/* Copyright (C) 2006 EBI This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the itmplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.biomart.builder.controller.dialects; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.biomart.builder.exceptions.ConstructorException; import org.biomart.builder.exceptions.PartitionException; import org.biomart.builder.model.Column; import org.biomart.builder.model.DataLink; import org.biomart.builder.model.DataSet; import org.biomart.builder.model.Key; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction; import org.biomart.builder.model.PartitionTable; import org.biomart.builder.model.Relation; import org.biomart.builder.model.Schema; import org.biomart.builder.model.Table; import org.biomart.builder.model.TransformationUnit; import org.biomart.builder.model.DataLink.JDBCDataLink; import org.biomart.builder.model.DataSet.DataSetColumn; import org.biomart.builder.model.DataSet.DataSetTable; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.AddExpression; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.CopyOptimiser; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.CreateOptimiser; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.Distinct; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.Drop; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.DropColumns; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.ExpandUnroll; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.Index; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.InitialUnroll; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.Join; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.LeftJoin; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.Rename; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.Select; import org.biomart.builder.model.MartConstructorAction.UpdateOptimiser; import org.biomart.builder.model.Relation.RestrictedRelationDefinition; import org.biomart.builder.model.Table.RestrictedTableDefinition; import org.biomart.builder.model.TransformationUnit.JoinTable; import org.biomart.builder.model.TransformationUnit.SelectFromTable; import org.biomart.builder.model.TransformationUnit.SkipTable; import org.biomart.builder.model.TransformationUnit.UnrollTable; import org.biomart.common.exceptions.BioMartError; import org.biomart.common.resources.Resources; /** * Understands how to create SQL and DDL for an Oracle database. * * @author Richard Holland <holland@ebi.ac.uk> * @version $Revision: $, $Date: 2009-04-16 12:02:07 $, modified by * $Author: syed $ * @since 0.5 */ public class OracleDialect extends DatabaseDialect { private int indexCount; /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doInitialUnroll(final InitialUnroll action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); this.checkColumnName(action.getUnrollIDCol()); this.checkColumnName(action.getUnrollNameCol()); this.checkColumnName(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create table "); sb.append(schemaName); sb.append('.'); sb.append(action.getTable()); sb.append(" as select parent.*, parent."); sb.append(action.getUnrollPKCol()); sb.append(" as "); sb.append(action.getUnrollIDCol()); sb.append(", parent."); sb.append(action.getNamingCol()); sb.append(" as "); sb.append(action.getUnrollNameCol()); sb.append(", 1 as "); sb.append(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); sb.append(" from "); sb.append(schemaName); sb.append('.'); sb.append(action.getSourceTable()); sb.append(" as parent"); statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doExpandUnroll(final ExpandUnroll action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final boolean reversed = action.isReversed(); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("insert into "); sb.append(schemaName); sb.append('.'); sb.append(action.getSourceTable()); sb.append('('); for (final Iterator i = action.getParentCols().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { sb.append((String) i.next()); sb.append(','); } sb.append(action.getUnrollIDCol()); sb.append(','); sb.append(action.getUnrollNameCol()); sb.append(','); sb.append(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); sb.append(") select distinct"); for (final Iterator i = action.getParentCols().