/* * File : TorrentImpl.java * Created : 08-Dec-2003 * By : parg * * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.torrent; import java.net.*; /** * @author parg * */ import java.util.Map; import java.io.File; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerState; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerStateFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.download.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.utils.UtilitiesImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.magnet.MagnetPlugin; public class TorrentImpl extends LogRelation implements Torrent { private static MagnetPlugin magnet_plugin; private PluginInterface pi; private TOTorrent torrent; private LocaleUtilDecoder decoder; private boolean complete; public TorrentImpl( TOTorrent _torrent ) { this( null, _torrent ); } public TorrentImpl( PluginInterface _pi, TOTorrent _torrent ) { pi = _pi; torrent = _torrent; } public String getName() { String name = decode( torrent.getName()); name = FileUtil.convertOSSpecificChars( name ); return( name ); } public URL getAnnounceURL() { return( torrent.getAnnounceURL()); } public void setAnnounceURL( URL url ) { torrent.setAnnounceURL( url ); updated(); } public TorrentAnnounceURLList getAnnounceURLList() { return( new TorrentAnnounceURLListImpl( this )); } public TOTorrent getTorrent() { return( torrent ); } public boolean isDecentralised() { return( TorrentUtils.isDecentralised( torrent )); } public boolean isDecentralisedBackupEnabled() { return( TorrentUtils.getDHTBackupEnabled( torrent )); } public void setDecentralisedBackupRequested( boolean requested ) { TorrentUtils.setDHTBackupRequested( torrent, requested ); } public boolean isDecentralisedBackupRequested() { return( TorrentUtils.isDHTBackupRequested( torrent )); } public boolean isPrivate() { return( TorrentUtils.getPrivate( torrent )); } public void setPrivate( boolean priv ) { TorrentUtils.setPrivate( torrent, priv ); } public boolean wasCreatedByUs() { return( TorrentUtils.isCreatedTorrent( torrent )); } public URL getMagnetURI() throws TorrentException { if ( magnet_plugin == null ){ PluginInterface magnet_pi = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByClass( MagnetPlugin.class ); if ( magnet_pi != null ){ magnet_plugin = (MagnetPlugin)magnet_pi.getPlugin(); } } if ( magnet_plugin == null ){ throw( new TorrentException( "MegnetPlugin unavailable" )); } try{ URL res = magnet_plugin.getMagnetURL( torrent.getHash()); return( res ); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ throw( new TorrentException(e )); } } public byte[] getHash() { try{ return( torrent.getHash()); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); return( null ); } } public long getSize() { return( torrent.getSize()); } public String getComment() { return( decode(torrent.getComment())); } public void setComment( String comment ) { torrent.setComment( comment ); } public long getCreationDate() { return( torrent.getCreationDate()); } public String getCreatedBy() { return( decode( torrent.getCreatedBy())); } public long getPieceSize() { return( torrent.getPieceLength()); } public long getPieceCount() { return( torrent.getNumberOfPieces()); } public byte[][] getPieces() { try{ return( torrent.getPieces()); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); return( new byte[0][0] ); } } public TorrentFile[] getFiles() { TOTorrentFile[] files = torrent.getFiles(); TorrentFile[] res = new TorrentFile[files.length]; for (int i=0;i<res.length;i++){ TOTorrentFile tf = files[i]; byte[][] comps = tf.getPathComponents(); String name = ""; for (int j=0;j<comps.length;j++){ String comp = decode(comps[j]); comp = FileUtil.convertOSSpecificChars( comp ); name += (j==0?"":File.separator)+comp; } res[i] = new TorrentFileImpl(name, tf.getLength()); } return( res ); } protected void getDecoder() { // We defer the getting of the decoder until it is required as this Torrent may have been // created in order to simply remove additional properties from it before serialising it // Indeed, this was happening and unfortunately resulting in 1) the encoding being // serialised 2) the user being prompted for an encoding choice try{ decoder = LocaleTorrentUtil.getTorrentEncoding( torrent ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } public String