package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.PickupDragController; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.OneSwarmDialogBox; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.OneSwarmGWT; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.OneSwarmRPCClient; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.ReportableErrorDialogBox; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.Updateable; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.fileDialog.FileBrowser; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.filebrowser.TorrentDownloaderDialog; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.filebrowser.UpdateSkippedFilesDialog; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.i18n.OSMessages; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.creation.CreateSwarmDialogBox; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.debug.DebugDialog; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.friends.FriendsDetailsListPanel; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.permissions.SwarmPermissionsDialog; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.publish.PublishSwarmsDialog; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.settings.SettingsDialog; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.settings.UISettingsPanel; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.transfer_details.TransferDetailsPanel; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.transfer_details.TransferDetailsTable; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.BackendErrorReport; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.FileTree; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.FriendInfoLite; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.OneSwarmConstants; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.PagedTorrentInfo; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.PermissionsGroup; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.ReportableException; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.StringTools; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.TorrentInfo; public class SwarmsBrowser extends VerticalPanel implements Updateable { class PreviewPanel extends SimplePanel { }; private static OSMessages msg = OneSwarmGWT.msg; public static final int ICON_WIDTH = 128; public static final int ICON_HEIGHT = 128; public static final int CELL_WIDTH = 150; // also need to change this in // the CSS... public static final int DIRECTORY_SCROLL_WIDTH = 150; public static final String CSS_VIDEO_BROWSER = "os-video_browser"; private static final String CSS_FILE_HIGHLIGHT = "os-file_highlighted"; private static final String CSS_F2F_LABEL = "os-f2f_label"; private static final String CSS_BROWSER_HEADER = "os-browser_header_buttons"; private static final String CSS_FILE_ICON = "os-file_icon"; private static final String CSS_VIDEO_PREVIEW_BG = "os-video_preview_bg"; private static final String CSS_PREVIEW_TRANSFERRING = "os-transferring"; private static final String CSS_FILTERED_COUNT = "os-filtered_count_label"; private static final String COOKIE_SWARMS_PER_PAGE_INDEX = "swarmsPerPage"; private static final String COOKIE_SWARMS_VIEW = "oneswarmView"; private static final String COOKIE_SHOW_FRIENDS_SWARMS = "showFriendsSwarms"; private static final int FNAME_BUFFER = 20; protected static final String ROOT_TAG_LABEL = msg.swarm_browser_tags_root(); private int mSwarmsPerPage = 5; private long mNextWarningCheck = 0; private boolean mShowingFriends = false; /** * UI widgets and widgets reflecting data */ List<GWTCanvas[]> mHighlighted = new ArrayList<GWTCanvas[]>(); // private GWTCanvas[] mCurrentHighlights = new GWTCanvas[2]; TransferDetailsTable transferDetailsTable = null; HTML allFilesFiltered = new HTML("<div id=\"" + OneSwarmCss.CSS_NOTHING_SHOWING + "\">" + msg.swarm_browser_no_files_search_friends_HMTL("") + "</a></div>"); HTML noFilesHTML = new HTML("<div id=\"" + OneSwarmCss.CSS_NOTHING_SHOWING + "\">" + Strings.get(Strings.NO_FILES_MESSAGE) + "</div>"); HTML noFriendsFilesHTML = new HTML("<div id=\"" + OneSwarmCss.CSS_NOTHING_SHOWING + "\">" + msg.swarm_browser_no_files_shared() + "</div>"); Widget welcomePanel = new NewUserSetupPanel(this); /** * This is a total hack to compensate for the fact that GWT-FX RC2 doesn't * have any way to remove effects on a panel (or clear them) without a * reference to the Effect object itself. */ Map<VerticalPanel, PreviewPanel> filePanel_to_fade = new HashMap<VerticalPanel, PreviewPanel>(); final List<Button> headerButtons = new ArrayList<Button>(4); final FlowPanel filesFlowPanel = new FlowPanel(); final Label filteredCount = new Label(); final ListBox moreActions = new ListBox(); final CheckBox mShowFriendsCheckbox = new CheckBox(msg.swarm_browser_show_friends_swarms()); // We may need to change the text on this to reflect whether or not we can // actually play it Button playButton = null; Button debugButton = null; boolean mShowingTransfers = false; private int mPreviousFullRefreshTotalSwarmsCount; private TorrentInfo[] mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay = null; private final Tree mDirectoryTree = new Tree(); private ScrollPanel mDirectoryScroll = null; // so we can hide/show this private HorizontalPanel mFoldersAndFiles = null; private TreeItem mRootTreeItem = null; /** * Actual data */ // TorrentList mTorrents = new TorrentList(); List<TorrentInfo> mTransferringSwarms = new ArrayList<TorrentInfo>(); List<ProgressBar> mProgressBars = new ArrayList<ProgressBar>(); enum DoubleClickAction { BrowserPlay(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY), SystemPlay(Strings.SWARM_DEFAULT_PLAY), OpenFolder( Strings.SWARM_REVEAL); String action; DoubleClickAction(String inAction) { action = inAction; } public String getAction() { return action; } }; DoubleClickAction mDoubleClickAction = DoubleClickAction.BrowserPlay; /** * Glue */ // Maintained by addFile() / removeFile() HashMap<TorrentInfo, PreviewPanel> torrent_to_panel = new HashMap<TorrentInfo, PreviewPanel>(); // List<EffectPanel> mCurrentlyFiltered = new ArrayList<EffectPanel>(); String mFilterPattern = ""; final SwarmsBrowser this_shadow = this; long mLastFileRefresh = 0; /** * The TorrentInfo associated with the swarm most recently moused over. This * is distinct from the selected swarm since we need to support the popup * menu. */ // TorrentInfo mMouseOverSwarm = null; // The TorrentInfo associated with the currently selected swarm List<TorrentInfo> mSelectedSwarms = new ArrayList<TorrentInfo>(); private HorizontalPanel mPagingPanel; private ListBox swarmsPerPagePopup; private HorizontalPanel mSwarmsPerPagePanel; private boolean mUsingIconView = true; private boolean useDebug = false; private SimplePanel mTagsFilesSeparator; public SwarmsBrowser(boolean useDebug) { this.useDebug = useDebug; addStyleName(CSS_VIDEO_BROWSER); this.add(createHeaderButtons()); mPagingPanel = createPagingNavigationPanel(); this.add(mPagingPanel); // setWidth("100%"); mFoldersAndFiles = new HorizontalPanel(); mFoldersAndFiles.setWidth("100%"); mDirectoryScroll = new ScrollPanel(); // mDirectoryScroll.addStyleName(CSS_TAGS_TREE_SCROLL); mDirectoryScroll.setWidth(DIRECTORY_SCROLL_WIDTH + "px"); mDirectoryScroll.add(mDirectoryTree); mFoldersAndFiles.add(mDirectoryScroll); mFoldersAndFiles.setCellWidth(mDirectoryScroll, DIRECTORY_SCROLL_WIDTH + "px"); /** * Hack attack. */ mTagsFilesSeparator = new SimplePanel(); mTagsFilesSeparator.setWidth("1px"); mFoldersAndFiles.add(mTagsFilesSeparator); td = DOM.getParent(mTagsFilesSeparator.getElement()); DOM.setStyleAttribute(td, "borderRight", "1px solid #d2d2d2"); /********/ mFoldersAndFiles.add(filesFlowPanel); mDirectoryTree.addTreeListener(new TreeListener() { @Override public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) { refreshActive(true); } @Override public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item) { } }); // this.add(filesFlowPanel); this.add(mFoldersAndFiles); filteredCount.addStyleName(CSS_FILTERED_COUNT); updateFilteredCount(0); this.add(filteredCount); mSwarmsPerPagePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); mSwarmsPerPagePanel.setSpacing(3); Label sppLabel = new Label(msg.swarm_browser_swarms_per_page()); mSwarmsPerPagePanel.add(sppLabel); swarmsPerPagePopup = new ListBox(); for (int i : new int[] { 10, 20, 35, 50, 100, 200, 500 }) { swarmsPerPagePopup.addItem(Integer.toString(i)); } mSwarmsPerPagePanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(sppLabel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); mSwarmsPerPagePanel .setCellVerticalAlignment(swarmsPerPagePopup, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); try { int spp = Integer.parseInt(Cookies.getCookie(COOKIE_SWARMS_PER_PAGE_INDEX)); if (spp > 0 && spp < swarmsPerPagePopup.getItemCount()) { swarmsPerPagePopup.setSelectedIndex(spp); } } catch (Exception e) { swarmsPerPagePopup.setSelectedIndex(1); } try { if (Cookies.getCookie(COOKIE_SWARMS_VIEW).equals("list")) { mUsingIconView = false; } } catch (Exception e) { mUsingIconView = true; } mSwarmsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(swarmsPerPagePopup.getItemText(swarmsPerPagePopup .getSelectedIndex())); swarmsPerPagePopup.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void onChange(Widget sender) { mSwarmsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(swarmsPerPagePopup.getItemText(swarmsPerPagePopup .getSelectedIndex())); Cookies.setCookie(COOKIE_SWARMS_PER_PAGE_INDEX, swarmsPerPagePopup.getSelectedIndex() + "", OneSwarmConstants.TEN_YEARS_FROM_NOW); pageZero(); changeFilter(mCurrentFileTypeFilter, true); } }); mSwarmsPerPagePanel.add(swarmsPerPagePopup); this.add(mSwarmsPerPagePanel); this.setCellHorizontalAlignment(mSwarmsPerPagePanel, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); /* * save the "show friends swarms" state */ try { boolean show = Boolean.parseBoolean(Cookies.getCookie(COOKIE_SHOW_FRIENDS_SWARMS)); mShowFriendsCheckbox.setValue(show); } catch (Exception e) { mShowFriendsCheckbox.setValue(false); } this.add(mShowFriendsCheckbox); mShowFriendsCheckbox.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Cookies.setCookie(COOKIE_SHOW_FRIENDS_SWARMS, mShowFriendsCheckbox.getValue() + "", OneSwarmConstants.TEN_YEARS_FROM_NOW); refreshActive(true); } }); sync_settings(); /* * add click listener to noFriendsFilesLabel */ allFilesFiltered.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (mFilterPattern.trim().length() < NavigationFilterBar.MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH) { Window.alert(msg .swarm_browser_warning_short_search(NavigationFilterBar.MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH)); return; } mEntireUIRoot.displaySearch(mFilterPattern); } }); this.setCellHorizontalAlignment(mShowFriendsCheckbox, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); refreshActive(false); OneSwarmGWT.addToUpdateTask(this); } @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); mEntireUIRoot = EntireUIRoot.getRoot(this); } ListBox mSortByList = new ListBox(); ListBox mJumpList = new ListBox(); Label mShowingLabel = new Label(); public final static String SORT_BY_NAME = msg.swarm_browser_sort_name(); public final static String SORT_BY_DATE = msg.swarm_browser_sort_date(); public final static String SORT_BY_SIZE = msg.swarm_browser_sort_size(); public final static int SORT_BY_NAME_ID = 0; public final static int SORT_BY_DATE_ID = 1; public final static int SORT_BY_SIZE_ID = 2; public static final long DOUBLE_CLICK_THRESHOLD = 750; private int mSortingMetric = SORT_BY_DATE_ID; private final ChangeListener mJumpChangeListener = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void onChange(Widget sender) { System.out.println("change listener, mJumpList.getSelectedIndex: " + mJumpList.getSelectedIndex()); changeFilter(SwarmsBrowser.this.mCurrentFileTypeFilter, true); updateShowingLabel(); } }; private ClickHandler nextPreviousPageLinkListener; private Hyperlink prevLink; private Hyperlink nextLink; private HTML mChatHTML; private HorizontalPanel createPagingNavigationPanel() { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel lhs = new HorizontalPanel(), rhs = new HorizontalPanel(), center = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(lhs); hp.add(center); hp.add(rhs); hp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(lhs, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); hp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(rhs, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); hp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(center, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); hp.setCellVerticalAlignment(rhs, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hp.setCellVerticalAlignment(lhs, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hp.setCellVerticalAlignment(center, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); mSortByList.addItem(SORT_BY_DATE, "" + SORT_BY_DATE_ID); mSortByList.addItem(SORT_BY_NAME, "" + SORT_BY_NAME_ID); mSortByList.addItem(SORT_BY_SIZE, "" + SORT_BY_SIZE_ID); mSortByList.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void onChange(Widget sender) { int oldMetric = mSortingMetric; mSortingMetric = Integer.parseInt(mSortByList.getValue(mSortByList .getSelectedIndex())); System.out.println("sorting metric: " + mSortingMetric); if (mSortingMetric == oldMetric == false) { System.out.println("changeFilter()"); pageZero(); // this calls changeFilter() mJumpChangeListener.onChange(mJumpList); // force // refiltering, // etc. // changeFilter(mCurrentFileTypeFilter, true); // this will // resort } } }); String which = Cookies.getCookie(COOKIE_SWARMS_VIEW); if (which == null) { which = "icons"; } else if (!(which.equals("icons") || which.equals("list"))) { which = "icons"; } final Hyperlink viewLink = new Hyperlink( which.equals("icons") ? Strings.get(Strings.LIST_VIEW) : Strings.get(Strings.ICON_VIEW), ""); viewLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (viewLink.getText().equals(Strings.get(Strings.LIST_VIEW))) { viewLink.setText(Strings.get(Strings.ICON_VIEW)); mUsingIconView = false; Cookies.setCookie(COOKIE_SWARMS_VIEW, "list", OneSwarmConstants.TEN_YEARS_FROM_NOW); refreshActive(false); } else { viewLink.setText(Strings.get(Strings.LIST_VIEW)); mUsingIconView = true; Cookies.setCookie(COOKIE_SWARMS_VIEW, "icons", OneSwarmConstants.TEN_YEARS_FROM_NOW); refreshActive(false); } } }); mChatHTML = new HTML("| <a href=\"#\">" + msg.swarm_browser_chat() + "</a>"); mChatHTML.setVisible(false); mChatHTML.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { mEntireUIRoot.startChat(mEntireUIRoot.getSelectedFriend()); } }); Label sortLabel = new Label(msg.swarm_browser_sort()); lhs.add(sortLabel); lhs.add(mSortByList); Image spacer = new Image(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "images/spacer.png"); spacer.setWidth("3px"); spacer.setHeight("3px"); lhs.add(spacer); lhs.add(viewLink); lhs.add(spacer); lhs.add(mChatHTML); // lhs.add(iconView); // lhs.add(listView); lhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(sortLabel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); lhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(mSortByList, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); lhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(viewLink, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); lhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(mChatHTML, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); center.add(mShowingLabel); prevLink = new Hyperlink(msg.swarm_browser_show_prev_swarms(), "prevfiles"); nextLink = new Hyperlink(msg.swarm_browser_show_next_swarms(), "morefiles"); nextPreviousPageLinkListener = new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int incDec = 0; Object sender = event.getSource(); if (sender.equals(prevLink)) { if (mJumpList.getSelectedIndex() - 1 < 0) return; incDec = -1; } else if (sender.equals(nextLink)) { if (mJumpList.getSelectedIndex() + 1 >= mJumpList.getItemCount()) return; incDec = 1; } else { System.err.println("unknown next/prev widget, shouldn't happen"); incDec = 0; } mJumpList.setSelectedIndex(mJumpList.getSelectedIndex() + incDec); System.out.println("selectedIndex: " + mJumpList.getSelectedIndex()); changeFilter(SwarmsBrowser.this.mCurrentFileTypeFilter, true); } }; prevLink.addClickHandler(nextPreviousPageLinkListener); nextLink.addClickHandler(nextPreviousPageLinkListener); rhs.add(prevLink); Label divideLabel = new Label("|"); rhs.add(divideLabel); rhs.add(nextLink); rhs.setSpacing(3); rhs.add(mJumpList); rhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(nextLink, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); rhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(prevLink, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); rhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(divideLabel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); rhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(mJumpList, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hp.setWidth("100%"); updateNavigationPanel(); mJumpList.addChangeListener(mJumpChangeListener); return hp; } /** * changes the pages count in response to events (e.g. filtering changes) */ private void updateNavigationPanel() { int current = Math.max(mJumpList.getSelectedIndex(), 0); // / // math.max // for // corner // case of // nothing // selected // at start int count = (int) Math.max(1, Math.ceil((double) mTotalSwarmsForFilterType / (double) mSwarmsPerPage)); if (mJumpList.getItemCount() != count) { mJumpList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mJumpList.addItem(Integer.toString(i)); } mJumpList.setSelectedIndex(Math.min(current, mJumpList.getItemCount() - 1)); } updateShowingLabel(); } private void updateShowingLabel() { int curr = mJumpList.getSelectedIndex() * mSwarmsPerPage; String extra = ""; if (mTotalSwarmSizeForFilterType != null) { extra += " (" + mTotalSwarmSizeForFilterType + ")"; } mShowingLabel.setText(msg.swarm_browser_showing_swarms(curr, Math.min(curr + mSwarmsPerPage, mTotalSwarmsForFilterType), (mTotalSwarmsForFilterType)) + extra); } private void updateFilteredCount(int count) { filteredCount.setText(count + " filtered"); if (count == 0) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(filteredCount.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(filteredCount.getElement(), "height", "0pt"); } else { DOM.setStyleAttribute(filteredCount.getElement(), "visibility", "visible"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(filteredCount.getElement(), "height", "10pt"); } } EntireUIRoot mEntireUIRoot = null; /** * a hack to prevent using MouseListener on a FocusWidget on the * EntireUIRoot (which can use a lot of CPU) */ public void propAction() { if (mEntireUIRoot == null) { mEntireUIRoot = mEntireUIRoot; } if (mEntireUIRoot != null) { mEntireUIRoot.actionOccurred(); } } public void dispatchSwarmAction(String inActionKey, TorrentInfo[] inTorrents) { propAction(); System.out.println("got swarm action: " + inActionKey); if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY)) { System.out.println("got play action"); if (inTorrents[0].isF2FOnly() == false) { boolean goForIt = true; if (inTorrents[0].getProgress() < 1000) { if (inTorrents[0].getDownloadRate() == 0 || (inTorrents[0].getSeeders() + inTorrents[0].getLeechers() == 0)) { goForIt = Window.confirm(msg.swarm_browser_warning_stalled_swarm()); } else if (inTorrents[0].getDownloadRate() < 50 && inTorrents[0].getProgress() < 900) { goForIt = Window.confirm(msg.swarm_browser_warning_slow_swarm()); } } if (goForIt) { startBrowserPlayer(inTorrents[0]); } } else { for (TorrentInfo inTorrent : inTorrents) { TorrentDownloaderDialog dlg = new TorrentDownloaderDialog(mEntireUIRoot, null, inTorrent.getF2F_ID(), inTorrent.getFileListLiteRepresentation(), true); dlg.everythingChecked();; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getPopupLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + 125); dlg.setVisible(true); } } } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_DETAILS)) { for (TorrentInfo inTorrent : inTorrents) { UpdateSkippedFilesDialog