package ij.plugin.frame; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import ij.*; import ij.plugin.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.measure.*; import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder; import ij.util.Tools; /** Adjusts the width of line selections. */ public class LineWidthAdjuster extends PlugInFrame implements PlugIn, Runnable, AdjustmentListener, TextListener, ItemListener { public static final String LOC_KEY = "line.loc"; int sliderRange = 300; Scrollbar slider; int value; boolean setText; static LineWidthAdjuster instance; Thread thread; boolean done; TextField tf; Checkbox checkbox; public LineWidthAdjuster() { super("Line Width"); if (instance!=null) { WindowManager.toFront(instance); return; } WindowManager.addWindow(this); instance = this; slider = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, Line.getWidth(), 1, 1, sliderRange+1); slider.setFocusable(false); // prevents blinking on Windows Panel panel = new Panel(); int margin = IJ.isMacOSX()?5:0; GridBagLayout grid = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); panel.setLayout(grid); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0; c.gridwidth = 1; c.ipadx = 100; c.insets = new Insets(margin, 15, margin, 5); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; grid.setConstraints(slider, c); panel.add(slider); c.ipadx = 0; // reset c.gridx = 1; c.insets = new Insets(margin, 5, margin, 15); tf = new TextField(""+Line.getWidth(), 4); tf.addTextListener(this); grid.setConstraints(tf, c); panel.add(tf); c.gridx = 2; c.insets = new Insets(margin, 25, margin, 5); checkbox = new Checkbox("Spline Fit", isSplineFit()); checkbox.addItemListener(this); panel.add(checkbox); add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); slider.addAdjustmentListener(this); slider.setUnitIncrement(1); pack(); Point loc = Prefs.getLocation(LOC_KEY); if (loc!=null) setLocation(loc); else; setResizable(false); show(); thread = new Thread(this, "LineWidthAdjuster"); thread.start(); setup(); addKeyListener(IJ.getInstance()); } public synchronized void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { value = slider.getValue(); setText = true; notify(); } public synchronized void textValueChanged(TextEvent e) { int width = (int)Tools.parseDouble(tf.getText(), -1); //IJ.log(""+width); if (width==-1) return; if (width<0) width=1; if (width!=Line.getWidth()) { slider.setValue(width); value = width; notify(); } } void setup() { } // Separate thread that does the potentially time-consuming processing public void run() { while (!done) { synchronized(this) { try {wait();} catch(InterruptedException e) {} if (done) return; Line.setWidth(value); if (setText) tf.setText(""+value); setText = false; updateRoi(); } } } private static void updateRoi() { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp!=null) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi!=null && roi.isLine()) {roi.updateWideLine(Line.getWidth()); imp.draw(); return;} } if (Roi.previousRoi==null) return; int id = Roi.previousRoi.getImageID(); if (id>=0) return; imp = WindowManager.getImage(id); if (imp==null) return; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi!=null && roi.isLine()) { roi.updateWideLine(Line.getWidth()); imp.draw(); } } boolean isSplineFit() { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp==null) return false; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi==null) return false; if (!(roi instanceof PolygonRoi)) return false; return ((PolygonRoi)roi).isSplineFit(); } /** Overrides close() in PlugInFrame. */ public void close() { super.close(); instance = null; done = true; Prefs.saveLocation(LOC_KEY, getLocation()); synchronized(this) {notify();} } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { super.windowActivated(e); checkbox.setState(isSplineFit()); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { boolean selected = e.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED; ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp==null) {checkbox.setState(false); return;}; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi==null || !(roi instanceof PolygonRoi)) {checkbox.setState(false); return;}; int type = roi.getType(); if (type==Roi.FREEROI || type==Roi.FREELINE) {checkbox.setState(false); return;};; PolygonRoi poly = (PolygonRoi)roi; boolean splineFit = poly.isSplineFit(); if (selected && !splineFit) {poly.fitSpline(); imp.draw();} else if (!selected && splineFit) {poly.removeSplineFit(); imp.draw();} } public static void update() { if (instance==null) return; instance.checkbox.setState(instance.isSplineFit()); int sliderWidth = instance.slider.getValue(); int lineWidth = Line.getWidth(); if (lineWidth!=sliderWidth && lineWidth<=200) { instance.slider.setValue(lineWidth);""+lineWidth); } } }