package ij.plugin; import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.util.Tools; import; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.util.Vector; /** This plugin implements the File/Batch/Macro and File/Batch/Virtual Stack commands. */ public class BatchProcesser implements PlugIn, ActionListener, ItemListener, Runnable { private static final String MACRO_FILE_NAME = "BatchMacro.ijm"; private static final String[] formats = {"TIFF", "8-bit TIFF", "JPEG", "GIF", "PNG", "PGM", "BMP", "FITS", "Text Image", "ZIP", "Raw"}; private static String format = Prefs.get("batch.format", formats[0]); private static final String[] code = { "[Select from list]", "Add Border", "Convert to RGB", "Crop", "Gaussian Blur", "Invert", "Label", "Timestamp", "Max Dimension", "Measure", "Resize", "Scale", "Show File Info", "Unsharp Mask", }; private String macro = ""; private int testImage; private Button input, output, open, save, test; private TextField inputDir, outputDir; private GenericDialog gd; private Thread thread; private ImagePlus virtualStack; public void run(String arg) { if (arg.equals("stack")) { virtualStack = IJ.getImage(); if (virtualStack.getStackSize()==1) { error("This command requires a stack or virtual stack."); return; } } String macroPath = IJ.getDirectory("macros")+MACRO_FILE_NAME; macro = IJ.openAsString(macroPath); if (macro==null || macro.startsWith("Error: ")) { IJ.showStatus(macro.substring(7) + ": "+macroPath); macro = ""; } if (!showDialog()) return; String inputPath = null; if (virtualStack==null) { inputPath = inputDir.getText(); if (inputPath.equals("")) { error("Please choose an input folder"); return; } inputPath = addSeparator(inputPath); File f1 = new File(inputPath); if (!f1.exists() || !f1.isDirectory()) { error("Input does not exist or is not a folder\n \n"+inputPath); return; } } String outputPath = outputDir.getText(); outputPath = addSeparator(outputPath); File f2 = new File(outputPath); if (!outputPath.equals("") && (!f2.exists() || !f2.isDirectory())) { error("Output does not exist or is not a folder\n \n"+outputPath); return; } if (macro.equals("")) { error("There is no macro code in the text area"); return; } ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance(); if (ij!=null) ij.getProgressBar().setBatchMode(true); IJ.resetEscape(); if (virtualStack!=null) processVirtualStack(outputPath); else processFolder(inputPath, outputPath); IJ.showProgress(1,1); if (virtualStack==null) Prefs.set("batch.input", inputDir.getText()); Prefs.set("batch.output", outputDir.getText()); Prefs.set("batch.format", format); macro = gd.getTextArea1().getText(); if (!macro.equals("")) IJ.saveString(macro, IJ.getDirectory("macros")+MACRO_FILE_NAME); } boolean showDialog() { validateFormat(); gd = new NonBlockingGenericDialog("Batch Process"); addPanels(gd); gd.setInsets(15, 0, 5); gd.addChoice("Output Format:", formats, format); gd.setInsets(0, 0, 5); gd.addChoice("Add Macro Code:", code, code[0]); gd.setInsets(15, 10, 0); Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize(); gd.addTextAreas(macro, null, screen.width<=600?10:15, 60); addButtons(gd); gd.setOKLabel("Process"); Vector choices = gd.getChoices(); Choice choice = (Choice)choices.elementAt(1); choice.addItemListener(this); gd.showDialog(); format = gd.getNextChoice(); macro = gd.getNextText(); return !gd.wasCanceled(); } void processVirtualStack(String outputPath) { ImageStack stack = virtualStack.getStack(); int n = stack.getSize(); int index = 0; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { if (IJ.escapePressed()) break; IJ.showProgress(i, n); ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(i); if (ip==null) return; ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("", ip); if (!macro.equals("")) { WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(imp); String str = IJ.runMacro("i="+(index++)+";"+macro, ""); if (str!=null && str.equals("[aborted]")) break; } if (!outputPath.equals("")) { if (format.equals("8-bit TIFF") || format.equals("GIF")) { if (imp.getBitDepth()==24), "8-bit Color", "number=256"); else, "8-bit", ""); } IJ.saveAs(imp, format, outputPath+pad(i)); } imp.close(); } if (outputPath!=null && !outputPath.equals(""))"Image Sequence...", "open=[" + outputPath + "]"+" use"); } String pad(int n) { String str = ""+n; while (str.length()<5) str = "0" + str; return str; } void processFolder(String inputPath, String outputPath) { String[] list = (new File(inputPath)).list(); int index = 0; for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) { if (IJ.escapePressed()) break; String path = inputPath + list[i]; if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log(i+": "+path); if ((new File(path)).isDirectory()) continue; if (list[i].startsWith(".")||list[i].endsWith(".avi")||list[i].endsWith(".AVI")) continue; IJ.showProgress(i+1, list.length); ImagePlus imp = IJ.openImage(path); if (imp==null) continue; if (!macro.equals("")) { WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(imp); String str = IJ.runMacro("i="+(index++)+";"+macro, ""); if (str!=null && str.equals("[aborted]")) break; } if (!outputPath.equals("")) { if (format.equals("8-bit TIFF") || format.equals("GIF")) { if (imp.getBitDepth()==24), "8-bit Color", "number=256"); else, "8-bit", ""); } IJ.saveAs(imp, format, outputPath+list[i]); } imp.close(); } } String addSeparator(String path) { if (path.equals("")) return path; if (!