package org.bergmanlab.martscript; /* * TODO: * - Error handling. It is possible to 'add' a table to the species DBs of * Ensembl, even though the table does not exist. Of course, nothing is * added. * */ import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import org.antlr.runtime.debug.DebugEventSocketProxy; import org.biomart.builder.model.*; import org.biomart.builder.controller.*; import org.biomart.common.utils.*; import org.biomart.builder.view.gui.*; import org.biomart.builder.view.gui.MartTabSet.*; import org.biomart.builder.view.gui.dialogs.*; import org.biomart.builder.controller.MartConstructor.*; import org.biomart.builder.exceptions.*; // MartEditor imports: import org.ensembl.mart.lib.*; import org.ensembl.mart.lib.config.*; import org.ensembl.mart.editor.*; public class MartScriptInterpreter implements SystemExitConstants { private String martURL; private Mart mart; private String martName; private String datasetName; private String datasetXMLURL; private String groupName; private String groupTitle; private String groupDescription; private LinkedList filterName; private LinkedList filterTitle; private LinkedList featureName; private LinkedList featureTitle; private LinkedList featureDefault; // Holds either "true"/"false", depending on whether the feature // at that index is by default on or off. private LinkedList columnName; private LinkedList linkoutURL; private String collectionName; private String collectionTitle; // 'diff -Naur' has by default 3 preceding lines and 3 following lines private int filter_limit_lines = 6; private int filter_list_lines = 6; private int attribute_feature_lines = 6; private Connection databaseConnection; private DetailedDataSource detailedDataSource; private DatabaseDatasetConfigUtils configUtils; private String host; private String port; private String username; private String password; private String schema; private String sequenceMartScriptsPath; private String ensHomePath; private String perl5libPaths; private String taxonomyDump; private String ensemblVersion; private String ensemblDatabase; private DatasetConfigTreeWidget templateConfigurations; private String binDirectory; static private String bashPath = "/bin/bash "; // trailing space is // important static private String perlPath = "/usr/bin/perl"; static private String martscriptDB = "martscript"; private Hashtable errorCodes = new Hashtable(); static private Hashtable errorDescriptions = new Hashtable(); static private DatasetConfigXMLUtils dscutils = new DatasetConfigXMLUtils( true); static { errorDescriptions .put( "DEFAULT", "An error has occurred, but there is no detailed description available for the error code returned by the Perl program/BASH script. Please contact the MartScript authors."); errorDescriptions .put( "ERR_FS_DIRECTORY", "The directory you specified does not exist or its permissions are set too rigorously."); errorDescriptions .put( "ERR_FS_FILE", "The file you specified does not exist or its permissions are set too rigorously."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SHELL_CD", "Could not change directory."); errorDescriptions .put( "ERR_SHELL_CMD", "A shell command failed to execute. This could be related to a failure of sed or awk."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SHELL_MKDIR", "Could not create a necessary directory."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SHELL_PERL", "The Perl interpreter failed to execute."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SHELL_RM", "Could not delete a file/directory."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SHELL_UNZIP", "The program 'unzip' failed to execute successfully."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SHELL_CP", "Could not copy a file/directory."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_CREATE_DATABASE", "Could not create a required SQL database."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_CREATE_TABLE", "Could not create a required SQL table."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_CREATE_INDEX", "Failed to create a SQL table index."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_DELETE", "Could not execute a required SQL DELETE statement."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_SELECT", "Could not retrieve required information via SQL,"); errorDescriptions .put("ERR_SQL_SHOW", "Could not retrieve required information from the SQL database via SHOW query."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_IMPORT", "Could not import the given data into the SQL database."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_SQL_FILE", "Could not process a file containing SQL commands."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_ALTER", "Could not execute a required SQL ALTER statement."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_CORRUPT_TABLE", "The database table in question is malformed."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_INSERT", "Could not carry out a required SQL INSERT statement."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_SQL_RENAME", "Could not carry out a required SQL RENAME statement."); errorDescriptions.put("ERR_PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED", "One parameter is outside the its supported value range."); } class ExecutionException extends Exception { private String detailedExplanation; public ExecutionException(String explanation) { this(explanation, ""); } public ExecutionException(String explanation, String detailedExplanation) { super(explanation); this.detailedExplanation = detailedExplanation; } public String getDetailedExplanation() { return detailedExplanation; } } public static String prettyPrint(String[] s) { String prettyString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) prettyString = prettyString + " " + s[i]; return prettyString.trim(); } public String returnCode2String(int returnCode) { if (errorCodes.containsKey(new Integer(returnCode).toString())) { return (String) errorDescriptions.get(errorCodes.get(new Integer( returnCode).toString())); } else { return (String) errorDescriptions.get("DEFAULT"); } } private