/** * Created on Apr 17, 2007 * Created by Alan Snyder * Copyright (C) 2007 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 63.529,40 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.impl; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.NetworkManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.NetworkAdminSpeedTestScheduler; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.NetworkAdminSpeedTester; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerPiece; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerPeerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerState; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeerManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPiece; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.security.SECertificateListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.security.SESecurityManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadStats; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadRemovalVetoException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.Peer; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.PeerManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.Torrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentAttribute; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginCoreUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.torrent.TorrentImpl; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.*; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; public class NetworkAdminSpeedTesterBTImpl extends NetworkAdminSpeedTesterImpl implements NetworkAdminSpeedTester { public static final String DOWNLOAD_AVE = "download-ave"; public static final String UPLOAD_AVE = "upload-ave"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_STD_DEV = "download-std-dev"; public static final String UPLOAD_STD_DEV = "upload-std-dev"; private static int testMode = TEST_TYPE_UPLOAD_ONLY; private static TorrentAttribute speedTestAttrib; private static NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult lastResult; protected static void startUp( PluginInterface plugin ) { speedTestAttrib = plugin.getTorrentManager().getPluginAttribute(NetworkAdminSpeedTesterBTImpl.class.getName()+".test.attrib"); org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManager dm = plugin.getDownloadManager(); Download[] downloads = dm.getDownloads(); if(downloads!=null){ int num = downloads.length; for(int i=0; i<num; i++){ Download download = downloads[i]; if( download.getBooleanAttribute(speedTestAttrib) ){ try{ if (download.getState() != Download.ST_STOPPED ){ try{ download.stop(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out(e); } } download.remove(true,true); }catch(Throwable e ){ Debug.out("Had "+e.getMessage()+" while trying to remove "+downloads[i].getName()); } } } } } protected static NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult getLastResult() { return( lastResult ); } private PluginInterface plugin; private boolean test_started; private boolean test_completed; private boolean use_crypto; private volatile boolean aborted; private String deferred_abort; /** * * @param pi - PluginInterface is used to get Manager classes. */ public NetworkAdminSpeedTesterBTImpl(PluginInterface pi){ plugin = pi; } public int getTestType() { return( NetworkAdminSpeedTestScheduler.TEST_TYPE_BT ); } public void setMode(int mode) { testMode = mode; } public int getMode() { return( testMode ); } public void setUseCrypto( boolean _use_crypto ) { use_crypto = _use_crypto; } public boolean getUseCrypto() { return( use_crypto ); } /** * The downloads have been stopped just need to do the testing. * @param tot - Torrent recieved from testing service. */ public synchronized void start( TOTorrent tot ) { if ( test_started ){ Debug.out( "Test already started!" ); return; } test_started = true; //OK lets start the test. try{ TorrentUtils.setFlag( tot, TorrentUtils.TORRENT_FLAG_LOW_NOISE, true ); Torrent torrent = new TorrentImpl(tot); String fileName = torrent.getName(); sendStageUpdateToListeners(MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.stage.message.preparing")); //create a blank file of specified size. (using the temporary name.) File saveLocation = AETemporaryFileHandler.createTempFile(); File baseDir = saveLocation.getParentFile(); File blankFile = new File(baseDir,fileName); File blankTorrentFile = new File( baseDir, "speedTestTorrent.torrent" ); torrent.writeToFile(blankTorrentFile); URL announce_url = torrent.getAnnounceURL(); if ( announce_url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase( "https" )){ SESecurityManager.setCertificateHandler( announce_url, new SECertificateListener() { public boolean trustCertificate( String resource, X509Certificate cert ) { return( true ); } }); } Download speed_download = plugin.getDownloadManager().addDownloadStopped( torrent, blankTorrentFile ,blankFile); speed_download.setBooleanAttribute(speedTestAttrib,true); DownloadManager core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( speed_download ); core_download.setPieceCheckingEnabled( false ); // make sure we've got a bunch of upload slots core_download.getDownloadState().setIntParameter( DownloadManagerState.PARAM_MAX_UPLOADS, 32 ); core_download.getDownloadState().setIntParameter( DownloadManagerState.PARAM_MAX_UPLOADS_WHEN_SEEDING, 32 ); if ( use_crypto ){ core_download.setCryptoLevel( NetworkManager.CRYPTO_OVERRIDE_REQUIRED ); } core_download.addPeerListener( new DownloadManagerPeerListener() { public void peerManagerWillBeAdded( PEPeerManager peer_manager ) { DiskManager disk_manager = peer_manager.getDiskManager(); DiskManagerPiece[] pieces = disk_manager.getPieces(); int startPiece = setStartPieceBasedOnMode(testMode,pieces.length); for ( int i=startPiece; i<pieces.length; i++ ){ pieces[i].setDone( true ); } } public void peerManagerAdded( PEPeerManager peer_manager ) { } public void peerManagerRemoved(PEPeerManager manager ) { } public void peerAdded(PEPeer peer ) { } public void peerRemoved(PEPeer peer ) { } }); speed_download.moveTo( 1 ); speed_download.setFlag( Download.FLAG_DISABLE_AUTO_FILE_MOVE, true ); core_download.initialize(); core_download.setForceStart( true ); TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread monitor = new TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread( speed_download ); monitor.start(); //The test has now started!! }catch( Throwable e){ test_completed = true; abort( "Could not start test", e ); } } public void complete( NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult result ) { sendResultToListeners( result ); } protected void abort( String reason, Throwable cause ) { String msg; if ( cause instanceof RuntimeException ){ msg = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessageAndStack( cause ); }else{ msg = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( cause ); } abort( reason + ": " + msg ); } public void abort( String reason ) { reason = "Test aborted: " + reason; synchronized( this ){ if ( aborted ){ return; } aborted = true; // we need to defer the reporting of a failure until the test is complete // as this prevents us from starting another test while the current one is // terminating if ( test_started && !test_completed ){ deferred_abort = reason; return; } } sendResultToListeners( new BitTorrentResult( reason )); } /** * Get the result for * @return Result object of speed test. */ public NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult getResult(){ return lastResult; } // ------------------ private methods --------------- /** * Depending on the mode we want to upload all the set all, none or only * half the pieces to done. * @param mode - int that maps to NetworkAdminSpeedTestScheduler.TEST_TYPE... * @param totalPieces - total pieces in this test torrent. * @return - int - the starting piece number to setDone to true. */ private static int setStartPieceBasedOnMode(int mode, int totalPieces){ //if(mode==TEST_TYPE_UPLOAD_AND_DOWNLOAD){ // //upload half the pieces // return totalPieces/2; //}else if(mode==TEST_TYPE_UPLOAD_ONLY){ //upload all the pieces return 0; }else if(mode==TEST_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_ONLY){ //download all the pieces return totalPieces; } else throw new IllegalStateException("Did not recognize the NetworkAdmin Speed Test type. mode="+mode); } /** -------------------- helper class to monitor test. ------------------- **/ private class TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread extends Thread { List historyDownloadSpeed = new LinkedList(); //<Long> List historyUploadSpeed = new LinkedList(); //<Long> List timestamps = new LinkedList(); //<Long> Download testDownload; public static final long MAX_TEST_TIME = 2*60*1000; //Limit test to 2 minutes. public static final long MAX_PEAK_TIME = 30 * 1000; //Limit to 30 seconds at peak. long startTime; long peakTime; long peakRate; public static final String AVE = "ave"; public static final String STD_DEV = "stddev"; public TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread( Download d ) { testDownload = d; } public void run() { try{ Set connected_peers = new HashSet(); Set not_choked_peers = new HashSet(); Set not_choking_peers = new HashSet(); try{ startTime = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); peakTime = startTime; boolean testDone=false; long lastTotalTransferredBytes=0; sendStageUpdateToListeners(MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.stage.message.starting")); while( !( testDone || aborted )){ int state = testDownload.getState(); if ( state == Download.ST_ERROR ){ String enteredErrorState = MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.abort.message.entered.error" , new String[] {testDownload.getErrorStateDetails()} ); abort( enteredErrorState ); break; } if ( state == Download.ST_STOPPED ){ abort( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.abort.message.entered.queued") ); break; } // can flick out of force-mode when transitioning from downloading // to seeding - easiest fix is: if ( !testDownload.isForceStart()){ testDownload.setForceStart( true ); } PeerManager pm = testDownload.getPeerManager(); if ( pm != null ){ Peer[] peers = pm.getPeers(); for ( int i=0;i<peers.length;i++){ Peer peer = peers[i]; // use the IP as the key so we don't count reconnects multiple times String key = peer.getIp(); connected_peers.add( key ); if ( !peer.isChoked()){ not_choked_peers.add( key ); } if ( !peer.isChoking()){ not_choking_peers.add( key ); } } } long currTime = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); DownloadStats stats = testDownload.getStats(); historyDownloadSpeed.add( autoboxLong(stats.getDownloaded()) ); historyUploadSpeed.add( autoboxLong(stats.getUploaded()) ); timestamps.add( autoboxLong(currTime) ); updateTestProgress(currTime,stats); lastTotalTransferredBytes = checkForNewPeakValue( stats, lastTotalTransferredBytes, currTime ); testDone = checkForTestDone(); if(testDone) break; try{ Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException ie){ //someone interrupted this thread for a reason. "test is now over" abort( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.abort.message.interrupted") ); break; } } //It is time to stop the test. try{ if ( testDownload.getState() != Download.ST_STOPPED){ try{ testDownload.stop(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } testDownload.remove(true,true); }catch(DownloadException de){ abort( "TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread could not stop the torrent "+testDownload.getName(), de); }catch(DownloadRemovalVetoException drve){ abort( "TorrentSpeedTestMonitorTheard could not remove the torrent "+testDownload.getName(), drve); } }catch(Exception e){ abort( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.abort.message.execution.failed"),e ); } if ( !aborted ){ // check the stats for peers we connected to during the test String connectStats = MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.stage.message.connect.stats", new String[]{""+connected_peers.size() ,""+not_choked_peers.size() ,""+not_choking_peers.size() }); sendStageUpdateToListeners(connectStats); if ( connected_peers.size() == 0 ){ abort( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.abort.message.failed.peers") ); }else if ( not_choking_peers.size() == 0 && testMode!=TEST_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_ONLY ){ abort( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.abort.message.insufficient.slots") ); }else if ( not_choked_peers.size() == 0 && testMode!=TEST_TYPE_UPLOAD_ONLY){ abort( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.abort.message.not.unchoked") ); } } if ( !aborted ){ //calculate the measured download rate. NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult r = calculateDownloadRate(); lastResult = r; // TODO: persist it //Log the result. AEDiagnosticsLogger diagLogger = AEDiagnostics.getLogger("v3.STres"); diagLogger.log(r.toString()); complete(r); } }finally{ synchronized( NetworkAdminSpeedTesterBTImpl.this ){ test_completed = true; if ( deferred_abort != null ){ sendResultToListeners( new BitTorrentResult( deferred_abort )); } } } }//run. /** * Calculate the test progression as a value between 0-100. * @param currTime - current time as long. * @param stats - Download stats */ public void updateTestProgress(long currTime, DownloadStats stats){ //do two calculations. Frist based on the total time allowed for the test long totalDownloadTimeUsed = currTime-startTime; float percentTotal = ((float)totalDownloadTimeUsed/(float)MAX_TEST_TIME); //second for the time since the peak value has been reached. long totalTestTimeUsed = currTime-peakTime; float percentDownload = ((float)totalTestTimeUsed/(float)MAX_PEAK_TIME); //the larger of the two wins. float reportedProgress = percentTotal; if( percentDownload>reportedProgress ) reportedProgress=percentDownload; int progressBarVal = Math.round( reportedProgress*100.0f ); StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("progress: "); msg.append( progressBarVal ); //include the upload and download values. msg.append(" : download ave "); msg.append( stats.getDownloadAverage() ); msg.append(" : upload ave "); msg.append( stats.getUploadAverage() ); msg.append(" : "); int totalTimeLeft = (int)((MAX_TEST_TIME-totalDownloadTimeUsed)/1000); msg.append(totalTimeLeft); msg.append(" : "); int testTimeLeft = (int)((MAX_PEAK_TIME-totalTestTimeUsed)/1000); msg.append(testTimeLeft); sendStageUpdateToListeners( msg.toString() ); }//updateTestProgress /** * Calculate the avererage and standard deviation for a history. * @param history - List of Long values but that contains the sum downloaded at that time. * @return Map<String,Double> with values "ave" and "stddev" set */ //Map<String,Double> calculate(List<Long> history) private Map calculate(List history){ //convert the list of long values that sum the value into a list of deltas. List deltas = convertSumToDeltas(history); //sort Collections.sort(deltas); //remove the top and bottom 10% of the sample. This removes outliers from the mean. final int nSamples = deltas.size(); final int nRemove = nSamples/10; //removing high values. for(int i=nSamples-1; i<nSamples-nRemove; i--){ deltas.remove(i); } //remove low values. for(int i=0; i<nRemove; i++){ deltas.remove(0); } //sum values long sumBytes=0; int j=0; while(j<deltas.size()){ sumBytes += autoboxLong( deltas.get(j) ); j++; } //calculate average. double aveRate = (double) ( sumBytes/deltas.size() ); //Debug.out("ave rate:"+aveRate); //calculate standard deviation. double variance = 0.0; double s; for(j=0;j<deltas.size();j++){ //Debug.out( j+","+deltas.get(j) ); s = ( autoboxLong(deltas.get(j)) - aveRate ); variance += s*s; } double stddev = Math.sqrt( variance/(j-1) ); //Map<String,Double> retVal = new HashMap<String,Double>(); Map retVal = new HashMap(); retVal.put(AVE, autoboxDouble(aveRate)); retVal.put(STD_DEV,autoboxDouble(stddev)); return retVal; }//calculate /** * Convert a list of sums into a list of download rates per second. * @param sumHistory - List<Long> with download sum for each