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final String parentCol = (String) i.next(); if (reversed) { if (parentCol.equals(action.getUnrollPKCol())) { sb.append(" child."); sb.append(action.getUnrollFKCol()); } else { sb.append(" parent."); sb.append(parentCol); } } else { if (parentCol.equals(action.getUnrollFKCol())) sb.append(" child."); else sb.append(" parent."); sb.append(parentCol); } sb.append(','); } sb.append(" child."); sb.append(reversed ? action.getUnrollIDCol() : action.getUnrollPKCol()); sb.append(" as "); sb.append(action.getUnrollIDCol()); sb.append(", child."); sb.append(reversed ? action.getUnrollNameCol() : action.getNamingCol()); sb.append(" as "); sb.append(action.getUnrollNameCol()); sb.append(", "); sb.append(action.getUnrollIteration() + 1); sb.append(" as "); sb.append(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); sb.append(" from "); sb.append(schemaName); sb.append('.'); sb.append(action.getSourceTable()); sb.append(" as parent inner join "); sb.append(schemaName); sb.append('.'); sb.append(action.getSourceTable()); sb.append(" as child on parent."); sb.append(reversed ? action.getUnrollPKCol() : action.getUnrollFKCol()); sb.append("=child."); sb.append(reversed ? action.getUnrollFKCol() : action.getUnrollPKCol()); sb.append(" and parent."); sb.append(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); sb.append('='); sb.append(action.getUnrollIteration()); statements.add(sb.toString()); sb.setLength(0); sb.append("delete from "); sb.append(schemaName); sb.append('.'); sb.append(action.getSourceTable()); sb.append(" as newrecord where newrecord."); sb.append(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); sb.append('='); sb.append(action.getUnrollIteration() + 1); sb.append(" and exists (select 1 from "); sb.append(schemaName); sb.append('.'); sb.append(action.getSourceTable()); sb.append(" as oldrecord where oldrecord."); sb.append(action.getUnrollPKCol()); sb.append("=newrecord."); sb.append(action.getUnrollPKCol()); sb.append(" and oldrecord."); sb.append(action.getUnrollIDCol()); sb.append("=newrecord."); sb.append(action.getUnrollIDCol()); sb.append(" and oldrecord."); sb.append(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); sb.append("<newrecord."); sb.append(action.getUnrollIterationCol()); sb.append(')'); statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doRename(final Rename action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String oldTableName = action.getFrom(); final String newTableName = action.getTo(); this.checkTableName(newTableName); statements.add("alter table " + schemaName + "." + oldTableName + " rename to " + newTableName + ""); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doSelect(final Select action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String createTableSchema = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String createTableName = action.getResultTable(); final String fromTableSchema = action.getSchema(); final String fromTableName = action.getTable(); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create table " + createTableSchema + "." + createTableName + " as select "); for (final Iterator i = action.getSelectColumns().entrySet().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); sb.append("a."); sb.append(entry.getKey()); if (!entry.getKey().equals(entry.getValue())) { this.checkColumnName((String) entry.getValue()); sb.append(" as "); sb.append(entry.getValue()); } if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(','); } sb.append(" from " + fromTableSchema + "." + fromTableName + " a"); if (action.getTableRestriction() != null || !action.getPartitionRestrictions().isEmpty()) sb.append(" where "); for (final Iterator i = action.getPartitionRestrictions().entrySet() .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); sb.append("a."); sb.append((String) entry.getKey()); sb.append("='"); sb.append((String) entry.getValue()); sb.append('\''); if (i.hasNext() || action.getTableRestriction() != null) sb.append(" and "); } if (action.getTableRestriction() != null) sb.append(action.getTableRestriction().getSubstitutedExpression( action.getSchemaPrefix(), "a")); statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doDistinct(final Distinct action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String createTableSchema = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String createTableName = action.getResultTable(); final String fromTableSchema = action.getSchema(); final String fromTableName = action.getTable(); final StringBuffer cols = new StringBuffer(); for (final Iterator i = action.getKeepCols().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { cols.append(i.next()); if (i.hasNext()) cols.append(','); } final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create table " + createTableSchema + "." + createTableName + " as select distinct " + cols + " from " + fromTableSchema + "." + fromTableName); statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doAddExpression(final AddExpression action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String createTableSchema = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String createTableName = action.getResultTable(); final String fromTableSchema = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String fromTableName = action.getTable(); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create table " + createTableSchema + "." + createTableName + " as select "); for (final Iterator i = action.getSelectColumns().