package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.server.ffmpeg; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.StringTools; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.server.OneSwarmUIServiceImpl; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.server.ffmpeg.FFMpegException.ErrorType; public class MovieStreamInfo { private final static int CURRENT_VERISON = 1; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MovieStreamInfo.class.getName()); private String audioCodec = ""; private long audioRate; private long audioSampleRate; private long bitRate; private Set<String> container = new HashSet<String>(); private long cropBottom; private long cropLeft; private long cropRight; private boolean cropSet = false; private long cropTop; private double duration = -1; private double frameRate; private long resolutionX; private long resolutionY; private String videoCodec = ""; private long videoRate; private String ffmpegOut = ""; public String getFfmpegOut() { return ffmpegOut; } private static final HashMap<String, SupportedContainer> flashSupportedFormats; static { flashSupportedFormats = new HashMap<String, SupportedContainer>(); flashSupportedFormats.put("flv", new FlashSupportedContainerFLV()); flashSupportedFormats.put("mp4", new FlashSupportedContainerMP4()); flashSupportedFormats.put("mp3", new FlashSupportedContainerAudioOnly()); } /* * default at 10 Mbit/s for unknown bitrates */ private final static int DEFAULT_BIT_RATE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; public MovieStreamInfo(File file) throws InvalidPropertiesFormatException, IOException { // for deserialization FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); Properties p = new Properties(); p.loadFromXML(in); in.close(); long version = getLongProperty(p, "version", 0); if (version < CURRENT_VERISON) { throw new IOException("version mismatch (" + version + "<" + CURRENT_VERISON); } bitRate = getLongProperty(p, "bitRate", 0); duration = getDoubleProperty(p, "duration", 0); container = getStringSetProperty(p, "container", new HashSet<String>()); ffmpegOut = p.getProperty("ffmpegOut", ""); videoCodec = p.getProperty("videoCodec", ""); videoRate = getLongProperty(p, "videoRate", 0); audioCodec = p.getProperty("audioCodec", ""); audioRate = getLongProperty(p, "audioRate", 0); audioSampleRate = getLongProperty(p, "audioSampleRate", 0); resolutionX = getLongProperty(p, "resolutionX", 0); resolutionY = getLongProperty(p, "resolutionY", 0); frameRate = getDoubleProperty(p, "frameRate", 0); cropTop = getLongProperty(p, "cropTop", 0); cropBottom = getLongProperty(p, "cropBottom", 0); cropLeft = getLongProperty(p, "cropLeft", 0); cropRight = getLongProperty(p, "cropRight", 0); cropSet = getLongProperty(p, "cropSet", 0) == 1; logger.fine("loaded moviesteaminfo from file: " + toString()); } public MovieStreamInfo(String ffmpegStdErr) throws FFMpegException { ffmpegOut = ffmpegStdErr; logger.finest("creating movie stream info, stderr:\n" + ffmpegStdErr); // find the duration line String[] lines = ffmpegStdErr.split("\n"); boolean durationDone = false; boolean audioDone = false; boolean videoDone = false; boolean containerDone = false; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i]; // String[] lineSplit = line.split(" "); // System.out.println("'" + line + "'"); try { if (!durationDone) { durationDone = this.parseDurationLine(line); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (!containerDone) { containerDone = this.parseContainerLine(line); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (!audioDone) { audioDone = this.parseAudioLine(line); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (!videoDone) { videoDone = this.parseVideoLine(line); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // for (int j = 0; j < lineSplit.length; j++) { // String field = lineSplit[j]; // System.out.println("'" + field + "'"); // if() // } } if (duration < 0) { final FFMpegException mpegException = new FFMpegException(ErrorType.OTHER, "Unable to parse ffmpeg output"); mpegException.setStdErr(ffmpegStdErr); throw mpegException; } logger.fine("created moviestreaminfo: " + toString()); } public long getBitRate() { return bitRate; } public long getCropBottom() { return cropBottom; } public long getCropLeft() { return cropLeft; } public long getCropRight() { return cropRight; } public long getCropTop() { return cropTop; } public