/* * Ext GWT - Ext for GWT * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ package com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.GXT; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style.Direction; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style.HorizontalAlignment; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.DomHelper; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.El; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.BaseEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ComponentEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.FxEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Listener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.fx.FxConfig; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Format; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.IconHelper; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Markup; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Size; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.button.Button; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.button.ButtonBar; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.button.ToolButton; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.FitLayout; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.LocaleInfo; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.AbstractImagePrototype; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Accessibility; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Frame; /** * ContentPanel is a component container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the perfect building block * for application-oriented user interfaces. The Panel contains bottom and top toolbars, along with separate header, footer and body * sections. It also provides built-in expandable and collapsible behavior, along with a variety of pre-built tool buttons that can be wired * up to provide other customized behavior. * * Code snippet: * * <pre> * ContentPanel cp = new ContentPanel(); * cp.setHeading("Folder Contents"); * cp.setSize(250, 140); * cp.setPosition(10, 10); * cp.setCollapsible(true); * cp.setFrame(true); * cp.setBodyStyle("backgroundColor: white;"); * cp.getHeader().addTool(new ToolButton("x-tool-gear")); * cp.getHeader().addTool(new ToolButton("x-tool-close")); * cp.addText(getBogusText()); * cp.addButton(new Button("Ok")); * cp.setIconStyle("tree-folder-open"); * RootPanel.get().add(cp); * cp.layout(); * </pre> * * <dl> * <dt><b>Events:</b></dt> * * <dd><b>BeforeExpand</b> : ComponentEvent(component)<br> * <div>Fires before the panel is expanded. Listeners can cancel the action by calling {@link BaseEvent#setCancelled(boolean)}.</div> * <ul> * <li>component : this</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>Expand</b> : ComponentEvent(component)<br> * <div>Fires after the panel is expanded</div> * <ul> * <li>component : this</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>BeforeCollapse</b> : ComponentEvent(component)<br> * <div>Fires before the panel is collapsed. Listeners can cancel the action by calling {@link BaseEvent#setCancelled(boolean)}.</div> * <ul> * <li>component : this</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>Collapse</b> : ComponentEvent(component)<br> * <div>Fires after the panel is collapsed.</div> * <ul> * <li>component : this</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>BeforeClose</b> : ComponentEvent(component)<br> * <div>Fires before a content panel is closed. Listeners can cancel the action by calling {@link BaseEvent#setCancelled(boolean)}.</div> * <ul> * <li>component : this</li> * </ul> * </dd> * * <dd><b>Close</b> : ComponentEvent(component)<br> * <div>Fires after a content panel is closed.</div> * <ul> * <li>component : this</li> * </ul> * </dd> * </dl> * * <dl> * <dt>Inherited Events:</dt> * <dd>LayoutContainer AfterLayout</dt> * <dd>ScrollContainer Scroll</dd> * <dd>Container BeforeAdd</dd> * <dd>Container Add</dd> * <dd>Container BeforeRemove</dd> * <dd>Container Remove</dd> * <dd>BoxComponent Move</dd> * <dd>BoxComponent Resize</dd> * <dd>Component Enable</dd> * <dd>Component Disable</dd> * <dd>Component BeforeHide</dd> * <dd>Component Hide</dd> * <dd>Component BeforeShow</dd> * <dd>Component Show</dd> * <dd>Component Attach</dd> * <dd>Component Detach</dd> * <dd>Component BeforeRender</dd> * <dd>Component Render</dd> * <dd>Component BrowserEvent</dd> * <dd>Component BeforeStateRestore</dd> * <dd>Component StateRestore</dd> * <dd>Component BeforeStateSave</dd> * <dd>Component SaveState</dd> * </dl> */ public class ContentPanel extends LayoutContainer implements IconSupport { protected boolean frame; protected Header head; protected El body, bwrap; protected ButtonBar fbar; private String bodyStyle, bodyStyleName; private boolean headerVisible = true; private boolean collapsed, hideCollapseTool; private boolean footer, titleCollapse; private HorizontalAlignment buttonAlign = HorizontalAlignment.END; private boolean animCollapse = true; private boolean collapsible; private boolean bodyBorder = true; private Component topComponent; private Component bottomComponent; private boolean animating; private ToolButton collapseBtn; protected String headerStyle, footerStyle; protected String headerTextStyle; protected String bwrapStyle; protected String tbarStyle, bbarStyle; protected String bodStyle; protected String collapseStyle; private El foot, tbar, bbar; private int minButtonWidth = 75; /** * Creates a new panel instance. */ public ContentPanel() { baseStyle = "x-panel"; fbar = new ButtonBar(); fbar.setParent(this); fbar.setMinButtonWidth(minButtonWidth); // i18n fix for RTL // if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) // buttonAlign = HorizontalAlignment.START; fbar.setAlignment(buttonAlign); head = new Header(); head.setParent(this); disabledStyle = null; setDeferHeight(true); } /** * Creates a new content panel. * * @param layout * the panel's layout */ public ContentPanel(Layout layout) { this(); setLayout(layout); } /** * Adds a button to the panel. * * @param button * the button to add */ public void addButton(Button button) { fbar.add(button); } /** * Collapses the panel body so that it becomes hidden. Fires the <i>BeforeCollapse</i> before collapsing, then the <i>Collapse</i> event * after collapsing. */ public void collapse() { if (rendered) { if (!collapsed && !animating && fireEvent(Events.BeforeCollapse)) { hideShadow(); onCollapse(); } } else { collapsed = true; } } /** * Expands the panel body so that it becomes visible. Fires the <i>BeforeExpand</i> before expanding, then the <i>Expand</i> event after * expanding. */ public void expand() { if (rendered) { if (collapsed && !animating && fireEvent(Events.BeforeExpand)) { hideShadow(); onExpand(); } } else { collapsed = false; } } /** * Returns true if animation is enabled for expand / collapse. * * @return the animCollapse true for animations */ public boolean getAnimCollapse() { return animCollapse; } /** * Returns the panel's body element. * * @return the body */ public El getBody() { return body; } /** * Returns true if the body border is enabled. * * @return the body border state */ public boolean getBodyBorder() { return bodyBorder; } /** * Returns the body style. * * @return the body style */ public String getBodyStyle() { return bodyStyle; } /** * Returns the panel's bottom component. * * @return the bottom component */ public Component getBottomComponent() { return bottomComponent; } /** * Returns the panel's button alignment. * * @return the button alignment */ public HorizontalAlignment getButtonAlign() { return buttonAlign; } public ButtonBar getButtonBar() { return fbar; } /** * Returns the panel's collapse button. * * @return the collapse button */ public ToolButton getCollapseBtn() { return collapseBtn; } /** * Returns true if the panel is collapsible. * * @return the collapsible state */ public boolean getCollapsible() { return collapsible; } /** * Provides access to internal elements. * <p> * Valid values are: * <ul> * <li>"body"</li> * <li>"header"</li> * <li>"bwrap"</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @param name * the element name * @return the element */ public Element getElement(String name) { if (name.equals("header")) { return head.getElement(); } else if (name.equals("bwrap")) { return bwrap.dom; } else if (name.equals("body")) { return body.dom; } return null; } /** * Returns true if framing is enabled. * * @return the frame state */ public boolean getFrame() { return frame; } /** * Returns the height in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (including any top and bottom bars and header and footer elements, * but not including the body height). To retrieve the body height see {@link #getInnerHeight}. * * @return the frame height */ public int getFrameHeight() { int h = el().getFrameWidth("tb") + bwrap.getFrameWidth("tb"); if (frame) { Element hd = el().dom.getFirstChildElement().cast(); Element ft = bwrap.dom.getLastChild().cast(); h += (fly(hd).getHeight() + fly(ft).getHeight()); Element mc = bwrap.subChild(3).dom; h += fly(mc).getFrameWidth("tb"); } else { if (head != null) { h += head.getOffsetHeight(); } if (foot != null) { h += foot.getHeight(); } } h += (tbar != null ? tbar.getHeight() : 0) + (bbar != null ? bbar.getHeight() : 0); return h; } /** * Returns the width in pixels of the framing elements of this panel (not including the body width). To retrieve the body width see * {@link #getInnerWidth}. * * @return The frame width */ public int getFrameWidth() { int w = el().getFrameWidth("lr") + bwrap.getFrameWidth("lr"); if (frame) { Element l = bwrap.dom.getFirstChildElement().cast(); w += (fly(l).getFrameWidth("l") + fly(l).firstChild().getFrameWidth("r")); Element mc = bwrap.subChild(3).dom; w += fly(mc).getFrameWidth("lr"); } return w; } /** * Returns the panel's header. * * @return the header */ public Header getHeader() { return head; } /** * Returns the panel's heading. * * @return the heading */ public String getHeading() { return head.getText(); } /** * Returns the panel's icon style. * * @return the icon style */ public AbstractImagePrototype getIcon() { return head.getIcon(); } /** * Returns the height in pixels of the body element (not including the height of any framing elements). For the frame height see * {@link #getFrameHeight}. * * @return the inner height */ public int getInnerHeight() { return getHeight() - getFrameHeight(); } /** * Returns the width in pixels of the body element (not including the width of any framing elements). For the frame width see * {@link #getFrameWidth}. * * @return the body width */ public int getInnerWidth() { return getWidth() - getFrameWidth(); } @Override public El getLayoutTarget() { return body; } public int getMinButtonWidth() { return minButtonWidth; } /** * @return the titleCollapse */ public boolean getTitleCollapse() { return titleCollapse; } /** * Returns the panel's title text. * * @return the title text * @deprecated use {@link #getHeading()} */ public String getTitleText() { return head.getText(); } /** * Returns the panels top component. * * @return the top component */ public Component getTopComponent() { return topComponent; } /** * Returns true if the panel is collapsed. * * @return the collapsed state */ public boolean isCollapsed() { return collapsed; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the panel is expanded. * * @return the expand state */ public boolean isExpanded() { return !isCollapsed(); } /** * Returns true if the footer is enabled. * * @return