package org.ensembl.mart.lib; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Implimentation of the QueryRunner for executing a Query and * generating Tabulated output. * Tabulated output is separated by a field separator specified by * a FormatSpec object. Any Query can generate tabulated output. * * @author <a href="">Darin London</a> * @author <a href="">Craig Melsopp</a> * @see Query * @see FormatSpec */ public final class AttributeQueryRunner implements QueryRunner { /** * Constructs a TabulatedQueryRunner object to execute a Query * and print tabulated output specified by the given FormatSpec * * @param query - a Query Object * @param format - a FormatSpec object */ public AttributeQueryRunner(Query query, FormatSpec format, OutputStream os) { this.query = query; this.format = format; this.osr = new PrintStream(os, true); // autoflush true } public void execute(int hardLimit) throws SequenceException, InvalidQueryException { execute(hardLimit, false); } public void execute(int hardLimit, boolean isSubQuery) throws SequenceException, InvalidQueryException { if (hardLimit > 0) hardLimit = Math.min(hardLimit, MAXTOTALROWS); else if (!isSubQuery) hardLimit = MAXTOTALROWS; Filter[] filters = query.getFilters(); Filter bigListFilter = null; String[] biglist = null; int numBigLists = 0; for (int i = 0, n = filters.length; i < n; i++) { Filter filter = filters[i]; if (filter instanceof IDListFilter) { if (((IDListFilter) filter).getIdentifiers().length > listSizeMax) { if (numBigLists > maxBigListCount) throw new InvalidQueryException("Too many in list filters attached, only one per query supported.\n"); bigListFilter = filter; biglist = ((IDListFilter) filter).getIdentifiers(); numBigLists++; } } } if (numBigLists > 0) { boolean moreRows = true; String[] idBatch = new String[listSizeMax]; int batchIter = 0; for (int i = 0, n = biglist.length; moreRows && i < n; i++) { String element = biglist[i]; if ((i > 0) && ((i % listSizeMax) == 0)) { Query newQuery = new Query(query); newQuery.removeFilter(bigListFilter); IDListFilter newFilter = new IDListFilter( bigListFilter.getField(), bigListFilter.getTableConstraint(), bigListFilter.getKey(), idBatch); newQuery.addFilter(newFilter); executeQuery(newQuery, hardLimit); if (isSubQuery) { // get all ids for a subQuery moreRows = true; } else { //only execute batches until all are completed, or totalRows == hardLimit moreRows = totalRows < hardLimit; } idBatch = new String[listSizeMax]; batchIter = 0; } idBatch[batchIter] = element; batchIter++; } //last batch is either empty, or less than idBatch.length if (moreRows && idBatch[0] != null) { List lastBatch = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0, n = idBatch.length; i < n; i++) { String element = idBatch[i]; if (element != null) lastBatch.add(element); } String[] lbatch = new String[lastBatch.size()]; lastBatch.toArray(lbatch); Query newQuery = new Query(query); newQuery.removeFilter(bigListFilter); IDListFilter newFilter = new IDListFilter(bigListFilter.getField(), bigListFilter.getTableConstraint(), bigListFilter.getKey(), lbatch); newQuery.addFilter(newFilter); executeQuery(newQuery, hardLimit); } } else { executeQuery(query, hardLimit); } } protected void executeQuery(Query curQuery, int hardLimit) throws SequenceException, InvalidQueryException { //System.out.println("HARD LIMIT IS\t" + hardLimit); DetailedDataSource ds = curQuery.getDataSource(); if (ds == null) throw new RuntimeException("curQuery.DataSource is null"); if (ds.getDatabaseType().equals("mysql") || ds.getDatabaseType().equals("postgres")) { executeQueryPostgresMysql(ds, curQuery, hardLimit); } else { executeQueryGeneric(ds, curQuery, hardLimit); } } protected void executeQueryGeneric(DetailedDataSource ds, Query curQuery, int hardLimit) throws SequenceException, InvalidQueryException { lastID = -1; // so nothing is skipped attributes = curQuery.getAttributes(); filters = curQuery.getFilters(); boolean moreRows = true; Connection conn = null; String sql = null; try { csql = new QueryCompiler(curQuery,ds); String sqlbase = csql.toSQLWithKey(); String primaryKey = csql.getQualifiedLowestLevelKey(); //queryID = csql.getPrimaryKey(); queryID = csql.getLowestLevelKey(); conn = ds.getConnection(); while (moreRows) { StringBuffer sqlBuf = new StringBuffer(sqlbase); if (sqlbase.indexOf("WHERE") >= 0) { String insert = primaryKey + " >= " + lastID + " AND "; sqlBuf.insert(sqlbase.indexOf("WHERE") + 6, insert); } else sqlBuf.append(" WHERE " + primaryKey + " >= " + lastID); if (!