package de.ovgu.cide.editor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextHover; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import; import cide.gast.IASTNode; import cide.gast.ISourceFile; import cide.gparser.ParseException; import de.ovgu.cide.features.IFeature; import de.ovgu.cide.features.source.ColoredSourceFile; import de.ovgu.cide.features.source.DirectoryColorManager; import de.ovgu.cide.features.source.SourceFileColorManager; import de.ovgu.cide.utils.ColorHelper; /** * this class shows a tooltip for a code fragment (either the node under the * mouse pointer or (if existent) what's common for all nodes in the selected * region) * * it is registered by the ColoredSourceViewerConfiguration for all colored * editors * * complexity is due to the fact that multiple nodes can be selected and only * the common colors are shown. similar mechanism as in SelectionActionsContext * * * @author ckaestne * */ public class ColoredTextHover implements ITextHover { protected static final String NOT_COLORED = "Selected code fragment cannot be colored"; protected String NL = "\n"; protected ColoredSourceFile sourceFile; // private final IProject project; private SourceFileColorManager colorManager; public ColoredTextHover(ColoredSourceFile sourceFile) { setColoredSourceFile(sourceFile); } protected void setColoredSourceFile(ColoredSourceFile sourceFile) { this.sourceFile = sourceFile; if (sourceFile != null) this.colorManager = sourceFile.getColorManager(); else this.colorManager = null; } public String getHoverInfo(ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion) { if (hoverRegion == null) return null; // find colors List<IASTNode> nodes = findSelectedNodes(hoverRegion); if ((nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty()) && hoverRegion.getLength() == 0) return null; if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty()) return NOT_COLORED; String tooltip = ""; tooltip += tooltipNodes(nodes); String ttc = tooltipColors(nodes); if (ttc == null) return null; tooltip += ttc; return tooltip.trim(); } private String tooltipNodes(List<IASTNode> nodes) { assert nodes.size() > 0; String result = ""; for (int nodeidx = 0; nodeidx < nodes.size() && nodeidx < 5; nodeidx++) { String aststr = getASTStringOutput(nodes.get(nodeidx)); result += "\"" + aststr + "\""+NL; } if (nodes.size() > 5) result += "..."+NL; return result + NL; } private String getASTStringOutput(IASTNode node) { String aststr = node.render().trim(); aststr = aststr.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ') .replace('\t', ' '); if (aststr.length() > 60) { aststr = aststr.substring(0, 50) + " ... " + aststr.substring(aststr.length() - 5); } return aststr; } private String tooltipColors(Collection<IASTNode> nodes) { assert nodes.size() > 0; String tooltip = ""; // all colors Set<IFeature> allColors = getAllColors(nodes); tooltip += printColors( (nodes.size() > 1 ? "Common " : "") + "Features", allColors); // details (direct colors, inherited colors, file colors) tooltip += NL; Set<IFeature> directColors = getDirectColors(nodes); if (directColors.size() > 0) tooltip += printColorsShort("Direct Colors", directColors); else tooltip += "No direct colors."+NL; Set<IFeature> inheritedColors = getInheritedColors(nodes); if (inheritedColors.size() > 0) tooltip += printColorsShort("Inherited Colors", inheritedColors); Set<IFeature> fileColors = getFileColors(); if (fileColors.size() > 0) tooltip += printColorsShort("File Colors", fileColors); // for no colors whatsoever return no tooltip if (directColors.size() == 0 && inheritedColors.size() == 0 && fileColors.size() == 0) return null; return tooltip; } private Set<IFeature> getFileColors() { DirectoryColorManager dirColorManager = DirectoryColorManager .getColoredDirectoryManagerS(sourceFile.getResource() .getParent(), sourceFile.getFeatureModel()); return dirColorManager.getColors(sourceFile.getResource()); } private Set<IFeature> getInheritedColors(Collection<IASTNode> nodes) { // all inherited colors, but not the file colors assert nodes.size() > 0; Set<IFeature> result = new HashSet<IFeature>(); Iterator<IASTNode> i = nodes.iterator(); result.addAll(colorManager.getInheritedColors(; while (i.hasNext()) { join(result, colorManager.getInheritedColors(; } result.removeAll(getFileColors()); return result; } private Set<IFeature> getDirectColors(Collection<IASTNode> nodes) { assert nodes.size() > 0; Set<IFeature> result = new HashSet<IFeature>(); Iterator<IASTNode> i = nodes.iterator(); result.addAll(colorManager.getOwnColors(; while (i.hasNext()) { join(result, colorManager.getOwnColors(; } return result; } /** * removes all entries from target that are not contained in newEntries * * @param target * @param newEntries */ private void join(Set<IFeature> target, Set<IFeature> newEntries) { for (Iterator<IFeature> i = target.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { if (!newEntries.contains( i.remove(); } } private Set<IFeature> getAllColors(Collection<IASTNode> nodes) { assert nodes.size() > 0; Set<IFeature> result = new HashSet<IFeature>(); Iterator<IASTNode> i = nodes.iterator(); result.addAll(colorManager.getColors(; while (i.hasNext()) { join(result, colorManager.getColors(; } return result; } private List<IASTNode> findSelectedNodes(IRegion hoverRegion) { ISourceFile ast; try { ast = sourceFile.getAST(); } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } ArrayList<IASTNode> result = new ArrayList<IASTNode>(); if (hoverRegion.getLength() == 0) { SingleNodeFinder snf = new SingleNodeFinder(hoverRegion.getOffset()); ast.accept(snf); IASTNode node = snf.result; // Ist kein Text markiert, so suchen wir nach dem n�chsten // optionalen Knoten. Sonst w�rde man z.B. // bei einem gef�rbten "Object o1;" die Angabe "no direct colors" // bekommen, da der Cursor entweder // �ber dem Knoten "Object" oder "o1" steht. // Nachteil: Ist z.B. nur der R�ckgabetyp einer Methode gef�rbt, so // bekommt man die Angabe "no direct colors". // Den Aufwand, um dies zu vermeiden, ist es nicht Wert :-) while (node != null && !node.isOptional()) node = node.getParent(); if (node != null) result.add(node); } else ast.accept(new SelectionFinder(result, hoverRegion, false)); // Uns // interessieren // nun // auch // nicht-optionale // Knoten // (wg. // alternativen // Features) return result; } private String printColors(String title, Collection<IFeature> colors) { String result = title + ":"+NL; List<IFeature> sortedColors = ColorHelper.sortFeatures(colors); for (IFeature color : sortedColors) { result += " - " + color.getName() + NL; } return result; } private String printColorsShort(String title, Collection<IFeature> colors) { String result = title + ": "; List<IFeature> sortedColors = ColorHelper.sortFeatures(colors); boolean first = true; for (IFeature color : sortedColors) { if (first) first = false; else result += ", "; result += color.getName(); } return result + NL; } public IRegion getHoverRegion(ITextViewer textViewer, int offset) { Point selection = textViewer.getSelectedRange(); if (selection.x <= offset && offset < selection.x + selection.y) return new Region(selection.x, selection.y); return new Region(offset, 0); } }