package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.transfer_details; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.OneSwarmGWT; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.OneSwarmRPCClient; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.Updateable; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.Strings; public class F2FForwardsDetails extends ScrollTable implements Updateable { FixedWidthGrid mData = null; FixedWidthFlexTable mHeader = null; private long nextTime; public F2FForwardsDetails() { super(new FixedWidthGrid(0, Strings.F2F_DETAILS_COLUMNS.length), new FixedWidthFlexTable()); mData = getDataTable(); mHeader = getHeaderTable(); mData.setSelectionPolicy(SelectionPolicy.ONE_ROW); /** * not only for webpage-style scrolling but also to get this widget to * declare it's needed size */ setScrollPolicy(ScrollPolicy.DISABLED); setResizePolicy(ResizePolicy.FILL_WIDTH); // setResizePolicy(ResizePolicy.FLOW); this.setWidth("99%"); for (int i = 0; i < Strings.F2F_DETAILS_COLUMNS.length; i++) { mHeader.setText(0, i, Strings.F2F_DETAILS_COLUMNS[i]); } mData.setColumnSorter(new TransferColumnSorter()); mHeader.setWidth("100%"); mData.setWidth("100%"); nextTime = 0; // refreshRPC(); } public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); OneSwarmGWT.removeFromUpdateTask(this); } public void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); OneSwarmGWT.addToUpdateTask(this); // fix column widths // int width = this.getOffsetWidth(); // double[] fracs = new double[] { 0.165, 0.165, 0.165, 0.165, 0.165, // 0.165 }; // for (int fItr = 0; fItr < fracs.length; fItr++) { // mHeader.setColumnWidth(fItr, (int) (fracs[fItr] * (double) width)); // mData.setColumnWidth(fItr, (int) (fracs[fItr] * (double) width)); // } } private int CHANNEL_ID_COLUMN = 0; private int RATE_COLUMN = 0; private int TOTAL_COLUMN = 0; public void update(int count) { if ((count % 1) == 0 && isVisible()) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextTime) { nextTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getFriendTransferStats( OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), new AsyncCallback<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } public void onSuccess(ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> result) { nextTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000; List<Integer> toRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // first try to update everything... Set<Integer> used = new HashSet<Integer>(); String rowIdentifyer; // after // first 3 // fields for (int rItr = 0; rItr < mData.getRowCount(); rItr++) { rowIdentifyer = (((Label) mData.getWidget(rItr, CHANNEL_ID_COLUMN)).getText()); boolean updated = false; for (int candidate = 0; candidate < result.size(); candidate++) { if (used.contains(candidate)) { continue; } if (rowIdentifyer.equals(result.get(candidate).get("id"))) { used.add(candidate); long rate = Long.parseLong(result.get(candidate).get( "rate")); long total = Long.parseLong(result.get(candidate).get( "total")); ((FormattedSize) mData.getWidget(rItr, RATE_COLUMN)) .update(rate); ((FormattedSize) mData.getWidget(rItr, TOTAL_COLUMN)) .update(total); updated = true; } } if (!updated) { toRemove.add(rItr); } } /* * then remove the old ones */ Collections.sort(toRemove); Collections.reverse(toRemove); for (int r : toRemove) mData.removeRow(r); // then add rows for anything new (if this // happens, we // need to re-sort) int rowCount = mData.getRowCount(); int new_rows = 0; for (int candidate = 0; candidate < result.size(); candidate++) { if (used.contains(candidate)) continue; String content = result.get(candidate).get("content"); if (content.length() > 40) { content = content.substring(0, 37) + "..."; } int row = 0; CHANNEL_ID_COLUMN = row; if (mData.getRowCount() <= new_rows + rowCount) { mData.resizeRows(new_rows + rowCount + 1); } mData.setWidget(new_rows + rowCount, row, new Label(result.get(candidate).get("id"))); row++; mData.setWidget(new_rows + rowCount, row, new Label(content)); row++; mData.setWidget(new_rows + rowCount, row, new Label(result.get(candidate).get("from"))); row++; mData.setWidget(new_rows + rowCount, row, new Label(result.get(candidate).get("to"))); row++; RATE_COLUMN = row; mData.setWidget( new_rows + rowCount, RATE_COLUMN, new FormattedSize(Long.parseLong(result.get(candidate) .get("rate")), "ps")); row++; TOTAL_COLUMN = row; mData.setWidget( new_rows + rowCount, TOTAL_COLUMN, new FormattedSize(Long.parseLong(result.get(candidate) .get("total")))); new_rows++; } if (used.size() < rowCount) { if (mData.getColumnSortList().getPrimaryColumn() != -1) { System.out.println("re-sorting due to addition"); mData.sortColumn(mData.getColumnSortList() .getPrimaryColumn(), mData.getColumnSortList() .isPrimaryAscending()); } } redraw(); } }); } } } }