/* * Ext GWT - Ext for GWT * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ package com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.tips; import java.util.Date; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.El; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.XDOM; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ComponentEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.EventType; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Listener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Point; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Region; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Size; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Component; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.LocaleInfo; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer; /** * A standard tooltip implementation for providing additional information when * hovering over a target element. */ public class ToolTip extends Tip { protected Component target; protected Point targetXY = new Point(0, 0); protected Timer dismissTimer; protected Timer showTimer; protected Timer hideTimer; protected String anchorStyle; protected El anchorEl; protected String title, text; protected Listener<ComponentEvent> listener; protected ToolTipConfig toolTipConfig; private Date lastActive; /** * Creates a new tool tip. */ public ToolTip() { toolTipConfig = new ToolTipConfig(); hidden = true; lastActive = new Date(); } /** * Creates a new tool tip. * * @param target the target widget */ public ToolTip(Component target) { this(); initTarget(target); } /** * Creates a new tool tip for the given target. * * @param target the target widget */ public ToolTip(Component target, ToolTipConfig config) { this(); updateConfig(config); initTarget(target); } /** * Returns the quick show interval. * * @return the quick show interval */ public int getQuickShowInterval() { return quickShowInterval; } /** * Returns the current tool tip config. * * @return the tool tip config */ public ToolTipConfig getToolTipConfig() { return toolTipConfig; } @Override public void hide() { clearTimers(); lastActive = new Date(); super.hide(); } public void initTarget(final Component target) { if (this.target != null) { this.target.removeListener(Events.OnMouseOver, listener); this.target.removeListener(Events.OnMouseOut, listener); this.target.removeListener(Events.OnMouseMove, listener); this.target.removeListener(Events.Hide, listener); this.target.removeListener(Events.Detach, listener); this.target.removeListener(Events.Render, listener); } this.target = target; if (listener == null) { listener = new Listener<ComponentEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent be) { Element source = target.getElement(); EventType type = be.getType(); if (type == Events.OnMouseOver) { Element from = DOM.eventGetFromElement(be.getEvent()); if (from != null && !DOM.isOrHasChild(source, from)) { onTargetOver(be); } } else if (type == Events.OnMouseOut) { Element to = DOM.eventGetToElement(be.getEvent()); if (to != null && !DOM.isOrHasChild(source, to)) { onTargetOut(be); } } else if (type == Events.OnMouseMove) { onMouseMove(be); } else if (type == Events.Hide || type == Events.Detach) { hide(); } } }; } if (target != null) { target.addListener(Events.OnMouseOver, listener); target.addListener(Events.Render, listener); target.addListener(Events.OnMouseOut, listener); target.addListener(Events.OnMouseMove, listener); target.addListener(Events.Hide, listener); target.addListener(Events.Detach, listener); target.sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEOVER | Event.ONMOUSEOUT | Event.ONMOUSEMOVE); } } /** * Sets the quick show interval (defaults to 250). * * @param quickShowInterval the quick show interval */ public void setQuickShowInterval(int quickShowInterval) { this.quickShowInterval = quickShowInterval; } @Override public void show() { if (disabled) return; String origAnchor = null; boolean origConstrainPosition = false; if (toolTipConfig.getAnchor() != null) { origAnchor = toolTipConfig.getAnchor(); // pre-show it off screen so that the el will have dimensions // for positioning calcs when getting xy next showAt(-1000, -1000, false); origConstrainPosition = this.constrainPosition; constrainPosition = false; } Point xy = getTargetXY(0); showAt(xy, toolTipConfig.getAnchor() == null); if (toolTipConfig.getAnchor() != null) { anchorEl.show(); syncAnchor(); constrainPosition = origConstrainPosition; toolTipConfig.setAnchor(origAnchor); } else { anchorEl.hide(); } } @Override public void showAt(int x, int y, boolean adjustRTL) { if (disabled) return; lastActive = new Date(); clearTimers(); super.showAt(x, y, adjustRTL); if (toolTipConfig.getDismissDelay() > 0 && toolTipConfig.isAutoHide()) { dismissTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { hide(); } }; dismissTimer.schedule(toolTipConfig.getDismissDelay()); } } /** * Updates the tool tip with the given config. * * @param config the tool tip config */ public void update(ToolTipConfig config) { updateConfig(config); if (!hidden) { updateContent(); } } protected void afterRender() { super.afterRender(); anchorEl.setStyleAttribute("zIndex", el().getZIndex() + 1); } protected void clearTimer(String timer) { if (timer.equals("hide")) { if (hideTimer != null) { hideTimer.cancel(); hideTimer = null; } } else if (timer.equals("dismiss")) { if (dismissTimer != null) { dismissTimer.cancel(); dismissTimer = null; } } else