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final String entry = (String) i.next(); sb.append(entry); if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(','); } for (final Iterator i = action.getExpressionColumns().entrySet() .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); sb.append(','); this.checkColumnName((String) entry.getKey()); sb.append((String) entry.getValue()); sb.append(" as "); sb.append((String) entry.getKey()); } sb.append(" from " + fromTableSchema + "." + fromTableName); if (action.getGroupByColumns() != null) { sb.append(" group by "); for (final Iterator i = action.getGroupByColumns().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final String entry = (String) i.next(); sb.append(entry); if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(','); } } statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doCopyOptimiser(final CopyOptimiser action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String parentOptTableName = action.getParentOptTableName(); final String optTableName = action.getOptTableName(); final String optColName = action.getOptColumnName(); this.checkColumnName(optColName); statements.add("alter table " + schemaName + "." + optTableName + " add (" + optColName + " integer default 0)"); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("update " + schemaName + "." + optTableName + " a set " + optColName + "=(select max(" + optColName + ") from " + schemaName + "." + parentOptTableName + " b where "); for (final Iterator i = action.getKeyColumns().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final String keyCol = (String) i.next(); sb.append("a."); sb.append(keyCol); sb.append("=b."); sb.append(keyCol); if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(" and "); } sb.append(')'); statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doIndex(final Index action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String tableName = action.getTable(); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create index I_" + this.indexCount++ + " on " + schemaName + "." + tableName + "("); for (final Iterator i = action.getColumns().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { sb.append(i.next()); if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(','); } sb.append(")"); statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doJoin(final Join action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String srcSchemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String srcTableName = action.getLeftTable(); final String trgtSchemaName = action.getRightSchema(); final String trgtTableName = action.getRightTable(); final String mergeTableName = action.getResultTable(); final String joinType = action.isLeftJoin() ? "left" : "inner"; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create table " + action.getDataSetSchemaName() + "." + mergeTableName + " as select a.*"); for (final Iterator i = action.getSelectColumns().entrySet().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); sb.append(",b."); sb.append(entry.getKey()); if (!entry.getKey().equals(entry.getValue())) { this.checkColumnName((String) entry.getValue()); sb.append(" as "); sb.append(entry.getValue()); } } sb.append(" from " + srcSchemaName + "." + srcTableName + " a " + joinType + " join " + trgtSchemaName + "." + trgtTableName + " b on "); for (int i = 0; i < action.getLeftJoinColumns().size(); i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(" and "); final String pkColName = (String) action.getLeftJoinColumns() .get(i); final String fkColName = (String) action.getRightJoinColumns().get( i); sb.append("a." + pkColName + "=b." + fkColName + ""); } if (action.getRelationRestriction() != null) { sb.append(" and "); sb.append(action.getRelationRestriction().getSubstitutedExpression( action.getSchemaPrefix(), action.isRelationRestrictionLeftIsFirst() ? "a" : "b", action.isRelationRestrictionLeftIsFirst() ? "b" : "a", action.isRelationRestrictionLeftIsFirst(), !action.isRelationRestrictionLeftIsFirst(), action.getRelationRestrictionPreviousUnit())); } if (action.getTableRestriction() != null) { sb.append(" and ("); sb.append(action.getTableRestriction().getSubstitutedExpression( action.getSchemaPrefix(), "b")); sb.append(')'); } for (final Iterator i = action.getPartitionRestrictions().entrySet() .