double getDuration() { return duration; } public long getResolutionX() { return resolutionX; } public long getResolutionY() { return resolutionY; } public boolean hasAudio() { return audioCodec.length() > 0; } public boolean hasVideo() { return videoCodec.length() > 0; } public boolean isCropSet() { return cropSet; } /** * returns true is the video is ready to be viewed in flash without * convertion * * @return */ public boolean isFlashReady() { logger.fine("checking video for flash support"); SupportedContainer fsc = getContainerRules(this.container); if (fsc == null) { logger.fine("no flash support for container: " + createCommaSeparated(container)); return false; } logger.finer("found flash supported container '" + fsc.getName() + "', checking codecs"); return fsc.isSupported(this); } private static SupportedContainer getContainerRules(Set<String> containers) { for (String container : containers) { if (flashSupportedFormats.containsKey(container)) { return flashSupportedFormats.get(container); } } return null; } private boolean parseAudioLine(String l) { String t = l.trim(); if (t.startsWith("Stream")) { if (t.contains("Audio:")) { System.out.println("audio line: '" + l + "'"); String[] s = t.split("Audio:"); if (s.length == 2) { String entries = s[1].trim(); String[] eSplit = entries.split(", "); if (eSplit.length > 0) { this.audioCodec = eSplit[0]; System.out.println("acodec: " + this.audioCodec); } if (eSplit.length > 1) { if (eSplit[1].contains("Hz")) { this.audioSampleRate = Long.parseLong(eSplit[1].replace(" Hz", "")); } } if (eSplit.length > 4) { this.audioRate = parseBitRate(eSplit[4]); System.out.println("a rate: " + audioRate); } return true; } } } return false; } private long parseBitRate(String line) { String[] vRate = line.split(" "); if (vRate.length > 1) { if (vRate[1].equals("mb/s")) { return Math.round(Double.parseDouble(vRate[0]) * 1024 * 1024); } else if (vRate[1].equals("kb/s")) { return Math.round(Double.parseDouble(vRate[0]) * 1024); } else if (vRate[1].equals("b/s")) { return Math.round(Double.parseDouble(vRate[0])); } else if (vRate[0].equals("N/A")) { return DEFAULT_BIT_RATE; } } return 0; } private boolean parseContainerLine(String l) { String t = l.trim(); if (t.startsWith("Input")) { System.out.println("parsing container line: " + t); String[] split = t.split(" "); if (split.length > 3) { this.container = setFromCommaSeparated(split[2]); System.out.println("got container: " + container); return true; } } return false; } private boolean parseDurationLine(String line) { String[] lineSplit = line.split(" "); boolean d = false; boolean b = false; /* * find the duration field */ for (int i = 0; i < lineSplit.length; i++) { if ("Duration:".equals(lineSplit[i])) { if (lineSplit.length > i + 2) { d = true; this.duration = parseLength(lineSplit[i + 1]); } } } for (int i = 0; i < lineSplit.length; i++) { if ("bitrate:".equals(lineSplit[i])) { if (lineSplit.length > i + 2) { b = true; this.bitRate = parseBitRate(lineSplit[i + 1] + " " + lineSplit[i + 2]); } else if (lineSplit.length > i + 1) { if ("N/A".equals(lineSplit[i + 1])) { b = true; this.bitRate = DEFAULT_BIT_RATE; } } } } return b && d; } public Map<String, String> getAsUiMap() { Map<String, String> v = new HashMap<String, String>(); v.put("ffmpegOut", getFfmpegOut()); if (isFlashReady()) { String rules = getContainerRules(container).name; v.put(" Flash ready", "yes, with '" + rules + "' rules"); } else { v.put(" Flash ready", "no, convert needed"); } v.put(" Duration", StringTools.trim(getDuration(), 1) + " s"); v.put(" Container", getContainerString() + ""); v.put(" Bit rate", StringTools.formatRate(getBitRate(), "bit/s")); if (hasVideo()) { v.put("Video codec", getVideoCodec()); if (getVideoRate() > 0) { v.put("Video bit rate", StringTools.formatRate(getVideoRate(), "bit/s")); } v.put("Video Resolution", getResolutionX() + "x" + getResolutionY()); v.put("Video frame rate", getFrameRate() + ""); if (isCropSet()) { v.put("Video crop", "(" + getCropLeft() + "," + getCropRight() + "," + getCropTop() + "," + getCropBottom() + ")"); } } if (hasAudio()) { v.put("Audio codec", getAudioCodec()); if (getAudioRate() > 0) { v.put("Audio bit rate", StringTools.formatRate(getAudioRate(), "bit/s")); } v.put("Audio sample rate", getAudioSampleRate() + " Hz"); } return v; } private double parseLength(String str) { logger.finest("looking at length line: " + str); // remove