package jerklib; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A Class to represent a <b>joined</b> IRC channel. This class has methods to * interact with IRC Channels like say() , part() , getChannelModes() etc. * * You will never need to create an instance of this class manually. Instead it * will be created for you and stored in the Session when you successfully join * a channel. * * @see Session * @see Session#getChannel(String) * @see Session#getChannels() * @see JoinCompleteEvent * * @author mohadib * */ public class Channel { /* channel name */ private String name; private Session session; private Map<String, List<ModeAdjustment>> userMap; private List<ModeAdjustment> channelModes = new ArrayList<ModeAdjustment>(); private TopicEvent topicEvent; /** * This should only be used internally and for testing * * @param name - Name of Channel * @param session - Session Channel belongs to */ public Channel(String name, Session session) { /* create a map that will match exact and key to lowercase */ userMap = new HashMap<String, List<ModeAdjustment>>() { public List<ModeAdjustment> get(Object key) { List<ModeAdjustment> rList = super.get(key); if(key != null && rList == null) { rList = super.get(key.toString().toLowerCase()); } return rList; } public List<ModeAdjustment> remove(Object key) { List<ModeAdjustment> rList = super.remove(key); if(key != null && rList == null) { rList = super.remove(key.toString().toLowerCase()); } return rList; } public boolean containsKey(Object key) { boolean b = super.containsKey(key); if(!b) b = super.containsKey(key.toString().toLowerCase()); return b; } }; = name; this.session = session; } /** * Updates Channel's modes. * * Only tracks channel modes that apply to users in the channel if the mode is * in the nick prefix map received in numeric 005. If no numeric is passed * o,v,h are used by default. * * So basically modes that do not change the apperance of a nick with a prefix * are not tracked if the mode applies to a user. Example: q and b are not * tracked. * * If the mode does not apply to a user in the channel , the mode will always * be tracked. Example: i is tracked * * @param modes - * list of ModeAdjustments */ void updateModes(List<ModeAdjustment> modes) { ServerInformation info = session.getServerInformation(); List<String> nickModes = new ArrayList<String>(info.getNickPrefixMap().values()); for (ModeAdjustment mode : modes) { if (nickModes.contains(String.valueOf(mode.getMode())) && userMap.containsKey(mode.getArgument())) { updateMode(mode, userMap.get(mode.getArgument())); } /* filter out channel modes that apply to users that are not in prefix map */ /* like +b - this behviour might not be desired , time will tell */ else if (mode.getMode() != 'q' && mode.getMode() != 'b') { updateMode(mode, channelModes); } } } /** * If Action is MINUS and the same mode exists with a PLUS Action then just * remove the PLUS mode ModeAdjustment from the collection. * * If Action is MINUS and the same mode with PLUS does not exist then add the * MINUS mode to the ModeAdjustment collection * * if Action is PLUS and the same mode exists with a MINUS Action then remove * MINUS mode and add PLUS mode * * If Action is PLUS and the same mode with MINUS does not exist then just add * PLUS mode to collection * * @param mode */ private void updateMode(ModeAdjustment mode, List<ModeAdjustment> modes) { int index = indexOfMode(mode.getMode(), modes); if (mode.getAction() == Action.MINUS) { if (index != -1) { ModeAdjustment ma = modes.remove(index); if (ma.getAction() == Action.MINUS) modes.add(ma); } else { modes.add(mode); } } else { if (index != -1) modes.remove(index); modes.add(mode); } } /** * Finds index of a mode in a List of ModeAdjustments * * @param mode * mode to find * @param modes * list to search * @return index or -1 if not found */ private int indexOfMode(char mode, List<ModeAdjustment> modes) { for (int i = 0; i < modes.size(); i++) { ModeAdjustment ma = modes.get(i); if (ma.getMode() == mode) return i; } return -1; } /** * Get a list of user's channel modes * Returns an empty list if the nick does not exist. * * @param nick * @return list of ModeAdjustments for user */ public List<ModeAdjustment> getUsersModes(String nick) { if (userMap.containsKey(nick)) { return new ArrayList<ModeAdjustment>(userMap.get(nick)); } else { return new ArrayList<ModeAdjustment>(); } } /** * Gets a list of user in channel with a given mode set. * A user will only match if they have the exact mode set. * Non existance of +(mode) does not imply that the user is -(mode) * * So searching for -v would almost always return an empty list. * * @param action * @param mode * @return List of nicks with mode/action set */ public List<String> getNicksForMode(Action action , char mode) { List<String> nicks = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String nick : getNicks()) { List<ModeAdjustment> modes = userMap.get(nick); for (ModeAdjustment ma : modes) { if (ma.getMode() == mode && ma.getAction() == action) nicks.add(nick); } } return nicks; } /** * Returns a list of modes that apply to the channel but dont apply * to users in the channel. I.E. +o is not returned as that applies * to users in the channel not just the channel. * * @return List of ModeAdjustments for the Channel */ public