/* * Ext GWT - Ext for GWT * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ package com.extjs.gxt.desktop.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style.IconAlign; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style.Orientation; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.El; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.Template; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ComponentEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.IconHelper; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Padding; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Size; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.BoxComponent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.ComponentHelper; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.LayoutContainer; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Window; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.WindowManager; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.button.Button; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.RowData; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.RowLayout; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NodeList; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.AbstractImagePrototype; /** * Displays the start menu button followed by a list of open windows. */ public class TaskBar extends LayoutContainer { protected StartBox startBox; // west protected TasksButtonsPanel tbPanel; // center public TaskBar() { setId("ux-taskbar"); setLayout(new RowLayout(Orientation.HORIZONTAL)); startBox = new StartBox(); tbPanel = new TasksButtonsPanel(); add(startBox, new RowData(90, 1)); add(tbPanel, new RowData(1, 1)); } /** * Adds a button. * * @param win the window * @return the new task button */ public TaskButton addTaskButton(Window win) { return tbPanel.addButton(win); } /** * Returns the bar's buttons. * * @return the buttons */ public List<TaskButton> getButtons() { return tbPanel.getItems(); } /** * Returns the bar's start menu. * * @return the start menu */ public StartMenu getStartMenu() { return (StartMenu) startBox.startBtn.getMenu(); } /** * Removes a button. * * @param btn the button to remove */ public void removeTaskButton(TaskButton btn) { tbPanel.removeButton(btn); } /** * Sets the active button. * * @param btn the button */ public void setActiveButton(TaskButton btn) { tbPanel.setActiveButton(btn); } @Override protected void onRender(Element parent, int index) { super.onRender(parent, index); setStyleAttribute("zIndex", "10"); } } class StartBox extends BoxComponent { StartButton startBtn = new StartButton(); public StartBox() { setId("ux-taskbar-start"); } @Override protected void doAttachChildren() { super.doAttachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doAttach(startBtn); } @Override protected void doDetachChildren() { super.doDetachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doDetach(startBtn); } @Override protected void onDisable() { super.onDisable(); startBtn.disable(); } @Override protected void onEnable() { super.onEnable(); startBtn.enable(); } @Override protected void onRender(Element target, int index) { super.onRender(target, index); setElement(DOM.createDiv(), target, index); startBtn.render(getElement()); } @Override protected void onResize(int width, int height) { super.onResize(width, height); Size frameSize = el().getFrameSize(); startBtn.setSize(width - frameSize.width, height - frameSize.height); } } class StartButton extends Button { private StartMenu startMenu; public StartButton() { setText("Start"); setId("ux-startbutton"); setIcon(IconHelper.createStyle("start", 23, 23)); setMenuAlign("bl-tl"); startMenu = new StartMenu(); setMenu(startMenu); template = new Template(getButtonTemplate()); } @Override public void setIcon(AbstractImagePrototype icon) { super.setIcon(icon); if (rendered) { if (buttonEl.selectNode("img") != null) { buttonEl.selectNode("img").remove(); } if (icon != null) { buttonEl.setPadding(new Padding(7, 0, 7, 28)); Element e = (Element) icon.createElement().cast(); buttonEl.insertFirst(e); El.fly(e).makePositionable(true); String align = "b-b"; if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.BOTTOM) { align = "b-b"; } else