void executeInBash(String command) throws ExecutionException { String[] bashCommand = { bashPath.trim(), "-c", command }; Process scriptProcess; try { scriptProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(bashCommand, null, new File(binDirectory)); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ExecutionException("Could not get a handle to the script directory; failed to execute: " + prettyPrint(bashCommand)); } int returnCode; try { returnCode= scriptProcess.waitFor(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { throw new ExecutionException("Interrupted execution: " + prettyPrint(bashCommand)); } if (returnCode != 0) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to execute: " + prettyPrint(bashCommand), returnCode2String(returnCode)); } } public MartScriptInterpreter() { MartEditor.HAS_GUI = false; } public void runScript(List script) { String now; Iterator actionIterator = script.iterator(); while (actionIterator.hasNext()) { Action action = (Action); now = new java.util.Date().toString(); System.out.println(now + " -- executing: " + action); try { execute(action); } catch (ExecutionException e) { System.out.println(" - " + e.getMessage()); if (e.getDetailedExplanation().length() >= 0) { System.out.println(" - " + e.getDetailedExplanation()); } System.out.println(now + " -- finished: prematurely/erroneously"); System.exit(EXIT_ERROR); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Woops.. the following exception occurred during the script's exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(now + " -- finished: prematurely/erroneously"); System.exit(EXIT_FATAL); } } now = new java.util.Date().toString(); System.out.println(now + " -- finished: successfully"); } protected void execute(Action action) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) if (action.parameters.get(i).equals("\"\"")) action.parameters.set(i, ""); if ("accept")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("changes")) { List schemas = new ArrayList(mart.getSchemas().values()); Iterator schemasIterator = schemas.iterator(); while (schemasIterator.hasNext()) { Transaction.start(true); Schema schema = (Schema); System.out.println("schema: " + schema); Iterator dataSetIterator = schema.getMart().getDataSets() .values().iterator(); while (dataSetIterator.hasNext()) { DataSet dataSet = (DataSet); System.out.println("dataset: " + dataSet); Iterator tableIterator = dataSet.getTables().values() .iterator(); while (tableIterator.hasNext()) { DataSet.DataSetTable dataSetTable = (DataSet.DataSetTable) tableIterator .next(); System.out .println("dataset table: " + dataSetTable); // null means 'accept all changes' dataSetTable.acceptChanges(null); } } Transaction.end(); } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("add")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("attribute") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("collection") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("title")) { collectionTitle = ""; for (int i = 5; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) collectionTitle += (String) action.parameters.get(i) + " "; collectionTitle = collectionTitle.trim(); collectionName = (String) action.parameters.get(2); attribute_feature_lines += 2; } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("attribute") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("group") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("title")) { groupName = (String) action.parameters.get(2); groupTitle = ""; for (int i = 5; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) groupTitle += action.parameters.get(i) + " "; groupTitle = groupTitle.trim(); attribute_feature_lines += 2; } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("title") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("default") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("title")) { int defaultInFront = 0; if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("default")) { defaultInFront = 1; featureDefault.add("true"); } else { featureDefault.add("false"); } featureName.add(action.parameters.get(1 + defaultInFront)); columnName.add(""); String featureTitle = ""; for (int i = 4 + defaultInFront; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) featureTitle += (String) action.parameters.get(i) + " "; this.featureTitle.add(featureTitle.trim()); attribute_feature_lines++; } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("title") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("default") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("title")) { int defaultInFront = 0; if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("default")) { defaultInFront = 1; featureDefault.add("true"); } else { featureDefault.add("false"); } featureName.add(action.parameters.get(1 + defaultInFront)); columnName.add(action.parameters.get(5 + defaultInFront)); String featureTitle = ""; for (int i = 8 + defaultInFront; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) featureTitle += (String) action.parameters.get(i) + " "; this.featureTitle.add(featureTitle.trim()); attribute_feature_lines++; } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("filter") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("title")) { filterName.add(action.parameters.get(1)); String filterTitle = ""; for (int i = 4; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) filterTitle += (String) action.parameters.get(i) + " "; this.filterTitle.add(filterTitle.trim()); filter_limit_lines += 4; filter_list_lines++; } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("accession") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("to") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(10).