dlg = new UpdateSkippedFilesDialog(mEntireUIRoot, inTorrent);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getPopupLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + 125); dlg.setVisible(true); } } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_PUBLISH)) { TorrentInfo[] infos = getSelectedSwarms(); if (infos != null && infos.length >= 1) { PublishSwarmsDialog dlg = new PublishSwarmsDialog(mEntireUIRoot, infos);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getPopupLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + 125); dlg.setVisible(true); } } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_COPY_MAGNET)) { TorrentInfo[] infos = getSelectedSwarms(); if (infos != null && infos.length >= 1) { OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().copyTorrentInfoToMagnetLink( OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), new String[] { infos[0].getTorrentID() }, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); OneSwarmGWT.log("Error: " + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(String success) { System.out.println("copy success: " + success); if (OneSwarmGWT.isRemoteAccess()) { Window.alert("Link: " + success); } } }); } } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.ADD_SWARM_FILE)) { FileBrowser dialog = new FileBrowser(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), false, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { if (result == null) { return; // cancelled } /** * We enable everything here since it's pretty * likely that what is being opened is a public * torrent. (Even if it is an F2F torrent, it will * have an invalid tracker URL) */ ArrayList<PermissionsGroup> permitted = new ArrayList<PermissionsGroup>(); permitted.add(new PermissionsGroup(PermissionsGroup.ALL_FRIENDS)); permitted.add(new PermissionsGroup(PermissionsGroup.PUBLIC_INTERNET)); OneSwarmRPCClient.getService() .addDownloadFromLocalTorrentDefaultSaveLocation( OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), result, permitted, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); // new // ReportableErrorDialogBox(caught.getMessage(), // false); Window.alert(msg .swarm_browser_warning_invalid_torrent()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { ; // success } }); } });; } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_DELETE)) { // keyboard shortcut doesn't check for this if (deleteButton.isEnabled() == false) { return; } /** * We ask for confirmation */ DeleteTorrentDialog dlg = new DeleteTorrentDialog(getSelectedSwarms(), mEntireUIRoot);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setVisible(true); } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_REVEAL)) { /* * check if remote access, */ if (OneSwarmGWT.isRemoteAccess()) { /* * open a new window and redirect to /files/hash/ */ TorrentInfo[] swarms = getSelectedSwarms(); for (TorrentInfo swarm : swarms) {"/files/" + swarm.getTorrentID().replace("urn_btih_", "") + "/", "_blank", "status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,resizable=0"); } } else { /* * otherwise open the normal folder view */ OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().revealSwarmInFinder( OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), getSelectedSwarms(), new AsyncCallback<ReportableException>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(ReportableException result) { if (result != null) { new ReportableErrorDialogBox(result, false); } } }); } } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_DEFAULT_PLAY)) { System.out.println("got default play event"); OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().openFileDefaultApp(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), getSelectedSwarms(), new AsyncCallback<ReportableException>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(ReportableException result) { if (result != null) { new ReportableErrorDialogBox(result, false); } } }); } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.MANAGE_PERMS)) { // SwarmDetailsDialog dlg = new // SwarmDetailsDialog(EntireUIRoot.getRoot(this), // torrent_to_panel.keySet().toArray(new TorrentInfo[0])); if (mPreviousFullRefreshTotalSwarmsCount == 0) { Window.alert(msg.swarm_browser_warning_no_visibility_with_no_swarms()); } else { OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getPagedAndFilteredSwarms(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "", SORT_BY_NAME_ID, "all", false, Integer.MIN_VALUE, null, new AsyncCallback<PagedTorrentInfo>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(PagedTorrentInfo result) { TorrentInfo[] selectedarr = getSelectedSwarms(); TorrentInfo selected = null; if (selectedarr != null) { if (selectedarr.length > 0) { selected = selectedarr[0]; } } SwarmPermissionsDialog dlg = new SwarmPermissionsDialog( result.swarms, selected);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getPopupLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + 100); dlg.setVisible(true); } }); } } // else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SEARCH_FRIENDS)) { // SearchDialog dlg = new SearchDialog(EntireUIRoot.getRoot(this), // null); //; // dlg.setVisible(false); //; // dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getPopupLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + // 100); // dlg.setVisible(true); // } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.DEBUG)) { DebugDialog dlg = new DebugDialog();; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getPopupLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + 20); dlg.setVisible(true); } else if (inActionKey.equals(Strings.SWARM_STARTSTOP)) { System.out.println("stopstart action"); TorrentInfo[] selected = getSelectedSwarms(); final String[] selected_ids = new String[selected.length]; if (selected[0].isStarted()) { for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { selected[i].setStatus(TorrentInfo.ST_STOPPED); selected_ids[i] = selected[i].getTorrentID(); } OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().stopTorrent(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), selected_ids, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { System.out.println("stopped torrents: " + selected_ids.length); } }); } else { for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { selected[i].setStatus(TorrentInfo.ST_STOPPED); selected_ids[i] = selected[i].getTorrentID(); } OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().startTorrent(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), selected_ids, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { System.out.println("started torrents: " + selected_ids.length); } }); } } // swarm_startstop } long mLastClickTime = 0; private void selectSwarm(TorrentInfo inTorrent) { selectSwarm(inTorrent, false); } private void selectSwarm(TorrentInfo inTorrent, boolean fromClick) { selectSwarm(inTorrent, fromClick, false); } private void selectSwarm(TorrentInfo inTorrent, boolean fromClick, boolean shiftDown) { if (inTorrent != null) { if (mSelectedSwarms.size() > 0) { if (mSelectedSwarms.contains(inTorrent) && fromClick == true && (System.currentTimeMillis() - mLastClickTime) < DOUBLE_CLICK_THRESHOLD) { if (inTorrent.isF2FOnly()) { // really: download dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY, getSelectedSwarms()); } else { doubleClick(); } return; } } mLastClickTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * If we aren't adding to the selection, remove all selections... */ if ((shiftDown == false) && mHighlighted.size() > 0) { for (GWTCanvas[] highlight : mHighlighted) { if (highlight[0].getParent() != null) { if (highlight[0].getParent().getParent() != null) { highlight[0].getParent().getParent().removeStyleName(CSS_FILE_HIGHLIGHT); } } for (GWTCanvas c : highlight) { c.removeFromParent(); } } mHighlighted.clear(); mSelectedSwarms.clear(); } if (inTorrent != null) { propAction(); /** * This is brittle. */ VerticalPanel fnamePanel = (VerticalPanel) torrent_to_panel.get(inTorrent).getWidget(); // this // is // icon_with_name // verticalpanel AbsolutePanel fnameAbsolute = (AbsolutePanel) fnamePanel.getWidget(1); Label fnameLabel = (Label) fnameAbsolute.getWidget(0); int height = ((MaxHeightWithTorrentInfoLabel) fnameLabel).getActualHeight(); int width = fnameLabel.getOffsetWidth(); GWTCanvas canvas = new GWTCanvas(width, height); Color fillColor = new Color(56, 117, 215); canvas.setFillStyle(fillColor); if (OneSwarmGWT.isIE()) { canvas.setBackgroundColor(fillColor); } canvas.setStrokeStyle(new Color(0, 255, 0)); canvas.arc(5, height - 5, 5, (float) (Math.PI / 2), (float) (Math.PI), false); canvas.lineTo(0, 5); canvas.arc(5, 5, 5, (float) (Math.PI), (float) (3 * Math.PI / 2), false); canvas.lineTo(width - 5, 0); canvas.arc(width - 5, 5, 5, (float) (3 * Math.PI / 2), (float) (2 * Math.PI), false); canvas.lineTo(width, height - 5); canvas.arc(width - 5, height - 5, 5, (float) (2 * Math.PI), (float) (5 * Math.PI / 2), false); canvas.lineTo(0, height); canvas.fill(); fnameAbsolute.add(canvas, 0, 0); DOM.setStyleAttribute(canvas.getElement(), "zIndex", "-1"); GWTCanvas[] highlight = new GWTCanvas[2]; highlight[0] = canvas; highlight[0].getParent().getParent().addStyleName(CSS_FILE_HIGHLIGHT); /** * Next, for the background for the icon */ height = ICON_HEIGHT; width = ICON_WIDTH + FNAME_BUFFER; canvas = new GWTCanvas(width, height); fillColor = new Color(172, 172, 172); canvas.setFillStyle(fillColor); if (OneSwarmGWT.isIE()) { canvas.setBackgroundColor(fillColor); } canvas.arc(5, height - 5, 5, (float) (Math.PI / 2), (float) (Math.PI), false); canvas.lineTo(0, 5); canvas.arc(5, 5, 5, (float) (Math.PI), (float) (3 * Math.PI / 2), false); canvas.lineTo(width - 5, 0); canvas.arc(width - 5, 5, 5, (float) (3 * Math.PI / 2), (float) (2 * Math.PI), false); canvas.lineTo(width, height - 5); canvas.arc(width - 5, height - 5, 5, (float) (2 * Math.PI), (float) (5 * Math.PI / 2), false); canvas.lineTo(0, height); canvas.fill(); AbsolutePanel overlay = (AbsolutePanel) fnamePanel.getWidget(0); overlay.add(canvas, 0, 0); DOM.setStyleAttribute(canvas.getElement(), "zIndex", "-1"); highlight[1] = canvas; mHighlighted.add(highlight); if (currentMoveIcon != null) { currentMoveIcon.setVisible(false); } if (mHighlighted.size() == 1 && !inTorrent.isF2FOnly()) { for (int i = 0; i < overlay.