if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.TOP) { align = "t-t"; } else if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.START) { align = "l-l"; } else if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.END) { align = "r-r"; } El.fly(e).alignTo(buttonEl.dom, align, null); } } } @Override protected void autoWidth() { } @Override protected void onResize(int width, int height) { super.onResize(width, height); buttonEl.setSize(width - 20, height, true); } private native String getButtonTemplate() /*-{ return [ '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="x-btn-wrap"><tbody><tr>', '<td class="ux-startbutton-left"><i> </i></td><td class="ux-startbutton-center"><em unselectable="on"><button class="x-btn-text" type="{1}" style="height:30px;">{0}</button></em></td><td class="ux-startbutton-right"><i> </i></td>', '</tr></tbody></table>' ].join(""); }-*/; } class TaskButton extends Button { private Window win; TaskButton(Window win, Element parent) { this.win = win; setText(win.getHeading()); setIcon(win.getIcon()); template = new Template(getButtonTemplate()); render(parent); } @Override protected void autoWidth() { } @Override public void setIcon(AbstractImagePrototype icon) { if (rendered) { El oldIcon = buttonEl.selectNode(".x-taskbutton-icon"); if (oldIcon != null) { oldIcon.remove(); buttonEl.setPadding(new Padding(7, 0, 7, 0)); } if (icon != null) { buttonEl.setPadding(new Padding(7, 0, 7, 20)); Element e = (Element) icon.createElement().cast(); e.setClassName("x-taskbutton-icon"); buttonEl.insertFirst(e); El.fly(e).makePositionable(true); String align = "b-b"; if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.BOTTOM) { align = "b-b"; } else if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.TOP) { align = "t-t"; } else if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.START) { align = "l-l"; } else if (getIconAlign() == IconAlign.END) { align = "r-r"; } El.fly(e).alignTo(buttonEl.dom, align, null); } } this.icon = icon; } @Override protected void onClick(ComponentEvent ce) { super.onClick(ce); if (win.getData("minimized") != null || !win.isVisible()) { win.show(); } else if (win == WindowManager.get().getActive()) { win.minimize(); } else { win.toFront(); } } @Override protected void onResize(int width, int height) { super.onResize(width, height); buttonEl.setSize(width - 8, height, true); } private native String getButtonTemplate() /*-{ return [ '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="x-btn-wrap"><tbody><tr>', '<td class="ux-taskbutton-left"><i> </i></td><td class="ux-taskbutton-center"><em unselectable="on"><button class="x-btn-text" type="{1}" style="height:28px;">{0}</button></em></td><td class="ux-taskbutton-right"><i> </i></td>', '</tr></tbody></table>' ].join(""); }-*/; } class TasksButtonsPanel extends BoxComponent { private int buttonMargin = 2; private int buttonWidth = 168; private boolean buttonWidthSet = false; private boolean enableScroll = true; // private El scrollLeft, scrollRight; private List<TaskButton> items; private int lastButtonWidth; private int minButtonWidth = 118; private boolean resizeButtons = true; // private boolean scrolling; private int scrollIncrement = -1; // private TaskButton activeButton; private El stripWrap, strip, edge; TasksButtonsPanel() { setId("ux-taskbuttons-panel"); items = new ArrayList<TaskButton>(); } public TaskButton addButton(Window win) { Element li = strip.createChild("<li></li>", edge.dom).dom; TaskButton btn = new TaskButton(win, li); items.add(btn); if (!buttonWidthSet) { lastButtonWidth = li.getOffsetWidth(); } setActiveButton(btn); win.setData("taskButton", btn); if (isAttached()) { ComponentHelper.doAttach(btn); } if (!isEnabled()) { btn.disable(); } return btn; } public List<TaskButton> getItems() { return items; } public void removeButton(TaskButton btn) { Element li = (Element) btn.getElement().getParentElement(); if (li != null && li.getParentElement() != null) { li.getParentElement().removeChild(li); } items.remove(btn); delegateUpdates(); ComponentHelper.doDetach(btn); } public void setActiveButton(TaskButton btn) { // this.activeButton = btn; delegateUpdates(); } @Override protected void doAttachChildren() { super.doAttachChildren(); for (TaskButton