( curQuery.hasSort() ) ) sqlBuf.append(" ORDER BY " + primaryKey); sql = sqlBuf.toString(); int maxRows = 0; if (hardLimit > 0) maxRows = Math.min(batchLimit, hardLimit - totalRows); else maxRows = batchLimit; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"SQL : " + sql); } PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setMaxRows(maxRows); //System.out.println("MAX ROWS\t" + maxRows); int p = 1; for (int i = 0, n = filters.length; i < n; ++i) { Filter f = curQuery.getFilters()[i]; String value = f.getValue(); if (value != null) { logger.fine("SQL (prepared statement value) : " + p + " = " + value); ps.setString(p++, value); } } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); resultSetRowsProcessed = 0; processResultSetGeneric(conn, skipNewBatchRedundantRecords(rs)); // on the odd chance that the last result set is equal in size to the batchLength, it will need to make an extra attempt. if (resultSetRowsProcessed < batchLimit) { // this is the last batch - hence set moreRows to false moreRows = false; } if (batchLimit < maxBatchLimit) { batchLimit = (batchLimit * batchModifiers[modIter] < maxBatchLimit) ? batchLimit * batchModifiers[modIter] : maxBatchLimit; modIter = (modIter == 0) ? 1 : 0; } //else //batchLimit += linearIncrease; ps.close(); rs.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) logger.warning("Couldnt write to OutputStream\n" + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidQueryException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) logger.warning(e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidQueryException(e); } finally { DetailedDataSource.close(conn); } } protected void executeQueryPostgresMysql(DetailedDataSource ds, Query curQuery, int hardLimit) throws SequenceException, InvalidQueryException { attributes = curQuery.getAttributes(); filters = curQuery.getFilters(); boolean moreRows = true; totalRowsThisExecute = 0; Connection conn = null; String sql = null; try { csql = new QueryCompiler(curQuery,ds); String sqlbase = csql.toSQL(); conn = ds.getConnection(); while (moreRows) { sql = sqlbase; int maxRows = 0; if (hardLimit > 0) maxRows = Math.min(batchLimit, hardLimit - totalRows); else maxRows = batchLimit; if (ds.getDatabaseType().equals("mysql")) {sql += " LIMIT " + totalRowsThisExecute + "," + maxRows;} //;(maxRows - lastIDRowsProcessed); if (ds.getDatabaseType().equals("postgres")) { //int pslimit=maxRows-totalRowsThisExecute; sql += " LIMIT " + maxRows + " OFFSET " + totalRowsThisExecute;} if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO))"SQL : " + sql); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); int p = 1; for (int i = 0, n = filters.length; i < n; ++i) { Filter f = curQuery.getFilters()[i]; String value = f.getValue(); if (value != null) { logger.fine("SQL (prepared statement value) : " + p + " = " + value); ps.setString(p++, value); } } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); resultSetRowsProcessed = 0; processResultSetMysql(conn, rs); // on the odd chance that the last result set is equal in size to the batchLength, it will need to make an extra attempt. if (resultSetRowsProcessed < batchLimit) { // this is the last batch - hence set moreRows to false moreRows = false; } if (batchLimit < maxBatchLimit) { batchLimit = (batchLimit * batchModifiers[modIter] < maxBatchLimit) ? batchLimit * batchModifiers[modIter] : maxBatchLimit; modIter = (modIter == 0) ? 1 : 0; } //else //batchLimit += linearIncrease; rs.