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = overlay.getWidget(i); if (w instanceof Image && !w.isVisible()) { w.setVisible(true); currentMoveIcon = (Image) w; break; } } } } if (inTorrent != null) { mSelectedSwarms.add(inTorrent); } else { mSelectedSwarms.clear(); } refreshHeaderButtons(); } public void startBrowserPlayer(TorrentInfo inTorrent) { OneSwarmDialogBox dlg = new VideoDialog(inTorrent.getTorrentID(), inTorrent.getProgress() != 1000, "", inTorrent.getNumFiles(), mEntireUIRoot);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getAbsoluteLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + 100); dlg.setVisible(true); } private FileTypeFilter mCurrentFileTypeFilter = FileTypeFilter.All; private long mNextPagedUpdate; private long mNextErrorPoll = 0; private int mTotalSwarmsForFilterType; private String mTotalSwarmSizeForFilterType = null; private Button deleteButton; private Button tagButton; protected void refreshActive(boolean pageZero) { if (pageZero) { mJumpList.setSelectedIndex(0); } mLastFileRefresh = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean showAllFriendsFiles = mShowFriendsCheckbox.getValue(); // filesFlowPanel.clear(); // torrent_to_panel.clear(); FileTypeFilter fileType = mCurrentFileTypeFilter; int selectedFriendID = Integer.MIN_VALUE; EntireUIRoot root = mEntireUIRoot; if (root != null) { FriendInfoLite friend = mEntireUIRoot.getSelectedFriend(); if (friend != null) { selectedFriendID = friend.getConnectionId(); showAllFriendsFiles = false; fileType = FileTypeFilter.All; if (friend.isSupportsChat() && friend.isAllowChat()) { mChatHTML.setVisible(true); } else { mChatHTML.setVisible(false); } } else { mChatHTML.setVisible(false); } } else { // during the first refreshActive() this will be null since we are // not embedded. at this point, however, there's nothing selected // anyway } // System.out.println("paged and filtered call. selected friend id: " + // selectedFriendID); final int selected_shadow = selectedFriendID; OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getPagedAndFilteredSwarms( mJumpList.getSelectedIndex(), Integer.parseInt(swarmsPerPagePopup.getItemText(swarmsPerPagePopup .getSelectedIndex())), mFilterPattern, mSortingMetric,, showAllFriendsFiles, selectedFriendID, getSelectedTagPath(), new AsyncCallback<PagedTorrentInfo>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(PagedTorrentInfo result) { /** * Out of order RPC. */ if (SwarmsBrowser.this.mShowingFriends || SwarmsBrowser.this.mShowingTransfers) { return; } filesFlowPanel.clear(); torrent_to_panel.clear(); mProgressBars.clear(); mTransferringSwarms.clear(); updateTags(result.tags, result.truncated_tags); mTotalSwarmsForFilterType = result.total_swarms; mPreviousFullRefreshTotalSwarmsCount = result.total_swarms; mTotalSwarmSizeForFilterType = result.total_size; mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay = result.swarms; updateFilteredCount(result.filtered_count); updateNavigationPanel(); boolean reselected = false; if (mUsingIconView == false) { final SwarmsListTable st = new SwarmsListTable(result.swarms, SwarmsBrowser.this); filesFlowPanel.add(st); final Button selectAllButton = new Button(msg.button_select_all()); selectAllButton.addStyleName(OneSwarmCss.SMALL_BUTTON); final Button selectNoneButton = new Button(msg.button_select_none()); selectNoneButton.addStyleName(OneSwarmCss.SMALL_BUTTON); filesFlowPanel.add(selectAllButton); filesFlowPanel.add(selectNoneButton); ClickHandler cl = new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object w = event.getSource(); if (w.equals(selectAllButton)) { st.checkAll(true); refreshHeaderButtons(); } else { st.checkAll(false); refreshHeaderButtons(); } } }; selectAllButton.addClickHandler(cl); selectNoneButton.addClickHandler(cl); refreshHeaderButtons(); } else { for (TorrentInfo t : result.swarms) { if (mSelectedSwarms.contains(t)) { reselected = true; } addFileIcon(t, true); } if (!reselected) { selectSwarm(null); } } boolean filterEnabled = false; if (mFilterPattern != null && mFilterPattern.length() > 0) { filterEnabled = true; allFilesFiltered.setHTML("<div id=\"" + OneSwarmCss.CSS_NOTHING_SHOWING + "\">" + msg.swarm_browser_no_files_search_friends_HMTL(mFilterPattern) + "</a></div>"); } if (result.total_swarms == 0 && result.by_type_count == 0 && mCurrentFileTypeFilter.equals(FileTypeFilter.All) && selected_shadow == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { if (filterEnabled) { filesFlowPanel.add(allFilesFiltered); } else { filesFlowPanel.add(welcomePanel); } } else if (result.total_swarms == 0 && selected_shadow == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { if (filterEnabled) { filesFlowPanel.add(allFilesFiltered); } else { filesFlowPanel.add(noFilesHTML); } } else if (result.total_swarms == 0 && selected_shadow != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { if (filterEnabled) { filesFlowPanel.add(allFilesFiltered); } else { filesFlowPanel.add(noFriendsFilesHTML); } } // System.out.println("got paged torrent result: total: " // + // mTotalSwarmsForFilterType + " / " + // result.total_swarms + " " // + result.filtered_count + " filtered bytype: " + // result.by_type_count); } }); } private String getSelectedTagPath() { TreeItem selected = mDirectoryTree.getSelectedItem(); if (selected == null) { return null; } String path = reverse(selected, 0); return path; } protected void updateTags(FileTree tags, boolean truncated_tags) { TreeItem root = mRootTreeItem; /** * We need to do this carefully to avoid changing the expansion / * selection status of entries */ List<String> expandedPaths = null; String selectedPath = null; if (root != null) { /** * to eliminate firefox flicker, check to make sure if the current * hierarchy is the same and only do the .clear() and repopulate if * changes occurred. (no changes is by far the common case) */ if (changed(root, tags, 0) == false) { // System.out.println("no change, skipping tree update"); return; } expandedPaths = getExpandedPaths(root); selectedPath = null; TreeItem selected = mDirectoryTree.getSelectedItem(); if (selected != null) { selectedPath = ROOT_TAG_LABEL + "/" + reverse(selected, 0); } for (String expanded : expandedPaths) { System.out.println("expanded: " + expanded); } System.out.println("selected: " + selectedPath); } mDirectoryTree.clear(); HTML rootTagLabel = new HTML(ROOT_TAG_LABEL); root = mDirectoryTree.addItem(ROOT_TAG_LABEL); if (truncated_tags) { rootTagLabel.setHTML(ROOT_TAG_LABEL + "<a href=\"#\" >(!)</a>"); rootTagLabel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.alert(msg.swarm_browser_warning_tags_are_hidden()); } }); } mRootTreeItem = root; if (tags != null) { TagEditorDialog .addChildren(root, tags.getChildren(), mEntireUIRoot.getDragController()); } else { System.err.println("null tags!"); } mRootTreeItem.setState(true); TreeItem curr = mRootTreeItem; if (expandedPaths != null) { for (String path : expandedPaths) { String[] toks = path.split("/"); if (toks.length == 0) { System.err.println("no toks on path! " + path); continue; } if (toks[0].equals(curr.getText())) { curr.setState(true); } for (int tokItr = 1; tokItr < toks.length; tokItr++) { for (int cItr = 0; cItr < curr.getChildCount(); cItr++) { if (toks[tokItr].equals(curr.getChild(cItr).getText())) { curr = curr.getChild(cItr); curr.setState(true); break; } } } } // for over expandedPaths } else { // if( expandedPaths != null ) // expand first level mRootTreeItem.setState(true); } if (selectedPath != null) { System.out.println("selected is: " + selectedPath); String[] toks = selectedPath.split("/"); curr = mRootTreeItem; // corner case if (selectedPath.equals(mRootTreeItem.getText() + "/")) { mDirectoryTree.setSelectedItem(mRootTreeItem, false); } else { boolean good = false; for (int level = 1; level < toks.length; level++) { good = false; for (int cItr = 0; cItr < curr.getChildCount(); cItr++) { if (curr.getChild(cItr).getText().equals(toks[level])) { curr = curr.getChild(cItr); good = true; } } if (good == false) { break; } } if (good) { mDirectoryTree.setSelectedItem(curr, false); } else { refreshActive(true); } } } checkTagsPanelAttchment(); } private void checkTagsPanelAttchment() { if (mRootTreeItem != null && mDirectoryTree != null) { if (mDirectoryTree.isAttached() && mRootTreeItem.getChildCount() == 0) { detachDirectoryScrollPanel(); } else if (mRootTreeItem.getChildCount() > 0 && mDirectoryTree.isAttached() == false) { reattachDirectoryScrollPanel(); } } } private boolean changed(TreeItem ti, FileTree ft, int level) { if (ti.getChildCount() != ft.getChildren().length) { return true; } if (level != 0) { // don't check name at level 0, just count if (ti.getText().equals(ft.getName()) == false) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < ti.getChildCount(); i++) { if (changed(ti.getChild(i), ft.getChildren()[i], level + 1)) { return true; } } return false; } private String reverse(TreeItem curr, int depth) { if (curr.getParentItem() == null) { return ""; // don't count the root item in the path } else { return reverse(curr.getParentItem(), depth + 1) + curr.getText() + (depth > 0 ? "/" : ""); } } protected void showSettings(int tab) { SettingsDialog dlg = new SettingsDialog(mEntireUIRoot, SwarmsBrowser.this, tab);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setVisible(true); } private List<String> getExpandedPaths(TreeItem curr) { /** * If curr is visible, check */ List<String> partial = new ArrayList<String>(); if (curr.getState()) { for (int i = 0; i < curr.getChildCount(); i++) { for (String path : getExpandedPaths(curr.getChild(i))) { partial.add(curr.getText() + "/" + path); } } if (partial.size() == 0) { partial.add(curr.getText()); } } return partial; } final Label computerNameLabel = new Label(); final private ClickHandler statusImageClickListener = new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getSource() instanceof