btn : items) { ComponentHelper.doAttach(btn); } } @Override protected void doDetachChildren() { super.doDetachChildren(); for (TaskButton btn : items) { ComponentHelper.doDetach(btn); } } protected int getScrollIncrement() { return scrollIncrement != -1 ? scrollIncrement : lastButtonWidth + 2; } @Override protected void onDisable() { super.onDisable(); for (TaskButton btn : items) { btn.disable(); } } @Override protected void onEnable() { super.onEnable(); for (TaskButton btn : items) { btn.enable(); } } @Override protected void onRender(Element target, int index) { super.onRender(target, index); setElement(DOM.createDiv(), target, index); setStyleName("ux-taskbuttons-panel"); stripWrap = el().createChild("<div class='ux-taskbuttons-strip-wrap'><ul class='ux-taskbuttons-strip'></ul></div>"); el().createChild("<div class='ux-taskbuttons-strip-spacer'></div>"); strip = stripWrap.firstChild(); edge = strip.createChild("<li class='ux-taskbuttons-edge'></li>"); strip.createChild("<div class='x-clear'></div>"); } @Override protected void onResize(int width, int height) { super.onResize(width, height); delegateUpdates(); } private void autoScroll() { // auto scroll not functional } private void autoSize() { int count = items.size(); int aw = el().getStyleWidth(); if (!resizeButtons || count < 1) { return; } int each = (int) Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor((aw - 4) / count) - buttonMargin, buttonWidth), minButtonWidth); NodeList<com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element> btns = stripWrap.dom.getElementsByTagName("button"); El b = items.get(0).el(); lastButtonWidth = b.findParent("li", 5).getWidth(); for (int i = 0, len = btns.getLength(); i < len; i++) { Element btn = btns.getItem(i).cast(); int tw = items.get(i).el().getParent().dom.getOffsetWidth(); int iw = btn.getOffsetWidth(); btn.getStyle().setPropertyPx("width", (each - (tw - iw))); } } // private void createScrollers() { // int h = el().getHeight(); // // El sl = // el().insertFirst(XDOM.create("<div class='ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left'></div>")); // sl.setHeight(h); // scrollLeft = sl; // // El sr = // el().insertFirst(XDOM.create("<div class='ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right'></div>")); // sr.setHeight(h); // scrollRight = sr; // } private void delegateUpdates() { if (resizeButtons && rendered) { autoSize(); } if (enableScroll && rendered) { autoScroll(); } } // private void onScrollRight() { // int sw = getScrollWidth() - getScrollArea(); // int pos = getScrollPos(); // int s = Math.min(sw, pos + getScrollIncrement()); // if (s != pos) { // scrollTo(s, animScroll); // } // } // // private void onScrollLeft() { // int pos = getScrollPos(); // int s = Math.max(0, pos - getScrollIncrement()); // if (s != pos) { // scrollTo(s, animScroll); // } // } // private int getScrollArea() { // return stripWrap.getClientWidth(); // } // private int getScrollPos() { // return stripWrap.dom.getScrollLeft(); // } // private int getScrollWidth() { // return edge.getOffsetsTo(stripWrap.dom).x + getScrollPos(); // } // private void scrollTo(int pos, boolean animate) { // if (animate) { // stripWrap.scrollTo("left", pos, new FxConfig(new Listener<FxEvent>() { // public void handleEvent(FxEvent fe) { // updateScrollButtons(); // } // })); // } else { // stripWrap.scrollTo("left", pos); // updateScrollButtons(); // } // } // private void scrollToBtn(TaskButton btn, boolean animate) { // com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element item = // btn.getElement().getParentElement(); // if (item == null) { // return; // } // int pos = getScrollPos(); // int area = getScrollArea(); // int left = fly((Element) item).getOffsetsTo(stripWrap.dom).x + pos; // int right = left + getWidth(); // if (left > pos) { // scrollTo(left, animate); // } else if (right > (pos + area)) { // scrollTo(right - area, animate); // } // } // private void updateScrollButtons() { // int pos = getScrollPos(); // scrollLeft.setStyleName("ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left-disabled", pos == 0); // scrollRight.setStyleName("ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right-disabled", // pos >= (getScrollWidth() - getScrollArea())); // } }