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); sb.append(" and b."); sb.append((String) entry.getKey()); sb.append("='"); sb.append((String) entry.getValue()); sb.append('\''); } if (action.getLoopbackDiffSource() != null) { sb.append(" and a."); sb.append(action.getLoopbackDiffSource()); sb.append("<>b."); sb.append(action.getLoopbackDiffTarget()); } statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doLeftJoin(final LeftJoin action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String srcSchemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String srcTableName = action.getLeftTable(); final String trgtSchemaName = action.getRightSchema(); final String trgtTableName = action.getRightTable(); final String mergeTableName = action.getResultTable(); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create table " + action.getDataSetSchemaName() + "." + mergeTableName + " as select "); for (final Iterator i = action.getLeftSelectColumns().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final String entry = (String) i.next(); sb.append("a."); sb.append(entry); sb.append(','); } for (final Iterator i = action.getRightSelectColumns().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final String entry = (String) i.next(); sb.append("b."); sb.append(entry); if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(','); } sb.append(" from " + srcSchemaName + "." + srcTableName + " a left join " + trgtSchemaName + "." + trgtTableName + " b on "); for (int i = 0; i < action.getLeftJoinColumns().size(); i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(" and "); final String pkColName = (String) action.getLeftJoinColumns() .get(i); final String fkColName = (String) action.getRightJoinColumns().get( i); sb.append("a." + pkColName + "=b." + fkColName + ""); } statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doDropColumns(final DropColumns action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String tableName = action.getTable(); for (final Iterator i = action.getColumns().iterator(); i.hasNext();) statements.add("alter table " + schemaName + "." + tableName + " set unused (" + (String) i.next() + ")"); statements.add("alter table " + schemaName + "." + tableName + " drop unused columns"); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doDrop(final Drop action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String tableName = action.getTable(); //do purge here statements.add("drop table " + schemaName + "." + tableName + " purge"); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doCreateOptimiser(final CreateOptimiser action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String sourceTableName = action.getDataSetTableName(); final String optTableName = action.getOptTableName(); this.checkTableName(optTableName); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("create table " + schemaName + "." + optTableName + " as select "); for (final Iterator i = action.getKeyColumns().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { sb.append((String) i.next()); if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(','); } sb.append(" from " + schemaName + "." + sourceTableName); statements.add(sb.toString()); } /** * Performs an action. * * @param action * the action to perform. * @param statements * the list into which statements will be added. * @throws Exception * if anything goes wrong. */ public void doUpdateOptimiser(final UpdateOptimiser action, final List statements) throws Exception { final String schemaName = action.getDataSetSchemaName(); final String sourceTableName = action.getSourceTableName(); final String optTableName = action.getOptTableName(); final String optColName = action.getOptColumnName(); final String optRestrictColName = action.getOptRestrictColumn(); final String optRestrictValue = action.getOptRestrictValue(); this.checkColumnName(optColName); statements.add("alter table " + schemaName + "." + optTableName + " add (" + optColName + " number default 0)"); final String countStmt = action.isCountNotBool() ? "count(1)" : "decode(count(1),0," + (action.isNullNotZero() ? "null" : "0") + ",1)"; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("update " + schemaName + "." + optTableName + " a set " + optColName + "=(select " + countStmt + " from " + schemaName + "." + sourceTableName + " b where "); for (final Iterator i = action.getKeyColumns().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final String keyCol = (String) i.next(); sb.append("a."); sb.append(keyCol); sb.append("=b."); sb.append(keyCol); sb.append(" and "); } if (optRestrictColName != null) { sb.append("b."); sb.append(optRestrictColName); if (optRestrictValue==null) sb.append(" is null and"); else { sb.append("='"); sb.append(optRestrictValue); sb.append("' and "); } } sb.append("not("); for (final Iterator i = action.getNonNullColumns().