package splar.apps; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import net.sf.javabdd.BDD; import net.sf.javabdd.BDDFactory; import net.sf.javabdd.JFactory; import splar.plugins.configuration.bdd.javabdd.BDDConfigurationEngine; import; public class SPLOTCatalogConfigurationBackEnd { String productCatalogFilePath = "c:\\users\\marcilio\\eclipse\\splot-project\\webcontent\\models\\catalog\\dell_laptops_usa_fm_catalog.csv"; int nodeNum = 100000; int cacheSize = 100000; public static void main(String args[]) { new SPLOTCatalogConfigurationBackEnd().generateAndSaveInteractiveConfigurationBDD(); // new SPLOTCatalogConfigurationBackEnd().extractUniqueProductAttributes(); // new SPLOTCatalogConfigurationBackEnd().generateCrossTreeConstraintAsCNFClauses(); } /* * Use this method to create and save (offline) a BDD for a given (feature model + catalog of products) * The saved BDD is loaded by the configuration engine (online) which saves a huge time since it doesn't need to build the BDD again */ // command line: java -mx512m -cp ..\resources\lib\javabdd.jar;..\resources\lib\opencsv-1.8.jar;.\ startup.SPLOTCatalogConfigurationBackEnd public void generateAndSaveInteractiveConfigurationBDD() { try { String path = "c:\\users\\marcilio\\eclipse\\splot-project\\webcontent\\models\\catalog\\"; String fileName = "dell_laptops_usa_fm"; // String fileName = "trekbikes_fm"; // String fileName = "simple_bike_fm"; String featureModelPath = "file:///" + path + fileName + ".xml"; String catalogPath = path + fileName + "_catalog.csv"; BDDConfigurationEngine confEngine = new BDDConfigurationEngine(featureModelPath, 1000000, 1000000); confEngine.addProductCatalog(catalogPath); confEngine.reset(); confEngine.getReasoner().saveToFile(path, fileName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void extractUniqueProductAttributes() { try { CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(productCatalogFilePath)); String [] header = reader.readNext(); boolean[] optional = new boolean[header.length]; Arrays.fill(optional, false); List<Set<String>> uniqueColumnValues = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(header.length); for( int i = 0 ; i < header.length ; i++ ) { uniqueColumnValues.add(i, new LinkedHashSet<String>()); } String [] nextLine = reader.readNext(); int line = 0; while ( nextLine != null) { for( int i = 0 ; i < header.length ; i++ ) { String value = nextLine[i].trim(); if ( value.length() > 0 ) { uniqueColumnValues.get(i).add(value); if ( value.indexOf('(') != -1 || value.indexOf(')') != -1 ) { throw new Exception("Value contains parantheses (column: " + header[i] + " /line: " + line + " ): " + value ); } } else { if (!optional[i] ) { optional[i] = true; System.out.println("Optional Feature: " + header[i] ); } } } nextLine = reader.readNext(); line++; } reader.close(); for( int i = 0 ; i < header.length ; i++ ) { if ( i >=2 && !header[i].startsWith("$" ) ) { System.out.println(header[i] + "----------------------------------------"); String uniqueValues [] = uniqueColumnValues.get(i).toArray(new String[0]); Collections.sort(Arrays.asList(uniqueValues)); System.out.println("\t\t\t" + (optional[i] ? ":o " : ":m ") + header[i]); for( String value : uniqueValues ) { System.out.println("\t\t\t\t: " + value + " (" + genID(header[i],value) + ")"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String genID(String header, String name) { // name = name.trim(); String lex = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"; for( int i = 0 ; i < name.length() ; i++ ) { if (lex.indexOf(name.charAt(i)) == -1 ) { name = name.replace(name.charAt(i), '_'); } } return ("_" + header + "_" + name).toLowerCase(); } public List<String> toListOfIDs(String header[], String values[]) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList(values.length); for( int i = 0 ; i < values.length ; i++ ) { ids.add(i, genID(header[i], values[i])); } return ids; } public void generateCrossTreeConstraintAsCNFClauses() { try { // Each list in the catalog contains a list of string representing the features in the product List<List<String>> catalog = new LinkedList<List<String>>(); CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(productCatalogFilePath)); String [] header = reader.readNext(); String [] nextLine = reader.readNext(); while ( nextLine != null) { catalog.add(toListOfIDs(header, nextLine)); nextLine = reader.readNext(); } reader.close(); /********************************************************************************************************* * compute number of variables by counting distinct catalog items *********************************************************************************************************/ List<String> varIndex2NameMap = new LinkedList<String>(); Map<String,Integer> varName2IndexMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for( List<String> product : catalog ) { for( String item : product ) { if ( !varName2IndexMap.containsKey(item) ) { varIndex2NameMap.add(item); varName2IndexMap.put(item,0); } } } /********************************************************************************************************* * defines BDD variable order *********************************************************************************************************/ Collections.shuffle(varIndex2NameMap); int countVars = 0; for( String var : varIndex2NameMap ) { varName2IndexMap.put(var,countVars++); } System.out.println("\nVARIABLES ORDER/INDEXES -------------------"); List<String> sortedVars = new ArrayList(varIndex2NameMap); Collections.sort(sortedVars); for( String var : sortedVars) { System.out.println(varName2IndexMap.get(var) + ": " + var ); } /********************************************************************************************************* * builds the BDD for product catalog *********************************************************************************************************/ // (a or ~b) and c BDDFactory bddFactory = JFactory.init(nodeNum, cacheSize); bddFactory.setVarNum(countVars); BDD fbdd =; for( List<String> product : catalog ) { BDD tempBDD =; Set<String> productSet = new HashSet<String>(product); for( String distinctItem : varIndex2NameMap ) { if ( productSet.contains(distinctItem) ) { tempBDD.andWith(bddFactory.ithVar(varName2IndexMap.get(distinctItem)).id()); } else { tempBDD.andWith(bddFactory.nithVar(varName2IndexMap.get(distinctItem)).id()); } } fbdd.orWith(tempBDD); } /********************************************************************************************************* * prints BDD dot file *********************************************************************************************************/ try { // PrintStream savedOut = System.out; // System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("c:\\users\\marcilio\\temp\\"))); // fbdd.printDot(); // System.setOut(savedOut); } catch (Exception e) { } /********************************************************************************************************* * extracts CNF from negated BDD *********************************************************************************************************/ System.out.println("\nCNF FORMULA -------------------"); int formulaIndex = 1; // for( BDD.AllSatIterator it = new BDD.AllSatIterator(fbdd.not()) ; it.hasNext() ; ) { // byte[] path = it.nextSat(); // int index = 0; // System.out.print(formulaIndex++ + ": ("); // for( byte value : path ) { // String var = varIndex2NameMap.get(index); // if ( value == 0 ) { // if ( index != 0 ) System.out.print(","); // System.out.print(var); // } // else if ( value == 1 ) { // if ( index != 0 ) System.out.print(","); // System.out.print("~"+var); // } // index++; // } // System.out.println(")"); // } /********************************************************************************************************* * enumerates BDD solutions that must match catalog products *********************************************************************************************************/ System.out.println("\nPRODUCTS FROM BDD -------------------"); System.out.println("BDD size: " + fbdd.nodeCount()); System.out.println("Solutions: " + fbdd.satCount()); System.out.println("Path count: " + fbdd.not().pathCount()); List<String> product = new LinkedList<String>(); int countProducts = 0; for( BDD.AllSatIterator it = new BDD.AllSatIterator(fbdd) ; it.hasNext() ; ) { product.clear(); byte[] path = it.nextSat(); int index = 0; for( byte value : path ) { String var = varIndex2NameMap.get(index); if ( value == 1 ) { product.add(var); } index++; } Collections.sort(product); // System.out.print("\r\n" + (++countProducts) + ": "); // for( String item : product ) { // System.out.print(item + ","); // } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } } }