package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import splar.core.constraints.BooleanVariable; import splar.core.constraints.BooleanVariableInterface; import splar.core.constraints.CNFClause; import splar.core.constraints.CNFFormula; import splar.core.constraints.CNFGenerator; import splar.core.constraints.PropositionalFormula; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class RandomFeatureModel2 extends FeatureModel { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 637877082231222395L; private int numberOfFeaturesToCreate; // total number of features in the feature model not counting feature group nodes private int maxChildrenPerNode; // max number of children for a given node (opt, mand, and group count as one) private int minChildrenPerNode; // min number of children for a given node (opt, mand, and group count as one) private int mandatoryOdds; // odds for mandatory features private int optionalOdds; // odds for optional features private int group1NOdds; // odds for [1,*] groups private int group11Odds; // odds for [1,1] groups private int maxGroupCardinality; // max number of grouped features in a group private int balanceFactor; // [0%-100%] indicate the % of nodes that will NOT have children private static CNFGenerator cnfGenerator; public RandomFeatureModel2(String name,int numberOfFeaturesToCreate, int mandatoryOdds, int optionalOdds, int group1NOdds, int group11Odds, int minChildrenPerNode, int maxChildrenPerNode, int maxGroupCardinality, int balanceFactor) { super(); setName(name); // feature tree parameters this.numberOfFeaturesToCreate = numberOfFeaturesToCreate-1; this.maxChildrenPerNode = maxChildrenPerNode; this.minChildrenPerNode = minChildrenPerNode; this.mandatoryOdds = (2 + (maxGroupCardinality - 2)/2) * mandatoryOdds; this.optionalOdds = (2 + (maxGroupCardinality - 2)/2) * optionalOdds; // this.mandatoryOdds = mandatoryOdds; // this.optionalOdds = optionalOdds; this.group1NOdds = group1NOdds; this.group11Odds = group11Odds; this.maxGroupCardinality = maxGroupCardinality; this.balanceFactor = balanceFactor; cnfGenerator = new CNFGenerator(); } @Override protected FeatureTreeNode createNodes() throws FeatureModelException { ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode> fmNodes = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); String featureName = "R"; RootNode root = new RootNode( featureName, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createRootRenderer()); root.attachData(new Integer(numberOfFeaturesToCreate-1)); fmNodes.add(root); FeatureTreeNode parentNode = null; int countCreatedFeatures = 0; while ( countCreatedFeatures < numberOfFeaturesToCreate ) { parentNode = fmNodes.get(0); fmNodes.remove(0); int numberOfDescendants = ((Integer)parentNode.getAttachedData()).intValue(); int numberOfChildNodesToCreate = Math.min(numberOfDescendants, (Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%(maxChildrenPerNode-minChildrenPerNode+1))+minChildrenPerNode); // root node always has the maximum allowed number of children if ( parentNode.getParent() == null ) { numberOfChildNodesToCreate = maxChildrenPerNode; } else if ( isRoot((FeatureTreeNode)parentNode.getParent()) ) { numberOfChildNodesToCreate = maxChildrenPerNode; } if ( numberOfChildNodesToCreate > 0 ) { List<FeatureTreeNode> createdNodes = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); int i = 0; while ( (createdNodes.size() < numberOfChildNodesToCreate) && (countCreatedFeatures < numberOfFeaturesToCreate) ) { int availableNodes = numberOfFeaturesToCreate-countCreatedFeatures; String childFeatureName = parentNode.getID().substring(1) + "_" + (i+1); FeatureTreeNode randomNode = createRandomNode(childFeatureName, randonlyChooseNodeTypeToCreate(availableNodes), availableNodes); parentNode.add(randomNode); if ( randomNode instanceof FeatureGroup ) { FeatureGroup groupRandomNode = (FeatureGroup)randomNode; int countGroupedNodes = groupRandomNode.getChildCount(); for( int j = 0 ; j < countGroupedNodes ; j++ ) { FeatureTreeNode groupedNode = (FeatureTreeNode)groupRandomNode.getChildAt(j); fmNodes.add(groupedNode); } countCreatedFeatures += (countGroupedNodes); } else { fmNodes.add(randomNode); countCreatedFeatures++; } createdNodes.add(randomNode); i++; } // assign the number of descendants to create to each child node according to the balance factor distributeChildrenNodes(createdNodes, numberOfDescendants-createdNodes.size()); for( FeatureTreeNode createdNode : createdNodes ){ if ( createdNode instanceof FeatureGroup ) { int d = ((Integer)createdNode.getAttachedData()).intValue()/createdNode.getChildCount(); for( int j = 0 ; j < createdNode.getChildCount() ; j++ ) { FeatureTreeNode groupedNode = (FeatureTreeNode) createdNode.getChildAt(j); groupedNode.attachData(new Integer(d)); } } } } } return root; } private void distributeChildrenNodes(List<FeatureTreeNode> nodes, int numberOfDescendants) { int numChildren = nodes.size(); if ( numberOfDescendants <= 0 ) { for( FeatureTreeNode node : nodes ) { node.attachData(new Integer(0)); } } else if ( numChildren == 1 ) { nodes.get(0).attachData(new Integer(numberOfDescendants)); } else if ( numberOfDescendants < numChildren ){ for( int i = 0 ; i < numChildren ; i++ ) { nodes.get(i).attachData( (i <= numberOfDescendants) ? new Integer(1) : new Integer(0) ); } } else { int children[] = new int[numChildren]; int fixedNumDescendants = Math.round(numberOfDescendants * (1-(balanceFactor/100.0f))); int variableNumDescendants = numberOfDescendants - fixedNumDescendants; if ( variableNumDescendants > 0 ) { // distribute variable number of descendants among children float total = 0; // generate random distribution // System.out.println("------------------"); for( int i = 0 ; i < numChildren ;i++ ) { int range = 2*(i+1);//(int)(Math.pow(10,i+1)); // System.out.println("Range: " + range); children[i] = range;//Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%range; total += children[i]; } // distribute according to random values for( int i = 0 ; i < numChildren ;i++ ) { float x = (children[i]/total) * variableNumDescendants; // System.out.println("xx: " + x); children[i] = Math.round(x); } } else { for( int i = 0 ; i < numChildren ;i++ ) { children[i] = 0; } } // distribute fixed num descendants among children int childIndex = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < fixedNumDescendants ; i++ ) { children[childIndex]++; childIndex = (childIndex+1)%numChildren; } // System.out.println("**>> : " + numberOfDescendants); // attach integers to nodes for( int i = 0 ; i < numChildren ;i++ ) { // System.out.println(">> : " + children[i]); FeatureTreeNode node = nodes.get(i); node.attachData(new Integer(children[i])); } } } private String randonlyChooseNodeTypeToCreate(int availableNodes) { if ( availableNodes >= 2 ) { int randomIndex = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()) % (mandatoryOdds+optionalOdds+group1NOdds+group11Odds); if ( randomIndex < mandatoryOdds ) { return "mandatory"; } else if ( randomIndex < (mandatoryOdds+optionalOdds)) { return "optional"; } else if ( randomIndex < (mandatoryOdds+optionalOdds+group1NOdds)) { return "group1N"; } return "group11"; } int randomIndex = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()) % (mandatoryOdds+optionalOdds); if ( randomIndex < mandatoryOdds ) { return "mandatory"; } return "optional"; } private FeatureTreeNode createRandomNode(String childFeatureName, String nodeType, int numAvailableNodes) { FeatureTreeNode node = null; String featureName = ""; // should create a solitaire feature (optional/mandatory)? if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("optional") == 0 ) { featureName = "o" + childFeatureName; node = new SolitaireFeature( true, featureName, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createOptionalRenderer()); } else if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("mandatory") == 0 ) { featureName = "m" + childFeatureName; node = new SolitaireFeature( false, featureName, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createOptionalRenderer()); } // should create a feature group? else if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("group1N") == 0 ) { // number of grouped features int groupSize = Math.min((Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%(maxGroupCardinality))+1, numAvailableNodes); if (groupSize <= 1) groupSize=2; int lower = 1; int upper = -1; String groupName = "_Gi_" + childFeatureName; node = new FeatureGroup( groupName, groupName, lower,upper,TreeNodeRendererFactory.createFeatureGroupRenderer() ); // create grouped feature nodes for( int i = 0 ; i < groupSize ; i++ ) { featureName = "g" + childFeatureName + "_" + (i+1); node.add( new GroupedFeature( featureName, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createGroupedRenderer() )); } } else if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("group11") == 0 ) { // number of