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { sb.append("b."); sb.append((String) i.next()); sb.append(" is null"); if (i.hasNext()) sb.append(" and "); } sb.append("))"); statements.add(sb.toString()); } public String[] getStatementsForAction(final MartConstructorAction action) throws ConstructorException { final List statements = new ArrayList(); try { final String className = action.getClass().getName(); final String methodName = "do" + className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('$') + 1); final Method method = this.getClass().getMethod(methodName, new Class[] { action.getClass(), List.class }); method.invoke(this, new Object[] { action, statements }); } catch (final InvocationTargetException ite) { final Throwable t = ite.getCause(); if (t instanceof ConstructorException) throw (ConstructorException) t; else throw new ConstructorException(t); } catch (final Throwable t) { if (t instanceof ConstructorException) throw (ConstructorException) t; else throw new ConstructorException(t); } return (String[]) statements.toArray(new String[0]); } public void reset() { this.indexCount = 0; } public boolean understandsDataLink(final DataLink dataLink) { // Convert to JDBC version. if (!(dataLink instanceof JDBCDataLink)) return false; final JDBCDataLink jddl = (JDBCDataLink) dataLink; try { return jddl.getConnection(null).getMetaData() .getDatabaseProductName().equals("Oracle"); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new BioMartError(e); } } public String getUnrollTableSQL(final String schemaPrefix, final DataSet dataset, final DataSetTable dsTable, final Relation parentRel, final Relation childRel, final String schemaPartition, final Schema templateSchema, final UnrollTable utu) { final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); // From lookup table joined with parent table, // find both parent ID col and child ID col. final Table parentTable = parentRel.getOneKey().getTable(); final Table childTable = parentRel.getManyKey().getTable(); sql.append("select child."); sql.append(childRel.getManyKey().getColumns()[0].getName()); sql.append(", child."); sql.append(parentRel.getManyKey().getColumns()[0].getName()); sql.append(" from "); sql.append(schemaPartition == null ? ((JDBCDataLink) templateSchema) .getDataLinkSchema() : schemaPartition); sql.append('.'); sql.append(parentTable.getName()); sql.append(" as parent, "); sql.append(schemaPartition == null ? ((JDBCDataLink) templateSchema) .getDataLinkSchema() : schemaPartition); sql.append('.'); sql.append(childTable.getName()); sql.append(" as child where parent."); sql.append(parentRel.getOneKey().getColumns()[0].getName()); sql.append("=child."); sql.append(childRel.getManyKey().getColumns()[0].getName()); if (parentTable.getRestrictTable(dataset, dsTable.getName()) != null) { sql.append(" and "); sql.append(parentTable.getRestrictTable(dataset, dsTable.getName()) .getSubstitutedExpression(schemaPrefix, "parent")); } if (childTable.getRestrictTable(dataset, dsTable.getName()) != null) { sql.append(" and "); sql.append(childTable.getRestrictTable(dataset, dsTable.getName()) .getSubstitutedExpression(schemaPrefix, "child")); } if (childRel.getRestrictRelation(dataset, dsTable.getName(), 0) != null) { sql.append(" and "); sql .append(childRel.getRestrictRelation(dataset, dsTable.getName(), 0) .getSubstitutedExpression( schemaPrefix, childRel.getFirstKey().equals( childRel.getOneKey()) ? "parent" : "child", childRel.getFirstKey().equals( childRel.getManyKey()) ? "parent" : "child", false, false, utu)); } if (parentRel.getRestrictRelation(dataset, dsTable.getName(), 0) != null) { sql.append(" and "); sql .append(parentRel.getRestrictRelation(dataset, dsTable.getName(), 0) .getSubstitutedExpression( schemaPrefix, parentRel.getFirstKey().equals( parentRel.getOneKey()) ? "parent" : "child", parentRel.getFirstKey().equals( parentRel.getManyKey()) ? "parent" : "child", false, false, utu)); } return sql.toString(); } public String getPartitionTableRowsSQL(final String schemaPrefix, final Map positionMap, final PartitionTable pt, final DataSet ds, final Schema schema, final String usablePartition) throws PartitionException { final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); // This is generic SQL and should not need any dialects. final List trueSelectedCols = new ArrayList(); for (final Iterator i = pt.getSelectedColumnNames().