package de.ovgu.cide.language.jdt.editor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.SharedASTProvider; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextInputListener; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartSite; import de.ovgu.cide.configuration.jdt.JDTColorManagerBridge; import de.ovgu.cide.editor.CodeSegment; import de.ovgu.cide.language.jdt.editor.inlineprojection.ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation; import de.ovgu.cide.language.jdt.editor.inlineprojection.InlineProjectionAnnotationModel; import de.ovgu.cide.language.jdt.editor.inlineprojection.InlineProjectionJavaViewer; @SuppressWarnings(value = { "restriction", "unchecked" }) public class ColoredHighlightingReconciler implements IJavaReconcilingListener, ITextInputListener { /** The Java editor this semantic highlighting reconciler is installed on */ private ColoredCompilationUnitEditor fEditor; /** The source viewer this semantic highlighting reconciler is installed on */ private ISourceViewer fSourceViewer; /** The semantic highlighting presenter */ private ColoredHighlightingPresenter fPresenter; /** Semantic highlightings */ // private SemanticHighlighting[] fSemanticHighlightings; /** Highlightings */ // private Highlighting[] fHighlightings; /** Background job's added highlighted positions */ private List fAddedPositions = new ArrayList(); /** Background job's removed highlighted positions */ private List fRemovedPositions = new ArrayList(); /** Number of removed positions */ // private int fNOfRemovedPositions; /** Background job */ private Job fJob; /** Background job lock */ private final Object fJobLock = new Object(); /** * Reconcile operation lock. * * @since 3.2 */ private final Object fReconcileLock = new Object(); /** * <code>true</code> if any thread is executing <code>reconcile</code>, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @since 3.2 */ private boolean fIsReconciling = false; /** * The semantic highlighting presenter - cache for background thread, only * valid during * {@link #reconciled(CompilationUnit, boolean, IProgressMonitor)} */ private ColoredHighlightingPresenter fJobPresenter; private JDTColorManagerBridge colorManager; /** * Semantic highlightings - cache for background thread, only valid during * {@link #reconciled(CompilationUnit, boolean, IProgressMonitor)} */ // private SemanticHighlighting[] fJobSemanticHighlightings; /** * Highlightings - cache for background thread, only valid during * {@link #reconciled(CompilationUnit, boolean, IProgressMonitor)} */ // private Highlighting[] fJobHighlightings; /* * * aboutToBeReconciled() */ public void aboutToBeReconciled() { // Do nothing } /* * @see * * (CompilationUnit, boolean, IProgressMonitor) */ public void reconciled(CompilationUnit ast, boolean forced, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { // ensure at most one thread can be reconciling at any time synchronized (fReconcileLock) { if (fIsReconciling) return; else fIsReconciling = true; } fJobPresenter = fPresenter; // fJobSemanticHighlightings= fSemanticHighlightings; // fJobHighlightings= fHighlightings; try { if (fJobPresenter == null)// || fJobSemanticHighlightings == null // || fJobHighlightings == null) return; fJobPresenter.setCanceled(progressMonitor.isCanceled()); if (ast == null || fJobPresenter.isCanceled()) return; ASTNode[] subtrees = getAffectedSubtrees(ast); if (subtrees.length == 0) return; startReconcilingPositions(); if (!fJobPresenter.isCanceled()) reconcilePositions(subtrees); TextPresentation textPresentation = null; if (!fJobPresenter.isCanceled()) textPresentation = fJobPresenter.createPresentation( fAddedPositions, fRemovedPositions); if (!fJobPresenter.isCanceled()) updatePresentation(textPresentation, fAddedPositions, fRemovedPositions); stopReconcilingPositions(); } finally { fJobPresenter = null; // fJobSemanticHighlightings= null; // fJobHighlightings= null; synchronized (fReconcileLock) { fIsReconciling = false; } } } /** * @param node * Root node * @return Array of subtrees that may be affected by past document changes */ private ASTNode[] getAffectedSubtrees(ASTNode node) { // TODO: only return nodes which are affected by document changes - // would require an 'anchor' concept for taking distant effects into // account return new ASTNode[] { node }; } /** * Start reconciling positions. */ private void startReconcilingPositions() { fJobPresenter.addAllPositions(fRemovedPositions); // fNOfRemovedPositions = fRemovedPositions.size(); } /** * Reconcile positions based on the AST subtrees * * @param subtrees * the AST subtrees */ private void reconcilePositions(ASTNode[] subtrees) { List<CodeSegment> list = new ArrayList<CodeSegment>(); for (int i = 0, n = subtrees.length; i < n; i++) list.addAll(CodeSegmentCalculatorJava.getCodeSegments(subtrees[i], colorManager)); // subtrees[i].accept(fCollector); deleteEmptySegments(list); fAddedPositions.addAll(list); List oldPositions = fRemovedPositions; List newPositions = list; for (int i = 0, n = oldPositions.size(); i < n; i++) { Object current = oldPositions.get(i); if (current != null) newPositions.add(current); } fRemovedPositions = newPositions; } private void deleteEmptySegments(List<CodeSegment> list) { for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { CodeSegment segment = (CodeSegment); if (segment.getColors().isEmpty()) i.remove(); } } // private void addPosition(int offset, int length, Highlighting // highlighting) { // boolean isExisting= false; // // TODO: use binary search // for (int i= 0, n= fRemovedPositions.size(); i < n; i++) { // HighlightedPosition position= (HighlightedPosition) // fRemovedPositions.get(i); // if (position == null) // continue; // if (position.isEqual(offset, length, highlighting)) { // isExisting= true; // fRemovedPositions.set(i, null); // fNOfRemovedPositions--; // break; // } // } // // if (!isExisting) { // Position position= fJobPresenter.createHighlightedPosition(offset, // length, highlighting); // fAddedPositions.add(position); // } // } private List<ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation> oldAnnotations = new ArrayList<ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation>(); /** * Update the presentation. * * @param textPresentation * the text presentation * @param addedPositions * the added positions * @param removedPositions * the removed positions */ private void updatePresentation(TextPresentation textPresentation, List<CodeSegment> addedPositions, List<CodeSegment> removedPositions) { // System.out.println("Reconciled: " + textPresentation + " " // + addedPositions + " " + removedPositions); Runnable runnable = fJobPresenter.createUpdateRunnable( textPresentation, addedPositions, removedPositions); if (runnable == null) return; ColoredCompilationUnitEditor editor = fEditor; if (editor == null) return; // updateInlineProjectionAnnotations(addedPositions, editor);TODO // disabled inline projection IWorkbenchPartSite site = editor.getSite(); if (site == null) return; Shell shell = site.getShell(); if (shell == null || shell.isDisposed()) return; Display display = shell.getDisplay(); if (display == null || display.isDisposed()) return; display.asyncExec(runnable); } protected void updateInlineProjectionAnnotations( List<CodeSegment> addedPositions, ColoredCompilationUnitEditor editor) { InlineProjectionAnnotationModel annotationModel = ((InlineProjectionJavaViewer) editor .getViewer()).getInlineProjectionAnnotationModel(); ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation[] annotations = new ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation[addedPositions .size()]; // this will hold the new annotations along // with their corresponding positions HashMap newAnnotations = new HashMap(); addedPositions = new ArrayList<CodeSegment>(addedPositions); ArrayList<ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation> knownPositions = new ArrayList<ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation>( oldAnnotations); ArrayList<ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation> savedPositions = new ArrayList<ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation>(); // move unchanged segments from known to saved (those are not deleted) for (Iterator<CodeSegment> i = addedPositions.