package splar.apps.experiments; /************************************************************************************************* * This program can be used: * 1- to generate collections of (un)satisfiable random feature models * 2- to run scalability tests for BDD variable ordering herusticis * for very large feature models (e.g. 1000, 2000, 5000 features) *************************************************************************************************/ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import splar.core.heuristics.FORCEVariableOrderingHeuristic; import splar.core.heuristics.FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic; import splar.core.heuristics.FTPreOrderTraversalHeuristic; import splar.core.heuristics.VariableOrderingHeuristic; import splar.plugins.reasoners.bdd.javabdd.FMReasoningWithBDD; import splar.plugins.reasoners.bdd.javabdd.ReasoningWithBDD; public class GenBench { public static void main(String args[]) { new GenBench(args); } // args[0] = heuristic name // args[1] = number of features // args[2] = ECR // args[3] = number of files to process public GenBench(String args[]) { if( args.length < 4 ) { System.out.println("PARAMETERS"); System.out.println(" args[0] = heuristic name (e.g Pre-CL-MinSpan or Pre-CL-Size or pre-order)"); System.out.println(" args[1] = number of features"); System.out.println(" args[2] = ECR [0-100]"); System.out.println(" args[3] = number of files to process"); System.out.println(" args[4] = Suffix to use on model names"); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------"); } else { try { init(args); // shrinkOnly(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } } } // String mainPath = "c:\\users\\marcilio\\eclipse\\4watreason\\experiments\\thesis\\";//bench-SAT"; String mainPath = "c:\\users\\marcilio\\eclipse\\4watreason\\experiments\\thesis\\";//bench-SAT"; int nodeNum = 5000000; int cacheSize = 1000000; double BDDTableIncreaseFactor = 0.2; double BDDGCFactor = 0.20; // Specified as command line parameters String heuristicName; // heuristic int nf; // total features double ECR; // ECR int numberOfFilesToGenerate; // total files for the experiment String modelNameSuffix = ""; // Calculated values int nf_add; // adittional features in case of shrink is ON int vc; // features in extra constraints String collection; String collectionSet; String logFile; String tempFile; // Manual parameters int startFromIndexInCollection = 1; int timeout = 3600000; String outputPath; boolean shrink = false; // true: check satisfiability/unsatisfiability, false: don't care (false is useful for very large FMs) boolean checkSatistiability = true; // if TRUE only generates SATISFIABLE feature models; otherwise only generates UNSATISFIABLE model // IMPORTANT: only applies when checkSatisfiability is TRUE boolean skipUnsatisfiableFeatureModels = true; boolean skipSatisfiableFeatureModels = !skipUnsatisfiableFeatureModels; int runIndex = 1; // always 1 private void updateCounterFile(int runIndex, int fileIndex) { file = new File(mainPath + "\\" + tempFile); try { System.out.println(">> generating/updating file " + file.getName() + "..."); System.out.println(">> runIndex=" + runIndex + ", fileIndex=" + fileIndex ); DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); stream.writeInt(runIndex); // current runIndex stream.writeInt(fileIndex); // file index stream.close(); } catch( FileNotFoundException ex1) { ex1.printStackTrace(); } catch( IOException ex2) { ex2.printStackTrace(); } } private void readCounterFile() { file = new File(mainPath + "\\" + tempFile); try { System.out.println(">> reading file " + file.getName() + "..."); DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); runIndex = stream.readInt() + 1; startFromIndexInCollection = stream.readInt() + 1; System.out.println(">> runIndex=" + runIndex + ", fileIndex=" + startFromIndexInCollection ); stream.close(); } catch( FileNotFoundException e1) { System.out.println("File does not exist!"); updateCounterFile(1, 19); } catch( IOException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } private void printInputParameters() { System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(">> INPUT PARAMETERS"); System.out.println(" - Heuristic............: "+ heuristicName); System.out.println(" - Features.............: " + (nf+nf_add)); System.out.println(" - ECR..................: " + ((int)(ECR*100)) + "%"); System.out.println(" - BDD table............: " + nodeNum + " nodes"); System.out.println(" - Table increase factor: " + (BDDTableIncreaseFactor*100) + "%"); System.out.println(" - Files in experiment..: " + numberOfFilesToGenerate); System.out.println(" - Log file.............: " + logFile); System.out.println(" - Temp file............: " + tempFile); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------"); } // args[0] = heuristic name // args[1] = number of features // args[2] = ECR // args[3] = number