package ij.plugin; import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.measure.*; import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; /** This plugin generates gel profile plots that can be analyzed using the wand tool. It is similar to the "Gel Plotting Macros" in NIH Image. */ public class GelAnalyzer implements PlugIn { static final String OPTIONS = "gel.options"; static final String VSCALE = "gel.vscale"; static final String HSCALE = "gel.hscale"; static final int OD=1, PERCENT=2, OUTLINE=4, INVERT=8; static int saveID; static int nLanes, saveNLanes; static Rectangle firstRect; static final int MAX_LANES = 100; static int[] x = new int[MAX_LANES+1]; static PlotsCanvas plotsCanvas; static ImageProcessor ipLanes; static ImagePlus gel; static int plotHeight; static int options = (int)Prefs.get(OPTIONS, PERCENT+INVERT); static boolean uncalibratedOD = (options&OD)!=0; static boolean labelWithPercentages = (options&PERCENT)!=0;; static boolean outlineLanes; static boolean invertPeaks = (options&INVERT)!=0; static double verticalScaleFactor = Prefs.get(VSCALE, 1.0); static double horizontalScaleFactor = Prefs.get(HSCALE, 1.0); static Overlay overlay; boolean invertedLut; ImagePlus imp; Font f; double odMin=Double.MAX_VALUE, odMax=-Double.MAX_VALUE; static boolean isVertical; static boolean showLaneDialog = true; public void run(String arg) { if (arg.equals("options")) { showDialog(); return; } imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp==null) { IJ.noImage(); return; } if (arg.equals("reset")) { nLanes = 0; saveNLanes = 0; saveID = 0; if (plotsCanvas!=null) plotsCanvas.reset(); ipLanes = null; overlay = null; if (gel!=null) { ImageCanvas ic = gel.getCanvas(); if (ic!=null) ic.setDisplayList(null); gel.draw(); } return; } if (arg.equals("percent") && plotsCanvas!=null) { plotsCanvas.displayPercentages(); return; } if (arg.equals("label") && plotsCanvas!=null) { if (plotsCanvas.counter==0) show("There are no peak area measurements."); else plotsCanvas.labelPeaks(); return; } if (imp.getID()!=saveID) { nLanes=0; ipLanes = null; saveID = 0; } if (arg.equals("replot")) { if (saveNLanes==0) { show("The data needed to re-plot the lanes is not available"); return; } nLanes = saveNLanes; plotLanes(gel, true); return; } if (arg.equals("draw")) { outlineLanes(); return; } Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi==null || roi.getType()!=Roi.RECTANGLE) { show("Rectangular selection required."); return; } Rectangle rect = roi.getBounds(); if (nLanes==0) { invertedLut = imp.isInvertedLut(); IJ.register(GelAnalyzer.class); // keeps this class from being GC'd } if (arg.equals("first")) { selectFirstLane(rect); return; } if (nLanes==0) { show("You must first use the \"Outline First Lane\" command."); return; } if (arg.equals("next")) { selectNextLane(rect); return; } if (arg.equals("plot")) { if (( isVertical && (rect.x!=x[nLanes]) ) || ( !(isVertical) && (rect.y!=x[nLanes]) )) { selectNextLane(rect); } plotLanes(gel, false); return; } } void showDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Gel Analyzer"); gd.addNumericField("Vertical scale factor:", verticalScaleFactor, 1); gd.addNumericField("Horizontal scale factor:", horizontalScaleFactor, 1); gd.addCheckbox("Uncalibrated OD", uncalibratedOD); gd.addCheckbox("Label with percentages", labelWithPercentages); gd.addCheckbox("Invert peaks", invertPeaks); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; verticalScaleFactor = gd.getNextNumber(); horizontalScaleFactor = gd.getNextNumber(); uncalibratedOD = gd.getNextBoolean(); labelWithPercentages = gd.getNextBoolean(); invertPeaks = gd.getNextBoolean(); options = 0; if (uncalibratedOD) options |= OD; if (labelWithPercentages) options |= PERCENT; if (invertPeaks) options |= INVERT; Prefs.set(OPTIONS, options); Prefs.set(VSCALE, verticalScaleFactor); Prefs.set(HSCALE, horizontalScaleFactor); } void selectFirstLane(Rectangle rect) { if (rect.width/rect.height>=2 || IJ.altKeyDown()) { if (showLaneDialog) { String msg = "Are the lanes really horizontal?\n \n"+ "ImageJ assumes the lanes are\n"+ "horizontal if the selection is more\n"+ "than twice as wide as it is tall. Note\n"+ "that the selection can only be moved\n"+ "vertically when the lanes are horizontal."; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Gel Analyzer"); gd.addMessage(msg); gd.setOKLabel("Yes"); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; showLaneDialog = false; } isVertical = false; } else isVertical = true; /* if ( (isVertical && (rect.height/rect.width)<2 ) || (!isVertical && (rect.width/rect.height)<2 ) ) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Lane Orientation"); String[] orientations = {"Vertical","Horizontal"}; int defaultOrientation = isVertical?0:1; gd.addChoice("Lane Orientation:", orientations, orientations[defaultOrientation]); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; String orientation = gd.getNextChoice(); if(orientation.equals(orientations[0])) isVertical=true; else isVertical=false; } */ IJ.showStatus("Lane 1 selected ("+(isVertical?"vertical":"horizontal")+" lanes)"); firstRect = rect; nLanes = 1; saveNLanes = 0; if(isVertical) x[1] = rect.x; else x[1] = rect.y; gel = imp; saveID = imp.getID(); overlay = null; updateRoiList(rect); } void selectNextLane(Rectangle rect) { if (rect.width!=firstRect.width || rect.height!=firstRect.height) { show("Selections must all be the same size."); return; } if (nLanes<MAX_LANES) nLanes += 1; IJ.showStatus("Lane " + nLanes + " selected"); if(isVertical) x[nLanes] = rect.x; else x[nLanes] = rect.y; if (isVertical && rect.y!=firstRect.y) { rect.y = firstRect.y; gel.setRoi(rect); } else if (!isVertical && rect.x!=firstRect.x) { rect.x = firstRect.x; gel.setRoi(rect); } updateRoiList(rect); } void updateRoiList(Rectangle rect) { if (gel==null) return; if (overlay==null) { overlay = new Overlay(); overlay.drawLabels(true); } overlay.add(new Roi(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, null)); gel.setOverlay(overlay); } void plotLanes(ImagePlus imp, boolean replot) { int topMargin = 16; int bottomMargin = 2; double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE; int plotWidth; double[][] profiles; profiles = new double[MAX_LANES+1][]; IJ.showStatus("Plotting " + nLanes + " lanes"); ImageProcessor ipRotated = imp.getProcessor(); if (isVertical) ipRotated = ipRotated.rotateLeft(); ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus("", ipRotated); imp2.setCalibration(imp.getCalibration()); if (uncalibratedOD && (imp2.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY16 || imp2.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY32)) new ImageConverter(imp2).convertToGray8(); if (invertPeaks) { ImageProcessor ip2 = imp2.getProcessor().duplicate(); ip2.invert(); imp2.setProcessor(null, ip2); } //; for (int i=1; i<=nLanes; i++) { if(isVertical) imp2.setRoi(firstRect.y, ipRotated.getHeight() - x[i] - firstRect.width, firstRect.height, firstRect.width); else imp2.setRoi(firstRect.x, x[i], firstRect.width, firstRect.height); ProfilePlot pp = new ProfilePlot(imp2); profiles[i] = pp.getProfile(); if (pp.getMin()<min) min = pp.getMin(); if (pp.getMax()>max) max = pp.getMax(); if (uncalibratedOD) profiles[i] = od(profiles[i]); } if (uncalibratedOD) { min = odMin; max = odMax; } if (isVertical) plotWidth = firstRect.height; else plotWidth = firstRect.width; if (plotWidth<650) plotWidth = 650; if (isVertical) { if (plotWidth>4*firstRect.height) plotWidth = 4*firstRect.height; } else { if (plotWidth>4*firstRect.width) plotWidth = 4*firstRect.width; } Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize(); if (plotWidth>screen.width-screen.width/6) plotWidth = screen.width - screen.width/6; plotWidth = (int)(plotWidth*horizontalScaleFactor); plotHeight = plotWidth/2; if (plotHeight<250) plotHeight = 250; // if (plotHeight>500) plotHeight = 500; plotHeight = (int)(plotHeight*verticalScaleFactor); ImageProcessor ip = new ByteProcessor(plotWidth, topMargin+nLanes*plotHeight+bottomMargin); ip.setColor(Color.white); ip.fill(); ip.setColor(; //draw border int h= ip.getHeight(); ip.moveTo(0,0); ip.lineTo(plotWidth-1,0); ip.lineTo(plotWidth-1, h-1); ip.lineTo(0, h-1); ip.lineTo(0, 