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { CodeSegment seg =; for (Iterator<ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation> a = knownPositions .iterator(); a.hasNext();) { ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation known =; if (seg.offset == known.getPosition().getOffset() && seg.length == known.getPosition().getLength() && seg.getColors().equals(known.getColors())) { i.remove(); a.remove(); savedPositions.add(known); } } } for (int i = 0; i < addedPositions.size(); i++) { ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation annotation = new ColoredInlineProjectionAnnotation(); annotation.setColors(addedPositions.get(i).getColors()); Position pos = new Position(addedPositions.get(i).offset, addedPositions.get(i).length); annotation.setPosition(pos); annotation.adjustCollapsing(editor.getProjectionColorManager() .getExpandedColors()); newAnnotations.put(annotation, pos); annotations[i] = annotation; } if (annotationModel != null) { Annotation[] deletedAnnotations = new Annotation[knownPositions .size()]; deletedAnnotations = knownPositions.toArray(deletedAnnotations); annotationModel.modifyAnnotations(deletedAnnotations, newAnnotations, null); } oldAnnotations = savedPositions; oldAnnotations.addAll(newAnnotations.keySet()); } /** * Stop reconciling positions. */ private void stopReconcilingPositions() { fRemovedPositions.clear(); // fNOfRemovedPositions = 0; fAddedPositions.clear(); } /** * Install this reconciler on the given editor, presenter and highlightings. * * @param editor * the editor * @param sourceViewer * the source viewer * @param presenter * the semantic highlighting presenter * @param semanticHighlightings * the semantic highlightings * @param highlightings * the highlightings */ public void install(ColoredCompilationUnitEditor editor, ISourceViewer sourceViewer, ColoredHighlightingPresenter presenter) { fPresenter = presenter; // fSemanticHighlightings= semanticHighlightings; // fHighlightings= highlightings; fEditor = editor; fSourceViewer = sourceViewer; if (fEditor instanceof ColoredCompilationUnitEditor) { ((ColoredCompilationUnitEditor) fEditor) .addReconcileListener2(this); } else { fSourceViewer.addTextInputListener(this); scheduleJob(); } } /** * Uninstall this reconciler from the editor */ public void uninstall() { if (fPresenter != null) fPresenter.setCanceled(true); if (fEditor != null) { if (fEditor instanceof ColoredCompilationUnitEditor) ((ColoredCompilationUnitEditor) fEditor) .removeReconcileListener2(this); else fSourceViewer.removeTextInputListener(this); fEditor = null; } fSourceViewer = null; // fSemanticHighlightings = null; // fHighlightings = null; fPresenter = null; } /** * Schedule a background job for retrieving the AST and reconciling the * Semantic Highlighting model. */ void scheduleJob() { final IJavaElement element = fEditor.getInputJavaElement(); assert element instanceof ICompilationUnit; synchronized (fJobLock) { final Job oldJob = fJob; if (fJob != null) { fJob.cancel(); fJob = null; } if (element != null) { fJob = new Job("CodeColoring") { protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (oldJob != null) { try { oldJob.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; CompilationUnit ast = JavaPlugin.getDefault() .getASTProvider().getAST( (ICompilationUnit) element, SharedASTProvider.WAIT_YES, monitor); reconciled(ast, false, monitor); synchronized (fJobLock) { // allow the job to be gc'ed if (fJob == this) fJob = null; } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; fJob.setSystem(true); fJob.setPriority(Job.DECORATE); fJob.schedule(); } } } /* * @see * org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextInputListener#inputDocumentAboutToBeChanged * (org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument, org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) */ public void inputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput) { synchronized (fJobLock) { if (fJob != null) { fJob.cancel(); fJob = null; } } } /* * @see * org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextInputListener#inputDocumentChanged(org.eclipse * .jface.text.IDocument, org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) */ public void inputDocumentChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput) { if (newInput != null) scheduleJob(); } /** * Refreshes the highlighting. * * @since 3.2 */ public void refresh() { scheduleJob(); } public void setColorManager(JDTColorManagerBridge compUnitColorManager) { this.colorManager = compUnitColorManager; } }