package Paparamborde.STIMspectra; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import*; import ij.text.TextWindow.*; import ij.gui.Plot; public class STIMspectra{ //declaration private ArrayList <Integer> counts=new ArrayList <Integer>(); private ArrayList <Float> energy=new ArrayList <Float>(); private ArrayList <Float> dedxe=new ArrayList <Float>(); private ArrayList <Float> dedxn=new ArrayList <Float>(); private ArrayList <Float> mass=new ArrayList <Float>(); private ArrayList <Float> weight=new ArrayList <Float>(); private float [] point=new float[4]; private float [] parameter=new float[5];//Z ion, E0, a, b, c (E=a*x2+b*x+c) private String path; public STIMspectra(){ } public STIMspectra (String path){ readSpectra(path); this.path=path; } //getter public float getEnergy(int channel){ return energy.get(channel); } public float energy(int channel){ return getEnergy(channel); } public int getCounts(int channel){ return counts.get(channel); } public ArrayList<Integer> getCountsArray(){ return counts; } public float getDeDxE(int channel){ return dedxe.get(channel); } public float getDeDxN(int channel){ return dedxn.get(channel); } public float getMass(int channel){ return mass.get(channel); } public ArrayList <Float> getMassArray(){ return mass; } public ArrayList <Float> getWeightedMass(){ ArrayList <Float> t=(ArrayList<Float>)mass.clone(); for (int i=0;i<mass.size();i++) { float wm=mass.get(i)*weight.get(i); t.set(i, wm); } return t; } public float getMinMass(){ return getMass(mass.lastIndexOf((float)0)+1); } public float [] getPoint(int channel){ point[0]=(float)getCounts(channel); point[1]=getEnergy(channel); point[2]=getDeDxE(channel); point[3]=getDeDxN(channel); point[4]=getMass(channel); return point; } public int getIon() { return (int)parameter[0]; } public float getE0() { return parameter[1]; } public float getA() { return parameter[2]; } public float getB() { return parameter[3]; } public float getC(){ return parameter[4]; } public int getChannel(float E) { return Math.round((E-getC())/getB()); } public int get1stChannel(){ int i=1; while (getEnergy(i)==0){ i++; } return i; } public int getLastChannel(){ int i=1; while (getEnergy(i)<getE0()){ i++; } return i-1; } public String getPath(){ return path; } public ArrayList <Float> getDeDxEArray(){ return dedxe; } public ArrayList <Float> getDeDxNArray(){ return dedxn; } public ArrayList <Float> getDeDxArray(){ ArrayList <Float> dedx=new ArrayList <Float>(); float t; for (int i=0;i<dedxe.size();i++){ t=getDeDxE(i)+getDeDxN(i); dedx.add(t); } return dedx; } // setter void setCounts(int channel, int counts){ this.counts.add(channel,counts); } void setEnergy(int channel, float energy){,energy); } void setDeDxE(int channel, float dedxe){ this.dedxe.add(channel,dedxe); } public void addDeDxE(float dedxe){ this.dedxe.add(dedxe); } void setDeDxN(int channel, float dedxn){ this.dedxn.add(channel,dedxn); } public void addDeDxN(float dedxn){ this.dedxn.add(dedxn); } void setMass(int channel, float mass){ this.mass.add(channel,mass); } void setPoint(int channel,int counts, float energy, float dedxe, float dedxn){ this.counts.add(channel,counts);,energy); this.dedxe.add(channel,dedxe); this.dedxn.add(channel,dedxn); } void setIon(int Z){ parameter[0]=(float)Z; } void setE0(float E0){ if (E0<10) { parameter[1]=1000*E0; } else { parameter[1]=E0; } } void setA(float a){ parameter[2]=a; } void setB(float b){ parameter[3]=b; } void setC(float c){ parameter[4]=c; } void setParameters(int Z, float E0, float a, float b, float c){ setIon (Z); setE0(E0); setA(a); setB(b); setC(c); } public void setMass(int channel_min, int channel_max){ //calculation of mass per channel=a_keV/(epsilon_electronic(i)+epsilon_nuclear(i)) channel_max=Math.min(channel_max, getLastChannel()); channel_min=Math.max(channel_min,get1stChannel()); mass.clear(); for (int i=0;i<=channel_max;i++){ mass.add((float)0); } for (int channel=channel_max; channel>channel_min; channel--){ if (energy(channel)>0){ mass.set(channel,mass.get(channel+1)+getB()/(getDeDxE(channel-1)+getDeDxN(channel-1))); } else { mass.set(channel,(float)0); } } } //Methods public void calibrate(){ energy.clear(); energy.add((float)(0)); for (int channel=1; channel<counts.size(); channel++){ energy.add(Math.max(getA()*(channel^2)+getB()*channel+getC(),0)); } } public void calibrate(int Z, float E0, float a, float b, float c){ setParameters(Z, E0, a, b, c); energy.clear(); energy.add((float)(0)); for (int channel=1; channel<counts.size(); channel++){ energy.add(Math.max(getA()*(channel^2)+getB()*channel+getC(),0)); } } public void calibrate(int Z, double E0, double a, double b, double c){ setParameters(Z, (float)E0, (float)a, (float)b, (float)c); energy.clear(); energy.add((float)(0)); for (int channel=1; channel<counts.size(); channel++){ energy.add(Math.max(getA()*(channel^2)+getB()*channel+getC(),0)); } } public void calibrate(float E0, float a, float b, float c){ int Z=getIon(); setParameters(Z, E0, a, b, c); energy.clear(); energy.add((float)(0)); for (int channel=1; channel<counts.size(); channel++){ energy.add(Math.max(getA()*(channel^2)+getB()*channel+getC(),0)); } } public void calibrate(float a, float b, float c){ int Z=getIon(); float E0=getE0(); setParameters(Z, E0, a, b, c); energy.clear(); energy.add((float)(0)); for (int channel=1; channel<counts.size(); channel++){ energy.add(Math.max(getA()*(channel^2)+getB()*channel+getC(),0)); } } public float massCalc(int channel_min, int channel_max){ //calculation of mass per channel=a_keV/(epsilon_electronic(i)+epsilon_nuclear(i)) channel_max=Math.min(channel_min, getLastChannel()); channel_min=Math.max(channel_max,get1stChannel()); mass.clear(); for (int i=0;i<=channel_max;i++){ mass.add((float)0); } for (int channel=channel_max; channel>=channel_min; channel--){ if (energy(channel)>0){ mass.set(channel,mass.get(channel+1)+getB()/(getDeDxE(channel-1)+getDeDxN(channel-1))); } else { mass.set(channel,(float)0); } } return totalMassCalc(channel_min, channel_max); } public void initWeight(){ float t=0; for (int i=1;i<counts.size();i++) t+=counts.get(i); for (int i=1;i<counts.size();i++) weight.add(counts.get(i)/t); } public float massCalc(){ //calculation of mass per channel=a_keV/(epsilon_electronic(i)+epsilon_nuclear(i)) int channel_min, channel_max; channel_max=Math.min(getCounts(0), getLastChannel()); channel_min=Math.max(0,get1stChannel()); mass.clear(); for (int i=0;i<=channel_max;i++){ mass.add((float)0); } for (int channel=channel_max-1; channel>=channel_min; channel--){ if (energy(channel)>0){ mass.set(channel,mass.get(channel+1)+getB()/(getDeDxE(channel)+getDeDxN(channel))); } else { mass.set(channel,(float)0); } } return totalMassCalc(channel_min, channel_max); } float totalMassCalc(int start, int stop){ float totalMass=0; float totalCounts=0; for (int i=start; i<=stop; i++){ totalMass+=mass.get(i)*counts.get(i); totalCounts+=counts.get(i); } totalMass/=totalCounts; return totalMass; } public void readSpectra(String path){ this.path=path; counts.clear(); weight.clear(); try{ InputStream ips=new FileInputStream(path); InputStreamReader ipsr=new InputStreamReader(ips); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(ipsr); String ligne; ligne=br.readLine(); //Converts each line into element information as described above while (ligne != null){ counts.add(Integer.parseInt(ligne)); ligne=br.readLine(); } counts.set(0,counts.size()); br.close(); } catch (Exception e){ } initWeight(); } int getMedianChan(){ float totalcounts=0; for (int i=1;i<counts.size();i++){ totalcounts+=getCounts(i); } float limit=totalcounts/2; int i=1; while (totalcounts>limit){ totalcounts-=getCounts(i); i++; } return i; } void fitCalibration(int x1, float y1){ //x1, channel //y1, mass corresponding to channel x1 float x0= (float)getChannel(getE0()); float y0=getE0(); float a1,b1, xmean,ymean=getMinMass(); //return the channel corresponding to calibrated mass and get