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(11).equals("species") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("accession") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("species")) { String paramDatabase = ensemblDatabase; String paramVersion = ensemblVersion; String paramTable = (String)action.parameters.get(3); String paramFeature = (String)action.parameters.get(6); // 'all species' is not yet supported by this command. String paramSpecies = (String)action.parameters.get( action.parameters.indexOf("species") + 1); if (action.parameters.get(8).equals("database")) { paramDatabase = (String)action.parameters.get(9); } if (action.parameters.contains("version") && action.parameters.indexOf("version") == action.parameters .size() - 2) { paramVersion = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.size() - 1); } executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + paramTable + " " + paramSpecies + " " + paramDatabase + " " + paramVersion + " " + taxonomyDump + " " + paramFeature); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") // everything/no // version, no // database/no // version // syntax check should be made tighter to validate the use // of 'of' and 'to' properly && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("to") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("database") && (action.parameters.get(7).equals("of") || action.parameters .get(7).equals("to")) && (action.parameters.get(8).equals("species") || action.parameters .get(8).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(9).equals("species")) || action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && (action.parameters.get(4).equals("of") || action.parameters .get(4).equals("to")) && (action.parameters.get(5).equals("species") || action.parameters .get(5).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("species"))) { String paramDatabase = ensemblDatabase; String paramVersion = ensemblVersion; String paramSpecies = "ALL_SPECIES"; String paramTable = (String) action.parameters.get(3); boolean speciesGeneric = false; if (action.parameters.contains("database")) { paramDatabase = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.indexOf("database") + 1); } if (action.parameters.contains("version") && action.parameters.indexOf("version") == action.parameters .size() - 2) { paramVersion = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.size() - 1); } if (action.parameters.contains("all") && ((String) action.parameters.get(action.parameters .indexOf("species") - 1)).equals("all")) { speciesGeneric = true; } else { paramSpecies = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.indexOf("species") + 1); } String command; if (speciesGeneric) { command = bashPath + "./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + paramTable + " " + paramDatabase + " " + paramVersion + " " + taxonomyDump; } else { command = bashPath + "./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + paramTable + " " + paramSpecies + " " + paramDatabase + " " + paramVersion + " " + taxonomyDump; } executeInBash(command); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("transcript") // everything/no // version, // no // database/no // version && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("to") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("species") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("transcript") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("species")) { String paramDatabase = ensemblDatabase; String paramVersion = ensemblVersion; String paramSpecies = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.indexOf("species") + 1); String paramTable = (String) action.parameters.get(3); if (action.parameters.contains("database")) { paramDatabase = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.indexOf("database") + 1); } if (action.parameters.contains("version") && action.parameters.indexOf("version") == action.parameters .size() - 2) { paramVersion = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.size() - 1); } executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + paramTable + " " + paramSpecies + " " + paramDatabase + " " + paramVersion + " " + taxonomyDump); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("create")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("as") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("union") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("gene") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(9).equals("tables")) { String command = perlPath + " " + host + " " + port + " " + username + " " + password + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(3); for (int i = 10; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) command = command + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(i); executeInBash(command); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") // everything, // version only, // database // only, none && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("of") && (action.parameters.get(8).equals("species") || (action.parameters .get(8).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(9) .equals("species"))) && action.parameters.get(10).equals("version") && action.parameters.get(12).equals("as") && action.parameters.get(13).equals("fusion") && action.parameters.get(14).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(15).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(17).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(18).equals("tables") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("of") && (action.parameters.get(5).equals("species") || (action.parameters .get(5).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(6) .equals("species"))) && action.parameters.get(7).equals("version") && action.parameters.get(9).equals("as") && action.parameters.get(10).equals("fusion") && action.parameters.get(11).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(12).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(14).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(15).equals("tables") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("of") && (action.parameters.get(8).equals("species") || (action.parameters .get(8).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(9) .equals("species"))) && action.parameters.get(10).equals("as") && action.parameters.get(11).equals("fusion") && action.parameters.get(12).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(13).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(15).