package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem; import cide.gast.ASTVisitor; import cide.gast.IASTNode; import cide.gast.ISourceFile; import cide.gparser.ParseException; import de.ovgu.cide.features.IFeature; import de.ovgu.cide.features.source.ColoredSourceFile; import de.ovgu.cide.features.source.ColoredSourceFileIteratorJob; public class CollectStatisticsAndInteractionsJob extends ColoredSourceFileIteratorJob { public static class InteractionPosition { InteractionPosition(IASTNode node, IFile file) { start = node.getStartPosition(); length = node.getLength(); this.file = file; name = nodeToStr(node, file); } public IFile file; public int start, length; public String name; private static String nodeToStr(IASTNode node, IFile file) { return file.getName() + " " + node.getClass().getSimpleName() + " (" + node.getStartPosition() + "-" + (node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength()) + ")"; } } public final Set<Set<IFeature>> interactions = new HashSet<Set<IFeature>>(); // occurrences by feature set public final Map<Set<IFeature>, Set<InteractionPosition>> occurences = new HashMap<Set<IFeature>, Set<InteractionPosition>>(); // occurrences by individual feature, may overlap public final Map<IFeature, Set<InteractionPosition>> occurencesByFeature = new HashMap<IFeature, Set<InteractionPosition>>(); public final Set<IFeature> usedFeatures = new HashSet<IFeature>(); public final Map<Derivative, Set<InteractionPosition>> derivatives = new HashMap<Derivative, Set<InteractionPosition>>(); public final Map<IFeature, Map<IFile, Set<Integer>>> locCounter = new HashMap<IFeature, Map<IFile, Set<Integer>>>(); private Tree tree; private int annoationsCount = 0; private int classCount = 0; private int methodCount = 0; private int fieldCount = 0; public CollectStatisticsAndInteractionsJob(IProject project, Tree resultTree) { super(project, "Collecting Interactions", "Collecting Interactions from"); this.tree = resultTree; } @Override protected void processSource(final ColoredSourceFile source) throws CoreException { try { ISourceFile ast; ast = source.getAST(); ast.accept(new ASTVisitor() { /** * collect derivative statistics */ public void postVisit(IASTNode node) { boolean hasOwnColors = source.getColorManager() .getOwnColors(node).size() > 0; if (hasOwnColors) { Set<IFeature> colors = source.getColorManager() .getColors(node); colors = cleanInteractions(colors); if (colors.size() > 1) interactions.add(colors); if (!colors.isEmpty()) usedFeatures.addAll(colors); addOccurence(colors, node, source.getResource()); addDerivative(node, source); } super.postVisit(node); } /** * collect general statistics * * annotation counts only if neither parent nor previous sibling * already has it (exception: annotations on files always count as annotation) */ @Override public boolean visit(IASTNode node) { // own colors cleared by parent colors, in case they overlap Set<IFeature> ownColors = new HashSet<IFeature>(source .getColorManager().getOwnColors(node)); if (node.getParent() != null) ownColors.removeAll(source.getColorManager().getColors( node.getParent())); else ownColors.addAll(source.getColorManager().getColors(node)); if (!ownColors.isEmpty()) { IASTNode previousSibling = findPreviousSibling(node); if (previousSibling == null || !sameColors(previousSibling, node)) annoationsCount++; } Set<IFeature> allColors = new HashSet<IFeature>(source .getColorManager().getColors(node)); if (!allColors.isEmpty()) { countLoc(source, allColors, node); } return super.visit(node); } private IASTNode findPreviousSibling(IASTNode node) { IASTNode previousSibling = null; if (node.getLocationInParent() != null) { IASTNode[] siblings = node.getLocationInParent() .getChildren(); for (IASTNode sibling : siblings) { if (sibling == node) break; previousSibling = sibling; } } return previousSibling; } private boolean sameColors(IASTNode previousSibling, IASTNode node) { return source .getColorManager() .getColors(node) .equals(source.getColorManager().getColors( previousSibling)); } }); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void countLoc(ColoredSourceFile source, Set<IFeature> allColors, IASTNode node) { for (IFeature feature : allColors) { Map<IFile, Set<Integer>> locPerFeature = locCounter.get(feature); if (locPerFeature == null) { locPerFeature = new HashMap<IFile, Set<Integer>>(); locCounter.put(feature, locPerFeature); } Set<Integer> locPerFile = locPerFeature.get(source.getResource()); if (locPerFile == null) { locPerFile = new HashSet<Integer>(); locPerFeature.put(source.getResource(), locPerFile); } for (int i = node.getStartLine(); i <= node.getEndLine(); i++) { locPerFile.add(i); } } } protected void finish() { tree.getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { clearTree(); printAllInteractions(); printInteractionsByFeature(); printInteractionNumberDevelopment(); printDerivatives(); printAllOccurrences(); printAnnotationCount(); printFeatureLOC(); } }); } /** * prints all occurrences of feature code. not related to interactions, but * same collection process, therefore now own view yet. */ protected void printAllOccurrences() { TreeItem allOccurrences = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.DEFAULT); allOccurrences.setText("IFeature Code"); for (IFeature f : sort(usedFeatures)) { createItem2(allOccurrences, f.getName(), occurencesByFeature.get(f)); } setCountingCaption(allOccurrences); } private void printFeatureLOC() { TreeItem featureLoc = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.DEFAULT); featureLoc.setText("Feature LOC"); for (Entry<IFeature, Map<IFile, Set<Integer>>> entry : locCounter .entrySet()) { TreeItem featureItem = new TreeItem(featureLoc, SWT.DEFAULT); featureItem.setText(entry.getKey().getName() + ": " + countLoc(entry.getValue()) + " LOC"); for (Entry<IFile, Set<Integer>> files : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { TreeItem fileItem = new TreeItem(featureItem, SWT.DEFAULT); fileItem.setText(files.getKey().getName() + ": " + files.getValue().size() + " LOC"); } } } private int countLoc(Map<IFile, Set<Integer>> map) { int result = 0; for (Set<Integer> v : map.values()) result += v.size(); return result; } /** * prints general statistics about the number of annotations */ protected void printAnnotationCount() { TreeItem statisticsItem = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.DEFAULT); statisticsItem.setText("General Statistics"); createItem2(statisticsItem, "Annoations: " + annoationsCount, null); createItem2(statisticsItem, "Classes: " + classCount, null); createItem2(statisticsItem, "Methods: " + methodCount, null); createItem2(statisticsItem, "Fields: " + fieldCount, null); } private void clearTree() { tree.removeAll(); } private void printInteractionNumberDevelopment() { List<IFeature> features = sort(usedFeatures); Set<Set<IFeature>> leftInteractions = new HashSet<Set<IFeature>>( interactions); Set<IFeature> knownFeatures = new HashSet<IFeature>(); int idx = 0, foundInteractions = 0; System.out.println("Stats:"); for (IFeature feature : features) { idx++; knownFeatures.add(feature); for (Iterator<Set<IFeature>> iter = leftInteractions.iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { Set<IFeature> interaction =; if (knownFeatures.containsAll(interaction)) { foundInteractions++; iter.remove(); } } System.out.println(idx + " (" + feature.getName() + ") - " + foundInteractions); } } private void printAllInteractions() { TreeItem allInteractions = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.DEFAULT); allInteractions.setText("All interactions"); for (Set<IFeature> inter : interactions) { String txt = getInteractionName(inter); createItem(allInteractions, txt, inter); System.out.println("[" + txt + "]"); } setCountingCaption(allInteractions); } private void printDerivatives() { TreeItem allDerivatives = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.DEFAULT); allDerivatives.setText("All derivatives"); ArrayList<Derivative> derivativeList = new ArrayList<Derivative>( derivatives.keySet()); Collections.sort(derivativeList); for (Derivative d : derivativeList) { createItem2(allDerivatives, d.getDerivativeStr(), derivatives.get(d)); } setCountingCaption(allDerivatives); } private void setCountingCaption(TreeItem i) { i.setText(i.getText() + " (" + i.getItemCount() + ")"); } private void printInteractionsByFeature() { TreeItem allInteractions = new TreeItem(tree, SWT.DEFAULT); allInteractions.setText("Interactions by IFeature"); for (IFeature f : sort(usedFeatures)) { TreeItem featureItem = createItem(allInteractions, f.getName(), null); for (Set<IFeature> inter : interactions) if (inter.contains(f)) createItem(featureItem, getInteractionName(inter), inter); setCountingCaption(featureItem); } setCountingCaption(allInteractions); } private List<IFeature> sort(Set<IFeature> set) { ArrayList<IFeature> result = new ArrayList<IFeature>(set); Collections.sort(result); return result; } private String getInteractionName(Set<IFeature> inter) { String txt = ""; boolean first = true; List<IFeature> l = sort(inter); for (IFeature f : l) { if (first) first = false; else txt += " - "; txt += f.getName(); } return txt; } private TreeItem createItem(TreeItem parent, String text, Set<IFeature> interaction) { TreeItem r = new TreeItem(parent, SWT.DEFAULT); r.setText(text); if (interaction != null) { Set<InteractionPosition> occ = occurences.get(interaction); if (occ != null && !occ.isEmpty()) for (InteractionPosition pos : occ) { TreeItem o = new TreeItem(r, SWT.DEFAULT); o.setText(; o.setData(pos); } setCountingCaption(r); } return r; } private TreeItem createItem2(TreeItem parent, String text, Set<InteractionPosition> occurences) { TreeItem r = new TreeItem(parent, SWT.DEFAULT); r.setText(text); if (occurences != null) { for (InteractionPosition pos : occurences) { TreeItem o = new TreeItem(r, SWT.DEFAULT); o.setText(; o.setData(pos); } setCountingCaption(r); } return r; } private void addOccurence(Set<IFeature> colors, IASTNode node, IFile file) { InteractionPosition p = new InteractionPosition(node, file); Set<InteractionPosition> occ = occurences.get(colors); if (occ == null) { occ = new HashSet<InteractionPosition>(); occurences.put(colors, occ); } occ.add(p); for (IFeature color : colors) { occ = occurencesByFeature.get(color); if (occ == null) { occ = new HashSet<InteractionPosition>(); occurencesByFeature.put(color, occ); } occ.add(p); } } private void addDerivative(IASTNode node, ColoredSourceFile source) { Derivative d = new TensorDerivative(node, source); Set<InteractionPosition> occ = derivatives.get(d); if (occ == null) { occ = new HashSet<InteractionPosition>(); derivatives.put(d, occ); } occ.add(new InteractionPosition(node, source.getResource())); } private Set<IFeature> cleanInteractions(Set<IFeature> colors) { HashSet<IFeature> result = new HashSet<IFeature>(colors); for (IFeature f : colors) { Set<IFeature> parent = f.getRequiredFeatures(); result.removeAll(parent); } return result; } }