grouped features int groupSize = Math.min((Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%(maxGroupCardinality))+1, numAvailableNodes); if (groupSize <= 1) groupSize=2; int lower = 1; int upper = 1; String groupName = "_Ge_" + childFeatureName; node = new FeatureGroup( groupName, groupName, lower,upper,TreeNodeRendererFactory.createFeatureGroupRenderer() ); // create grouped feature nodes for( int i = 0 ; i < groupSize ; i++ ) { featureName = "g" + childFeatureName + "_" + (i+1); node.add( new GroupedFeature( featureName, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createGroupedRenderer() )); } } return node; } // returns the number of levels for which constraints were created for // public int createExtraConstraints(int numVars, int numConstraints, int maxArity, int [][] modularityParameters) { // return RandomFeatureModel.createExtraConstraints(this, numVars, numConstraints, maxArity, modularityParameters); // } // expand the current number of 3-cnf clauses to reach the specified clause density // never shrinks the number of clauses though public static int expand3CNFClauses(FeatureModel fm, float clauseDensity, String prefix) { CNFFormula cnf = fm.EC2CNF(); List<BooleanVariableInterface> vars = new LinkedList<BooleanVariableInterface>(cnf.getVariables()); List<CNFClause> clauses = new LinkedList<CNFClause>(cnf.getClauses()); List<CNFClause> allClauses = cnfGenerator.generateCNFInstance(vars, clauses , clauseDensity, 3); int i = 0; for( CNFClause clause : allClauses ) { try { fm.addConstraint(new PropositionalFormula(prefix + (i++), clause.toPropositionalFormula())); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return allClauses.size(); } public static int createExtraConstraints(FeatureModel fm, int numVars, int numConstraints, int maxArity, int [][] modularityParameters) { return createExtraConstraints(fm, numVars, numConstraints, maxArity, modularityParameters, 100, 100); } public static int createExtraConstraints(FeatureModel fm, int numVars, int numConstraints, int maxArity, int [][] modularityParameters, int percVar3cnf, int percForm3cnf) { int levelsToConsider = modularityParameters.length; int depth = fm.depth()-1; // last level are the leaves, ie, cannot be considered as no children nodes are available levelsToConsider = ( levelsToConsider > depth ) ? depth : levelsToConsider; // discover levels to be worked out based on percentages passed as parameters for( int i = 0 ; i < levelsToConsider; i++ ) { modularityParameters[i][0] = Math.round(modularityParameters[i][0]/100f * (depth)); modularityParameters[i][1] = Math.round(modularityParameters[i][1]/100f * numVars); } fm.resetNodesAttachedData(); // generates constraints for each level int countLevelsWithContraints = 0; List<PropositionalFormula> createdFormulas = new LinkedList<PropositionalFormula>(); for( int i = levelsToConsider-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { // at least two variables to consider level if ( modularityParameters[i][1] >= 2 ) { int numConstraintsLevel = (numConstraints * Math.round(modularityParameters[i][1]/100f))/numVars; LevelConstraintGenerator constraintGenerator = new LevelConstraintGenerator(fm, modularityParameters[i][0], modularityParameters[i][1], numConstraintsLevel, maxArity, modularityParameters[i][2], modularityParameters[i][3]); List<PropositionalFormula> levelFormulas = constraintGenerator.createExtraConstraints(); countLevelsWithContraints = (levelFormulas.size() > 0) ? countLevelsWithContraints + 1 : countLevelsWithContraints; createdFormulas.addAll( levelFormulas ); } } // System.out.println("> Before: ------------------------------"); // for( PropositionalFormula formula : createdFormulas ) { // System.out.println("> " + formula.getFormula()); // } enrichFormulas(createdFormulas, percVar3cnf, percForm3cnf); // System.out.println("> AFTER: ------------------------------"); // for( PropositionalFormula formula : createdFormulas ) { // System.out.println("> " + formula.getFormula()); // } for( PropositionalFormula formula : createdFormulas) { fm.addConstraint(formula); } return countLevelsWithContraints; } public void saveNodes() {} private static void enrichFormulas(List<PropositionalFormula> fmConstraints, int percVars, int percFormulas) { // first, eliminate some formulas based on percFormulas List<PropositionalFormula> pickedFormulas = new LinkedList<PropositionalFormula>(); pickedFormulas.addAll(fmConstraints); Collections.shuffle(pickedFormulas); int