/* * Ext GWT - Ext for GWT * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ package com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.fx; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.GXT; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.El; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.XDOM; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.BaseObservable; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ComponentEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.DragEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.DragListener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Listener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.PreviewEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.BaseEventPreview; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Rectangle; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Component; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Shim; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.LocaleInfo; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window; /** * Adds drag behavior to any widget. Drag operations can be initiated from the * widget itself, or another widget, such as the header in a dialog. * * <p/> * It is possible to specify event targets that will be ignored. If the target * element has a 'x-nodrag' style it will not trigger a drag operation. * * <dl> * <dt><b>Events:</b></dt> * * <dd><b>DragStart</b> : DragEvent(draggable, component, event) <br> * Fires after a drag has started. * <ul> * <li>draggable : this</li> * <li>component : drag component</li> * <li>event : the dom event</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>DragMove</b> : DragEvent(draggable, component, event)<br> * Fires after the mouse moves. * <ul> * <li>draggable : this</li> * <li>component : drag component</li> * <li>event : the dom event</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>DragCancel</b> : DragEvent(draggable, component, event)<br> * Fires after a drag has been cancelled. * <ul> * <li>draggable : this</li> * <li>component : drag component</li> * <li>event : the dom event</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>DragEnd</b> : DragEvent(draggable, component, event) <br> * Fires after a drag has ended. * <ul> * <li>draggable : this</li> * <li>component : drag widget</li> * <li>event : the dom event</li> * </ul> * </dd> * </dl> */ public class Draggable extends BaseObservable { protected int conX, conY, conWidth, conHeight; protected int dragStartX, dragStartY; protected int lastX, lastY; protected Rectangle startBounds; protected El proxyEl; // config private boolean updateZIndex = true; private boolean sizeProxyToSource = true; private boolean constrainHorizontal; private boolean moveAfterProxyDrag = true; private boolean constrainVertical; private boolean constrainClient = true; private boolean useProxy = true; private int xLeft = Style.DEFAULT, xRight = Style.DEFAULT; private int xTop = Style.DEFAULT, xBottom = Style.DEFAULT; private String proxyStyle = "x-drag-proxy"; private Component container; private Component dragWidget; private Component handle; private boolean dragging; private boolean enabled = true; private int clientWidth, clientHeight; private BaseEventPreview preview; private DragEvent dragEvent; private int startDragDistance = 2; private Listener<ComponentEvent> listener; /** * Creates a new draggable instance. * * @param dragComponent the component to be dragged */ public Draggable(Component dragComponent) { this(dragComponent, dragComponent); } /** * Create a new draggable instance. * * @param dragComponent the component to be dragged * @param handle the component drags will be initiated from */ public Draggable(final Component dragComponent, final Component handle) { listener = new Listener<ComponentEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent ce) { onMouseDown(ce); } }; this.dragWidget = dragComponent; this.handle = handle; handle.addListener(Events.OnMouseDown, listener); preview = new BaseEventPreview() { @Override public boolean onPreview(PreviewEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); switch (event.getEventTypeInt()) { case Event.ONKEYDOWN: if (dragging && event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE) { cancelDrag(); } break; case Event.ONMOUSEMOVE: onMouseMove(event.getEvent()); break; case Event.ONMOUSEUP: stopDrag(event.getEvent()); break; } return true; } }; preview.setAutoHide(false); handle.sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEDOWN); } /** * Adds a listener to receive drag events. * * @param listener the drag listener to be added */ public void addDragListener(DragListener listener) { addListener(Events.DragStart, listener); addListener(Events.DragMove, listener); addListener(Events.DragCancel, listener); addListener(Events.DragEnd, listener); } /** * Cancels the drag if running. */ public void cancelDrag() { preview.remove(); if (dragging) { dragging = false; if (isUseProxy()) { proxyEl.disableTextSelection(false); proxyEl.setVisibility(false); proxyEl.remove(); } else { dragWidget.el().setPagePosition(startBounds.x, startBounds.y); } fireEvent(Events.DragCancel, new DragEvent(this)); afterDrag(); } } /** * Returns the drag container. * * @return the drag container */ public Component getContainer() { return container; } /** * Returns the drag handle. * * @return the drag handle */ public Component getDragHandle() { return