import ij.plugin.filter.*; import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.measure.*; import ij.util.*; import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer; import java.awt.Rectangle; import ij.measure.CurveFitter; import java.awt.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.awt.image.*; import ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager; import java.util.*; public class FRAP_Profiler implements PlugInFilter, Measurements { ImagePlus imp; ImageWindow myWindow; Roi roi, full; DecimalFormat df3 = new DecimalFormat("##0.000"); DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("##0.00"); DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("##0.0"); RoiManager rm; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { this.imp = imp; return DOES_ALL+NO_CHANGES+ROI_REQUIRED; } public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (imp.getStackSize()<2) { IJ.showMessage("FRAP Profiler", "This command requires a stack."); return; } myWindow = imp.getWindow(); rm = RoiManager.getInstance(); if (rm==null) {IJ.error("Roi Manager is not open"); return;}; roi = imp.getRoi(); Hashtable table = rm.getROIs(); java.awt.List list = rm.getList(); int roiCount = list.getItemCount(); Roi[] rois = new Roi[roiCount]; for (int i=0; i<roiCount; i++) { String label = list.getItem(i); Roi roi2 = (Roi)table.get(label); if (roi2==null) continue; rois[i] = roi2; } //Roi full = new Roi (0,0,imp.getWidth(),imp.getHeight()); roi = rois[roiCount-2]; full = rois [roiCount-1]; if ((full.getBounds().width*full.getBounds().width)<(roi.getBounds().width*roi.getBounds().width)) { roi = rois[roiCount-1]; full = rois [roiCount-2]; } Rectangle r = roi.getBoundingRect(); if (roi.getType()>=Roi.LINE) { IJ.showMessage("FRAP Profiler", "This command does not work with line selections."); return; } double minThreshold = ip.getMinThreshold(); double maxThreshold = ip.getMaxThreshold(); float[] yF = getZAxisProfile(roi, full, minThreshold, maxThreshold); //even values in yF are the ROI, odd values the fill roi Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); String timeUnit = cal.getTimeUnit(); //create array for full cell values float[]y2 = new float[(yF.length/2)]; //create array for ROI values float[]y3 = new float[(yF.length/2)]; float[]y = new float[(yF.length/2)]; //get max float yFmax=0; float yMax=0; float yFmin=65500; float yMin=65500; for (int v = 0; v<yF.length; v++) { if (v%2!=0) y2[v/2]=yF[v]; if (v%2==0) y3[v/2]=yF[v]; if((yFmax<yF[v])&&(v%2!= 0)) yFmax=yF[v]; if((yMax<yF[v]) &&(v%2== 0)) yMax=yF[v]; if((yFmin>yF[v]) &&(v%2!= 0)) yFmin=yF[v]; if((yMin>yF[v]) &&(v%2== 0)) yMin=yF[v]; } //normalise yMin=0; yFmin=0; for (int u = 0; u<y.length; u++) { y[u] = (y2[u]/yFmax) / (y3[u]/yMax); } //Now stretch to a range of 0 to 1... float yMin2 = y[0]; float yMax2 = y[0]; for (int u = 0; u<y.length; u++) { if (y[u] < yMin2) {yMin2 = y[u];} if (y[u] > yMax) {yMax = y[u];} } //IJ.showMessage("yMin = " + yMin2 + " new yMax = " + yMax2); for (int u = 0; u<y.length; u++) { y[u] = (y[u]-yMin2)/(yMax2-yMin2); } float timescale = 1; if (y!=null) {float[] x = new float[y.length]; //Sets the time interval for consecutive X values. //Also asks for single or double exponential curve fit. String[] methodList = {"Single exponential recovery", "Double exponential recovery"}; int fitMethod = 0; boolean drawROIs = true; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("FRAP Profiler Settings"); gd.addChoice("Curve fitting method:", methodList, methodList[fitMethod]); gd.addNumericField("Time interval (sec): ",1,1); gd.addCheckbox("Generate image with