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final String col = (String) i.next(); if (!col.equals(PartitionTable.DIV_COLUMN)) trueSelectedCols.add(col); } // Make a map of columns in statement to // named columns in results. Use allCols to // map modified names back to real names in // order to track down dataset column objects. // Update position map with column modified names. // Keys are column names, values are integers. int nextCol = 1; // ResultSet is 1-indexed. final StringBuffer sqlSel = new StringBuffer(); sqlSel.append("select distinct "); final StringBuffer sqlFrom = new StringBuffer(); sqlFrom.append(" from "); final StringBuffer sqlWhere = new StringBuffer(); sqlWhere.append(" where "); int currSuffix = 0; final Map prevSuffixes = new HashMap(); for (final Iterator i = ds.getMainTable().getTransformationUnits() .iterator(); i.hasNext() && positionMap.size() <= trueSelectedCols.size();) { final TransformationUnit tu = (TransformationUnit) i.next(); if (tu instanceof SelectFromTable) { // JoinTable extends SelectFromTable. // Skip SkipTables and UnrollTables. if (tu instanceof SkipTable || tu instanceof UnrollTable) continue; // Add the unit to the from clause. final Table selTab = ((SelectFromTable) tu).getTable(); final String selSch = selTab.getSchema().equals(schema) ? usablePartition : selTab.getSchema().getDataLinkSchema(); Key prevKey = null; if (tu instanceof JoinTable) { prevKey = ((JoinTable) tu).getSchemaSourceKey(); sqlFrom.append(','); } sqlFrom.append(selSch); sqlFrom.append('.'); sqlFrom.append(selTab.getName()); sqlFrom.append(" as a"); sqlFrom.append(++currSuffix); prevSuffixes.put(tu, new Integer(currSuffix)); if (tu instanceof JoinTable) { final JoinTable jtu = (JoinTable) tu; final int lhs; final int rhs; final TransformationUnit prevTu = jtu.getPreviousUnit(); if (prevKey.equals(jtu.getSchemaRelation().getFirstKey())) { lhs = ((Integer) prevSuffixes.get(prevTu)).intValue(); rhs = currSuffix; } else { rhs = ((Integer) prevSuffixes.get(prevTu)).intValue(); lhs = currSuffix; } // Append join info to where clause. if (!sqlWhere.toString().equals(" where ")) sqlWhere.append(" and "); for (int k = 0; k < prevKey.getColumns().length; k++) { if (k > 0) sqlWhere.append(" and "); sqlWhere.append('a'); sqlWhere.append(prevKey.equals(jtu.getSchemaRelation() .getFirstKey()) ? lhs : rhs); sqlWhere.append('.'); sqlWhere.append(((Column) prevKey.getColumns()[k]) .getName()); sqlWhere.append('='); sqlWhere.append('a'); sqlWhere.append(prevKey.equals(jtu.getSchemaRelation() .getFirstKey()) ? rhs : lhs); sqlWhere.append('.'); sqlWhere.append(((Column) jtu.getSchemaRelation() .getOtherKey(jtu.getSchemaSourceKey()) .getColumns()[k]).getName()); } // Add any rel restrictions to where clause. final RestrictedRelationDefinition rr = jtu .getSchemaRelation().getRestrictRelation(ds, ds.getMainTable().getName(), jtu.getSchemaRelationIteration()); if (rr != null) { sqlWhere.append(" and "); sqlWhere.append(rr.getSubstitutedExpression( schemaPrefix, "a" + lhs, "a" + rhs, false, false, jtu)); } } // Add any table restrictions to where clause. final RestrictedTableDefinition rt = selTab.getRestrictTable( ds, ds.getMainTable().getName()); if (rt != null) { if (!sqlWhere.toString().equals(" where ")) sqlWhere.append(" and "); sqlWhere.append(rt.getSubstitutedExpression(schemaPrefix, "a" + currSuffix)); } // If any unit columns match selected columns, // add them to the select statement and their // position to the index map. for (final Iterator j = tu.getNewColumnNameMap().entrySet() .iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) j.next(); final DataSetColumn dsCol = (DataSetColumn) entry .getValue(); if (trueSelectedCols.contains(dsCol.getModifiedName())) { final Column col = (Column) entry.getKey(); if (nextCol > 1) sqlSel.append(','); sqlSel.append('a'); sqlSel.append(currSuffix); sqlSel.append('.'); sqlSel.append(col.getName()); positionMap.put(new Integer(nextCol++), dsCol .getModifiedName()); } } } else throw new PartitionException(Resources.get("cannotDoBasicSQL")); } // Build SQL. sql.append(sqlSel); sql.append(sqlFrom); if (!sqlWhere.toString().equals(" where ")) sql.append(sqlWhere); return sql.toString(); } public String getSimpleRowsSQL(final String schemaName, final Table table) { final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select "); for (final Iterator i = table.getColumns().keySet().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { sql.append((String) i.next()); if (i.hasNext()) sql.append(','); } sql.append(" from "); sql.append(schemaName); sql.append('.'); sql.append(table.getName()); return sql.toString(); } public String getUniqueValuesSQL(final String schemaName, final Column column) { final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select distinct "); sql.append(column.getName()); sql.append(" from "); sql.append(schemaName); sql.append('.'); sql.append(column.getTable().getName()); return sql.toString(); } }