formulasToEliminate = (int)((1-(percFormulas/100.0))*pickedFormulas.size()); for( int i = 0 ; i < formulasToEliminate ; i++ ) { pickedFormulas.remove(0); } // now, eliminate some variables based on percVars List<BooleanVariable> pickedVariables = new LinkedList<BooleanVariable>(); for( PropositionalFormula constraint : fmConstraints ) { for( BooleanVariable var : constraint.getVariables() ) { if ( !pickedVariables.contains(var) ) { pickedVariables.add(var); } } } Collections.shuffle(pickedVariables); int variablesToEliminate = (int)((1-(percVars/100.0))*pickedVariables.size()); for( int i = 0 ; i < variablesToEliminate ; i++ ) { pickedVariables.remove(0); } // then, add a new variable to each of the picked formulas int varIndex = 0; for( PropositionalFormula pickedFormula : pickedFormulas ) { BooleanVariable pickedVariable = pickedVariables.get(varIndex); int breakcounter = 0; while( pickedFormula.getVariables().contains(pickedVariable) ) { varIndex = (varIndex+1)%pickedVariables.size(); pickedVariable = pickedVariables.get(varIndex); if ( ++breakcounter == pickedVariables.size() ) break; } if ( breakcounter < pickedVariables.size() ) { addNewVariableToFormula(pickedFormula, pickedVariable); } varIndex = (varIndex+1)%pickedVariables.size(); } } private static void addNewVariableToFormula( PropositionalFormula pickedFormula, BooleanVariable pickedVariable) { // System.out.println("> Before: " + pickedFormula.getFormula()); String literal = (new Random().nextBoolean()) ? "~" + pickedVariable.getID() : pickedVariable.getID(); pickedFormula.appendToFormula(" OR " + literal); pickedFormula.appendToVariables(pickedVariable); // System.out.println("---> After: " + pickedFormula.getFormula()); } } class LevelConstraintGenerator { private FeatureModel fm; private int level; private int numVars; private int numConstraints; private int maxArity; private int clustersPercentage; private int clusterChildNodesPercentage; public LevelConstraintGenerator(FeatureModel fm, int level, int numVars, int numConstraints, int maxArity, int clustersPercentage, int clusterChildNodesPercentage) { = fm; this.level = level; this.numVars = numVars; this.numConstraints = numConstraints; this.maxArity = maxArity; this.clustersPercentage = clustersPercentage; this.clusterChildNodesPercentage = clusterChildNodesPercentage; } public int getNumberOfVariables() { return numVars; } public List<PropositionalFormula> createExtraConstraints() { List<PropositionalFormula> formulas = new ArrayList<PropositionalFormula>(); // select clusters to add constraints based on the clusters percentage specified List<FeatureTreeNode> selectedClusters = selectClusters(fm.getNodesAtLevel(level), clustersPercentage); int numClusters = selectedClusters.size(); if ( numClusters > 0 ) { // makes number of variables/constraints proportional to each cluster size // minimum is 2 vars/1 constraint per cluster int clustersTotalSize = 0; for( FeatureTreeNode cluster : selectedClusters ) { clustersTotalSize += fm.countNodes(cluster); } // for each selected cluster, select features for constraints for( FeatureTreeNode cluster : selectedClusters ) { float percVarsConst = fm.countNodes(cluster)/(1f*clustersTotalSize); int numVarsCluster = Math.round(percVarsConst*numVars); int numConstraintsCluster = numVarsCluster/2; //Math.round(percVarsConst*numConstraints); if ( numVarsCluster < 2 || numConstraintsCluster < 1) { numVarsCluster = 2; numConstraintsCluster = 1; } // System.out.println("Cluster: " + cluster.getID()); // System.out.println("********** vars: " + numVarsCluster); // System.out.println("********** const: " + numConstraintsCluster); formulas.addAll(createClusterConstraints(cluster, numVarsCluster, numConstraintsCluster, clusterChildNodesPercentage)); } } return formulas; } private List<PropositionalFormula> createClusterConstraints(FeatureTreeNode clusterNode, int numVarsCluster, int numConstraintsCluster, int clusterChildNodesPercentage) { List<PropositionalFormula> formulas = new ArrayList<PropositionalFormula>(); List<FeatureTreeNode> nodes = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); for( int i = 0 ; i < clusterNode.getChildCount() ; i++ ) { nodes.add((FeatureTreeNode)clusterNode.getChildAt(i)); } // eliminate some child nodes according to cluster child nodes percentage int nodesToEliminate = Math.min(nodes.size(), Math.round((1-(clusterChildNodesPercentage/100f))*nodes.size())); for( int i = 0 ; i < nodesToEliminate ; i++ ) { nodes.remove(Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%nodes.size()); } // initializations ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>> pickedNodesForVariables = new ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>>(); int countNodes = nodes.size(); for( int i = 0 ; i < countNodes; i++ ) { pickedNodesForVariables.add(i, new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>()); } List<FeatureTreeNode> tempNodes = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); tempNodes.addAll(nodes); int nodeIndex = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < numVarsCluster && tempNodes.size() > 0 ; i++ ) { FeatureTreeNode node = tempNodes.get(nodeIndex); if ( !selectVariableFeature(node, pickedNodesForVariables.get(nodeIndex)) ) { tempNodes.remove(nodeIndex); } nodeIndex = (nodeIndex+1) % tempNodes.size(); } // Remove subtrees that have no variables selected for them (eg. when numVars is very small some subtrees may never get any features picked) int indexToRemove = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < countNodes ; i++ ) { List<FeatureTreeNode> pickedFeatures = pickedNodesForVariables.get(indexToRemove); if ( pickedFeatures.size() == 0 ) { pickedNodesForVariables.remove(indexToRemove); nodes.remove(indexToRemove); } else { indexToRemove++; } } countNodes = nodes.size(); if ( countNodes > 0 ) { // generate constraints // Collections.shuffle(pickedNodesForVariables); List<ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>>> groups = createClusterGroups(pickedNodesForVariables); if ( groups.size() >= 1 ) { int groupsVarIndexes[][] = new int[groups.size()][]; for( int g = 0 ; g < groups.size() ; g++ ) { groupsVarIndexes[g] = new int[groups.get(g).size()]; for( int e = 0 ; e < groups.get(g).size() ; e++ ) { groupsVarIndexes[g][e] = 0; } } int nodeGroupIndex[] = new int[groups.size()]; java.util.Arrays.fill(nodeGroupIndex, 0); int groupIndex = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < numConstraintsCluster ; i++ ) { List<FeatureTreeNode> variables = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); int arity = 2; // + Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%(maxArity-1); ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>> pickedGroup = groups.get(groupIndex); int groupSize = pickedGroup.size(); for( int j = 0 ; j < arity ; j++ ) { List<FeatureTreeNode> variablesForNode = pickedGroup.get(nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex]); variables.add(variablesForNode.get(groupsVarIndexes[groupIndex][nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex]])); groupsVarIndexes[groupIndex][nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex]] = (++groupsVarIndexes[groupIndex][nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex]])%pickedGroup.get(nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex]).size(); if ( groupsVarIndexes[groupIndex][nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex]] == 0) { Collections.shuffle(pickedGroup.get(nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex])); } nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex] = (nodeGroupIndex[groupIndex]+1)%groupSize; // if ( Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%3 == 0 ) { // } // else if ( (++nodeIndex) == countNodes ) { // nodeIndex = 0; // } } groupIndex = (groupIndex+1)%(groups.size()); String formulaStr = ""; for( Iterator<FeatureTreeNode> it = variables.iterator() ; it.hasNext() ; ) { String ID =; if ( new Random().nextBoolean() == true ) { ID = "~" + ID; } formulaStr += ID; if ( it.hasNext() ) { formulaStr += " OR "; } } try { formulas.add( new PropositionalFormula("C_"+(level+1)+"_"+clusterNode.getID()+"_"+i,formulaStr) ); } catch( Exception e ) { System.out.println("Error: " + formulaStr); // e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return formulas; } private List<ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>>> createClusterGroups( ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>> pickedNodesForVariables) { List<ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>>> groups = new ArrayList<ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>>>(); int countNodes = pickedNodesForVariables.size(); if ( countNodes >= 2 ) { // draw groups int numGroups = 1+(Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%(countNodes/2)); for( int i = 0 ; i < numGroups ; i++ ) { ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>> group = new