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(16).equals("tables") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("of") && (action.parameters.get(5).equals("species") || (action.parameters .get(5).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(6) .equals("species"))) && action.parameters.get(7).equals("as") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("fusion") && action.parameters.get(9).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(10).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(12).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(13).equals("tables")) { String paramTable = (String)action.parameters.get(3); String paramDatabase = ensemblDatabase; String paramVersion = ensemblVersion; String paramSpecies = "ALL_SPECIES"; String paramColumn; boolean speciesGeneric = false; int paramTableOffset; if (action.parameters.contains("all") && action.parameters.get( action.parameters.indexOf("all") + 1).equals( "species")) { speciesGeneric = true; } else { if (action.parameters.contains("all")) { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is malformed, because 'all' should preceed 'species'."); } } if (action.parameters.contains("database") && action.parameters.contains("version")) { // both // database // and // version // given paramDatabase = (String) action.parameters.get(6); paramVersion = (String) action.parameters.get(11); if (!speciesGeneric) { paramSpecies = (String) action.parameters.get(9); } paramColumn = (String) action.parameters.get(16); paramTableOffset = 19; } else if (!action.parameters.contains("database") && action.parameters.contains("version")) { // only // version // given, // database // omitted paramVersion = (String) action.parameters.get(8); if (!speciesGeneric) { paramSpecies = (String) action.parameters.get(6); } paramColumn = (String) action.parameters.get(13); paramTableOffset = 16; } else if (action.parameters.contains("database") && !action.parameters.contains("version")) { // only // database // given, // version // omitted paramDatabase = (String) action.parameters.get(6); if (!speciesGeneric) { paramSpecies = (String) action.parameters.get(9); } paramColumn = (String) action.parameters.get(14); paramTableOffset = 17; } else if (!action.parameters.contains("database") && !action.parameters.contains("version")) { // neither // database // nor // version // given // Use default values for the database and version, which // are set above. if (!speciesGeneric) { paramSpecies = (String) action.parameters.get(6); } paramColumn = (String) action.parameters.get(11); paramTableOffset = 14; } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } String command = perlPath + " " + host + " " + port + " " + username + " " + password + " " + taxonomyDump + " " + paramSpecies + " " + paramDatabase + " " + paramVersion + " " + paramTable + " " + paramColumn; for (int i = paramTableOffset; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) command = command + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(i); executeInBash(command); } else if (action.parameters.size() == 6 && (action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") || action.parameters .get(0).equals("transcript")) && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("from")) { executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(3) + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(5)); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("master") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("schema") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("templates") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("master") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("schema") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("templates")) { String paramVersion = ensemblVersion; if (action.parameters.size() == 4) { paramVersion = (String) action.parameters.get(2); } executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + paramVersion); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("sequence") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("mart")) { executeInBash("./ " + sequenceMartScriptsPath + " " + ensHomePath + " " + perl5libPaths + " " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + "mysql " + (String) action.parameters.get(2)); } else if ((action.parameters.get(0).equals("gene") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("transcript")) && action.parameters.get(1).equals("feature") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("from") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("blast") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("on") && action.parameters.get(7).equals("cdna") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("data") && action.parameters.get(9).equals("in") && action.parameters.get(10).equals("directory")) { executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(3) + " " + perlPath + " " + binDirectory + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(11)); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("export")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("template") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("configuration") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("database")) { configUtils.setReadonly(false); MartEditor.setUser(username); MartEditor.setDetailedDataSource(detailedDataSource); try { templateConfigurations.exportTemplate(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new ExecutionException( "A MartEditor specific exception occurred. Sorry."); } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("copy")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("species") || action.parameters.get(0).