(path.endsWith("/")||path.endsWith("\\"))) path = path + File.separator; return path; } void validateFormat() { boolean validFormat = false; for (int i=0; i<formats.length; i++) { if (format.equals(formats[i])) { validFormat = true; break; } } if (!validFormat) format = formats[0]; } void addPanels(GenericDialog gd) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 0)); if (virtualStack==null) { input = new Button("Input..."); input.addActionListener(this); p.add(input); inputDir = new TextField(Prefs.get("batch.input", ""), 45); p.add(inputDir); gd.addPanel(p); } p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 0)); output = new Button("Output..."); output.addActionListener(this); p.add(output); outputDir = new TextField(Prefs.get("batch.output", ""), 45); p.add(outputDir); gd.addPanel(p); } void addButtons(GenericDialog gd) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 0)); test = new Button("Test"); test.addActionListener(this); p.add(test); open = new Button("Open..."); open.addActionListener(this); p.add(open); save = new Button("Save..."); save.addActionListener(this); p.add(save); gd.addPanel(p); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Choice choice = (Choice)e.getSource(); String item = choice.getSelectedItem(); String code = null; if (item.equals("Convert to RGB")) code = "run(\"RGB Color\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Measure")) code = "run(\"Measure\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Resize")) code = "run(\"Size...\", \"width=512 height=512 interpolation=Bicubic\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Scale")) code = "scale=1.5;\nw=getWidth*scale; h=getHeight*scale;\nrun(\"Size...\", \"width=w height=h interpolation=Bilinear\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Label")) code = "setFont(\"SansSerif\", 18, \"antialiased\");\nsetColor(\"red\");\ndrawString(\"Hello\", 20, 30);\n"; else if (item.equals("Timestamp")) code = openMacroFromJar("TimeStamp.ijm"); else if (item.equals("Crop")) code = "makeRectangle(getWidth/4, getHeight/4, getWidth/2, getHeight/2);\nrun(\"Crop\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Add Border")) code = "border=25;\nw=getWidth+border*2; h=getHeight+border*2;\nrun(\"Canvas Size...\", \"width=w height=h position=Center zero\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Invert")) code = "run(\"Invert\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Gaussian Blur")) code = "run(\"Gaussian Blur...\", \"sigma=2\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Unsharp Mask")) code = "run(\"Unsharp Mask...\", \"radius=1 mask=0.60\");\n"; else if (item.equals("Show File Info")) code = ";\ndate=File.dateLastModified(path);\nsize=File.length(path);\nprint(i+\", \"+getTitle+\", \"+date+\", \"+size);\n"; else if (item.equals("Max Dimension")) code = "max=2048;\nw=getWidth; h=getHeight;\nsize=maxOf(w,h);\nif (size>max) {\n scale = max/size;\n w*=scale; h*=scale;\n run(\"Size...\", \"width=w height=h interpolation=Bicubic average\");\n}"; if (code!=null) { TextArea ta = gd.getTextArea1(); ta.insert(code, ta.getCaretPosition()); if (IJ.isMacOSX()) ta.requestFocus(); } } String openMacroFromJar(String name) { ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance(); Class c = ij!=null?ij.getClass():(new ImageStack()).getClass(); String macro = null; try { InputStream is = c .getResourceAsStream("/macros/"+name); if (is==null) return null; InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); char [] b = new char [8192]; int n; while ((n = > 0) sb.append(b,0, n); macro = sb.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return macro; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source==input) { String path = IJ.getDirectory("Input Folder"); if (path==null) return; inputDir.setText(path); if (IJ.isMacOSX()) {gd.setVisible(false); gd.setVisible(true);} } else if (source==output) { String path = IJ.getDirectory("Output Folder"); if (path==null) return; outputDir.setText(path); if (IJ.isMacOSX()) {gd.setVisible(false); gd.setVisible(true);} } else if (source==test) { thread = new Thread(this, "BatchTest"); thread.setPriority(Math.max(thread.getPriority()-2, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY)); thread.start(); } else if (source==open) open(); else if (source==save) save(); } void open() { String text = IJ.openAsString(""); if (text==null) return; if (text.startsWith("Error: ")) error(text.substring(7)); else { if (text.length()>30000) error("File is too large"); else gd.getTextArea1().setText(text); } } void save() { macro = gd.getTextArea1().getText(); if (!macro.equals("")) IJ.saveString(macro, ""); } void error(String msg) { IJ.error("Batch Processer", msg); } public void run() { TextArea ta = gd.getTextArea1(); //ta.selectAll(); String macro = ta.getText(); if (macro.equals("")) { error("There is no macro code in the text area"); return; } ImagePlus imp = null; if (virtualStack!=null) imp = getVirtualStackImage(); else imp = getFolderImage(); if (imp==null) return; WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(imp); String str = IJ.runMacro("i=0;"+macro, ""); Point loc = new Point(10, 30); if (testImage!=0) { ImagePlus imp2 = WindowManager.getImage(testImage); if (imp2!=null) { ImageWindow win = imp2.getWindow(); if (win!=null) loc = win.getLocation(); imp2.changes=false; imp2.close(); } }; ImageWindow iw = imp.getWindow(); if (iw!=null) iw.setLocation(loc); testImage = imp.getID(); } ImagePlus getVirtualStackImage() { ImagePlus imp = virtualStack.createImagePlus(); imp.setProcessor("", virtualStack.getProcessor().duplicate()); return imp; } ImagePlus getFolderImage() { String inputPath = inputDir.getText(); inputPath = addSeparator(inputPath); File f1 = new File(inputPath); if (!f1.exists() || !f1.isDirectory()) { error("Input does not exist or is not a folder\n \n"+inputPath); return null; } String[] list = (new File(inputPath)).list(); String name = list[0]; if (name.startsWith(".")&&list.length>1) name = list[1]; String path = inputPath + name; setDirAndName(path); return IJ.openImage(path); } void setDirAndName(String path) { File f = new File(path); OpenDialog.setLastDirectory(f.getParent()+File.separator); OpenDialog.setLastName(f.getName()); } }