ROIs", drawROIs); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) {return;} fitMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); timescale = (float) gd.getNextNumber(); IJ.log("Time interval: "+ timescale + " sec"); drawROIs = gd.getNextBoolean(); for (int i=0; i<x.length; i++) {x[i] = i*timescale;}"Line Width...", "line=1"); PlotWindow pwF = new PlotWindow("rawFRAP: "+ imp.getTitle()+"-x"+r.x+".y"+r.y+".w"+r.width+".h"+r.height, timeUnit, "Mean", x, y2); pwF.addPoints(x, y3,PlotWindow.LINE); PlotWindow pwN = new PlotWindow("normFRAP: "+ imp.getTitle()+"-x"+r.x+".y"+r.y+".w"+r.width+".h"+r.height, timeUnit, "Norm. intensity", x, y); PlotWindow pw = new PlotWindow("procFRAP: "+ imp.getTitle()+"-x"+r.x+".y"+r.y+".w"+r.width+".h"+r.height, timeUnit, "Norm. intensity", x, y); double [] a = Tools.getMinMax(x); double xmin=a[0], xmax=a[1]; pwF.setLimits(xmin,xmax,yFmin,yFmax); pwF.draw(); float [] values2 = new float [y.length]; int valsize = values2.length; //for (int j=0; j<valsize; j++) values2[j] = y[j]; a = Tools.getMinMax(y); double ymin=a[0], ymax=a[1]; pw.setLimits(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); pwN.setLimits(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); //pwN.addPoints(x,y,PlotWindow.CIRCLE); pwN.draw(); //fit curve int sliceMin=0; for (int i=0;i<y.length; i++) { //We'll find the Y minimum, and assume that this is the first post-bleach point... if(y[i]==ymin) sliceMin=i+1; } sliceMin=sliceMin - 1; //IJ.showMessage("Slice offset (sliceMin): " + sliceMin); float[] f = new float[y.length-sliceMin]; float[] x2 = new float[y.length-sliceMin]; float[] x3 = new float[y.length-sliceMin]; //IJ.showMessage("Length of new array: " + x3.length); double[] fd = new double[y.length-sliceMin]; double[] x2d = new double[y.length-sliceMin]; for (int i=0; i<y.length-sliceMin; i++) {f[i]=y[i+sliceMin]; fd[i]=(double)f[i]; x2[i] = x[i];//+(float)((float)sliceMin*timescale); x3[i]= x[i] +(float)((float)sliceMin*timescale); //IJ.log(x2[i] + "," + f[i]); x2d [i] = (double)x2[i]; //IJ.write(i + "\t"+ f[i]); } CurveFitter cf = new CurveFitter(x2d, fd) ; //This constrains the single exponential recovery curve to go through the origin. //Use the built-in EXP_RECOVERY if this constraint is not needed. String eqn = null; if (fitMethod == 0) {eqn = "y = a*(1-exp(-b*x))";} else {eqn = "y = a*(1-exp(-b*x)) +c*(1-exp(-d*x)) + e";} int params = cf.doCustomFit(eqn, null, false); if (params==0) return; //The line below uses the built-in //cf.doFit(CurveFitter.EXP_RECOVERY); double[] p = cf.getParams(); if (fitMethod == 0) { //p[0]*(1-Math.exp(-p[1]*x))+p[2]) IJ.log("p[0]*(1-exp(-p[1]*x): "+ df2.format(p[0])+"; "+ df2.format(p[1])); //IJ.log("p[0]*(1-exp(-p[1]*x)+p[2]: "+ df2.format(p[0])+"; "+ df2.format(p[1]) +"; "+df2.format(p[2])); double halflife = 0.69/p[1]; IJ.log("t 1/2: " + IJ.d2s(halflife,4) + " sec"); //IJ.log("% mobile: " + IJ.d2s((p[0]*100 + p[2]*100),2)); IJ.log("% mobile: " +IJ.d2s((p[0]*100),2)); double tmp=0; float[] fit = new float[y.length]; float fitY=0; for (int z=0; z<x2.length; z++) { //What is this for?? tmp = x2[z]-p[2]; if (tmp<0.001) tmp = 0.001; fit[z]=(float)(p[0]*(1-Math.exp(-p[1]*x2[z])));//+p[2]); [new!] } pw.setColor(; pw.addPoints(x3, fit, PlotWindow.LINE); pw.setColor(; pw.draw(); PlotWindow pwO = new PlotWindow("offsetFRAP: "+ imp.getTitle()+"-x"+r.x+".y"+r.y+".w"+r.width+".h"+r.height, timeUnit, "Norm. intensity", x2,f); pwO.setLimits(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); pwO.draw(); PlotWindow pwC = new PlotWindow("offsetFRAP-fit: "+ imp.getTitle()+"-x"+r.x+".y"+r.y+".w"+r.width+".h"+r.height, timeUnit, "Norm. intensity", x2,fit); pwC.setLimits(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); pwC.setColor(; pwC.addPoints(x2, f, PlotWindow.CIRCLE); pwC.setColor(; pwC.draw(); } //fitMethod = 0 (single exp) else { //p[0]*(1-Math.exp(-p[1]*x))+p[2]) IJ.log("p[0]*(1-exp(-p[1]*x)) + p[2]*(1-exp(-p[3]*x)) + p[4]: "); IJ.log(df2.format(p[0])+"; "+ df2.format(p[1]) + "; " + df2.format(p[2])+"; "+ df2.format(p[3]) +"; "+ df2.format(p[4])); double halflife = 0.69/p[1]; double halflife2 = 0.69/p[3]; IJ.log("t 1/2 #1: " + IJ.d2s(halflife,4) + " sec"); IJ.log("t 1/2 #2: " + IJ.d2s(halflife2,4) + " sec"); //IJ.log("% mobile: " + IJ.d2s((p[0]*100 + p[2]*100),2)); IJ.log("% mobile: " +IJ.d2s((p[0]*100 + p[2]*100),2)); double tmp=0; float[] fit = new float[y.length]; float fitY=0; for (int z=0; z<x2.length; z++) { //What is this for?? tmp = x2[z]-p[2]; if (tmp<0.001) tmp = 0.001; fit[z]=(float)(p[0]*(1-Math.exp(-p[1]*x2[z])) + p[2]*(1-Math.exp(-p[3]*x2[z])) + p[4]); } pw.setColor(; pw.addPoints(x3, fit, PlotWindow.LINE); pw.setColor(; pw.draw(); PlotWindow pwO = new PlotWindow("offsetFRAP: "+ imp.getTitle()+"-x"+r.x+".y"+r.y+".w"+r.width+".h"+r.height, timeUnit, "Norm. intensity", x2,f); pwO.setLimits(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); pwO.draw(); PlotWindow pwC = new PlotWindow("offsetFRAP-fit: "+ imp.getTitle()+"-x"+r.x+".y"+r.y+".w"+r.width+".h"+r.height, timeUnit, "Norm. intensity", x2,fit); pwC.setLimits(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); pwC.setColor(; pwC.addPoints(x2, f, PlotWindow.CIRCLE); pwC.setColor(; pwC.draw(); } //fitMethod = 1 (double exp) if (drawROIs) drawRegions(sliceMin); } } //draw duplicate image and color ROIs void drawRegions(int sliceMin){ WindowManager.setCurrentWindow(myWindow); imp.setSlice(sliceMin+1); imp.unlock();"Select All");"Duplicate...", "title=ROIs");"RGB Color"); ImageWindow dupWindow = WindowManager.getCurrentWindow(); ImagePlus dupImp = dupWindow.getImagePlus(); dupImp.setRoi(roi);"Colors...", "foreground=cyan"); //"Line Width...", "line=2");"Draw"); dupImp.setRoi(full);"Colors...", "foreground=red"); //"Line Width...", "line=2");"Draw");"Line Width...", "line=1");"Colors...", "foreground=black"); dupImp.setRoi(0,0,0,0); WindowManager.setCurrentWindow(myWindow); imp.setRoi(0,0,0,0); imp.lock(); } float[] getZAxisProfile(Roi roi, Roi full, double minThreshold, double maxThreshold) { ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); int size = stack.getSize(); float[] values = new float[(size*2)]; imp.setRoi(roi); ImageProcessor mask = imp.getMask(); //int[] mask = imp.getMask(); Rectangle r = roi.getBoundingRect(); imp.setRoi(full); ImageProcessor mask2 = imp.getMask(); Rectangle rFull = full.getBoundingRect(); Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(imp); int measurements = analyzer.getMeasurements(); boolean showResults = measurements!=0 && measurements!=LIMIT; boolean showingLabels = (measurements&LABELS)!=0 || (measurements&SLICE)!=0; measurements |= MEAN; if (showResults) { if (!analyzer.resetCounter()) return null; float avg=0; } int k=0; for (int i=1; i<=size; i++) { ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(i); if (minThreshold!=ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) ip.setThreshold(minThreshold,maxThreshold,ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); ip.setRoi(full); ip.setMask(mask2); ImageStatistics stats2 = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, measurements, cal); values[k] = (float)stats2.mean; k++; ip.setRoi(r); ip.setMask(mask); ImageStatistics stats = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, measurements, cal); analyzer.saveResults(stats, roi); values[k] = (float)stats.mean;k++; } return values; } }