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) logger.warning("Couldnt write to OutputStream\n" + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidQueryException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) logger.warning(e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidQueryException(e); } finally { DetailedDataSource.close(conn); } } protected ResultSet skipNewBatchRedundantRecords(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { if (lastID > -1) { //If lastID > -1, we know that there are 1 or more rows to skip before beginning to process again while ((resultSetRowsProcessed < lastIDRowsProcessed) && { //skip through rows already processed for a the last id, incrementing only resultSetRowsprocessed //This will only occur at the beginning of a new ResultSet batch resultSetRowsProcessed++; } } //System.out.println(resultSetRowsProcessed + "\t" + lastIDRowsProcessed); return rs; } private void processResultSetMysql(Connection conn, ResultSet rs) throws IOException, SQLException { while ( { for (int i = 1, nColumns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i <= nColumns; ++i) { if (i > 1) osr.print(format.getSeparator()); String v = rs.getString(i); if (v != null) osr.print(v); } osr.print("\n"); if (osr.checkError()) throw new IOException(); totalRows++; totalRowsThisExecute++; resultSetRowsProcessed++; } } private void processResultSetGeneric(Connection conn, ResultSet rs) throws IOException, SQLException { ResultSetMetaData rmeta = rs.getMetaData(); int queryIDindex = 0; // process columnNames for required attribute indices for (int i = 1, nColumns = rmeta.getColumnCount(); i <= nColumns; ++i) { String column = rmeta.getColumnName(i); if (column.toLowerCase().equals(queryID.toLowerCase())) queryIDindex = i; } if ((lastIDRowsProcessed == maxBatchLimit) && rs.isLast()) { throw new SQLException("WARNING - MORE THAN 50000 ROWS FOR A SINGLE ID BREAKS THE CURRENT BATCHING SYSTEM"); } while ( { int currID = rs.getInt(queryIDindex); //System.out.println("CURR ID" + currID + "\tlastID\t" + lastID); if (lastID > -1 && lastID != currID) { lastIDRowsProcessed = 0; //reset batchLimit to maxBatchLength if it has needed to creep up to finish the last ids results if (batchLimit > maxBatchLimit) batchLimit = maxBatchLimit; } for (int i = 1, nColumns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i <= nColumns; ++i) { //skip the queryID if (i != queryIDindex) { if (i > 1) osr.print(format.getSeparator()); String v = rs.getString(i); if (v != null) osr.print(v); // else // osr.print("NULL"); } } osr.print("\n"); if (osr.checkError()) throw new IOException(); lastID = currID; totalRows++; resultSetRowsProcessed++; lastIDRowsProcessed++; } } //batching private final int[] batchModifiers = { 2, 2 }; private int modIter = 0; //start at 0 private int batchLimit = 5000; //5000; private final int maxBatchLimit = 50000; //50000; // total number of rows execute will ever return private final int MAXTOTALROWS = 100000000; //50000; //allow batchLength to increase by this amount after maxBatchLength has been reached //this will result in slow response for queries where each id returns a resultset //larger than maxBatchLimit, but they will eventually finish //and the system will reset the limit back to the batch for each new id //this could, concievably, hit a memory limit, so test and tweak // private final int linearIncrease = 10; //big list batching private final int listSizeMax = 1000; private final int maxBigListCount = 1; private String queryID = null; private int lastID = -1; private int totalRows = 0; private int totalRowsThisExecute = 0; private int resultSetRowsProcessed = 0; // will count rows processed for a given ResultSet batch private int lastIDRowsProcessed = 0; // will allow process to skip rows already processed in previous batch, for a given ID private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AttributeQueryRunner.class.getName()); private Query query = null; private QueryCompiler csql; private Attribute[] attributes = null; private Filter[] filters = null; private FormatSpec format = null; private PrintStream osr; }