/* * Created on 31-Mar-2005 * */ // #if includeSmsFeature package lancs.mobilemedia.core.comms; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import javax.wireless.messaging.MessageConnection; /** * @author tyoung * This is the abstract base messaging class. (At the moment, no messaging classes are implemented) * It is used for communication between the device and a network. Generally to upload or * download data such as photos to the application. Currently, the prototype just loads data * from the jar file directly. * Specific messaging classes that use different protocols should implement this class * (ie. SMS messaging, HTTP messaging, Infrared, Bluetooth etc.) */ public abstract class BaseMessaging { public abstract boolean sendImage(byte[] imageData); public abstract byte[] receiveImage() throws InterruptedIOException, IOException; public abstract void cleanUpConnections(MessageConnection conn); } //#endif