TorrentContainingImage) { TorrentInfo source = ((TorrentContainingImage) event.getSource()).getTorrent(); new TorrentErrorDialogBox(source, mEntireUIRoot); } else { System.err.println("********* Got a click event without a TorrentContainingImage"); } } }; public Panel createHeaderButtons() { /** * We use a dock panel here so we can group some buttons on the left for * nondestructive actions (play, etc), and keep destructive actions on * the other side (delete). * * DockPanel is much easier to use for this than tables */ DockPanel panel = new DockPanel(); panel.addStyleName(CSS_BROWSER_HEADER); panel.setWidth("100%"); Button createSwarmButton = new Button(Strings.get(Strings.CREATE_SWARM)); if (OneSwarmGWT.isRemoteAccess()) { createSwarmButton.setEnabled(false); } createSwarmButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { new CreateSwarmDialogBox(mEntireUIRoot); } }); Button addDownloadButton = new Button(Strings.get(Strings.ADD_SWARM_URL)); addDownloadButton.getElement().setId("addUrlLink"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(addDownloadButton.getElement(), "whiteSpace", "nowrap"); playButton = new Button(Strings.get(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY)); deleteButton = new Button(Strings.get(Strings.SWARM_DELETE)); tagButton = new Button(Strings.get(Strings.SWARM_TAGS)); if (useDebug) { debugButton = new Button(msg.swarm_browser_button_debug()); debugButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.DEBUG, null); } }); } addDownloadButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { String url = Window.prompt(msg.swarm_browser_add_enter_url(), ""); if (url == null) { // cancel return; } if (url.toLowerCase().startsWith("magnet:") || url.toLowerCase().startsWith("oneswarm:")) { int pos = url.indexOf('?'); if (pos == -1) { Window.alert(msg.swarm_browser_add_warning_bad_magnet()); return; } String query = url.substring(url.indexOf('?')); if (query.length() < 10) { Window.alert(msg.swarm_browser_add_warning_bad_magnet()); return; } String[] toks = query.substring(1).split("&"); String base32hash = null; for (String param : toks) { String[] kv = param.split("="); if (kv.length == 2) { if (kv[0].equals("xt") && kv[1].startsWith("urn:osih:")) { base32hash = kv[1].substring("urn:osih:".length()); } } } OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getBase64HashesForBase32s( OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), new String[] { base32hash }, new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); OneSwarmGWT.log("Error: " + caught.getMessage()); new ReportableErrorDialogBox(caught.getMessage(), false); } @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { if (result == null) { return; } if (result[0] == null) { return; } for (String s : result) { History.newItem(EntireUIRoot.SEARCH_HISTORY_TOKEN + "id:" + s); } } }); } else { OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().downloadTorrent( OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), url, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result == -1) { Window.alert(msg.swarm_browser_add_download_error()); return; } TorrentDownloaderDialog dlg = new TorrentDownloaderDialog( mEntireUIRoot, result);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setVisible(true); } }); } } }); tagButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { TagEditorDialog dlg = new TagEditorDialog(mEntireUIRoot, SwarmsBrowser.this .getSelectedSwarms());; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setVisible(true); } }); /** * We need to keep track of these so we can disable / enable them in the * highlighting click listeners */ headerButtons.add(playButton); headerButtons.add(deleteButton); headerButtons.add(tagButton); playButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { String btext = playButton.getText(); if (btext.equals(Strings.get(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY)) || btext.equals(msg.swarm_browser_button_download())) dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY, getSelectedSwarms()); else dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_DEFAULT_PLAY, getSelectedSwarms()); } }); deleteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_DELETE, getSelectedSwarms()); } }); Button settingsButton = new Button(Strings.get(Strings.SETTINGS)); settingsButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { showSettings(0); } }); /** * Binding things directly to east/west seems to not pack as tightly as * I want, but wrapping each in a panel works. */ HorizontalPanel lhs = new HorizontalPanel(); lhs.add(createSwarmButton); lhs.add(addDownloadButton); lhs.add(playButton); lhs.add(deleteButton); lhs.add(tagButton); lhs.add(settingsButton); if (useDebug) { lhs.add(debugButton); } moreActions.setVisibleItemCount(1); moreActions.addItem(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions()); // immediately by a call to // refresh header buttons moreActions.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void onChange(Widget sender) { String selected = moreActions.getItemText(moreActions.getSelectedIndex()); System.out.println("selected: " + selected); if (selected.equals(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_start_swarm()) || selected.equals(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_stop_swarm())) { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_STARTSTOP, getSelectedSwarms()); String swapped = msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_stop_swarm(); if (selected.equals(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_stop_swarm())) { swapped = msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_start_swarm(); } moreActions.setItemText(moreActions.getSelectedIndex(), swapped); } else { for (String action : Strings.SWARM_MORE_ACTIONS_NOSELECTION) { if (selected.equals(Strings.get(action))) { dispatchSwarmAction(action, getSelectedSwarms()); moreActions.setSelectedIndex(0); return; } } for (String action : Strings.SWARM_MORE_ACTIONS_SELECTED) { if (selected.equals(Strings.get(action))) { dispatchSwarmAction(action, getSelectedSwarms()); moreActions.setSelectedIndex(0); return; } } } moreActions.setSelectedIndex(0); } }); lhs.add(moreActions); lhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(moreActions, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); BackendTaskReporter backendReporter = new BackendTaskReporter(); add(backendReporter); this.setCellHorizontalAlignment(backendReporter, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); lhs.add(backendReporter); lhs.setCellVerticalAlignment(backendReporter, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); lhs.setSpacing(3); panel.add(lhs, DockPanel.WEST); panel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(lhs, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); panel.setCellVerticalAlignment(lhs, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); HorizontalPanel rhs = new HorizontalPanel(); rhs.setSpacing(3); // Label nameLabel = new Label("Computer: "); // rhs.add(nameLabel); rhs.add(computerNameLabel); updateComputerName(); HTML nameEditAnchor = new HTML("(<a href='#'>" + msg.swarm_browser_change_nick_name() + "</a>)"); nameEditAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { ComputerNameDialog dlg = new ComputerNameDialog(computerNameLabel.getText(), true, new ComputerNameDialog.NameSetCallback() { @Override public void setName(String newName) { computerNameLabel.setText(newName); } });; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setPopupPosition(dlg.getPopupLeft(), Window.getScrollTop() + 125); dlg.setVisible(true); } }); rhs.add(nameEditAnchor); panel.add(rhs, DockPanel.EAST); panel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(rhs, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); panel.setCellVerticalAlignment(rhs, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); refreshHeaderButtons(); return panel; } private void updateComputerName() { OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getComputerName(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { computerNameLabel.setText(result); } }); } public void refreshHeaderButtons() { boolean isEnabled = true; TorrentInfo[] selected = getSelectedSwarms(); boolean anyF2F = false; if (selected != null) { for (TorrentInfo t : selected) { if (t.isF2FOnly()) { anyF2F = true; break; } } } if (selected == null) isEnabled = false; for (Button b : headerButtons) { b.setEnabled(isEnabled); } /** * We build up a set of new menu items and then compare it to the * existing list (updating if necessary). We used to just clear the menu * and rebuild, but because this function is called periodically, * Firefox would reset the selected menu in a visually annoying way * periodically while selected. * * ==================================================================== * ================================================= */ List<String> newActions = new ArrayList<String>(); // moreActions.clear(); // moreActions.addItem("More actions..."); newActions.add(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions()); for (String action : Strings.SWARM_MORE_ACTIONS_NOSELECTION) { /** * Things we can't do when accessing remotely. */ if (action.equals(Strings.ADD_SWARM_FILE) && OneSwarmGWT.isRemoteAccess()) { continue; } // moreActions.addItem(Strings.get(action)); newActions.add(Strings.get(action)); } if (selected != null) { if (anyF2F == false) { for (String action : Strings.SWARM_MORE_ACTIONS_SELECTED) { /** * Things we can't do when accessing remotely. */ if (action.equals(Strings.SWARM_DEFAULT_PLAY) && OneSwarmGWT.isRemoteAccess()) { continue; } if (action.equals(Strings.SWARM_STARTSTOP) == false) { // moreActions.addItem(Strings.get(action)); newActions.add(Strings.get(action)); } else { // moreActions.addItem(selected[0].isStarted() ? // "Stop swarm" : "Start swarm"); newActions.add(selected[0].isStarted() ? msg .swarm_browser_more_actions_stop_swarm() : msg .swarm_browser_more_actions_start_swarm()); } } } // if local else { // something is selected, but it's an f2f swarm. In this case, // only copy link is valid newActions.add(Strings.get(Strings.SWARM_COPY_MAGNET)); } } boolean update = newActions.size() != moreActions.getItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < newActions.size() && update == false; i++) { update = !newActions.get(i).equals(moreActions.getItemText(i)); } if (update) { moreActions.