the corresponding energy int i=mass.lastIndexOf((float)0)+1; while ((ymean>y1)){ ymean=getMass(i); i++; } y1=energy(i); //calculation of the new energy calibration: E=a1*x+b1 xmean=(x0+x1)/2; ymean=(y0+y1)/2; a1=((x0-xmean)*(y0-ymean)+(x1-xmean)*(y1-ymean))/2; a1/=((x0-xmean)*(x0-xmean)+(x1-xmean)*(x1-xmean))/2; b1=ymean-a1*xmean; /*cout <<"x0: " << x0 << " y0: " << y0 << endl; cout <<"x1: " << x1 << " y1: " << y1 << endl; cout <<"a1: "<< a1 << " b1: " << b1 << endl;*/ } void fitCalibration(int x1, float y1, float x0){ //x1, channel //y1, mass corresponding to channel x1 float y0=getE0(); float a1,b1, xmean,ymean=getMinMass(); //return the channel corresponding to calibrated mass and get the corresponding energy int i=mass.lastIndexOf((float)0)+1; while ((ymean>y1)){ ymean=getMass(i); i++; } y1=energy(i); //calculation of the new energy calibration: E=a1*x+b1 xmean=(x0+x1)/2; ymean=(y0+y1)/2; a1=((x0-xmean)*(y0-ymean)+(x1-xmean)*(y1-ymean))/2; a1/=((x0-xmean)*(x0-xmean)+(x1-xmean)*(x1-xmean))/2; b1=ymean-a1*xmean; /*cout <<"x0: " << x0 << " y0: " << y0 << endl; cout <<"x1: " << x1 << " y1: " << y1 << endl; cout <<"a1: "<< a1 << " b1: " << b1 << endl;*/ } public void showResults(){ ij.text.TextWindow r=new ij.text.TextWindow("Results", "Channel"+"\t"+"Counts"+"\t"+" Energy"+"\t"+"DeDxE"+"\t"+"DeDxN"+"\t"+"Mass i", "", 500, 500); r.append("File: "+path); r.append("Z Ion = " + String.valueOf(getIon())); r.append("E0 = "+String.valueOf(getE0())+ " keV"); r.append("Calibration (E=ax� + bx + c): a = " + String.valueOf(getA())+" ; b = " + String.valueOf(getB())+" ; c = " +String.valueOf(getC())); r.append("Total mass (�g/cm�): "+String.valueOf(massCalc())); try{ for (int i=0; i<=getLastChannel(); i++){ r.append(String.valueOf(i)+"\t"+ String.valueOf(getCounts(i))+"\t" +String.valueOf(energy(i))+"\t" +String.valueOf(getDeDxE(i))+"\t" +String.valueOf(getDeDxN(i))+"\t" +String.valueOf(getMass(i))); } } catch (Exception e){ } } public void shortResults(){ ij.text.TextWindow r=new ij.text.TextWindow("Results","Summary", "", 500, 500); r.append("File: "+path); r.append("Z Ion = " + String.valueOf(getIon())); r.append("E0 = "+String.valueOf(getE0())+ " keV"); r.append("Calibration (E=ax� + bx + c): a = " + String.valueOf(getA())+" ; b = " + String.valueOf(getB())+" ; c = " +String.valueOf(getC())); r.append("Total mass (�g/cm�): "+String.valueOf(massCalc())); } public void measure(){ massCalc(); //shortResults(); //makeProfile(mass, "Mass", "Energy", "Mass (�g/cm�)"); //makeProfile(dedxe, "Elec. Stop. Pow.", "Energy", "Stop.Pow. (keV/�g/cm�)"); //makeProfileInt(counts, path, "Energy", "Counts"); } public void measure(int channel_min, int channel_max){ massCalc(channel_min,channel_max); //shortResults(); //makeProfile(mass, "Mass", "Energy", "Mass (�g/cm�)"); //makeProfile(dedxe, "Elec. Stop. Pow.", "Energy", "Stop.Pow. (keV/�g/cm�)"); //makeProfileInt(counts, path, "Energy", "Counts"); } public void makeProfile(ArrayList <Float> table, String title, String xAxis, String yAxis){ double [] xValues = new double [table.size()]; double [] yValues = new double [table.size()] ; for (int i=get1stChannel();i<=getLastChannel();i++){ xValues[i]=energy.get(i); yValues[i]=table.get(i); } Plot p=new Plot(title,xAxis,yAxis,xValues,yValues); //p.setLimits(get1stChannel(),getLastChannel(),getMin(yValues), getMax(yValues));; } public void makeProfileInt(ArrayList <Integer> table, String title, String xAxis, String yAxis){ double [] xValues = new double [table.size()]; double [] yValues = new double [table.size()] ; for (int i=get1stChannel();i<=getLastChannel();i++){ xValues[i]=energy.get(i); yValues[i]=table.get(i); } Plot p=new Plot(title,xAxis,yAxis,xValues,yValues); //p.setLimits(get1stChannel(),getLastChannel(),getMin(yValues), getMax(yValues));; } double getMin(double [] table){ double [] t = table; Arrays.sort(t); return t[0]; } double getMax(double [] table){ double [] t = table; Arrays.sort(t); return t[t.length-1]; } }