatchUnitPattern.class), "The unit pattern ''()'' cannot be used in a local pattern match declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidLocalPatternMatchMultipleDataConsPattern.class), "Patterns with multiple data constructors cannot be used in a local pattern match declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.LocalPatternMatchDeclMustContainAtLeastOnePatternVar.class), "A local pattern match declaration must contain at least one pattern variable." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidLocalPatternMatchIntPattern.class), "Integer patterns cannot be used in a local pattern match declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidLocalPatternMatchCharPattern.class), "Character patterns cannot be used in a local pattern match declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.NonWildcardBaseRecordPatternNotSupportedInLocalPatternMatchDecl.class), "Only the wildcard pattern ''_'' can be used as the base record pattern in a local pattern match declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedDefinitionOfClass.class), "Repeated definition of the class {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedDefinitionOfClassMethod.class), "Repeated definition of the class method {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedDefinitionOfDataConstructor.class), "Repeated definition of the data constructor {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedDefinitionOfForeignType.class), "Repeated definition of the foreign type {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedDefinitionOfType.class), "Repeated definition of the type {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedFieldNameInDataConstructorDeclaration.class), "Repeated field name {0} in data constructor declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedFieldNameInRecordInstanceDeclaration.class), "Repeated field name {0} in record instance declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FieldValueUpdateOperatorUsedInRecordLiteralValue.class), "The field value update operator ':=' can not be used in a record literal value." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedFieldNameInRecordLiteralValue.class), "Repeated field name {0} in record literal value." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedFieldNameInFieldBindingPattern.class), "Repeated field name {0} in field binding pattern." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedImportOfModule.class), "Repeated import of module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedLacksFieldConstraintOnRecordVariable.class), "Repeated lacks field constraint {0} on the record variable {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedOccurrenceOfFieldNameInRecordType.class), "Repeated occurrence of field name {0} in record type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedPatternInCaseExpression.class), "Repeated pattern {0} in case expression." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedPatternValueInCaseExpression.class), "Repeated pattern value {0} in case expression." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedPatternVariableInFieldBindingPattern.class), "Repeated pattern variable {0} in field binding pattern. " } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedTypeDeclaration.class), "Repeated type declaration for {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedTypeVariable.class), "Repeated type variable {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedTypeVariableInInstanceDeclaration.class), "Repeated type variable {0} in instance declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedVariableUsedInBinding.class), "Repeated variable {0} used in binding." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedFriendModuleDeclaration.class), "Repeated friend declaration for module {0}." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleCannotBeFriendOfItself.class), "This friend declaration occurs in module {0}. A module cannot be a friend of itself." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleCannotBeFriendOfImport.class), "The module {0} directly or indirectly imports module {1}. A module cannot have direct or indirect imports as friends."}, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorNotDefinedInModule.class), "The data constructor {0} is not defined in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FunctionNotDefinedInModule.class), "The function {0} is not defined in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassNotDefinedInModule.class), "The type class {0} is not defined in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeConstructorNotDefinedInModule.class), "The type constructor {0} is not defined in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ClassMethodNameAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The class method name {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using function\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The data constructor {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using dataConstructor\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorNameAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The data constructor name {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using dataConstructor\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionNameAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The foreign function name {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using function\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignTypeAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The foreign type name {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using typeConstructor\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FunctionAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The function {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using