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < newActions.size(); i++) { moreActions.addItem(newActions.get(i)); } } /** * end menu updating * ==================================================== * ================================================================= */ if (selected != null) { boolean canPlay = false; FileTypeFilter type = FileTypeFilter.match(selected[0].getDefaultMovieName()); if (type.equals(FileTypeFilter.Videos) && selected[0].getProgress() > 5) // lets // pretend // 0.5 // % // is // enough // ( // basically // , // has // downloading // started // ? // ) { canPlay = true; } else if (type.equals(FileTypeFilter.Audio) && selected[0].getProgress() * selected[0].getTotalSize() >= 4096 * 100) // lets // pretend // 4 // MB // is // enough // else if( type.equals(FileTypeFilter.Audio) && // mSelectedSwarm.getProgress() == 1000 ) { canPlay = true; } else if (anyF2F) { canPlay = true; // play == download } if (anyF2F) { playButton.setText(msg.swarm_browser_button_download()); } else { playButton.setText(msg.swarm_browser_button_play()); } if (canPlay) { // can play playButton.setEnabled(true); if (!anyF2F) { playButton.setText(msg.swarm_browser_button_play()); } } else { // can't play playButton.setEnabled(false); } if (anyF2F) { deleteButton.setEnabled(false); tagButton.setEnabled(false); } } } public void removeFile(final TorrentInfo inTorrent) { // mMouseOverSwarm = null; selectSwarm(null); refreshHeaderButtons(); if (inTorrent.getProgress() < 1000) { int i = mTransferringSwarms.indexOf(inTorrent); if (i != -1) { mTransferringSwarms.remove(inTorrent); mProgressBars.remove(i); } else { System.err .println("torrent had progress < 1000 but no progress bar. not updated somewhere?" + inTorrent.getTorrentID()); } } VerticalPanel icon_with_name = (VerticalPanel) torrent_to_panel.get(inTorrent).getWidget(); torrent_to_panel.remove(inTorrent); final PreviewPanel effectPanel = (PreviewPanel) icon_with_name.getParent(); // Fade fade = filePanel_to_fade.get(icon_with_name); // fade.getProperties().setStartOpacity(100); // fade.getProperties().setEndOpacity(0); // effectPanel.beginEffects(); // (new Timer() { // public void run() { filesFlowPanel.remove(effectPanel); // } // }).schedule((int) (FADE_TIME_SECS * 1000)); } class MaxHeightWithTorrentInfoLabel extends Label { int mActualHeight = 0; TorrentInfo mTorrent = null; public MaxHeightWithTorrentInfoLabel(String fname, TorrentInfo inTorrent) { super(fname); mTorrent = inTorrent; if (inTorrent.isF2FOnly()) { this.addStyleName(CSS_F2F_LABEL); } } public int getActualHeight() { return mActualHeight == 0 ? 45 : mActualHeight; } public TorrentInfo getSwarm() { return mTorrent; } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); /** * == 0 check since we don't want to do this twice (e.g. when we * change filters) */ if (mActualHeight == 0) { mActualHeight = Math.min(45, getOffsetHeight()); setHeight("45px"); // so layout draws correctly, but we'll use // getActualHeight for GWTCanvas highlight } } } private static class RightClickablePanel extends VerticalPanel { List<RightClickHandler> handlers = new LinkedList<RightClickHandler>(); public RightClickablePanel() { super(); sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEUP | Event.ONDBLCLICK | Event.ONCONTEXTMENU); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { GWT.log("onBrowserEvent", null); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) { case Event.ONMOUSEUP: if (DOM.eventGetButton(event) == Event.BUTTON_RIGHT) { for (RightClickHandler h : handlers) { h.onRightClick(event); } } break; case Event.ONDBLCLICK: break; case Event.ONCONTEXTMENU: GWT.log("Event.ONCONTEXTMENU", null); break; default: break; // Do nothing }// end switch } public void addRightClickHandler(RightClickHandler handler) { handlers.add(handler); } } private static interface RightClickHandler { void onRightClick(Event event); } private class RightClickMenu extends PopupPanel { public RightClickMenu() { super(true, false); setStyleName("rightclick_menu"); MenuBar popupMenuBar = new MenuBar(true); final TorrentInfo[] selected = getSelectedSwarms(); boolean anyF2F = false; boolean anyCompleted = false; if (selected != null) { for (TorrentInfo t : selected) { if (t.isF2FOnly()) { anyF2F = true; } if (t.getProgress() == 1000) { anyCompleted = true; } } } if (anyF2F) { MenuItem downloadItem = new MenuItem(msg.swarm_browser_button_download(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY, selected); } }); downloadItem.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(downloadItem); } else { if (playButton.isEnabled()) { MenuItem playItem = new MenuItem(msg.swarm_browser_button_play(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); playItem.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(playItem); } MenuItem defaultPlayItem = new MenuItem( msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_default_app(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_DEFAULT_PLAY, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); defaultPlayItem.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(defaultPlayItem); MenuItem showInFinder = new MenuItem(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_reveal(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_REVEAL, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); showInFinder.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(showInFinder); popupMenuBar.addSeparator(); if (!anyCompleted) { MenuItem startStop = new MenuItem(msg.swarm_browser_right_click_start_stop(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_STARTSTOP, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); startStop.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(startStop); } MenuItem showDetails = new MenuItem(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_swarm_details(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_DETAILS, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); showDetails.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(showDetails); MenuItem copyLink = new MenuItem(msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_copy_magnet(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_COPY_MAGNET, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); copyLink.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(copyLink); MenuItem managePerms = new MenuItem( msg.swarm_browser_more_actions_manage_visibility(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.MANAGE_PERMS, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); managePerms.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(managePerms); popupMenuBar.addSeparator(); MenuItem delete = new MenuItem(msg.swarm_browser_button_delete(), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_DELETE, getSelectedSwarms()); hide(); } }); delete.addStyleName("rightclick_menu-item"); popupMenuBar.addItem(delete); } popupMenuBar.setVisible(true); add(popupMenuBar); } } static class TorrentContainingImage extends Image { private final TorrentInfo torrent; public TorrentContainingImage(String url, TorrentInfo torrent) { super(url); this.torrent = torrent; } public TorrentInfo getTorrent() { return torrent; } } public void addFileIcon(final TorrentInfo inTorrent, boolean force_show) { String fname = inTorrent.getName(); String lineWrapped = fname; int MAX_LINE_LEN = 20; // int MIN_LINE_LEN = MAX_LINE_LEN - 6; int MAX_TOTAL_LEN = 60; if (lineWrapped.length() > MAX_LINE_LEN) { // cap at 45 char lineWrapped = lineWrapped.substring(0, Math.min(lineWrapped.length(), MAX_TOTAL_LEN)); // hack until FF supports css word-wrap=break-word String firstLine = lineWrapped.substring(0, MAX_LINE_LEN); if (!firstLine.contains(" ")) { lineWrapped = firstLine + " " + lineWrapped.substring(MAX_LINE_LEN); } // } } VerticalPanel icon_panel_scratch = null; String disableRightClickCookie = Cookies .getCookie(UISettingsPanel.COOKIE_DISABLE_RIGHT_CLICK); if (disableRightClickCookie == null || "1".equals(disableRightClickCookie)) { icon_panel_scratch = new VerticalPanel(); } else { icon_panel_scratch = new RightClickablePanel(); ((RightClickablePanel) icon_panel_scratch) .addRightClickHandler(new RightClickHandler() { @Override public void onRightClick(final Event event) { selectSwarm(inTorrent, false, false); refreshHeaderButtons(); final RightClickMenu menu = new RightClickMenu(); menu.setPopupPositionAndShow(new PositionCallback() { @Override public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) { menu.setPopupPosition(event.getClientX(), event.getClientY()); } }); } }); } final VerticalPanel icon_with_name = icon_panel_scratch; icon_with_name.setWidth(ICON_WIDTH + "px"); final Label fnameLabel = new MaxHeightWithTorrentInfoLabel(lineWrapped, inTorrent); String tooltipText = fname; tooltipText += " Size: " + StringTools.formatRate(inTorrent.getTotalSize()); if (inTorrent.isF2FOnly()) { tooltipText += " From friend: " + inTorrent.getF2F_nick(); } fnameLabel.setTitle(tooltipText); fnameLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); fnameLabel.setWidth((ICON_WIDTH + FNAME_BUFFER) + "px"); // /fnameLabel.setWidth(ICON_WIDTH+"px"); // fnameLabel.setWidth("30px"); final AbsolutePanel fnameAbsolute = new AbsolutePanel(); fnameAbsolute.add(fnameLabel); DOM.setStyleAttribute(fnameLabel.getElement(), "zIndex", "10"); Image videoPreviewImage = null; String hint = ""; if (inTorrent.isF2FOnly() && inTorrent.getDefaultMovieName() != null) { if (FileTypeFilter.match(inTorrent.getDefaultMovieName(), FileTypeFilter.Audio)) { hint = "audio"; } else if (FileTypeFilter.match(inTorrent.getDefaultMovieName(), FileTypeFilter.Videos)) { hint = "video"; } } videoPreviewImage = new TorrentContainingImage(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "image?infohash=" + inTorrent.getTorrentID() + "&type=" + hint, inTorrent); videoPreviewImage.setWidth("128px"); videoPreviewImage.setHeight("128px"); if (inTorrent.isF2FOnly()) { videoPreviewImage.addStyleName(CSS_PREVIEW_TRANSFERRING); } final AbsolutePanel overlay = new AbsolutePanel(); overlay.addStyleName(CSS_VIDEO_PREVIEW_BG); overlay.setWidth(ICON_WIDTH + FNAME_BUFFER + "px"); overlay.setHeight(ICON_HEIGHT + "px"); overlay.add(videoPreviewImage, FNAME_BUFFER / 2, 0); Image statusImage = new TorrentContainingImage( inTorrent.getErrorState() == 0 ? ImageConstants.ICON_STARTED : ImageConstants.ICON_WARNING, inTorrent); statusImage.addClickHandler(statusImageClickListener); statusImage.setWidth("16px"); statusImage.setHeight("16px"); /** * now always leaving this invisible unless stopped. looks too much like * a play icon. confusing. note, we use the DOM method instead of * setVisible since the latter interferes with the selection code's use * of zIndex, whereas visibility hidden always hides, regardless of * zIndex. */ if (inTorrent.getErrorState() == 0) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(statusImage.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); } overlay.add(statusImage, 0, ICON_HEIGHT - 16); statusImage.setTitle("Swarm started"); // ClickListener selectListener = new ClickListener() { // public void onClick(Widget sender) { // selectSwarm(inTorrent, true); // refreshHeaderButtons(); // } // }; ClickHandler selectHandler = new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { selectSwarm(inTorrent, true, event.getNativeEvent().getShiftKey()); refreshHeaderButtons(); } }; fnameLabel.addClickHandler(selectHandler); videoPreviewImage.addClickHandler(selectHandler); if (inTorrent.getProgress() < 1000) { overlay.addStyleName(CSS_PREVIEW_TRANSFERRING); mTransferringSwarms.add(inTorrent); // Label progressBar = new Label("0"); // fnameAbsolute.add(progressBar, 0, 0); ProgressBar pb = new ProgressBar(0.0, 1000.0, inTorrent.getProgress()); pb.setTextFormatter(new SwarmRateTextFormatter(inTorrent)); int pb_width = (ICON_WIDTH - (ICON_WIDTH / 5)); pb.setWidth(pb_width + "px"); pb.setHeight("15px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(pb.getElement(), "zIndex", "100"); overlay.add(pb, (CELL_WIDTH - pb_width) / 2, ICON_HEIGHT - 20); // add(pb); mProgressBars.add(pb); } icon_with_name.add(overlay); icon_with_name.add(fnameAbsolute); icon_with_name.setSpacing(3); icon_with_name.addStyleName(CSS_FILE_ICON); PreviewPanel fadePanel = new PreviewPanel(); fadePanel.add(icon_with_name); // Fade fade = new Fade(); // fade.getProperties().setEffectLength(FADE_TIME_SECS); // fade.getProperties().setStartOpacity(0); // fade.getProperties().setEndOpacity(100); // fadePanel.addEffect(fade); /** * So we can link UI elements with torrent data */ torrent_to_panel.put(inTorrent, fadePanel); // filePanel_to_fade.put(icon_with_name, fade); // filesFlowPanel.add(fadePanel); // we can't do this if showing transfers -- will crash 8) if (force_show) { if (mShowingTransfers == false) { // sortedFilesPanelInsert(fadePanel); filesFlowPanel.add(fadePanel); // filesFlowPanel.add(icon_with_name); } // fadePanel.beginEffects(); } PickupDragController dragController = mEntireUIRoot.getDragController(); if (dragController != null && "0".equals(Cookies.getCookie(UISettingsPanel.COOKIE_DISABLE_DRAG_AND_DROP))) { Image moveImage = new Image("images/move_arrow_16x16.png"); overlay.add(moveImage, overlay.getOffsetWidth() - 16, 0); dragController.makeDraggable(videoPreviewImage, moveImage); moveImage.setVisible(false); } if (mSelectedSwarms.contains(inTorrent)) { selectSwarm(inTorrent); } } private Image currentMoveIcon = null; @Override public void update(int count) { // testing explicit signaling to remove polling // refreshActive(); // if( mNextTransferringSwarmsUpdate < System.currentTimeMillis() ) { // mNextTransferringSwarmsUpdate = Long.MAX_VALUE; // refreshTransferringSwarms(); // } // if( mNextStateSyncUpdate < System.currentTimeMillis() ) { // mNextStateSyncUpdate = Long.MAX_VALUE; // synchronizeSwarmStateValues(); // } if (mNextPagedUpdate < System.currentTimeMillis()) { mNextPagedUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis() + 20 * 1000; // ensure // we // _eventually_ // do // something // again // ! if (mUsingIconView) // the list view will take care of this // internally. { pagedSwarmRefresh(); } } if (mNextWarningCheck < System.currentTimeMillis()) { OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().checkIfWarning(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (result[4 + (j * 8)].equals("true")) { StoppedUserDialog dlg = new StoppedUserDialog(mEntireUIRoot, result[5 + (j * 8)], result[6 + (j * 8)], result[7 + (j * 8)]);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setVisible(true); } else if (result[(j * 8)].equals("true")) { WarnUserDialog dlg = new WarnUserDialog(mEntireUIRoot, result[1 + (j * 8)], result[2 + (j * 8)], result[3 + (j * 8)]);; dlg.setVisible(false);; dlg.setVisible(true); } } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } }); mNextWarningCheck = System.currentTimeMillis() + 30 * 1000; } if ((count % 5) == 0) { lightweight_refresh_check(); } if (mNextErrorPoll < System.currentTimeMillis()) { mNextErrorPoll = System.currentTimeMillis() + 120 * 1000; OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getBackendErrors(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), new AsyncCallback<ArrayList<BackendErrorReport>>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(ArrayList<BackendErrorReport> result) { if (result.size() > 0) { OneSwarmGWT.log("Got " + result.size() + " backend errors"); } // most recent first Collections.reverse(result); mNextErrorPoll = System.currentTimeMillis() + (5 * 1000); if (result.size() == 0) { return; } StringBuffer concat = new StringBuffer(); boolean show_report = false; for (BackendErrorReport r : result) { concat.append(r.getMessage() + "\n"); if (r.isShowReportText()) { show_report = true; } } new ReportableErrorDialogBox(concat.toString(), false, show_report); } }); } updateComputerName(); } /** * This checks only the _number_ of download managers as a prelude to decide * whether or not we need to do a full refreshActive(). Even though the UI * is explicitly notified of most refreshes, watch directories sometimes * mean that swarms will be added without UI knowledge */ private void lightweight_refresh_check() { OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getDownloadManagersCount(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result.intValue() != mPreviousFullRefreshTotalSwarmsCount) { System.out .println("download manager count doesn't match mPreviousFullRefreshTotalSwarmsCount, refreshing (" + result + " / " + mPreviousFullRefreshTotalSwarmsCount); if (mShowingTransfers == false || mShowingFriends) { SwarmsBrowser.this.refreshActive(false); } } else { // System.out.println("lightweight refresh: " + // result); } } }); } private void pagedSwarmRefresh() { ArrayList<String> whichOnes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < filesFlowPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (filesFlowPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof PreviewPanel) { PreviewPanel p = (PreviewPanel) filesFlowPanel.getWidget(i); VerticalPanel fnamePanel = (VerticalPanel) p.getWidget(); // this AbsolutePanel fnameAbsolute = (AbsolutePanel) fnamePanel.getWidget(1); MaxHeightWithTorrentInfoLabel fnameLabel = (MaxHeightWithTorrentInfoLabel) fnameAbsolute .getWidget(0); whichOnes.add(fnameLabel.getSwarm().getTorrentID()); } } OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().pagedTorrentStateRefresh(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), whichOnes, new AsyncCallback<TorrentInfo[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(TorrentInfo[] result) { /** * begin by synchronizing the state */ Map<String, TorrentInfo> id_to_torrent = new HashMap<String, TorrentInfo>(); for (TorrentInfo t : torrent_to_panel.keySet()) { id_to_torrent.put(t.getTorrentID(), t); } for (TorrentInfo t : result) { if (t == null) continue; if (id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()) != null) { id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()).setStatus(t.getStatus()); id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()).setProgress(t.getProgress()); id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()).setDownloadRate( t.getDownloadRate()); id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()) .setDownloaded(t.getDownloaded()); id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()).setSeeders(t.getSeeders()); id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()).setLeechers(t.getLeechers()); id_to_torrent.get(t.getTorrentID()) .setErrorState(t.getErrorState()); /** * In case the play button now needs enabled */ if (mSelectedSwarms.size() == 1) { if (mSelectedSwarms.get(0).getTorrentID() .equals(t.getTorrentID())) refreshHeaderButtons(); } } } /** * then progress... */ gotRefreshOfTransferring(result); mNextPagedUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000; } }); } private void gotRefreshOfTransferring(TorrentInfo[] swarms) { // System.out.println("got refresh of: " + swarms.length + // " currently visible swarms."); Map<String, TorrentInfo> idToInfo = new HashMap<String, TorrentInfo>(); for (TorrentInfo info : swarms) { if (info != null) { idToInfo.put(info.getTorrentID(), info); } } // for (int i = 0; i < mTransferringSwarms.size(); i++) { for (int swarmsIndex = 0; swarmsIndex < swarms.length; swarmsIndex++) { // TorrentInfo info = mTransferringSwarms.get(i); TorrentInfo info = swarms[swarmsIndex]; if (info == null) { // not refresh continue; } int i = mTransferringSwarms.indexOf(info); if (i > -1) { ProgressBar progressBar = mProgressBars.get(i); /** * This is brittle (and used somewhere else) -- TODO: should * wrap this? */ final VerticalPanel fnamePanel = (VerticalPanel) torrent_to_panel.get(info) .getWidget(); // this // is // icon_with_name // verticalpanel AbsolutePanel fnameAbsolute = (AbsolutePanel) fnamePanel.getWidget(1); // Label fnameLabel = (Label) fnameAbsolute.getWidget(0); // System.out.println("attempting