getEncoding() { getDecoder(); if ( decoder != null ){ return( decoder.getName()); } return( Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ); } public void setEncoding(String encoding)throws TorrentEncodingException { try { LocaleTorrentUtil.setTorrentEncoding(torrent, encoding); } catch(LocaleUtilEncodingException e) { throw new TorrentEncodingException("Failed to set the encoding",e); } } public void setDefaultEncoding() throws TorrentEncodingException { setEncoding(Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } protected String decode( byte[] data ) { getDecoder(); if ( data != null ){ if ( decoder != null ){ try{ return( decoder.decodeString(data)); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } return( new String(data)); } return( "" ); } public Object getAdditionalProperty( String name ) { return( torrent.getAdditionalProperty( name )); } public Torrent removeAdditionalProperties() { try{ TOTorrent t = TOTorrentFactory.deserialiseFromMap(torrent.serialiseToMap()); t.removeAdditionalProperties(); return( new TorrentImpl( t )); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); return( this ); } } public void setPluginStringProperty( String name, String value ) { PluginInterface p = pi; if ( p == null ){ p = UtilitiesImpl.getPluginThreadContext(); } if ( p == null ){ name = "<internal>." + name; }else{ name = p.getPluginID() + "." + name; } TorrentUtils.setPluginStringProperty( torrent, name, value ); } public String getPluginStringProperty( String name ) { PluginInterface p = pi; if ( p == null ){ p = UtilitiesImpl.getPluginThreadContext(); } if ( p == null ){ name = "<internal>." + name; }else{ name = p.getPluginID() + "." + name; } return( TorrentUtils.getPluginStringProperty( torrent, name )); } public void setMapProperty( String name, Map value ) { TorrentUtils.setPluginMapProperty( torrent, name, value ); } public Map getMapProperty( String name ) { return( TorrentUtils.getPluginMapProperty( torrent, name )); } public Map writeToMap() throws TorrentException { try{ return( torrent.serialiseToMap()); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ throw( new TorrentException( "Torrent::writeToMap: fails", e )); } } public byte[] writeToBEncodedData() throws TorrentException { try{ Map map = torrent.serialiseToMap(); return( BEncoder.encode( map )); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new TorrentException( "Torrent::writeToBEncodedData: fails", e )); } } public void writeToFile( File file ) throws TorrentException { try{ // don't use TorrentUtils.writeToFile as this updates the internal torrent // file reference an means that the torrent get's auto-written to the new // location in future, most likley NOT the desired behaviour torrent.serialiseToBEncodedFile( file ); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ throw( new TorrentException( "Torrent::writeToFile: fails", e )); } } protected void updated() { try{ DownloadImpl dm = (DownloadImpl)DownloadManagerImpl.getDownloadStatic( torrent ); if ( dm != null ){ dm.torrentChanged(); } }catch( DownloadException e ){ // torrent may not be running } } public void save() throws TorrentException { try{ TorrentUtils.writeToFile( torrent ); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ throw( new TorrentException( "Torrent::save Fails", e )); } } public void setComplete( File data_dir ) throws TorrentException { try{ LocaleTorrentUtil.setDefaultTorrentEncoding( torrent ); DownloadManagerState download_manager_state = DownloadManagerStateFactory.getDownloadState( torrent ); TorrentUtils.setResumeDataCompletelyValid( download_manager_state ); download_manager_state.save(); complete = true; }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new TorrentException("encoding selection fails", e )); } } public boolean isComplete() { // TODO: could check the download state too I guess... return( complete ); } // Pass LogRelation off to core objects /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation#getLogRelationText() */ public String getRelationText() { return propogatedRelationText(torrent); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation#getQueryableInterfaces() */ public Object[] getQueryableInterfaces() { return new Object[] { torrent }; } public boolean isSimpleTorrent() {return torrent.isSimpleTorrent();} }