of files to process private void captureCommandLineParameters(String args[]) { heuristicName = args[0]; // heuristic nf = Integer.valueOf(args[1]); // total features ECR = Integer.valueOf(args[2])/100.0; // ECR numberOfFilesToGenerate = Integer.valueOf(args[3]); // total files for the experiment modelNameSuffix = args[4]; nf_add = (int)(nf * 0.33); // adittional features in case of shrink is ON if ( !shrink ) { nf_add = 0; } vc = 0; if ( ECR != 0 ) { vc = (int)((ECR+0.05)*(nf+nf_add)); // features in extra constraints } collection = "FM"+nf; String sat = "SAT"; if ( skipSatisfiableFeatureModels ) { sat = "UNSAT"; } if ( skipUnsatisfiableFeatureModels ) { sat = "SAT"; } collectionSet = sat + "_" + modelNameSuffix + "C"; logFile = "GenBench-Stats-"+heuristicName+"-"+nf; tempFile = "GenBench-Temp-"+heuristicName+"-"+nf+"-"+collectionSet+".txt"; // outputPath = "\\" + collection; outputPath = "\\scalability"; } private VariableOrderingHeuristic getHeuristic(String name, FeatureModel fm) { VariableOrderingHeuristic heuristic = null; if ( heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("Pre-CL-MinSpan") == 0 ) { heuristic = new FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic("Pre-CL-MinSpan",fm, FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic.FORCE_SORT); } else if ( heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("Pre-CL-Size") == 0 ) { heuristic = new FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic("Pre-CL-Size",fm, FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic.SIZE_SORT); } else if ( heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("FORCE-Pre-CL-MinSpan") == 0 ) { VariableOrderingHeuristic tempHeuristic = new FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic("Pre-CL-MinSpan",fm, FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic.FORCE_SORT); String order[] =; heuristic = new FORCEVariableOrderingHeuristic("FORCE-Pre-CL-MinSpan",VariableOrderingHeuristic.variableOrderingAsBooleanVariableArray(order),1); } else if ( heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("FORCE-Pre-CL-Size") == 0 ) { VariableOrderingHeuristic tempHeuristic = new FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic("Pre-CL-Size",fm, FTPreOrderSortedECTraversalHeuristic.SIZE_SORT); String order[] =; System.out.println(order); heuristic = new FORCEVariableOrderingHeuristic("FORCE-Pre-CL-Size",VariableOrderingHeuristic.variableOrderingAsBooleanVariableArray(order),1); } else if ( heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("FORCE") == 0 ) { heuristic = new FORCEVariableOrderingHeuristic("FORCE",1); } // else if ( heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("Fuj-DFS") == 0 ) { // BooleanCircuit circuit = new BooleanCircuit(); // heuristic = new Fujita88DFSCircuitTraversalHeuristic("Fuj-DFS",circuit.FM2Circuit(fm), "output"); // } else if ( heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("Pre-Order") == 0 ) { heuristic = new FTPreOrderTraversalHeuristic("Pre-Order",fm); } return heuristic; } public void init(String args[]) throws Exception { captureCommandLineParameters(args); readCounterFile(); System.out.println(">> generating feature models..."); boolean genFile = false; String logFilePath= mainPath + outputPath + "\\logs\\" + logFile + "-" + collectionSet + "-" + runIndex + ".txt"; PrintStream logStream = new PrintStream(logFilePath); System.out.println(">> Output file: " + logFile + "-" + collectionSet + "-" + runIndex + ".txt"); for( int i = startFromIndexInCollection ; i <= numberOfFilesToGenerate ; ) { try { printInputParameters(); updateCounterFile(runIndex, i); // if ( Math.abs(new Random().nextInt())%2 == 0 ) { // System.exit(0); // } // else { // i++; // continue; // } FeatureModel fm = null; FeatureModelStatistics stats = null; boolean newFileCreated = true; String inputFileLocation = mainPath + outputPath + "\\files\\"+collection+collectionSet+"-"+i+".xml"; File file = new File(inputFileLocation); if ( !file.exists() ) { System.out.println("Creating test file: " + file.getName()); fm = new RandomFeatureModel2(collection+collectionSet+"-"+i, nf+nf_add, 25, 35, 20, 20, 1, 6, 6, 0); // fm = new XMLFeatureModel("c:\\users\\marcilio\\eclipse\\4watreason\\fm_samples\\fmr_fm.xml"); fm.loadModel(); // {1,33,100,80} // 1 - level indicator in percentage // 33 - percentage of varibles allocated for this level // 100 - percentage of cluster root nodes at this level to be considered // 80 - percentage of cluster nodes to be considered in the cluster if ( vc > 0 ) { // RandomFeatureModel2.createExtraConstraints(fm, vc, vc/2, 2, new int[][] {{1,60,100,100},{10,40,90,100}});//,{20,20,80,90}});//,{30,5,100,100}}); try { RandomFeatureModel2.createExtraConstraints(fm, vc, vc/2, 2, new int[][] {{1,20,100,70},{20,20,80,80},{40,30,80,80},{60,30,80,80}}); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } if ( shrink ) { // System.out.println(">> shrinking " + collection+collectionSet+"-"+i + " ..."); fm.shrink(); } } else { System.out.println("Reusing existing test file: " + file.getName()); newFileCreated = false; fm = new XMLFeatureModel(inputFileLocation); fm.loadModel(); } double realECR = 100*(fm.countConstraintsVariables()/(1f*fm.countNodes())); if ( Math.abs(realECR-(100*ECR)) > 3 ) { System.out.println("Real ECR: " + realECR + " Desired ECR: " + (100*ECR)); System.out.println("ECR too different from the one specified, trying again..."); continue; } System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(">> RESULTS (run=" + runIndex + "/file=" + i +")"); System.out.println("ECR......: " + realECR); if ( !file.exists() ) { //&& heuristicName.compareToIgnoreCase("Pre-CL-MinSpan") != 0 ) { if ( checkSatistiability ) { System.out.println(">>>> Checking feature model satisfiability..."); if ( !isFMSatisfiable( fm )) { if ( skipUnsatisfiableFeatureModels ) { System.out.println(">>>> UNSatisfiable!! (SKIPPED)"); continue; } else { System.out.println(">>>> UNSatisfiable!! (PROCESSING)"); genFile = true; } } else { if (skipSatisfiableFeatureModels) { System.out.println(">>>> Satisfiable!! (SKIPPED)"); continue; } else { System.out.println(">>>> Satisfiable!! (PROCESSING)"); genFile = true; } } } else { genFile = true; } } stats = new FeatureModelStatistics(fm); stats.update(); ReasoningWithBDD r = null; VariableOrderingHeuristic heuristic = getHeuristic(heuristicName,fm ); try { if ( checkSatistiability ) { System.out.println(">> Building BDD with heuristic " + heuristicName + "..."); genFile = false; r = new FMReasoningWithBDD(fm, heuristic, nodeNum, cacheSize, timeout, "pre-order"); r.getBDDFactory().setIncreaseFactor(BDDTableIncreaseFactor); r.getBDDFactory().setMinFreeNodes(BDDGCFactor); r.init(); if ( r.getBDD().nodeCount() > 0 ) { genFile = true; } else if ( !skipUnsatisfiableFeatureModels ){ genFile = true; } } else { genFile = true; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } if ( genFile ) { if ( newFileCreated ) { // then save it on disk saveFeatureModel(fm, stats, inputFileLocation); } if ( r != null ) { System.out.println("Heur Time: " + r.getHeuristicRunningTime() + " ms"); System.out.println("BDD Time.: " + r.getBDDBuildingTime() + " ms"); System.out.println("BDD......: " + r.getBDD().nodeCount()); } // Heuristic name logStream.print(heuristic.getName()+","); // FM Size logStream.print(fm.countNodes()+","); // ECR logStream.print(realECR+","); if ( r != null ) { // Heur time logStream.print(r.getHeuristicRunningTime()+","); // BDD time logStream.print(r.getBDDBuildingTime()+","); // BDD size logStream.print(r.getBDD().nodeCount()+","); // BDD table size logStream.print(r.getBDDFactory().getNodeTableSize()+","); } logStream.print("\r\n"); logStream.flush(); } else { System.out.println(">> BDD has size 0, sorry!"); } } catch( FileNotFoundException exc ) { exc.printStackTrace(); } if ( genFile ) { i++; } } logStream.close(); System.out.println("done!"); } private void saveFeatureModel(FeatureModel fm, FeatureModelStatistics stats, String location) { PrintStream stream = null; PrintStream standartOut = System.out; try { stream = new PrintStream(location); System.setOut(stream); fm.dumpXML(); System.out.println("<!--"); stats.dump(); System.out.println("-->"); System.setOut(standartOut); stream.flush(); stream.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean isFMSatisfiable(FeatureModel fm) { ReasoningWithBDD r = null; try { VariableOrderingHeuristic heuristic = getHeuristic("Pre-CL-MinSpan",fm ); r = new FMReasoningWithBDD(fm, heuristic, nodeNum, cacheSize, timeout, "pre-order"); r.getBDDFactory().setIncreaseFactor(BDDTableIncreaseFactor); r.getBDDFactory().setMinFreeNodes(BDDGCFactor); r.init(); if ( r.getBDD().nodeCount() > 0 ) { return true; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public void shrinkOnly() { int countFeatures = 0; int countECvars = 0; for( int i = startFromIndexInCollection ; i <= numberOfFilesToGenerate ; i++ ) { try { System.out.println("Shrinking file: " + collection+collectionSet+"-"+i + ".xml to " + collection+collectionSet+"-"+i+"_shrunk.xml"); FeatureModel fm = new XMLFeatureModel(mainPath + outputPath + "\\"+"\\"+collection+collectionSet+"-"+i+".xml"); fm.loadModel(); fm.shrink(); countFeatures += fm.countNodes(); countECvars += fm.countConstraintsVariables(); FeatureModelStatistics stats = new FeatureModelStatistics(fm); stats.update(); PrintStream standartOut = System.out; PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(mainPath + outputPath + "\\"+"\\"+collection+collectionSet+"-"+i+"_shrunk.xml"); System.setOut(stream); fm.dumpXML(); System.out.println("<!--"); stats.dump(); System.out.println("-->"); System.setOut(standartOut); stream.flush(); stream.close(); System.out.println("done! "); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } } System.out.println("ECR: " + (countECvars/(1f*countFeatures))); } }