refresh of: " + info); // fnameAbsolute.setWidgetPosition(progressBar, 0, // -fnameLabel.getOffsetHeight()); TorrentInfo latest = idToInfo.get(info.getTorrentID()); if (latest != null) { progressBar.setProgress(latest.getProgress()); info.setProgress(latest.getProgress()); // System.out.println("progress of: " + latest.getName() + // " " + // latest.getProgress()); if (latest.getProgress() == 1000) { // done, remove progress bar and make opaque. int pbi = mTransferringSwarms.indexOf(latest); mTransferringSwarms.remove(latest); ProgressBar pb = mProgressBars.get(pbi); pb.removeFromParent(); fnameAbsolute.removeStyleName(CSS_PREVIEW_TRANSFERRING); mProgressBars.remove(pbi); /** * We may also now be able to generate a preview image, * so give that a shot */ Image previewImage = (Image) ((AbsolutePanel) fnamePanel.getWidget(0)) .getWidget(0); previewImage.setUrl(previewImage.getUrl() + "&refresh"); System.out.println("attempting image refresh...: " + previewImage.getUrl()); /** * Also, since it might now be playable (and selected) */ refreshHeaderButtons(); } } else { // something finished or was removed --> more // heavyweight System.out.println("something finished or was removed, refreshing active"); refreshActive(false); } } // this is not transferring, just update start/stop TorrentInfo latest = idToInfo.get(info.getTorrentID()); info.setStatus(latest.getStatus()); Image statusImage = getStartStopImageFromEffectPanel(torrent_to_panel.get(info)); if (statusImage != null) { if (info.getErrorState() == 0) { boolean startImage = statusImage.getUrl().endsWith(ImageConstants.ICON_STARTED); if (info.isStarted() && !startImage) { statusImage.setUrl(ImageConstants.ICON_STARTED); DOM.setStyleAttribute(statusImage.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); } else if (!info.isStarted() && startImage) { statusImage.setUrl(ImageConstants.ICON_STOPPED); DOM.setStyleAttribute(statusImage.getElement(), "visibility", "visible"); } } else { statusImage.setUrl(ImageConstants.ICON_WARNING); DOM.setStyleAttribute(statusImage.getElement(), "visibility", "visible"); } // no need to show these if downloads are complete if (info.getProgress() == 1000 && info.getErrorState() == 0) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(statusImage.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); } } } } private Image getStartStopImageFromEffectPanel(PreviewPanel effectPanel) { if (effectPanel == null) { System.err.println("null effectpanel in startstop image get"); return null; } VerticalPanel w = ((VerticalPanel) effectPanel.getWidget()); if (w == null) { System.err.println("null verticalpanel in startstop image get"); return null; } AbsolutePanel imageAbsolute = (AbsolutePanel) w.getWidget(0); return (Image) imageAbsolute.getWidget(1); } public void changeFilter(FileTypeFilter filter, boolean just_a_refresh) { if (just_a_refresh == false) { mFilterPattern = ""; } boolean needReshowControls = mShowingTransfers || mShowingFriends; mShowingTransfers = false; mShowingFriends = false; if (mCurrentFileTypeFilter.equals(filter) == false) { System.out.println("changing file filter type, going back to jump zero"); mJumpList.setSelectedIndex(0); // go back to first page } mCurrentFileTypeFilter = filter; mTotalSwarmsForFilterType = 0; if (needReshowControls) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "display", null); // DOM.setStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "height", // mPagingTableOldHeight); checkTagsPanelAttchment(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mSwarmsPerPagePanel.getElement(), "visibility", "visible"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mShowFriendsCheckbox.getElement(), "visibility", "visible"); } transferDetailsTable = null; System.out.println("change filter: refreshActive()"); refreshActive(false); // we checked this above // filterDisplayed(mFilterPattern); // updateNavigationPanel(); } private void detachDirectoryScrollPanel() { this.mDirectoryScroll.removeFromParent(); this.mTagsFilesSeparator.removeFromParent(); } private void reattachDirectoryScrollPanel() { mFoldersAndFiles.insert(mDirectoryScroll, 0); mFoldersAndFiles.insert(mTagsFilesSeparator, 1); mFoldersAndFiles.setCellWidth(mDirectoryScroll, DIRECTORY_SCROLL_WIDTH + "px"); mFoldersAndFiles.setCellWidth(mTagsFilesSeparator, "1px"); td = DOM.getParent(mTagsFilesSeparator.getElement()); DOM.setStyleAttribute(td, "borderRight", "1px solid #d2d2d2"); } // String mPagingTableOldHeight = null; protected void showFriends() { mShowingFriends = true; // mPagingTableOldHeight = // DOM.getStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "height"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "display", "none"); // DOM.setStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "height", "0pt"); if (mDirectoryScroll.isAttached()) { mDirectoryScroll.removeFromParent(); } DOM.setStyleAttribute(mSwarmsPerPagePanel.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mShowFriendsCheckbox.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); filesFlowPanel.clear(); selectSwarm(null); filesFlowPanel.add(new FriendsDetailsListPanel(SwarmsBrowser.this)); } public void showTransfers() { mShowingTransfers = true; // mPagingTableOldHeight = // DOM.getStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "height"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "display", "none"); // DOM.setStyleAttribute(mPagingPanel.getElement(), "height", "0pt"); if (mDirectoryScroll.isAttached()) { detachDirectoryScrollPanel(); } DOM.setStyleAttribute(mSwarmsPerPagePanel.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mShowFriendsCheckbox.getElement(), "visibility", "hidden"); filesFlowPanel.clear(); /** * We don't want the transfers panel to persist unless its visible since * it requires polling updates. */ // tableSelectedSwarmChanged(null); selectSwarm(null); TransferDetailsPanel detailsPanel = new TransferDetailsPanel(); transferDetailsTable = detailsPanel.getPublicDetailsTable(); filesFlowPanel.add(detailsPanel); // filterDisplayed(mFilterPattern); transferDetailsTable.filterDisplayed(mFilterPattern); } /** * This is called by the transfer details table. We need this callback * because the filtered count depends on an RPC */ public void updateFilteredCountFromTransferDetails(int count) { updateFilteredCount(count); } // public void tableSelectedSwarmChanged(TorrentInfo inSwarm) { // mSelectedSwarm = inSwarm; // refreshHeaderButtons(); // } public void refreshFromFilterText(String text) { mFilterPattern = text; if (mShowingTransfers == false || mShowingFriends) { System.out.println("filtering swarms..."); mJumpList.setSelectedIndex(0); changeFilter(mCurrentFileTypeFilter, true); } else { System.out.println("filtering transfers..."); transferDetailsTable.filterDisplayed(mFilterPattern); } } public void pageZero() { mDirectoryTree.setSelectedItem(null); mDirectoryScroll.scrollToLeft(); mDirectoryScroll.scrollToTop(); mJumpList.setSelectedIndex(0); } public void sync_settings() { System.out.println("sync settings"); OneSwarmRPCClient.getService().getIntegerParameterValue(OneSwarmRPCClient.getSessionID(), "", new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { caught.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Integer result) { System.out.println("doubleclick action: " + result); if (result >= 0 && result < 3) { mDoubleClickAction = DoubleClickAction.values()[result]; System.out.println("doubleclick action str: " + mDoubleClickAction.getAction()); } } }); // in case we enabled/disabled tags refreshActive(false); } public TorrentInfo[] getSelectedSwarms() { if (mUsingIconView) { if (mSelectedSwarms.size() > 0) return mSelectedSwarms.toArray(new TorrentInfo[0]); else return null; } else if (mShowingTransfers == false && mShowingFriends == false) { return ((SwarmsListTable) filesFlowPanel.getWidget(0)).getSelectedSwarms(); } else { return null; } } public void selectPreviousSwarm() { if (mUsingIconView == false) { return; } if (mSelectedSwarms.size() == 0) { if (mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay.length > 0) { selectSwarm(mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay[mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay.length - 1]); } } TorrentInfo which = mSelectedSwarms.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay.length; i++) { if (which.equals(mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay[i])) { if (i == 0) { previousPage(); } else { selectSwarm(mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay[i - 1]); } } } } public void selectNextSwarm() { if (mUsingIconView == false) { return; } if (mSelectedSwarms.size() == 0) { if (mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay.length > 0) { selectSwarm(mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay[0]); } } TorrentInfo which = mSelectedSwarms.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay.length; i++) { if (which.equals(mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay[i])) { if (i == mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay.length - 1) { nextPage(); } else { selectSwarm(mSwarmsOrderedByDisplay[i + 1]); } } } } public void nextPage() { nextPreviousPageLinkListener.onClick(new ClickEvent() { @Override public Object getSource() { return nextLink; } }); } public void previousPage() { nextPreviousPageLinkListener.onClick(new ClickEvent() { @Override public Object getSource() { return prevLink; } }); } public void doubleClick() { if (this.getSelectedSwarms() == null) { return; } if (getSelectedSwarms().length == 0) { return; } if (OneSwarmGWT.isRemoteAccess() == false) { if (mDoubleClickAction.getAction().equals(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY) && playButton.isEnabled() == false) { dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_DEFAULT_PLAY, getSelectedSwarms()); } else { dispatchSwarmAction(mDoubleClickAction.getAction(), getSelectedSwarms()); } } else if (playButton.isEnabled()) { /** * other actions don't make sense when connected remotely */ dispatchSwarmAction(Strings.SWARM_BROWSER_PLAY, getSelectedSwarms()); } } }