function\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FunctionNameAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The function name {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using function\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The type class {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using typeClass\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassNameAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The type class name {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using typeClass\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeConstructorAlreadyUsedInImportUsingDeclaration.class), "The type constructor {0} is already used in the \"import {1} using typeConstructor\" declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RepeatedTypeClassNameInDerivingClause.class), "Repeated type class name {0} in deriving clause." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnsupportedTypeClassNameInDerivingClause.class), "The type class {0} cannot be used in this deriving clause." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassInDerivingClauseRequiresEnumerationType.class), "The type class {0} in the deriving clause requires all data constructors to have arity 0." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassInDerivingClauseRequiresNonPolymorphicType.class), "The type class {0} in the deriving clause requires the data type to be non-polymorphic." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassInDerivingClauseRequiresPrimitiveOrImplementedInterface.class), "The type class {0} in the deriving clause requires that the foreign type being imported either implement {1} or be a Java primitive" }, // Type checker messages - CALDoc { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TooManyArgTagsInCALDocComment.class), "There are too many @arg tags in this CALDoc comment." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidArgNameInCALDocComment.class), "The name {0} appearing in this @arg tag is not a valid argument name." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ArgNameDoesNotMatchDeclaredNameInCALDocComment.class), "The name {0} appearing in this @arg tag does not match the declared name {1}." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.SingletonTagAppearsMoreThanOnceInCALDocComment.class), "The {0} tag cannot appear more than once in a CALDoc comment." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DisallowedTagInCALDocComment.class), "The {0} tag cannot be used in this CALDoc comment." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnrecognizedTagInCALDocComment.class), "The {0} tag is not a recognized CALDoc tag." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnrecognizedInlineTagInCALDocComment.class), "The {0} tag is not a recognized CALDoc inline tag." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.MissingSeeOrLinkBlockContextInCALDocComment.class), "This CALDoc @see/@link block is missing a context declaration before the ''=''." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnrecognizedSeeOrLinkBlockContextInCALDocComment.class), "{0} is not a recognized context for a CALDoc @see/@link block." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnrecognizedSeeOrLinkBlockReferenceInCALDocComment.class), "{0} is an invalid reference in this CALDoc @see/@link block." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CrossReferenceCanBeResolvedToMoreThanOneEntityInCALDocComment.class), "The CALDoc reference {0} can be resolved to more than one entity. Use the full form with the context keyword to disambiguate, as one of: {1}." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UncheckedCrossReferenceIsAmbiguousInCALDocComment.class), "The CALDoc unchecked reference {0} is ambiguous. Use the full form with the context keyword (one of ''module'', ''typeClass'', ''typeConstructor'', ''dataConstructor'') to disambiguate." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CheckedCrossReferenceCannotBeResolvedInCALDocComment.class), "The CALDoc checked reference {0} cannot be resolved." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CheckedCrossReferenceCannotBeResolvedInCALDocCommentWithSingleSuggestion.class), "The CALDoc checked reference {0} cannot be resolved. Was ''{1}'' intended?" }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CheckedCrossReferenceCannotBeResolvedInCALDocCommentWithMultipleSuggestions.class), "The CALDoc checked reference {0} cannot be resolved. Was one of these intended: {1}?" }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnassociatedCALDocComment.class), "This CALDoc comment is not associated with any declaration." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CALDocCommentCannotAppearHere.class), "A CALDoc comment cannot appear here." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.LocalPatternMatchDeclCannotHaveCALDocComment.class), "A local pattern match declaration cannot have a CALDoc comment. However, type declarations for the pattern-bound variables can have associated CALDoc comments." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CALDocCommentForAlgebraicFunctionMustAppearBeforeTypeDeclaration.class), "The CALDoc comment for the {0} function must appear immediately before its associated type declaration." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ParagraphBreakCannotAppearHereInsideCALDocCommentInlineTag.class), "A paragraph break cannot appear here inside the {0} inline tag." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InlineTagCannotAppearHereInsideCALDocCommentInlineTag.class), "An inline tag cannot appear here, within the context of the {0} inline tag." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ThisParticularInlineTagCannotAppearHereInsideCALDocCommentInlineTag.class), "The inline tag {0} cannot appear here, within the context of the {1} inline tag." }, { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InlineTagBlockMissingClosingTagInCALDocComment.class), "This inline tag is missing a corresponding closing tag ''@}''." }, // Class Instance Checker messages { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InstanceHasMultipleVisibleDefinitions.class), "The instance {0} has multiple visible definitions. One is in module {1} and the other is in module {2}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InstancesOverlap.class), "The instance {0} defined in module {1} overlaps with the instance {2} defined in module {3}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.SuperclassInstanceDeclarationMissing.class), "The instance {0} must be defined (or visible) when defining the instance {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ConstraintsOnInstanceDeclarationMustImplyConstraintsOnParentInstance.class), "The constraints on the instance declaration {0} must imply the constraints on the parent instance declaration {1}.\n In particular, the class constraint {2} on type variable number {3} in the parent instance is not implied." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.MethodDefinedMoreThanOnce.class), "The method {0} is defined more than once by the instance {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.MethodNotDeclaredByClass.class), "The method {0} is not declared by the class {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.MethodNotDefinedByInstance.class), "The method {0} is not defined by the instance {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeVariableMustOccurWithingTypeVariableArgumentsOfInstanceDeclaration.class), "The type variable \"{0}\" must occur within the type variable arguments of the instance declaration and not only the context." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RecordInstancesOverlap.class), "The instance {0} overlaps with the record instance {1} defined in module {2}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DuplicateConstraint.class), "Duplicate constraint {0} {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InstanceAlreadyDefined.class), "The instance {0} has been defined already in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InstanceOverlapsWithInstanceInModule.class), "The instance {0} overlaps with the instance {1} defined in module {2}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FunctionNotDefinedInCurrentModule.class), "The function {0} is not defined in the current module." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FunctionDoesNotExist.class), "The function {0} does not exist or is not visible in the current module." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FunctionIsClassMethodNotResolvingFunction.class), "The function {0} is a class method and thus cannot be a resolving function." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AmbiguousClassReference.class), "Attempt to use undefined class ''{0}''. Was one of these intended: {1}?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AmbiguousDataConstructorReference.class), "Attempt to use undefined data constructor ''{0}''. Was one of these intended: {1}?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AmbiguousFunctionReference.class), "Attempt to use undefined function ''{0}''. Was one of these intended: {1}?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AmbiguousTypeReference.class), "Attempt to use undefined type ''{0}''. Was one of these intended: {1}?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AmbiguousPartiallyQualifiedFormModuleName.class), "The partially qualified module name ''{0}'' is ambiguous. Was one of these intended: {1}?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedClassSuggestion.class), "Attempt to use undefined class ''{0}''. Was ''{1}'' intended?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedClass.class), "Attempt to use undefined class ''{0}''." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedFunctionSuggestion.class), "Attempt to use undefined function ''{0}''. Was ''{1}'' intended?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedFunction.class), "Attempt to use undefined function ''{0}''." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseForeignFunctionThatFailedToLoad.class), "Attempt to use the foreign function ''{0}'', whose Java implementation could not be loaded." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedTypeSuggestion.class), "Attempt to use undefined type ''{0}''. Was ''{1}'' intended?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedType.class), "Attempt to use undefined type ''{0}''." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseForeignTypeThatFailedToLoad.class), "Attempt to use the foreign type ''{0}'', whose Java implementation could not be loaded." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedDataConstructorSuggestion.class), "Attempt to use undefined data constructor ''{0}''. Was ''{1}'' intended?" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedDataConstructor.class), "Attempt to use undefined data constructor ''{0}''." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.AttemptToUseUndefinedIdentifier.class), "Attempt to use undefined identifier ''{0}''." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidDefaultClassMethodType.class), "The default class method {0} for the class method {1} must have type {2}. Instead it has type {3}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ResolvingFunctionForInstanceMethodHasWrongTypeSpecific.class), "The resolving function {0} for the instance method {1} must have type {2}. Instead it has type {3}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ResolvingFunctionForInstanceMethodHasWrongTypeGeneral.class), "The resolving function {0} for the instance method {1} must have a type that can specialize to {2}. Instead it has type {3}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.KindErrorInDataConstructorForType.class), "Kind error in the data constructor {0} for type {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignTypeHasSameNameAsBuiltInType.class), "The foreign type {0} cannot have the same name as a built-in type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExternalClassNotFound.class), "The external class {0} representing {1} was not found." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExternalClassNotAccessible.class), "The Java type ''{0}'' is not accessible. It does not have public scope or is in an unnamed package." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExternalClassCouldNotBeInitialized.class), "The external class {0} representing {1} could not be initialized." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeHasSameNameAsBuiltInType.class), "The type {0} cannot have the same name as a built-in type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeHasSameNameAsForeignType.class), "The type {0} cannot have the same name as a foreign type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeVariableMustAppearOnLHSOfDataDeclaration.class), "The type variable {0} must appear on the left-hand side of the data declaration." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RecordVarsCannotAppearInDataDeclarations.class), "Record variables, such as {0} cannot appear in data declarations." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ModuleHasNotBeenImported.class), "The module {0} has not been imported into {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeDoesNotExist.class), "The type {0} does not exist." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassNotVisible.class), "The class {0} is not visible in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeConstructorNotVisible.class), "The type {0} is not visible in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorNotVisible.class), "The data constructor {0} is not visible in module {1}." } , // Foreign Function Checker { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExpectingMethodFieldOrConstructor.class), "\"method\", \"field\", \"constructor\", \"instanceof\" or \"class\" is expected rather than \"{0}\"." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExpectingStatic.class), "\"static\" is expected rather than \"{0}\"." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ExpectingMethodOrField.class), "\"method\" or \"field\" is expected rather than \"{0}\"." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.InvalidExternalNameStringFormat.class), "Invalid external name string format \"{0}\". A valid example: \"static method java.lang.isUpperCase\"." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.JavaNameMustBeFullyQualified.class), "The Java name {0} must be fully qualified (i.e. include the package name)." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.JavaNameMustBeUnqualified.class), "The Java name {0} must be unqualified (i.e. omit the package name)." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.NonStaticMethodsMustHaveInstanceAndReturnType.class), "Non-static methods must have an object instance and a return type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.NonStaticFieldsMustHaveInstanceAndReturnType.class), "Non-static fields must have an object instance and a return type." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FirstArgumentOfNonStaticMethodMustBeInstance.class), "The first argument of a non-static method must be the object instance that the method will be applied to." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FirstArgumentOfNonStaticFieldMustBeInstance.class), "The first argument of a non-static field must be the object instance that the field will be invoked on." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.SecurityViolationTryingToAccess.class), "Security violation trying to access {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ForeignFunctionReturnsWrongType.class), "Foreign function {0} cannot return a value of type {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FieldReturnsWrongType.class), "Field {0} cannot return a value of type {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ConstructorReturnsWrongType.class), "Constructor {0} cannot return a value of type {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.StaticFieldMustHaveNoArguments.class), "The static field {0} must have no arguments." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.JavaClassNotFound.class), "The Java class {0} was not found." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.JavaClassNotFoundWhileLoading.class), "The Java class {0} was not found while loading {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.JavaClassCouldNotBeInitialized.class), "The Java class {0} could not be initialized." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DependeeJavaClassNotFound.class), "The Java class {0} was not found. This class is required by {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.JavaClassDefinitionCouldNotBeLoaded.class), "The definition of Java class {0} could not be loaded." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ProblemsUsingJavaClass.class), "The Java class {0} was found, but there were problems with using it.\nClass: {1}.\nMessage: {2}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ImplementationAsForeignTypeNotVisible.class), "The implementation of {0} as a foreign type is not visible within this module." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeNotSupportedForForeignCalls.class), "Type {0} is not supported for foreign calls." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotFindConstructorWithGivenArgumentTypes.class), "Could not find the constructor {0} with the given argument types {1}. " } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotFindField.class), "Could not find the field {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotFindMethodWithGivenArgumentTypes.class), "Could not find the method {0} with given argument types {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotFindNonStaticField.class), "Could not find the non-static field {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotFindNonStaticMethodWithGivenArgumentTypes.class), "Could not find the non-static method {0} with given argument types {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotFindStaticField.class), "Could not find the static field {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CouldNotFindStaticMethodWithGivenArgumentTypes.class), "Could not find the static method {0} with given argument types {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.CouldNotFindWorkspaceDefinition.class), "Could not find a workspace definition." } , // FreeVariableFinder { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.WildcardPatternMustBeFinalInCaseExpression.class), "The wildcard pattern \"_\" must be the final pattern in a case expression." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.Illegal1TuplePattern.class), "Illegal 1-tuple pattern." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.OnlyOnePatternAllowedInCaseExpressionWithTuplePattern.class), "Can have only one pattern in a case-expression with a tuple pattern." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.OnlyOnePatternAllowedInCaseExpressionWithUnitPattern.class), "Can have only one pattern in a case-expression with (), the unit pattern." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.OnlyOnePatternAllowedInCaseExpressionWithRecordPattern.class), "Can have only one pattern in a case-expression with a record pattern." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ClassDoesNotExistInModule.class), "The class {0} does not exist in {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.TypeClassDoesNotExist.class), "The class {0} does not exist." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorDoesNotExistInModule.class), "The data constructor {0} does not exist in {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DataConstructorDoesNotExist.class), "The data constructor {0} does not exist." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.IdentifierDoesNotExist.class), "The identifier {0} does not exist." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FunctionNotVisible.class), "The function {0} is not visible in module {1}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ClassMethodNotVisible.class), "The class method {0} is not visible in module {1}." } , // Program Factory { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ErrorReadingAdjunctSource.class), "Error reading adjunct source:" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.RuntimeInputHasAmbiguousType.class), "A runtime input has an ambiguous type: {0}" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.ErrorDeterminingTargetOutputType.class), "Error determining target output type. " } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToMakeInstanceTypeNotVisible.class), "Unable to make type {0} an instance of {1}: the type is not visible." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToMakeInstanceNoDataConstructors.class), "Unable to make type {0} an instance of {1}: there are no data constructors." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToMakeInstanceNoVisibleDataConstructors.class), "Unable to make type {0} an instance of {1}: there are no visible data constructors." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.UnableToResolveFunctionAlias.class), "Unable to resolve {0} as an alias of {1} in function {2}." } , // Code Generator { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAborted.class), "Code generation aborted. Error generating code for: {0}" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException.class), "Code generation aborted in module {0}: {1}" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.CodeGenerationAbortedDueToInternalCodingError.class), "Aborted code generation for module {0} due to internal coding error. Please contact Business Objects." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.CompilationAbortedDueToInternalModuleLoadingError.class), "Compilation aborted due to an internal error in loading the compiled module {0}. Please contact Business Objects. Detail: {1}" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.DeserializedIncompatibleSchema.class), "Stored schema {0} is later than current schema {1} for record: {2}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Fatal.UnableToRecoverFromCodeGenErrors.class), "Not able to recover from previous code generation error(s) in module {0}." } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Error.FailedToFinalizeJavaCode.class), "Failed to finalize Java code for: {0}" } , // SupercombinatorActivationRecord dump() messages { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Info.SupercombinatorInfoDumpCAF.class), "{0} (a Constant Applicative Form)\nhas the following local variables:\n{1}" } , { MessageKind.getClassName(MessageKind.Info.SupercombinatorInfoDumpNonCAF.class), "{0}\nhas the following local variables:\n{1}" } , // Message Formats // {Heading}: {Message} { "MessageFormat", "{0}: {1}" } , { "SourcePositionFormat", "(line {0} column {1})" } , { "SourcePositionFormatNoColumn", "(line {0})" } , { "MessageWithTypeException", "{0} Caused by: {1}" } , { "MessageWithOtherException", "{0} Detail: {2}. Caused by: {1}" } , { "MoreTokens", "... {0} more tokens" } , { "AssociatedWithFunction", "Function {0}: {1}" } , { "AssociatedWithTypeCons", "Type constructor {0}: {1}" } , { "AssociatedWithDataCons", "Data constructor {0}: {1}" } , { "AssociatedWithTypeClass", "Type class {0}: {1}" } , { "AssociatedWithClassMethod", "Class method {0}: {1}" } , { "AssociatedWithGeneral", "For {0}: {1}" } , }; }