handle; } /** * Returns the widget being dragged. * * @return the drag widget */ public Component getDragWidget() { return dragWidget; } /** * Returns the proxy style. * * @return the proxy style */ public String getProxyStyle() { return proxyStyle; } /** * Returns the number of pixels the cursor must move before dragging begins. * * @return the distance in pixels */ public int getStartDragDistance() { return startDragDistance; } /** * Returns true if drag is constrained to the viewport. * * @return the constrain client state */ public boolean isConstrainClient() { return constrainClient; } /** * Returns true if horizontal movement is constrained. * * @return the horizontal constrain state */ public boolean isConstrainHorizontal() { return constrainHorizontal; } /** * Returns true if vertical movement is constrained. * * @return true if vertical movement is constrained */ public boolean isConstrainVertical() { return constrainVertical; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if a drag is in progress. * * @return the drag state */ public boolean isDragging() { return dragging; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if enabled. * * @return the enable state */ public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } /** * Returns true if the drag widget is moved after a proxy drag. * * @return the move after proxy state */ public boolean isMoveAfterProxyDrag() { return moveAfterProxyDrag; } /** * Returns true if the proxy element is sized to match the drag widget. * * @return the size proxy to source state */ public boolean isSizeProxyToSource() { return sizeProxyToSource; } /** * Returns true if the z-index is updated after a drag. * * @return the update z-index state */ public boolean isUpdateZIndex() { return updateZIndex; } /** * Returns true if proxy element is enabled. * * @return the use proxy state */ public boolean isUseProxy() { return useProxy; } /** * Removes the drag handles. */ public void release() { cancelDrag(); handle.removeListener(Events.OnMouseDown, listener); } /** * Removes a previously added listener. * * @param listener the listener to be removed */ public void removeDragListener(DragListener listener) { if (hasListeners()) { removeListener(Events.DragStart, listener); removeListener(Events.DragMove, listener); removeListener(Events.DragCancel, listener); removeListener(Events.DragEnd, listener); } } /** * True to set constrain movement to the viewport (defaults to true). * * @param constrainClient true to constrain to viewport */ public void setConstrainClient(boolean constrainClient) { this.constrainClient = constrainClient; } /** * True to stop horizontal movement (defaults to false). * * @param constrainHorizontal true to stop horizontal movement */ public void setConstrainHorizontal(boolean constrainHorizontal) { this.constrainHorizontal = constrainHorizontal; } /** * True to stop vertical movement (defaults to false). * * @param constrainVertical true to stop vertical movement */ public void setConstrainVertical(boolean constrainVertical) { this.constrainVertical = constrainVertical; } /** * Specifies a container to which the drag widget is constrained. * * @param container the container */ public void setContainer(Component container) { this.container = container; } /** * Enables dragging if the argument is <code>true</code>, and disables it * otherwise. * * @param enabled the new enabled state */ public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } /** * True to move source widget after a proxy drag (defaults to true). * * @param moveAfterProxyDrag true to move after a proxy drag */ public void setMoveAfterProxyDrag(boolean moveAfterProxyDrag) { this.moveAfterProxyDrag = moveAfterProxyDrag; } /** * Sets the proxy element. * * @param element the proxy element */ public void setProxy(El element) { proxyEl = element; } /** * Sets the style name used for proxy drags (defaults to 'my-drag-proxy'). * * @param proxyStyle the proxy style */ public void setProxyStyle(String proxyStyle) { this.proxyStyle = proxyStyle; } /** * True to set proxy dimensions the same as the drag widget (defaults to * true). * * @param sizeProxyToSource true to update proxy size */ public void setSizeProxyToSource(boolean sizeProxyToSource) { this.sizeProxyToSource = sizeProxyToSource; } /** * Specifies how far the cursor must move after mousedown to start dragging * (defaults to 2). * * @param startDragDistance the start distance in pixels */ public void setStartDragDistance(int startDragDistance) { this.startDragDistance = startDragDistance; } /** * True if the CSS z-index should be updated on the widget being dragged. * Setting this value to <code>true</code> will ensure that the dragged * element is always displayed over all other widgets (defaults to true). * * @param updateZIndex true update the z-index */ public void setUpdateZIndex(boolean updateZIndex) { this.updateZIndex = updateZIndex; } /** * True to use a proxy widget during drag operation (defaults to true). * * @param useProxy true use a proxy */ public void setUseProxy(boolean useProxy) { this.useProxy = useProxy; } /** * Constrains the horizontal travel. * * @param left the number of pixels the element can move to the left * @param right the number of pixels the element can move to the right */ public void setXConstraint(int left, int right) { xLeft = left; xRight = right; } /** * Constrains the vertical travel. * * @param top the number of pixels the element can move to the up * @param bottom the number of pixels the element can move to the down */ public void setYConstraint(int top, int bottom) { xTop = top; xBottom = bottom; } protected void afterDrag() { XDOM.getBodyEl().removeStyleName("x-unselectable"); XDOM.getBodyEl().removeStyleName("x-dd-cursor"); Shim.get().uncover(); } protected El createProxy() { proxyEl = new El(DOM.createDiv()); proxyEl.setVisibility(false); proxyEl.dom.setClassName(getProxyStyle()); proxyEl.disableTextSelection(true); return proxyEl; } protected void onMouseDown(ComponentEvent ce) { if (!enabled || ce.getEvent().getButton() != Event.BUTTON_LEFT) { return; } Element target = ce.getTarget(); String s = DOM.getElementProperty(target, "className"); if (s != null && s.indexOf("x-nodrag") != -1) { return; } //still allow text selection, prevent drag of other elements if (!"input".equalsIgnoreCase(ce.getTarget().getTagName()) && !"textarea".equalsIgnoreCase(ce.getTarget().getTagName())) { ce.preventDefault(); } startBounds = dragWidget.el().getBounds(); dragStartX = ce.getClientX(); dragStartY = ce.getClientY(); preview.add(); clientWidth = Window.getClientWidth() + XDOM.getBodyScrollLeft(); clientHeight = Window.getClientHeight() + XDOM.getBodyScrollTop(); if (container != null) { conX = container.getAbsoluteLeft(); conY = container.getAbsoluteTop(); conWidth = container.getOffsetWidth(); conHeight = container.getOffsetHeight(); } if (startDragDistance == 0) { startDrag(ce.getEvent()); } } protected void onMouseMove(Event event) { String cls = ((Element) event.getEventTarget().cast()).getClassName(); if (cls != null && cls.contains("x-insert")) { return; } int x = DOM.eventGetClientX(event); int y = DOM.eventGetClientY(event); if (!dragging && (Math.abs(dragStartX - x) > startDragDistance || Math.abs(dragStartY - y) > startDragDistance)) { startDrag(event); } if (dragging) { int left = constrainHorizontal ? startBounds.x : startBounds.x + (x - dragStartX); int top = constrainVertical ? startBounds.y : startBounds.y + (y - dragStartY); if (constrainClient) { if (!constrainHorizontal) { int width = startBounds.width; left = Math.max(left, 0); left = Math.max(0, Math.min(clientWidth - width, left)); } if (!constrainVertical) { top = Math.max(top, 0); int height = startBounds.height; if (Math.min(clientHeight - height, top) > 0) { top = Math.max(2, Math.min(clientHeight - height, top)); } } } if (container != null) { int width = startBounds.width; int height = startBounds.height; if (!constrainHorizontal) { left = Math.max(left, conX); left = Math.min(conX + conWidth - width, left); } if (!constrainVertical) { top = Math.min(conY + conHeight - height, top); top = Math.max(top, conY); } } if (!constrainHorizontal) { if (xLeft != Style.DEFAULT) { left = Math.max(startBounds.x - xLeft, left); } if (xRight != Style.DEFAULT) { left = Math.min(startBounds.x + xRight, left); } } if (!constrainVertical) { if (xTop != Style.DEFAULT) { top = Math.max(startBounds.y - xTop, top); } if (xBottom != Style.DEFAULT) { top = Math.min(startBounds.y + xBottom, top); } } lastX = left; lastY = top; dragEvent.setSource(this); dragEvent.setComponent(dragWidget); dragEvent.setEvent(event); dragEvent.setCancelled(false); dragEvent.setX(lastX); dragEvent.setY(lastY); fireEvent(Events.DragMove, dragEvent); if (dragEvent.isCancelled()) { cancelDrag(); return; } int tl = dragEvent.getX() != lastX ? dragEvent.getX() : lastX; int tt = dragEvent.getY() != lastY ? dragEvent.getY() : lastY; if (useProxy) { proxyEl.setPagePosition(tl, tt); } else { dragWidget.el().setPagePosition(tl, tt); } } } protected void startDrag(Event event) { DragEvent de = new DragEvent(this); de.setComponent(dragWidget); de.setEvent(event); de.setX(startBounds.x); de.setY(startBounds.y); if (fireEvent(Events.DragStart, de)) { dragging = true; XDOM.getBodyEl().addStyleName("x-unselectable"); XDOM.getBodyEl().addStyleName("x-dd-cursor"); if (!LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) { dragWidget.el().makePositionable(); } else { if (!GXT.isIE) dragWidget.el().makePositionable(); } event.preventDefault(); Shim.get().cover(true); lastX = startBounds.x; lastY = startBounds.y; if (dragEvent == null) { dragEvent = new DragEvent(this); } if (useProxy) { if (proxyEl == null) { createProxy(); } if (container == null) { XDOM.getBody().appendChild(proxyEl.dom); } else { container.el().appendChild(proxyEl.dom); } proxyEl.setVisibility(true); proxyEl.setZIndex(XDOM.getTopZIndex()); proxyEl.makePositionable(true); if (sizeProxyToSource) { proxyEl.setBounds(startBounds); } else { proxyEl.setXY(startBounds.x, startBounds.y); } // did listeners change size? if (de.getHeight() > 0 && de.getWidth() > 0) { proxyEl.setSize(de.getWidth(), de.getHeight(), true); } else if (de.getHeight() > 0) { proxyEl.setHeight(de.getHeight(), true); } else if (de.getWidth() > 0) { proxyEl.setWidth(de.getWidth(), true); } } else if (updateZIndex) { dragWidget.setZIndex(XDOM.getTopZIndex()); } } else { cancelDrag(); } } protected void stopDrag(Event event) { preview.remove(); if (dragging) { dragging = false; if (isUseProxy()) { if (isMoveAfterProxyDrag()) { Rectangle rect = proxyEl.getBounds(); dragWidget.el().setPagePosition(rect.x, rect.y); } proxyEl.setVisibility(false); proxyEl.disableTextSelection(false); proxyEl.remove(); } DragEvent de = new DragEvent(this); de.setComponent(dragWidget); de.setEvent(event); de.setX(lastX); de.setY(lastY); fireEvent(Events.DragEnd, de); afterDrag(); } } }