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("species")) { String paramTable = (String)action.parameters.get(1); String paramDatabase = ensemblDatabase; String paramSpecies = (String)action.parameters.get(action.parameters.indexOf("species") + 1); String paramVersion = ensemblVersion; if (action.parameters.get(3).equals("database")) { paramDatabase = (String) action.parameters.get(4); } if (action.parameters.contains("version") && action.parameters.indexOf("version") == action.parameters .size() - 2) { paramVersion = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.size() - 1); } executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + paramTable + " " + paramSpecies + " " + paramDatabase + " " + paramVersion + " " + taxonomyDump); } } else if ("execute")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("sql") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("mart") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("from")) { executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(3) + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(5) + " " + perlPath); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("generate")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("statistics") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("for")) { if (action.parameters.get(4).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("species") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("tables") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("with") && action.parameters.get(9).equals("column")) { String paramDestTbl = (String) action.parameters.get(2); String paramVersion = ensemblVersion; String paramTable = (String) action.parameters.get(7); String paramColumn = (String) action.parameters.get(10); String paramDatabase = ensemblDatabase; if (action.parameters.contains("database")) { paramDatabase = (String)action.parameters.get(action.parameters.indexOf("database") + 1); } if (action.parameters.contains("version") && action.parameters.indexOf("version") == action.parameters .size() - 2) { paramVersion = (String) action.parameters .get(action.parameters.size() - 1); } executeInBash("./ " + host + " " + port + " " + username + " " + password + " " + paramTable + " " + paramColumn + " " + paramVersion + " " + paramDatabase + " " + martscriptDB + " " + paramDestTbl); } else if (action.parameters.get(4).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("from")) { String paramDestTbl = (String) action.parameters.get(2); String paramColumn = (String) action.parameters.get(5); String paramFile = (String) action.parameters.get(7); executeInBash("./ " + host + " " + port + " " + username + " " + password + " " + martscriptDB + " " + paramDestTbl + " " + paramFile + " " + paramColumn); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("sql") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("for") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("mart") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("as")) { Collection datasets = new ArrayList(mart.getDataSets().values()); // Remove partition table datasets from the list. // Also remove masked datasets. for (final Iterator i = datasets.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final DataSet ds = (DataSet); if (ds.isPartitionTable() || ds.isMasked()) i.remove(); } if (datasets.size() == 0) { throw new ExecutionException( "There are no datasets present in the mart."); } else { // from SaveDDLDialog createDDL() // What datasets are we making DDL for? final Collection selectedDataSets = new ArrayList(mart .getDataSets().values()); final Set selectedPrefixes = new TreeSet(); for (final Iterator i = mart.getSchemas().values() .iterator(); i.hasNext();) selectedPrefixes.addAll(((Schema) .getReferencedPartitions()); final String ddlHost = host; final String ddlPort = port; String overrideHost = host; String overridePort = port; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); MartConstructor constructor; constructor = new SaveDDLMartConstructor(new File( (String) action.parameters.get(5))); try { final MartTabSet martTabSet = new MartTabSet( new MartBuilder()); MartTab martTab = MartTab(martTabSet, mart); martTabSet.add(martTab); martTabSet.setSelectedComponent(martTab); martTabSet.requestSetOutputHost(ddlHost); martTabSet.requestSetOutputPort(ddlPort); martTabSet.requestSetOverrideHost(overrideHost); martTabSet.requestSetOverridePort(overridePort); final String outputDatabase = (String) action.parameters .get(3); // MySQL dependent: final String outputSchema = outputDatabase; martTabSet.requestSetOutputDatabase(outputDatabase); martTabSet.requestSetOutputSchema(outputSchema); final ConstructorRunnable cr = constructor .getConstructorRunnable(outputDatabase, outputSchema, selectedDataSets, selectedPrefixes); final Semaphore constructionLock = new Semaphore(1); constructionLock.acquire(); cr .addMartConstructorListener(new MartConstructorListener() { public void martConstructorEventOccurred( final int event, final Object data, final MartConstructorAction action) throws ListenerException { if (event == MartConstructorListener.CONSTRUCTION_ENDED && cr.getFailureException() == null) { constructionLock.release(); } } }); martTabSet.requestMonitorConstructorRunnable(cr); constructionLock.acquire(); constructionLock.release(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ExecutionException( "A MartEditor specific exception occurred. Sorry."); } } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("import")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("template") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("configuration") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("dataset") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("from") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("database")) { if (!configUtils.baseDSConfigTableExists()) { throw new ExecutionException( "There are no datasets present in the mart."); } Collection importOptions = configUtils.getImportOptions(); SortedSet names = new TreeSet(importOptions); String[] options = new String[names.size()]; names.toArray(options); if (options.length == 0) { throw new ExecutionException( "There are no template configurations present in the mart."); } String option; if (names.contains(action.parameters.get(4))) { option = (String) action.parameters.get(4); } else { throw new ExecutionException((String) action.parameters .get(4) + " is not a dataset."); } MartEditor editor = new MartEditor(); templateConfigurations = new DatasetConfigTreeWidget(null, editor, null, detailedDataSource.getUser(), null, null, detailedDataSource.getSchema(), option, null); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("open")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("dataset")) { if (action.parameters.get(2).