ArrayList<List<FeatureTreeNode>>(); groups.add(group); } // fill up groups Collections.shuffle(pickedNodesForVariables); int groupIndex = 0; int smallerGroupSize = 2; for( List<FeatureTreeNode> nodeGroup : pickedNodesForVariables ) { groups.get(groupIndex).add(nodeGroup); // groups new a minimum of 2 nodes if ( groups.get(groupIndex).size() <= smallerGroupSize ) { groupIndex = (groupIndex+1)%(groups.size()); } // allow groups to have different sizes else { groupIndex = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%numGroups; } } // DEBUG // System.out.print("\ntotal groups: " + pickedNodesForVariables.size()); // for( int i = 0 ; i < numGroups ; i++ ) { // System.out.print("\ngroup " + i + ": "); // for( int j = 0 ; j < groups.get(i).size() ; j++ ) { // System.out.print("X ,"); // } // } } return groups; } // returns true if a node was found and false if no node is available, ie, they have all been previously picked private boolean selectVariableFeature(FeatureTreeNode subtreeRootNode, List<FeatureTreeNode> pickedNodesForVariables) { List<FeatureTreeNode> subtreeNodes = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); fm.getSubtreeNodes(subtreeRootNode, subtreeNodes); if( !(subtreeRootNode instanceof FeatureGroup) ) { subtreeNodes.add(subtreeRootNode); } // remove nodes that have been already picked for( Iterator<FeatureTreeNode> it = subtreeNodes.iterator() ; it.hasNext() ; ) { FeatureTreeNode node =; if ( !(node instanceof FeatureGroup ) ) { Integer isSelected = (Integer)node.getAttachedData(); if ( (isSelected != null && isSelected.intValue() == 1) || pickedNodesForVariables.contains(node)) { it.remove(); } } } int countNodes = subtreeNodes.size(); if ( countNodes > 0 ) { FeatureTreeNode nodeSelected = subtreeNodes.get(Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%countNodes); nodeSelected.attachData(new Integer(1)); pickedNodesForVariables.add(nodeSelected); return true; } return false; } // to be selected as a cluster a subtree must have: // - at least two subtreess // - each subtree must have at least public List<FeatureTreeNode> selectClusters(List<FeatureTreeNode> nodes, int clustersPercentage) { // if ( level == 1) { // System.out.println(""); // } // int totalCandidateClusters = nodes.size(); // ELIMINATION PHASE 1: Eliminate subtrees that do not qualify as clusters // find cluster candidate based on the number of subtrees (minimum 2) and features availability (minimum 1 per subtree) for( Iterator<FeatureTreeNode> it = nodes.iterator() ; it.hasNext() ; ) { FeatureTreeNode node =; // at least two subtrees are necessary for a cluster to qualify boolean qualifies = false; if ( node.getChildCount() >= 2 ) { int countCandidateSubTrees = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < node.getChildCount() ; i++ ) { FeatureTreeNode childNode = (FeatureTreeNode)node.getChildAt(i); // each subtree must have at least one available feature if ( countAvailableFeatures(childNode, !(node instanceof GroupedFeature)) >= 1 ) { countCandidateSubTrees++; } } qualifies = (countCandidateSubTrees >= 2); } if ( !qualifies ) { it.remove(); } } // Shuffle candidate clusters for fairness java.util.Collections.shuffle(nodes); // ELIMINATION PHASE 2: Eliminate nodes based on specified percentage parameter int nodesToEliminate = Math.min(nodes.size(), Math.round((1-(clustersPercentage/100f))*totalCandidateClusters)); for( int i = 0 ; i < nodesToEliminate ; i++ ) { nodes.remove(Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%nodes.size()); } // ELIMINATION PHASE 3: When number of clusters is larger in comparison to the number of variables for the cluster, // Eliminate clusters so that each remaining cluster has at least two variables float numClusters = nodes.size(); if ( (2*numClusters) > numVars) { int clustersToRemove = Math.round(numClusters-(numVars/2f)); for( int i = 0 ; i < clustersToRemove ; i++ ) { nodes.remove(Math.round(Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%nodes.size())); } } return nodes; } private int countAvailableFeatures(FeatureTreeNode node, boolean includesNodeItSelf) { List<FeatureTreeNode> nodes = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); fm.getSubtreeNodes(node, nodes); if ( includesNodeItSelf ) { nodes.add(node); } int countFeatures = 0; for( FeatureTreeNode descendantNode : nodes ) { if ( !(descendantNode instanceof FeatureGroup ) && descendantNode.getAttachedData() == null ) { countFeatures++; } } return countFeatures; } }