/* * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: TransletOutput.java,v 1.13 2005/06/08 13:10:08 mkwan Exp $ */ package org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler; import org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen; import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKESTATIC; import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKEVIRTUAL; import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; import org.apache.bcel.generic.PUSH; import org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.ClassGenerator; import org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.ErrorMsg; import org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.MethodGenerator; import org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.StringType; import org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.Type; import org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.TypeCheckError; import org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.Util; /** * @author Morten Jorgensen */ final class TransletOutput extends Instruction { private Expression _filename; private boolean _append; /** * Displays the contents of this <xsltc:output> element. */ public void display(int indent) { indent(indent); Util.println("TransletOutput: " + _filename); } /** * Parse the contents of this <xsltc:output> element. The only attribute * we recognise is the 'file' attribute that contains teh output filename. */ public void parseContents(Parser parser) { // Get the output filename from the 'file' attribute String filename = getAttribute("file"); // If the 'append' attribute is set to "yes" or "true", // the output is appended to the file. String append = getAttribute("append"); // Verify that the filename is in fact set if ((filename == null) || (filename.equals(EMPTYSTRING))) { reportError(this, parser, ErrorMsg.REQUIRED_ATTR_ERR, "file"); } // Save filename as an attribute value template _filename = AttributeValue.create(this, filename, parser); if (append != null && (append.toLowerCase().equals("yes") || append.toLowerCase().equals("true"))) { _append = true; } else _append = false; parseChildren(parser); } /** * Type checks the 'file' attribute (must be able to convert it to a str). */ public Type typeCheck(SymbolTable stable) throws TypeCheckError { final Type type = _filename.typeCheck(stable); if (type instanceof StringType == false) { _filename = new CastExpr(_filename, Type.String); } typeCheckContents(stable); return Type.Void; } /** * Compile code that opens the give file for output, dumps the contents of * the element to the file, then closes the file. */ public void translate(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen) { final ConstantPoolGen cpg = classGen.getConstantPool(); final InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList(); final boolean isSecureProcessing = classGen.getParser().getXSLTC() .isSecureProcessing(); if (isSecureProcessing) { int index = cpg.addMethodref(BASIS_LIBRARY_CLASS, "unallowed_extension_elementF", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); il.append(new PUSH(cpg, "redirect")); il.append(new INVOKESTATIC(index)); return; } // Save the current output handler on the stack il.append(methodGen.loadHandler()); final int open = cpg.addMethodref(TRANSLET_CLASS, "openOutputHandler", "(" + STRING_SIG + "Z)" + TRANSLET_OUTPUT_SIG); final int close = cpg.addMethodref(TRANSLET_CLASS, "closeOutputHandler", "("+TRANSLET_OUTPUT_SIG+")V"); // Create the new output handler (leave it on stack) il.append(classGen.loadTranslet()); _filename.translate(classGen, methodGen); il.append(new PUSH(cpg, _append)); il.append(new INVOKEVIRTUAL(open)); // Overwrite current handler il.append(methodGen.storeHandler()); // Translate contents with substituted handler translateContents(classGen, methodGen); // Close the output handler (close file) il.append(classGen.loadTranslet()); il.append(methodGen.loadHandler()); il.append(new INVOKEVIRTUAL(close)); // Restore old output handler from stack il.append(methodGen.storeHandler()); } }