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("mart") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("in") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("directory")) { datasetName = (String) action.parameters.get(1); martName = (String) action.parameters.get(4); datasetXMLURL = (String) action.parameters.get(7) + "/" + (String) action.parameters.get(1) + "_template.template.xml"; filterName = new LinkedList(); filterTitle = new LinkedList(); featureName = new LinkedList(); featureTitle = new LinkedList(); featureDefault = new LinkedList(); columnName = new LinkedList(); linkoutURL = new LinkedList(); } } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("mart")) { if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("on") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("in") && action.parameters.get(8).equals("as") && action.parameters.get(11).equals("with") && action.parameters.size() == 13 || action.parameters.get(1).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("on") && action.parameters.get(6).equals("as") && action.parameters.get(9).equals("with") && action.parameters.size() == 11) { schema = (String) action.parameters.get(2); String paramDatabase = schema; String paramHost = (String) action.parameters.get(4); String paramPort = (String) action.parameters.get(5); String paramUser = (String) action.parameters.get(action.parameters.indexOf("as") + 1); String paramPassword = (String) action.parameters.get(action.parameters.indexOf("as") + 2); String paramDriver = (String) action.parameters.get(action.parameters.size() - 1); // Postgres would allow us the specification of a namespace.. if (action.parameters.contains("in") && action.parameters.indexOf("in") + 2 == action.parameters.indexOf("as")) { paramDatabase = (String) action.parameters.get(action.parameters.indexOf("in") + 1); } detailedDataSource = new DetailedDataSource("mysql", // database type paramHost, // hostname paramPort, // port paramDatabase, // schema name (database) schema, // schema name paramUser, // username paramPassword, // password 10, // ?? paramDriver, // driver "Default Source Name"); databaseConnection = detailedDataSource.getConnection(); configUtils = new DatabaseDatasetConfigUtils( new DatasetConfigXMLUtils(true), detailedDataSource, false); // last Boolean const: read-only MartEditor.putDatabaseDatasetConfigUtilsBySchema( configUtils, schema); MartEditor.setUser(paramUser); MartEditor.setDetailedDataSource(detailedDataSource); MartEditor.setDatabaseDatasetConfigUtils(configUtils); DetailedDataSource.close(databaseConnection); System.out.println("done"); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("file")) { mart = MartBuilderXML.load(new File( (String) action.parameters.get(2))); } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("rename")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("column") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("as")) { executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(4) + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(1) + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(6)); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("table") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to")) { executeInBash("./ " + username + " " + password + " " + host + " " + port + " " + martscriptDB + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(1) + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(3)); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("save")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("all") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("changes") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("mart")) { java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMddHHmmss"); // Final file that is used as a patch to alter a saved XML meta-data file. String patchFile = "/tmp/xml.patch." + dateFormat.format(now); // Temporary files that are used in the process of creating the // final patch file. String aFile = "/tmp/patch.a." + dateFormat.format(now); String bFile = "/tmp/patch.b." + dateFormat.format(now); String cFile = "/tmp/patch.c." + dateFormat.format(now); String commandStage1 = "./ " + "\"" + groupTitle + "\" " + "\"" + groupDescription + "\" " + groupName + " " + "\"" + collectionTitle + "\" " + collectionName + " " + (String) action.parameters.get(4); executeInBash(commandStage1 + " > " + aFile); String commandStage2 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < filterName.size(); i++) { if (!columnName.get(i).equals("")) { commandStage2 = "./ " + host + " " + port + " " + username + " " + password + " " + martName + " " + datasetName + " " + (String) filterName.get(i) + " " + (String) featureName.get(i) + " " + "\"" + (String) filterTitle.get(i) + "\" " + "\"" + (String) featureTitle.get(i) + "\" " + "\"" + (String) linkoutURL.get(i) + "\" " + (String) columnName.get(i) + " " + (String) featureDefault.get(i); } else { commandStage2 = "./ " + host + " " + port + " " + username + " " + password + " " + martName + " " + datasetName + " " + (String) filterName.get(i) + " " + (String) featureName.get(i) + " " + "\"" + (String) filterTitle.get(i) + "\" " + "\"" + (String) featureTitle.get(i) + "\" " + "\"" + (String) linkoutURL.get(i) + "\" " + (String) featureDefault.get(i);; } if (i % 2 == 0) { executeInBash(commandStage2 + " > " + bFile + " < " + aFile); } else { executeInBash(commandStage2 + " > " + aFile + " < " + bFile); } } String commandStage3 = "./"; if (filterName.size() % 2 == 0) { executeInBash(commandStage3 + " > " + cFile + " < " + aFile); } else { executeInBash(commandStage3 + " > " + cFile + " < " + bFile); } String commandStage4 = "./ " + filter_limit_lines + " " + filter_list_lines + " " + attribute_feature_lines; executeInBash(commandStage4 + " > " + patchFile + " < " + cFile); Process scriptProcess; int