the last , if (str.endsWith(",")) { str = str.replaceAll(",", ""); } String[] split = str.split(":"); if (split.length == 3) { double seconds = Double.parseDouble(split[2]); int minutes = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); int hours = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); logger.finest("h=" + hours + " m=" + minutes + " s=" + seconds); double ret = 3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds; logger.finest("h=" + hours + " m=" + minutes + " s=" + seconds + " ret=" + ret); return ret; } return -1; } private boolean parseVideoLine(String l) { String t = l.trim(); if (t.startsWith("Stream")) { if (t.contains("Video:")) { System.out.println("video line: '" + l + "'"); String[] s = t.split("Video:"); if (s.length == 2) { String entries = s[1].trim(); String[] eSplit = entries.split(", "); if (eSplit.length > 0) { /* * parse the codec field */ this.videoCodec = eSplit[0]; System.out.println("vcodec: " + this.videoCodec); } if (eSplit.length > 2) { /* * and the resolution field */ String res[] = eSplit[2].split(" "); if (res.length > 0) { String[] rSplit = res[0].split("x"); if (rSplit.length == 2) { resolutionX = Integer.parseInt(rSplit[0]); resolutionY = Integer.parseInt(rSplit[1]); System.out.println("res: " + resolutionX + "x" + resolutionY); } } } if (eSplit.length > 3) { long vRate = parseBitRate(eSplit[3]); if (vRate > 0) { this.videoRate = vRate; System.out.println("video bit rate: " + videoRate); } else { // this could be frame rate, test String[] fr = eSplit[3].split(" "); if (fr.length > 1 && fr[1].contains("tb(r)")) { frameRate = Double.parseDouble(fr[0]); System.out.println("frame rate: " + frameRate); } } } if (eSplit.length > 4) { /* * and the frame rate */ String[] fr = eSplit[4].split(" "); if (fr.length > 0) { try { frameRate = Double.parseDouble(fr[0]); } catch (Exception e) { frameRate = -1.0; } System.out.println("frame rate: " + frameRate); } } return true; } } } return false; } public void setCrop(int top, int bottom, int left, int rigth) { this.cropTop = top; this.cropBottom = bottom; this.cropLeft = left; this.cropRight = rigth; this.cropSet = true; } public void setDuration(double duration) { this.duration = duration; } public String toString() { return "container=" + createCommaSeparated(container) + " vcodec=" + videoCodec + " acodec=" + audioCodec + " duration=" + duration + " bitrate=" + bitRate + " crop=(" + cropTop + "," + cropBottom + "," + cropLeft + "," + cropRight + ")"; } public Properties getAsProperties() { Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("version", CURRENT_VERISON + ""); p.setProperty("bitRate", "" + bitRate); p.setProperty("duration", "" + duration); p.setProperty("videoCodec", videoCodec); p.setProperty("videoRate", "" + videoRate); p.setProperty("audioCodec", audioCodec); p.setProperty("audioRate", "" + audioRate); p.setProperty("audioSampleRate", "" + audioSampleRate); p.setProperty("resolutionX", "" + resolutionX); p.setProperty("resolutionY", "" + resolutionY); p.setProperty("frameRate", "" + frameRate); p.setProperty("cropSet", "" + (cropSet ? 1 : 0)); p.setProperty("cropTop", "" + cropTop); p.setProperty("cropBottom", "" + cropBottom); p.setProperty("cropLeft", "" + cropLeft); p.setProperty("cropRight", "" + cropRight); p.setProperty("container", createCommaSeparated(container)); p.setProperty("ffmpegOut", ffmpegOut); return p; } public void writeToFile(File f) throws IOException { Properties p = getAsProperties(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); p.storeToXML(out, ""); out.close(); } private static String createCommaSeparated(Set<String> strings) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : strings) { b.append(s + ","); } return b.toString(); } private static double getDoubleProperty(Properties p, String key, double defaultVal) { if (p.containsKey(key)) { return Double.parseDouble(p.getProperty(key)); } else { return defaultVal; } } private static long getLongProperty(Properties p, String key, long defaultVal) { if (p.containsKey(key)) { return Long.parseLong(p.getProperty(key)); } else { return defaultVal; } } private static Set<String> getStringSetProperty(Properties p, String key, Set<String> defaultVal) { if (p.containsKey(key)) { String commaSeparated = p.getProperty(key); return setFromCommaSeparated(commaSeparated); } else { return defaultVal; } } public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader in; try { OneSwarmUIServiceImpl.loadLogger(); logger.setLevel(Level.ALL); in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("/tmp/ffmpeg.out"))); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { b.append(line + "\n"); } MovieStreamInfo m = new MovieStreamInfo(b.toString()); m.writeToFile(new File("/tmp/m")); System.out.println(m.toString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FFMpegException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static Set<String> setFromCommaSeparated(String commaSeparated) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); if (commaSeparated.contains(",")) { String[] split = commaSeparated.split(","); for (String s : split) { if (s.length() > 0) { set.add(s); } } } else { set.add(commaSeparated); } return set; } static abstract class SupportedContainer { public static enum VideoHandler { FLASH, SILVERLIGHT, HTML5; } private final String name; private final VideoHandler videoHandler; private SupportedContainer(String name, VideoHandler videoHandler) { = name; this.videoHandler = videoHandler; } public String getName() { return name; } public abstract boolean isSupported(MovieStreamInfo m); public abstract String[] getSupportedAudioCodecs(); public abstract String[] getSupportedVideoCodecs(); protected boolean isVideoCodecSupported(MovieStreamInfo m) { for (String supportedCodec : getSupportedVideoCodecs()) { if (m.videoCodec.equals(supportedCodec)) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isAudioCodecSupported(MovieStreamInfo m) { for (String supportedCodec : getSupportedAudioCodecs()) { if (m.audioCodec.equals(supportedCodec)) { return true; } } return false; } } static class FlashSupportedContainerFLV extends SupportedContainer { public final static String[] SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS = new String[] { "flv", "vp6f", "h264" }; public final static String[] SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODECS = new String[] { "nellymoser", "mp3", "aac" }; public FlashSupportedContainerFLV() { super("flv", VideoHandler.FLASH); } @Override public boolean isSupported(MovieStreamInfo m) { /* * this is only for flv containers */ if (m.container.contains("flv")) { logger.finer("checking for flash support, flv: " + toString()); /* * if the file has video it must be supported by flash to be * flash ready */ if (m.hasVideo() && (isVideoCodecSupported(m) == false)) { logger.finer("format not supported, hasVideo=" + m.hasVideo() + " codec_supported=" + isVideoCodecSupported(m)); return false; } logger.finest("video is ok, codec=" + m.videoCodec); /* * same goes for audio */ if (m.hasAudio() && (isAudioCodecSupported(m) == false)) { logger.finer("format not supported, hasAudio=" + m.hasAudio() + " codec_supported=" + isAudioCodecSupported(m)); return false; } /* * special check for 48000 Hz mp3, not supported... */ if (m.audioCodec.equals("mp3")) { if (m.audioSampleRate == 48000) { logger.fine("mp3 with 48000 Hz sample rate is not allowed"); return false; } else { logger.finest("mp3 sample rate ok (" + m.audioSampleRate + " Hz)"); } } logger.finest("audio is ok, codec=" + m.audioCodec); logger.fine("format is flv supported"); return true; } logger.finer("container not flv"); return false; } @Override public String[] getSupportedAudioCodecs() { return SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODECS; } @Override public String[] getSupportedVideoCodecs() { return SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS; } } static class FlashSupportedContainerMP4 extends SupportedContainer { public final static String[] SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS = new String[] { "h264" }; public final static String[] SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODECS = new String[] { "aac" }; public FlashSupportedContainerMP4() { super("mp4", VideoHandler.FLASH); } @Override public boolean isSupported(MovieStreamInfo m) { /* * this is only for flv containers */ if (m.container.contains("mp4")) { logger.finer("checking for flash support, mp4: " + toString()); /* * if the file has video it must be supported by flash to be * flash ready */ if (m.hasVideo() && (isVideoCodecSupported(m) == false)) { logger.finer("format not supported, hasVideo=" + m.hasVideo() + " codec_supported=" + isVideoCodecSupported(m)); return false; } logger.finest("video is ok, codec=" + m.videoCodec); /* * same