List<ModeAdjustment> getChannelModes() { return new ArrayList<ModeAdjustment>(channelModes); } /** * Sets a mode in the Channel is you have the permissions to do so. * * example: +vv00 foo bar baz bob * example: -v+i foo * * @param mode to set. */ public void mode(String mode) { session.mode(name, mode); } /** * Gets the topic for the channel or an empty string is the topic is not set. * * @return topic for channel */ public String getTopic() { return topicEvent != null ? topicEvent.getTopic() : ""; } /** * Gets the nick of who set the topic or an empty string if the topic is not set. * * @return nick of topic setter */ public String getTopicSetter() { return topicEvent != null ? topicEvent.getSetBy() : ""; } /** * Returns the Date the topic was set or null if the topic is unset. * * @return date topic was set or null if not set */ public Date getTopicSetTime() { return topicEvent == null? null:topicEvent.getSetWhen(); } /** * Sets the topic of the Channel is you have the permissions to do so. * * @param topic to use. */ public void setTopic(String topic) { write(new WriteRequest("TOPIC " + name + " :" + topic, session)); } /** * This method should only be used internally * * @param topicEvent */ public void setTopicEvent(TopicEvent topicEvent) { this.topicEvent = topicEvent; } /** * Gets the Channel name. * * @return name of Channel */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Speak in the Channel. * * @param message - what to say */ public void say(String message) { session.sayChannel(this, message); } /** * Send a notice in the Channel * * @param message - notice messgae */ public void notice(String message) { session.notice(getName(), message); } /** * This method is for internal use only * * @param nick to add */ public void addNick(String nick) { if (!userMap.containsKey(nick)) { ServerInformation info = session.getServerInformation(); Map<String, String> nickPrefixMap = info.getNickPrefixMap(); List<ModeAdjustment> modes = new ArrayList<ModeAdjustment>(); for (String prefix : nickPrefixMap.keySet()) { if (nick.startsWith(prefix)) { modes.add(new ModeAdjustment(Action.PLUS, nickPrefixMap.get(prefix).charAt(0), "")); } } // TODO can a nick come in as voiced and oped? +@dib ? // if so substring nick with modes.size(); if (!modes.isEmpty()) { nick = nick.substring(1); } userMap.put(nick, modes); } } /** * removes a nick from the Channel nick list * * @param nick * @return true if nick was removed else false */ boolean removeNick(String nick) { return userMap.remove(nick) != null; } /** * Called to update nick list when nick change happens * * @param oldNick * @param newNick */ void nickChanged(String oldNick, String newNick) { List<ModeAdjustment> modes = userMap.remove(oldNick); userMap.put(newNick, modes); } /** * Gets a list of nicks for Channel. * The list returned has a case insenstive * indexOf() and contains() * * @return List of nicks */ public List<String> getNicks() { return new ArrayList<String>(userMap.keySet()) { public int indexOf(Object o) { if (o != null) { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { if (get(i).equalsIgnoreCase(o.toString())) { return i; } } } return -1; } }; } /** * Part the channel * * @param partMsg */ public void part(String partMsg) { if(partMsg == null || partMsg.length() == 0) partMsg = "Leaving"; write(new WriteRequest("PART " + getName() + " :" + partMsg, session)); } /** * Send an action * * @param text action text */ public void action(String text) { write(new WriteRequest("\001ACTION " + text + "\001", this, session)); } /** *Send a names query to the server */ public void names() { write(new WriteRequest("NAMES " + getName(), this, session)); } /** * Devoice a user * @param userName */ public void deVoice(String userName) { write(new WriteRequest("MODE " + getName() + " -v " + userName, session)); } /** * Voice a user * @param userName */ public void voice(String userName) { write(new WriteRequest("MODE " + getName() + " +v " + userName, session)); } /** * Op a user * @param userName */ public void op(String userName) { write(new WriteRequest("MODE " + getName() + " +o " + userName, session)); } /** * DeOp a user * @param userName */ public void deop(String userName) { write(new WriteRequest("MODE " + getName() + " -o " + userName, session)); } /** * Kick a user * @param userName * @param reason */ public void kick(String userName, String reason) { if(reason == null || reason.length() == 0) reason = session.getNick(); write(new WriteRequest("KICK " + getName() + " " + userName + " :" + reason, session)); } /** * Helper method for writing * @param req */ private void write(WriteRequest req) { session.getConnection().addWriteRequest(req); } /** * Return the Session this Channel belongs to */ public Session getSession() { return session; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof Channel)) { return false; } Channel channel = (Channel) o; if (!session.getConnectedHostName().equals(channel.getSession().getConnectedHostName())) { return false; } if (!name.equals(channel.getName())) { return false; } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { int result; result = (name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + session.getConnectedHostName().hashCode(); return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return "[Channel: name=" + name + "]"; } }