returnCode; executeInBash("xml_pp " + datasetXMLURL + " > " + datasetXMLURL + ".formatted"); executeInBash("patch -l " + datasetXMLURL + ".formatted" + " " + patchFile); executeInBash("cp " + datasetXMLURL + ".formatted" + " " + datasetXMLURL + " ; " + "rm " + datasetXMLURL + ".formatted"); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("mart") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("file")) {, new File(martURL)); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("datasets") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("in") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("directory")) { String oldUsername = username; username = MartEditor.getUser(); // The second parameter is labelled 'martUser' and it has to // be set to "" for some unknown reason. String[] datasets = configUtils .getAllDatasetNames(username, ""); for (int i = 0; i < datasets.length; i++) { String dataset = datasets[i]; String[] internalNames = configUtils .getAllDatasetIDsForDataset(username, dataset); for (int j = 0; j < internalNames.length; j++) { String internalName = internalNames[j]; DatasetConfig odsv = configUtils .getDatasetConfigByDatasetID(username, dataset, internalName, schema); DSConfigAdaptor adaptor = new DatabaseDSConfigAdaptor( detailedDataSource, username, "", true, false, true, true); DatasetConfigIterator configs = adaptor .getDatasetConfigs(); while (configs.hasNext()) { DatasetConfig lconfig = (DatasetConfig) configs .next(); if (lconfig.getDataset().equals(dataset) && lconfig.getDatasetID().equals( internalName)) { odsv = lconfig; break; } } adaptor.lazyLoad(odsv); try { File newFile = new File((String) action.parameters .get(4), odsv.getDataset() + ".xml"); URLDSConfigAdaptor .StoreDatasetConfig(odsv, newFile); } catch (Exception e) { // There are various reasons why MartEditor could have failed.. throw new ExecutionException( "A MartEditor specific exception occurred. Sorry."); } } } String[] templates = configUtils.getAllTemplateNames(); for (int i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) { String template = templates[i]; DatasetConfig odsv = new DatasetConfig("template", "", template + "_template", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", template, "", "", "", ""); dscutils.loadDatasetConfigWithDocument(odsv, configUtils .getTemplateDocument(template)); try { File newFile = new File((String) action.parameters .get(4), odsv.getDataset() + ".template.xml"); URLDSConfigAdaptor.StoreDatasetConfig(odsv, newFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionException( "A MartEditor specific exception occurred. Sorry."); } } username = oldUsername; } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("set")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("default")) { if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("ensembl") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("to")) { ensemblDatabase = (String) action.parameters.get(4); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("ensembl") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("home") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("path") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("to")) { ensHomePath = (String) action.parameters.get(5); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("ensembl") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("version") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("to")) { ensemblVersion = (String) action.parameters.get(4); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("perl") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("interpreter") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("path") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("to")) { perlPath = (String) action.parameters.get(5); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("perl") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("library") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("path") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("to")) { perl5libPaths = (String) action.parameters.get(5); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("sequence") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("mart") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("scripts") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("path") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("to")) { sequenceMartScriptsPath = (String) action.parameters.get(6); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("shell") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("script") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("path") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("to")) { binDirectory = (String) action.parameters.get(5); System.out.println("Set binDirectory to " + binDirectory); try { Properties reverseErrorCodes = new Properties(); reverseErrorCodes.load(new FileInputStream(binDirectory + "/error_codes")); Enumeration e = reverseErrorCodes.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = e.nextElement(); errorCodes.put(reverseErrorCodes.get(key), key); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ExecutionException( "Could not open the error code configuration file: " + binDirectory + "/error_codes"); } } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("host") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to")) { host = (String) action.parameters.get(3); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("password") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to")) { password = (String) action.parameters.get(3); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("port") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to")) { port = (String) action.parameters.get(3); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("taxonomy") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("dump") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("path") && action.parameters.get(4).equals("to")) { taxonomyDump = (String) action.parameters.get(5); } else if (action.parameters.get(1).equals("username") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to")) { username = (String) action.parameters.get(3); } } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("description") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("attribute") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("group") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("as")) { if (!groupName.equals(action.parameters.get(4))) { // .. } groupDescription = ""; for (int i = 6; i < action.parameters.size(); i++) groupDescription += action.parameters.get(i) + " "; groupDescription = groupDescription.trim(); } else if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("linkout") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("url") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("to")) { linkoutURL.add(action.parameters.get(3)); } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("synchronize")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("schemas")) { List schemas = new ArrayList(mart.getSchemas().values()); Iterator schemasIterator = schemas.iterator(); while (schemasIterator.hasNext()) { Transaction.start(true); Schema schema = (Schema); schema.synchronise(); Transaction.end(); } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("update")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("datasets") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("of") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("mart") && action.parameters.get(5).equals("database")) { try { if (!configUtils.baseDSConfigTableExists()) { throw new ExecutionException( "The mart contains no datasets."); } // The second parameter is called 'martUser' and has to be "" // for some unknown reason. String[] datasets = configUtils.getAllDatasetNames( username, ""); for (int i = 0; i < datasets.length; i++) { String dataset = datasets[i]; String[] internalNames = configUtils .getAllDatasetIDsForDataset(username, dataset); for (int j = 0; j < internalNames.length; j++) { String internalName = internalNames[j]; DatasetConfig odsv = null; DSConfigAdaptor adaptor = new DatabaseDSConfigAdaptor( detailedDataSource, username, "", true, false, true, true); DatasetConfigIterator configs = adaptor .getDatasetConfigs(); while (configs.hasNext()) { DatasetConfig lconfig = (DatasetConfig) configs .next(); if (lconfig.getDataset().equals(dataset) && lconfig.getDatasetID().equals( internalName)) { odsv = lconfig; break; } } odsv = configUtils.getXSLTransformedConfig(odsv); DatasetConfig dsv = configUtils .getValidatedDatasetConfig(odsv); String datasetVersion = dsv.getVersion(); String newDatasetVersion = configUtils .getNewVersion(dsv.getDataset()); if (datasetVersion != null && datasetVersion != "" && !datasetVersion .equals(newDatasetVersion)) { dsv.setVersion(newDatasetVersion); if (dsv.getDisplayName() != null && dsv.getDisplayName().indexOf("(") > 0) { String newDisplayName = dsv .getDisplayName().split("\\(")[0] + "(" + newDatasetVersion + ")"; dsv.setDisplayName(newDisplayName); } } dsv.setOptionalParameter(odsv .getOptionalParameter()); dsv.setEntryLabel(odsv.getEntryLabel()); configUtils.updateLinkVersions(dsv); // MySQL specific: String schema = null; schema = this.schema; DatasetConfig templateConfig = configUtils .getNewFiltsAtts(schema, dsv, true); dsv = configUtils.getXSLTransformedConfig(dsv); configUtils.storeDatasetConfiguration(username, dsv .getInternalName(), dsv.getDisplayName(), dsv.getDataset(), dsv.getDescription(), MartEditor.getDatasetConfigXMLUtils() .getDocumentForDatasetConfig(dsv), true, dsv.getType(), dsv.getVisible(), dsv .getVersion(), dsv.getDatasetID(), dsv.getMartUsers(), dsv.getInterfaces(), dsv); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionException( "A MartEditor specific exception occurred. Sorry."); } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else if ("upload")) { if (action.parameters.get(0).equals("database") && action.parameters.get(1).equals("datasets") && action.parameters.get(2).equals("from") && action.parameters.get(3).equals("directory")) { File[] files = new File((String) action.parameters.get(4)) .listFiles(); configUtils.dropMetaTables(); // have to upload templates first for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; URL url = file.toURL(); // System.out.println(file.getName()); if (file.getName().endsWith(".template.xml")) { DSConfigAdaptor adaptor = new URLDSConfigAdaptor(url, true, true); DatasetConfig odsv = (DatasetConfig) adaptor .getDatasetConfigs().next(); // DatasetConfig odsv = new // DatasetConfig("template","",template+"_template","","","","","","","","","","","",template,"",""); // dscutils.loadDatasetConfigWithDocument(odsv,dbutils.getTemplateDocument(template)); odsv.setSoftwareVersion(configUtils .getSoftwareVersion()); configUtils.storeTemplateXML(odsv, odsv.getTemplate()); // DatasetConfig odsv = (DatasetConfig) // adaptor.getDatasetConfigs().next(); } } for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; URL url = file.toURL(); if (file.getName().endsWith(".template.xml")) { continue; } else { // ignoreCache, includeHiddenMembers DSConfigAdaptor adaptor = new URLDSConfigAdaptor(url, true, true); DatasetConfig odsv = (DatasetConfig) adaptor .getDatasetConfigs().next(); odsv.setDatasetID(""); // export osdv // check this.. joachim String martUsers = "default"; String interfaces = "default"; // convert config to latest version using xslt MartEditor.setDatasetConfigXMLUtils(dscutils); odsv = configUtils.getXSLTransformedConfig(odsv); try { configUtils.storeDatasetConfiguration(username, odsv.getInternalName(), odsv .getDisplayName(), odsv .getDataset(), odsv .getDescription(), configUtils .getDatasetConfigXMLUtils() .getDocumentForDatasetConfig(odsv), true, odsv.getType(), odsv.getVisible(), odsv.getVersion(), odsv.getDatasetID(), martUsers, interfaces, odsv); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionException( "A MartEditor specific exception occurred. Sorry."); } } } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "The command is recognized, but the arguments are not understood by the interpreter."); } } else { throw new ExecutionException( "This command is not recognized by the interpreter."); } } }