second. * @return - List<Long> with the download rate for each second. */ private List convertSumToDeltas(List sumHistory){ //find the first element to inlcude in the stat. int numStats = sumHistory.size(); int i = findIndexPeak(numStats); List deltas = new ArrayList(numStats); long prevSumDownload = autoboxLong(sumHistory.get(i-1)); long currSumDownload; while(i<numStats){ currSumDownload = autoboxLong( sumHistory.get(i) ); Long currDelta = autoboxLong( currSumDownload - prevSumDownload ); deltas.add(currDelta); i++; prevSumDownload = currSumDownload; }//while return deltas; }//convertSumToDeltas private int findIndexPeak(int numStats) { long thisTime; int i; for(i=0;i<numStats;i++ ){ thisTime = autoboxLong( timestamps.get(i) ); if(thisTime>peakTime){ break; } }//for return i; } /** * Based on the previous data cancluate an average and a standard deviation. * Return this data in a Map object. * @return Map<String,Float> as a contain for stats. Map keys are "ave" and "dev". */ NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult calculateDownloadRate() { //calculate the BT download rate. //Map<String,Double> resDown = calculate(historyDownloadSpeed); Map resDown = calculate(historyDownloadSpeed); //calculate the BT upload rate. //Map<String,Double> resUp = calculate(historyUploadSpeed); Map resUp = calculate(historyUploadSpeed); return new BitTorrentResult(resUp,resDown); }//calculateDownloadRate /** * In this version the test is limited to MAX_TEST_TIME since the start of the test * of MAX_PEAK_TIME (i.e. time since the peak download rate has been reached). Which * ever condition is first will finish the download. * @return true if the test done condition has been reached. */ boolean checkForTestDone(){ long currTime = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); //have we reached the max time for this test? if( (currTime-startTime)>MAX_TEST_TIME ){ return true; } //have we been near the peak download value for max time? return (currTime - peakTime) > MAX_PEAK_TIME; }//checkForTestDone /** * We set a new "peak" value if it has exceeded the previous peak value by 10%. * @param stat - * @param lastTotalDownload - * @param currTime - * @return total downloaded so far. */ long checkForNewPeakValue(DownloadStats stat, long lastTotalDownload, long currTime) { //upload only used the "uploaded" data. The "download only" and "both" uses download. long totTransferred; if(testMode==TEST_TYPE_UPLOAD_ONLY){ totTransferred = stat.getUploaded(); }else{ totTransferred = stat.getDownloaded(); } long currTransferRate = totTransferred-lastTotalDownload; //if the current rate is 10% greater then the previous max, reset the max, and test timer. if( currTransferRate > peakRate ){ peakRate = (long) (currTransferRate*1.1); peakTime = currTime; } return totTransferred; }//checkForNewPeakValue }//class TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread class BitTorrentResult implements NetworkAdminSpeedTesterResult{ long time; int downspeed; int upspeed; boolean hadError = false; String lastError = ""; /** * Build a Result for a successful test. * @param uploadRes - Map<String,Double> of upload results. * @param downloadRes - Map<String,Double> of download results. */ public BitTorrentResult(Map uploadRes, Map downloadRes){ time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); Double dAve = (Double)downloadRes.get(TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread.AVE); Double uAve = (Double)uploadRes.get(TorrentSpeedTestMonitorThread.AVE); downspeed = dAve.intValue(); upspeed = uAve.intValue(); } /** * Build a Result if the test failed with an error. * @param errorMsg - why the test failed. */ public BitTorrentResult(String errorMsg){ time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); hadError=true; lastError = errorMsg; } public NetworkAdminSpeedTester getTest() { return( NetworkAdminSpeedTesterBTImpl.this ); } public long getTestTime() { return time; } public int getDownloadSpeed() { return downspeed; } public int getUploadSpeed() { return upspeed; } public boolean hadError() { return hadError; } public String getLastError() { return lastError; } public String getResultString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //Time SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmss z"); String d = format.format( new Date(time) ); sb.append(d).append(" "); sb.append("type: BT test "); //Get test info. sb.append("mode: ").append( getMode() ); //Get crypto sb.append(" encrypted: "); if( use_crypto ){ sb.append("y"); }else{ sb.append("n"); } if(hadError){ //Error sb.append(" Last Error: ").append(lastError); }else{ //Result sb.append(" download speed: ").append(downspeed).append(" bits/sec"); sb.append(" upload speed: ").append(upspeed).append(" bits/sec"); } return sb.toString(); }//getString public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("[com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.impl.NetworkAdminSpeedTesterBTImpl"); sb.append(" ").append( getResultString() ).append(" "); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } }//class BitTorrentResult private static long autoboxLong(Object o){ return autoboxLong( (Long) o ); } private static long autoboxLong(Long l){ return l.longValue(); } private static Long autoboxLong(long l){ return new Long(l); } private static Double autoboxDouble(double d){ return new Double(d); } }//class