0); ip.moveTo(0, h-2); ip.lineTo(plotWidth-1, h-2); String s = imp.getTitle()+"; "; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); if (cal.calibrated()) s += cal.getValueUnit(); else if (uncalibratedOD) s += "Uncalibrated OD"; else s += "Uncalibrated"; ip.moveTo(5,topMargin); ip.drawString(s); double xScale = (double)plotWidth/profiles[1].length; double yScale; if ((max-min)==0.0) yScale = 1.0; else yScale = plotHeight/(max-min); for (int i=1; i<=nLanes; i++) { double[] profile = profiles[i]; int top = (i-1)*plotHeight + topMargin; int base = top+plotHeight; ip.moveTo(0, base); ip.lineTo((int)(profile.length*xScale), base); ip.moveTo(0, base-(int)((profile[0]-min)*yScale)); for (int j = 1; j<profile.length; j++) ip.lineTo((int)(j*xScale+0.5), base-(int)((profile[j]-min)*yScale+0.5)); } Line.setWidth(1); ImagePlus plots = new Plots(); plots.setProcessor("Plots of "+imp.getShortTitle(), ip); plots.changes = true; ip.setThreshold(0,0,ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); // Wand tool works better with threshold set if (cal.calibrated()) { double pixelsAveraged = isVertical?firstRect.width:firstRect.height; double scale = Math.sqrt((xScale*yScale)/pixelsAveraged); Calibration plotsCal = plots.getCalibration(); plotsCal.setUnit("unit"); plotsCal.pixelWidth = 1.0/scale; plotsCal.pixelHeight = 1.0/scale; }; saveNLanes = nLanes; nLanes = 0; saveID = 0; //gel = null; ipLanes = null; Toolbar toolbar = Toolbar.getInstance(); toolbar.setColor(; toolbar.setTool(Toolbar.LINE); ImageWindow win = WindowManager.getCurrentWindow(); ImageCanvas canvas = win.getCanvas(); if (canvas instanceof PlotsCanvas) plotsCanvas = (PlotsCanvas)canvas; else plotsCanvas = null; } double[] od(double[] profile) { double v; for (int i=0; i<profile.length; i++) { v = 0.434294481*Math.log(255.0/(255.0-profile[i])); //v = 0.434294481*Math.log(255.0/v); if (v<odMin) odMin = v; if (v>odMax) odMax = v; profile[i] = v; } return profile; } void outlineLanes() { if (gel==null || overlay==null) { show("Data needed to outline lanes is no longer available."); return; } int lineWidth = (int)(1.0/gel.getCanvas().getMagnification()); if (lineWidth<1) lineWidth = 1; Font f = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12*lineWidth); ImageProcessor ip = gel.getProcessor(); ImageProcessor ipLanes = ip.duplicate(); if (!(ipLanes instanceof ByteProcessor)) ipLanes = ipLanes.convertToByte(true); ipLanes.setFont(f); ipLanes.setLineWidth(lineWidth); setCustomLut(ipLanes); ImagePlus lanes = new ImagePlus("Lanes of "+gel.getShortTitle(), ipLanes); lanes.changes = true; lanes.setRoi(gel.getRoi()); gel.killRoi(); for (int i=0; i<overlay.size(); i++) { Roi roi = overlay.get(i); Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); ipLanes.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); String s = ""+(i+1); if(isVertical) { int yloc = r.y; if (yloc<lineWidth*12) yloc += lineWidth*14; ipLanes.drawString(s, r.x+r.width/2-ipLanes.getStringWidth(s)/2, yloc); } else { int xloc = r.x-ipLanes.getStringWidth(s)-2; if (xloc<lineWidth*10) xloc = r.x + 2; ipLanes.drawString(s, xloc, r.y+r.height/2+6); } } lanes.killRoi();; } void setCustomLut(ImageProcessor ip) { IndexColorModel cm = (IndexColorModel)ip.getColorModel(); byte[] reds = new byte[256]; byte[] greens = new byte[256]; byte[] blues = new byte[256]; cm.getReds(reds); cm.getGreens(greens); cm.getBlues(blues); reds[1] =(byte) 255; greens[1] = (byte)0; blues[1] = (byte)0; ip.setColorModel(new IndexColorModel(8, 256, reds, greens, blues)); byte[] pixels = (byte[])ip.getPixels(); for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++) if ((pixels[i]&255)==1) pixels[i] = 0; ip.setColor(1); } void show(String msg) { IJ.showMessage("Gel Analyzer", msg); } } class Plots extends ImagePlus { /** Overrides */ public void show() { img = ip.createImage(); ImageCanvas ic = new PlotsCanvas(this); win = new ImageWindow(this, ic); IJ.showStatus(""); if (ic.getMagnification()==1.0) return; while(ic.getMagnification()<1.0) ic.zoomIn(0,0); Point loc = win.getLocation(); int w = getWidth()+20; int h = getHeight()+30; Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize(); if (loc.x+w>screen.width) w = screen.width-loc.x-20; if (loc.y+h>screen.height) h = screen.height-loc.y-30; win.setSize(w, h); win.validate(); repaintWindow(); } } class PlotsCanvas extends ImageCanvas { public static final int MAX_PEAKS = 200; double[] actual = {428566.00,351368.00,233977.00,99413.00,60057.00,31382.00, 14531.00,7843.00,2146.00,752.00,367.00}; double[] measured = new double[MAX_PEAKS]; Rectangle[] rect = new Rectangle[MAX_PEAKS]; int counter; ResultsTable rt; public PlotsCanvas(ImagePlus imp) { super(imp); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { super.mousePressed(e); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi==null) return; if (roi.getType()==Roi.LINE) Roi.setColor(; else Roi.setColor(Color.yellow); if (Toolbar.getToolId()!=Toolbar.WAND || IJ.spaceBarDown()) return; if (IJ.shiftKeyDown()) { IJ.showMessage("Gel Analyzer", "Unable to measure area because shift key is down."); imp.killRoi(); counter = 0; return; } ImageStatistics s = imp.getStatistics(); if (counter==0) { rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable(); rt.reset(); } //IJ.setColumnHeadings(" \tArea"); double perimeter = roi.getLength(); String error = ""; double circularity = 4.0*Math.PI*(s.pixelCount/(perimeter*perimeter)); if (circularity<0.025) error = " (error?)"; double area = s.pixelCount+perimeter/2.0; // add perimeter/2 to account area under border Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); area = area*cal.pixelWidth*cal.pixelHeight; rect[counter] = roi.getBounds(); //area += (rect[counter].width/rect[counter].height)*1.5; // adjustment for small peaks from NIH Image gel macros int places = cal.scaled()?3:0; rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue("Area", area);"Results"); // IJ.write((counter+1)+"\t"+IJ.d2s(area, places)+error); measured[counter] = area; if (counter<MAX_PEAKS) counter++; } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { super.mouseReleased(e); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi!=null && roi.getType()==Roi.LINE) { Undo.setup(Undo.FILTER, imp); imp.getProcessor().snapshot(); roi.drawPixels(); imp.updateAndDraw(); imp.killRoi(); } } void reset() { counter = 0; } void labelPeaks() { imp.killRoi(); double total = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<counter; i++) total += measured[i]; ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); ip.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 9)); for (int i=0; i<counter; i++) { Rectangle r = rect[i]; String s; if (GelAnalyzer.labelWithPercentages) s = IJ.d2s((measured[i]/total)*100, 2); else s = IJ.d2s(measured[i], 0); int swidth = ip.getStringWidth(s); int x = r.x + r.width/2 - swidth/2; int y = r.y + r.height*3/4 + 9; int[] data = new int[swidth]; ip.getRow(x, y, data, swidth); boolean fits = true; for (int j=0; j<swidth; j++) if (data[j]!=255) { fits = false; break; } fits = fits && measured[i]>500; if (r.height>=(GelAnalyzer.plotHeight-11)) fits = true; if (!fits) y = r.y - 2; ip.drawString(s, x, y); //IJ.write(i+": "+x+" "+y+" "+s+" "+ip.StringWidth(s)/2); } imp.updateAndDraw(); displayPercentages(); //Toolbar.getInstance().setTool(Toolbar.RECTANGLE); reset(); } void displayPercentages() { ResultsTable rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable(); rt.reset(); //IJ.setColumnHeadings(" \tarea\tpercent"); double total = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<counter; i++) total += measured[i]; if (IJ.debugMode && counter==actual.length) { debug(); return; } for (int i=0; i<counter; i++) { double percent = (measured[i]/total)*100; rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue("Area", measured[i]); rt.addValue("Percent", percent); //IJ.write((i+1)+"\t"+IJ.d2s(measured[i],3)+"\t"+IJ.d2s(percent,3)); }"Results"); } void debug() { for (int i=0; i<counter; i++) { double a = (actual[i]/actual[0])*100; double m = (measured[i]/measured[0])*100; IJ.write(IJ.d2s(a, 4)+" " +IJ.d2s(m, 4)+" " +IJ.d2s(((m-a)/m)*100, 4)); } } }