goes for audio */ if (m.hasAudio() && (isAudioCodecSupported(m) == false)) { logger.finer("format not supported, hasAudio=" + m.hasAudio() + " codec_supported=" + isAudioCodecSupported(m)); return false; } logger.finest("audio is ok, codec=" + m.audioCodec); logger.fine("format is flash mp4 supported"); return true; } logger.finer("container not mp4"); return false; } @Override public String[] getSupportedAudioCodecs() { return SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODECS; } @Override public String[] getSupportedVideoCodecs() { return SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS; } } static class FlashSupportedContainerAudioOnly extends SupportedContainer { private final Set<String> containers = new HashSet<String>(); public final static String[] SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS = new String[] { "" }; public final static String[] SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODECS = new String[] { "mp3" };// , // "aac" // }; public FlashSupportedContainerAudioOnly() { super("AudioOnly", VideoHandler.FLASH); for (String audioContainer : SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODECS) { containers.add(audioContainer); } } @Override public boolean isSupported(MovieStreamInfo m) { /* * this is only for audio only containers */ boolean containerSupported = false; for (String container : containers) { if (m.container.contains(container)) { containerSupported = true; } } if (containerSupported) { logger.finer("checking for flash support, audio only containers: " + toString()); /* * if the file has video it won't work with audio only * containers... */ if (m.hasVideo()) { logger.finer("format not supported, hasVideo=" + m.hasVideo()); return false; } /* * */ if (m.hasAudio() && (isAudioCodecSupported(m) == false)) { logger.finer("format not supported, hasAudio=" + m.hasAudio() + " codec_supported=" + isAudioCodecSupported(m)); return false; } logger.finest("audio is ok, codec=" + m.audioCodec); logger.fine("format is flash audio supported"); return true; } logger.finer("container not in (" + createCommaSeparated(containers) + ")"); return false; } @Override public String[] getSupportedAudioCodecs() { return SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODECS; } @Override public String[] getSupportedVideoCodecs() { return SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS; } } /** * if the video is in h246 it is really expensive to reencode to flash, much * better to just repackage to mp4 * * @author isdal * */ static class RepackSupportedContainer extends SupportedContainer { public final static String[] SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS = new String[] { "h264" }; /* * it could be supported by more containers, might add more */ public final static String[] SUPPORTED_CONTAINERS = new String[] { "mkv", "avi" }; public RepackSupportedContainer() { super("repack", VideoHandler.FLASH); } @Override public boolean isSupported(MovieStreamInfo m) { /* * current ffmpeg doesn't support this due to bug 807 */ if (true) return false; boolean supportedContainer = false; for (String container : SUPPORTED_CONTAINERS) { if (m.container.contains(container)) { supportedContainer = true; } } if (supportedContainer) { logger.finer("checking for repackage support: " + toString()); /* * if the file has video it must be supported by flash to be * flash ready */ if (m.hasVideo() && (isVideoCodecSupported(m) == false)) { logger.finer("format not supported, hasVideo=" + m.hasVideo() + " codec_supported=" + isVideoCodecSupported(m)); return false; } logger.finest("video is ok, codec=" + m.videoCodec); logger.fine("format is repack supported"); return true; } logger.finer("container not repack supported"); return false; } @Override public String[] getSupportedAudioCodecs() { return new String[0]; } @Override public String[] getSupportedVideoCodecs() { return SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODECS; } } public String getAudioCodec() { return audioCodec; } public long getAudioRate() { return audioRate; } public long getAudioSampleRate() { return audioSampleRate; } public Set<String> getContainer() { return container; } public String getContainerString() { return createCommaSeparated(container); } public double getFrameRate() { return frameRate; } public String getVideoCodec() { return videoCodec; } public long getVideoRate() { return videoRate; } }