package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Stack; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import splar.core.constraints.BooleanVariableInterface; import splar.core.constraints.CNFClause; import splar.core.constraints.PropositionalFormula; import splar.core.constraints.parsing.CNFClauseParseException; import splar.core.constraints.parsing.CNFClauseParser; public class XMLFeatureModel extends FeatureModel { public static final int USE_VARIABLE_NAME_AS_ID = 10; public static final int SET_ID_AUTOMATICALLY = 20; private String fileName; private int idCounter; private int idCreationStrategy; public XMLFeatureModel(String fileName) { this(fileName, SET_ID_AUTOMATICALLY); } public XMLFeatureModel(String fileName, int idCreationStrategy) { super(); this.fileName = fileName; this.idCreationStrategy = idCreationStrategy; } public int getIDCreationStrategy() { return idCreationStrategy; } @Override protected FeatureTreeNode createNodes() throws FeatureModelException { FeatureTreeNode rootNode = null; idCounter = 0; // if model is already loaded just return the feature model root node if ( getRoot() != null ) { rootNode = getRoot(); } // otherwise, load it from the XML feature model file else { // get the factory DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { //Using factory get an instance of document builder DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); //parse using builder to get DOM representation of the XML file Document doc = db.parse(fileName); // get the root element Element rootEle = doc.getDocumentElement(); String featureModelName = rootEle.getAttribute("name"); if ( featureModelName == null || featureModelName.equals("") ) { throw new FeatureModelException("Missing mandatory feature model name."); } setName(featureModelName); // parse metadata, if section exists NodeList metalist = rootEle.getElementsByTagName("meta"); if ( metalist.getLength() > 0 ) { // System.out.println("metadata section found!"); Element metaElement = (Element)metalist.item(0); readMetaData(metaElement); } // else { // System.out.println("No metadata section found!"); // } // parse feature tree NodeList list = rootEle.getElementsByTagName("feature_tree"); Element featureTreeEle = (Element)list.item(0); rootNode = parseFeatureTree(featureTreeEle.getTextContent()); // parse constraints list = rootEle.getElementsByTagName("constraints"); Element constraintsEle = (Element)list.item(0); String constraintsText = constraintsEle.getTextContent(); parseConstraints(constraintsText); } catch(FeatureModelException e) { throw e; } catch(ParserConfigurationException pce) { throw new FeatureModelException("XML error parsing SXFM file: " + pce.getMessage(), pce); } catch(SAXException se) { throw new FeatureModelException("XML SAX error parsing SXFM file: " + se.getMessage() , se); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error reading SXFM file: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } return rootNode; } protected void readMetaData(Element metaElement) { // System.out.println(metaElement.getNodeName()); NodeList nodeList = metaElement.getElementsByTagName("data"); for( int i = 0 ; i < nodeList.getLength() ; i++ ) { Element element = (Element)nodeList.item(i); String name = element.getAttribute("name"); String value = element.getTextContent(); // System.out.println(">> " + name + ": " + value); addMetaData(name, value); } } protected void parseConstraints(String constraints) throws FeatureModelException { CNFClauseParser cnfClauseParser = new CNFClauseParser(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(constraints); String line = ""; while ( scanner.hasNextLine() ) { line = scanner.nextLine().trim(); if ( line.trim().length() > 0 ) { int index1 = line.indexOf(":"); if ( index1 != -1 ) { String constraintName = line.substring(0,index1).trim(); String constraintFormula = line.substring(index1+1).trim(); try { CNFClause cnfClause = cnfClauseParser.parse(constraintFormula); for( BooleanVariableInterface var : cnfClause.getVariables() ) { if ( getNodeByID(var.getID()) == null ) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error parsing extra constraint labelled '" + constraintName + "' (variable id '" + var.getID() + "' used in the formula is not defined in the feature tree)."); } } addConstraint(new PropositionalFormula(constraintName, cnfClause.toString2())); } catch(CNFClauseParseException e1) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error parsing extra constraint labelled '" + constraintName + "' (" + e1.getMessage() + "').", e1); } catch(FeatureModelException e2) { throw e2; } catch(Exception e3) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error parsing extra constraint labelled '" + constraintName + "' (Line: " + line + "').", e3); } } } } } protected FeatureTreeNode parseFeatureTree( String featureTree ) throws IOException, FeatureModelException { FeatureTreeNode rootNode = null; Stack<FeatureTreeNode> nodeStack = new Stack<FeatureTreeNode>(); //System.out.println(featureTree); LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new StringReader(featureTree)); String line = skipBlanks(reader); List<FeatureTreeNode> processedNodes = new ArrayList<FeatureTreeNode>(); try { while( line != null ) { FeatureTreeNode node = parseNode(line); while ( processedNodes.contains(node) ) { node.setID("_"+node.getID()); } processedNodes.add(node); int level = countTabs(line); // System.out.println(line); //System.out.println("Tabs: " + level); // root node goes to the Stack if ( rootNode == null && level == 0 ) { rootNode = node; nodeStack.push(node); } else { int curLevel = nodeStack.size()-1; // child node found if ( level > curLevel ) { FeatureTreeNode parent = nodeStack.peek(); parent.add(node); nodeStack.push(node); // TODO: check if group cardinality is within boundaries } else if ( level == curLevel ) { nodeStack.pop(); FeatureTreeNode parent = nodeStack.peek(); parent.add(node); nodeStack.push(node); } // another branch found else { int countPops = curLevel - level +1; for( int i = 0 ; i < countPops ; i++ ) { nodeStack.pop(); } FeatureTreeNode parent = nodeStack.peek(); parent.add(node); nodeStack.push(node); } } nodesMap.put(node.getID(), node); line = skipBlanks(reader); } } catch( FeatureModelException e1 ) { throw e1; } catch( Exception e2 ) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error parsing Feature Tree on line '" + line.trim() + "': " + e2.toString()); } return rootNode; } private int countTabs(String line) { int count = 0; int index = line.indexOf('\t'); while ( index != -1 ) { count++; index = line.indexOf('\t', index+1); } return count; } private FeatureTreeNode parseNode(String line) throws FeatureModelException { FeatureTreeNode node = null; int index = line.indexOf(':'); // if it's a root, mandatory or optional feature if ( index != -1 ) { int findex1 = line.indexOf("("); int findex2 = line.indexOf(")"); int findex3 = line.indexOf("["); String nodeType = line.substring(index+1,index+2).trim().toUpperCase(); if ( index== -1 || ( nodeType.length()>0 && !nodeType.equals("R") && !nodeType.equals("O") && !nodeType.equals("M") && !nodeType.equals("G")) ) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error parsing Feature Tree on line '" + line.trim() + "' (invalid node type). Valid node types are :r (root), :m (mandatory), :o (optional), :g (group), and : (grouped)"); } String featureName = ""; String featureID = ""; // has ID if ( findex1 != -1 ) { featureID = line.substring(findex1+1, findex2); featureName = line.substring(index+2,findex1).trim(); // has ID, doesn't have name: name = ID if ( featureName.length() == 0 ) { featureName = featureID; } // has ID, has name, ok. } // does not have ID, is a group else if ( findex3 != -1 ) { featureName = line.substring(index+2,findex3).trim(); // does not have ID, doesn't have name: name = ID = automatic if ( featureName.length() == 0 ) { featureName = "_id_" + idCounter++; featureID = featureName.replace(' ', '_'); } // does not have ID, has name: id = name or id = automatic else { if ( idCreationStrategy == USE_VARIABLE_NAME_AS_ID ) { featureID = featureName.replace(' ', '_'); } else { featureID = "_id_" + idCounter++; } } } // does not have ID, is not a group else { featureName = line.substring(index+2).trim(); // does not have ID, doesn't have name: name = ID = automatic if ( featureName.length() == 0 ) { featureName = "_id_" + idCounter++; featureID = featureName.replace(' ', '_'); } // does not have ID, has name: id = name or id = automatic else { if ( idCreationStrategy == USE_VARIABLE_NAME_AS_ID ) { featureID = featureName.replace(' ', '_'); } else { featureID = "_id_" + idCounter++; } } } // It's the ROOT feature (concept) if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("R") == 0 ) { node = new RootNode( featureID, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createRootRenderer() ); } // It's a MANDATORY feature else if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("M") == 0 ) { node = new SolitaireFeature( false, featureID, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createMandatoryRenderer() ); } // It's a OPTIONAL feature else if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("O") == 0 ) { node = new SolitaireFeature( true, featureID, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createOptionalRenderer() ); } // It's a FEATURE GROUP else if ( nodeType.compareToIgnoreCase("G") == 0 ) { int index1 = line.indexOf('[', index); int index2 = line.indexOf(',', index1); int index3 = line.indexOf(']', index2 ); int min = 1; int max = -1; // cardinality lower bound try { min = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(index1+1,index2).trim()); } catch( NumberFormatException ex ) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error parsing Feature Tree on line '" + line.trim() + "' (invalid cardinality lower bound value). It must be a valid integer."); } // cardinality upper bound try { String upperBound = line.substring(index2+1,index3).trim(); if (upperBound.equals("*")) { max = -1; } else { max = Integer.parseInt(upperBound); } } catch( NumberFormatException ex ) { throw new FeatureModelException("Error parsing Feature Tree on line '" + line.trim() + "' (invalid cardinality upper bound value). It must be a valid integer."); } //System.out.println("["+min+","+max+"]"); node = new FeatureGroup( featureID, featureName, min,max,TreeNodeRendererFactory.createFeatureGroupRenderer() ); } // It's assumed a GROUPED feature else { node = new GroupedFeature( featureID, featureName, TreeNodeRendererFactory.createGroupedRenderer() ); } } return node; } private String skipBlanks(LineNumberReader reader) throws IOException { String line = reader.readLine(); while( line != null && line.length() == 0) { line = reader.readLine(); } return line; } protected void saveNodes() { } }