if (timer.equals("show")) { if (showTimer != null) { showTimer.cancel(); showTimer = null; } } } protected void clearTimers() { clearTimer("show"); clearTimer("dismiss"); clearTimer("hide"); } protected void delayShow() { if (hidden && showTimer == null) { if ((new Date().getTime() - lastActive.getTime()) < quickShowInterval) { show(); } else { showTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { show(); } }; showTimer.schedule(toolTipConfig.getShowDelay()); } } else if (!hidden && toolTipConfig.isAutoHide()) { show(); } } protected String getAnchorAlign() { if (toolTipConfig.getAnchor().equals("top")) { return "tl-bl"; } else if (toolTipConfig.getAnchor().equals("left")) { return "tl-tr"; } else if (toolTipConfig.getAnchor().equals("right")) { return "tr-tl"; } return "bl-tl"; } protected int[] getOffsets() { int[] offsets; char ap = toolTipConfig.getAnchor().charAt(0); if (toolTipConfig.isAnchorToTarget() && !toolTipConfig.isTrackMouse()) { switch (ap) { case 't': offsets = new int[] {0, 9}; break; case 'b': offsets = new int[] {0, -13}; break; case 'r': offsets = new int[] {-13, 0}; break; default: offsets = new int[] {9, 0}; break; } } else { int anchorOffset = toolTipConfig.getAnchorOffset(); switch (ap) { case 't': offsets = new int[] {-15 - anchorOffset, 30}; break; case 'b': offsets = new int[] {-19 - anchorOffset, -13 - el().dom.getOffsetHeight()}; break; case 'r': offsets = new int[] {-15 - el().dom.getOffsetWidth(), -13 - anchorOffset}; break; default: offsets = new int[] {25, -13 - anchorOffset}; break; } } int[] mouseOffset = toolTipConfig.getMouseOffset(); offsets[0] += mouseOffset[0]; offsets[1] += mouseOffset[1]; return offsets; } protected void onMouseMove(ComponentEvent ce) { targetXY = ce.getXY(); if (!hidden && toolTipConfig.isTrackMouse()) { Point p = getTargetXY(0); if (constrainPosition) { p = el().adjustForConstraints(p); } setPagePosition(p); } } protected void onRender(Element target, int index) { super.onRender(target, index); anchorEl = new El(DOM.createDiv()); anchorEl.addStyleName("x-tip-anchor"); el().appendChild(anchorEl.dom); } protected void onTargetOut(ComponentEvent ce) { if (disabled) { return; } clearTimer("show"); if (toolTipConfig.isAutoHide()) { delayHide(); } } protected void onTargetOver(ComponentEvent ce) { if (disabled || !ce.within(target.getElement())) { return; } clearTimer("hide"); targetXY = ce.getXY(); delayShow(); } protected void syncAnchor() { String anchorPos, targetPos; int[] offset; int anchorOffset = toolTipConfig.getAnchorOffset(); switch (toolTipConfig.getAnchor().charAt(0)) { case 't': anchorPos = "b"; targetPos = "tl"; offset = new int[] {20 + anchorOffset, 2}; break; case 'r': anchorPos = "l"; targetPos = "tr"; offset = new int[] {-2, 11 + anchorOffset}; break; case 'b': anchorPos = "t"; targetPos = "bl"; offset = new int[] {20 + anchorOffset, -2}; break; default: anchorPos = "r"; targetPos = "tl"; offset = new int[] {2, 11 + anchorOffset}; break; } anchorEl.alignTo(el().dom, anchorPos + "-" + targetPos, offset); } @Override protected void updateContent() { String title = this.title; getHeader().setText(title == null ? "" : title); if (toolTipConfig.getTemplate() != null) { toolTipConfig.getTemplate().overwrite(getBody().dom, toolTipConfig.getParams()); } else { String text = this.text; if (text != null) { getBody().update(text); } } } private void delayHide() { if (!hidden && hideTimer == null) { if (toolTipConfig.getHideDelay() == 0) { hide(); return; } hideTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { hide(); } }; hideTimer.schedule(toolTipConfig.getHideDelay()); } } private Point getTargetXY(int targetCounter) { int[] mouseOffset = toolTipConfig.getMouseOffset(); if (toolTipConfig.getAnchor() != null) { targetCounter++; int[] offsets = getOffsets(); Point xy = (toolTipConfig.isAnchorToTarget() && !toolTipConfig.isTrackMouse()) ? el().getAlignToXY( target.el().dom, getAnchorAlign(), null) : targetXY; int dw = XDOM.getViewWidth(false) - 5; int dh = XDOM.getViewHeight(false) - 5; int scrollX = XDOM.getBodyScrollLeft() + 5; int scrollY = XDOM.getBodyScrollTop() + 5; int[] axy = new int[] {xy.x + offsets[0], xy.y + offsets[1]}; Size sz = getSize(); Region r = target.el().getRegion(); anchorEl.removeStyleName(anchorStyle); if (targetCounter < 2) { if (sz.width + offsets[0] + scrollX < dw - r.right) { toolTipConfig.setAnchor("left"); return getTargetXY(targetCounter); } if (sz.width + offsets[0] + scrollX < r.left) { toolTipConfig.setAnchor("right"); return getTargetXY(targetCounter); } if (sz.height + offsets[1] + scrollY < dh - r.bottom) { toolTipConfig.setAnchor("top"); return getTargetXY(targetCounter); } if (sz.height + offsets[1] + scrollY < r.top) { toolTipConfig.setAnchor("bottom"); return getTargetXY(targetCounter); } } anchorStyle = "x-tip-anchor-" + toolTipConfig.getAnchor(); anchorEl.addStyleName(anchorStyle); targetCounter = 0; return new Point(axy[0], axy[1]); } else { if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) { int x = targetXY.x - mouseOffset[0]; int y = targetXY.y + mouseOffset[1]; return new Point(x, y); } int x = targetXY.x + mouseOffset[0]; int y = targetXY.y + mouseOffset[1]; return new Point(x, y); } } private void updateConfig(ToolTipConfig config) { this.toolTipConfig = config; if (!config.isEnabled()) { clearTimers(); hide(); } setMinWidth(config.getMinWidth()); setMaxWidth(config.getMaxWidth()); text = config.getText(); title = config.getTitle(); } }