the show footer state */ public boolean isFooter() { return footer; } /** * Returns true if the header is visible. * * @return the header visible state */ public boolean isHeaderVisible() { return headerVisible; } /** * Returns true if the collapse tool is hidden. * * @return the hide collapse tool state */ public boolean isHideCollapseTool() { return hideCollapseTool; } @Override public void onComponentEvent(ComponentEvent ce) { super.onComponentEvent(ce); if (ce.getEventTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK) { onClick(ce); } } /** * Sets whether expand and collapse is animating (defaults to true, pre-render). * * @param animCollapse * true to enable animations */ public void setAnimCollapse(boolean animCollapse) { assertPreRender(); this.animCollapse = animCollapse; } /** * True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide them (defaults to true, pre-render). Only applies to * non-framed panels. * * @param bodyBorder * true for a body border */ public void setBodyBorder(boolean bodyBorder) { assertPreRender(); this.bodyBorder = bodyBorder; } /** * Custom CSS styles to be applied to the body element in the format expected by {@link El#applyStyles} (pre-render). * * @param bodyStyle * the body style */ public void setBodyStyle(String bodyStyle) { assertPreRender(); this.bodyStyle = bodyStyle; } /** * A style name that is added to the panel's body element (pre-render). * * @param style * the style name */ public void setBodyStyleName(String style) { assertPreRender(); this.bodyStyleName = style; } /** * Sets the panel's bottom component (pre-render). The component's natural height will be used and will not be changed by the panel. * * @param bottomComponent * the bottom component */ public void setBottomComponent(Component bottomComponent) { assertPreRender(); if (this.bottomComponent != null) { Component c = this.bottomComponent; this.bottomComponent = null; c.removeFromParent(); } if (bottomComponent != null) { this.bottomComponent = bottomComponent; this.bottomComponent.setParent(this); } } /** * Sets the button alignment of any buttons added to this panel (defaults to END, pre-render). * * @param buttonAlign * the button alignment */ public void setButtonAlign(HorizontalAlignment buttonAlign) { assertPreRender(); switch (buttonAlign) { case LEFT: { if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) this.buttonAlign = HorizontalAlignment.END; else this.buttonAlign = HorizontalAlignment.START; break; } case RIGHT: { if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) this.buttonAlign = HorizontalAlignment.START; else this.buttonAlign = HorizontalAlignment.END; break; } default: this.buttonAlign = buttonAlign; break; } fbar.setAlignment(this.buttonAlign); } /** * True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button * area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false, pre-render). * * @param collapsible * the collapsible to set */ public void setCollapsible(boolean collapsible) { assertPreRender(); this.collapsible = collapsible; } /** * Sets the panel's expand state. * * @param expanded * <code>true<code> true to expand */ public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) { if (expanded) { expand(); } else { collapse(); } } /** * True to create the footer element explicitly, false to skip creating it (pre-render). By default, when footer is not specified, if * one or more buttons have been added to the panel the footer will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. * * @param footer * the footer state */ public void setFooter(boolean footer) { assertPreRender(); this.footer = footer; } /** * True to render the panel with custom rounded borders, false to render with plain 1px square borders (defaults to false, pre-render). * * @param frame * true to use the frame style */ public void setFrame(boolean frame) { assertPreRender(); this.frame = frame; } /** * True to create the header element explicitly, false to skip creating it (defaults to true, pre-render). By default, when header is * not specified, if a {@link #setHeading(String)} is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is * set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered. * * @param headerVisible * true to show the header */ public void setHeaderVisible(boolean headerVisible) { assertPreRender(); this.headerVisible = headerVisible; } /** * Sets the title text for the panel. * * @param text * the title text */ public void setHeading(String text) { head.setText(text); } /** * Sets whether the collapse tool should be displayed when the panel is collapsible. * * @param hideCollapseTool * true if the tool is hidden */ public void setHideCollapseTool(boolean hideCollapseTool) { this.hideCollapseTool = hideCollapseTool; if (rendered) { collapseBtn.setVisible(!hideCollapseTool); } } /** * Sets the item's icon style. The style name should match a CSS style that specifies a background image using the following format: * * <pre> * <code> .my-icon { background: url(images/icons/my-icon.png) no-repeat * center left !important; } </code> * </pre> * * @param icon * the icon */ public void setIcon(AbstractImagePrototype icon) { head.setIcon(icon); } public void setIconStyle(String icon) { setIcon(IconHelper.create(icon)); } /** * True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true, pre-render). This only * applies when {@link #setBodyBorder(boolean)} == true. * * @param insetBorder * true to display the interior border * @deprecated behavior not implemented */ public void setInsetBorder(boolean insetBorder) { assertPreRender(); } public void setMinButtonWidth(int minButtonWidth) { this.minButtonWidth = minButtonWidth; fbar.setMinButtonWidth(minButtonWidth); } /** * True to allow expanding and collapsing the panel (when {@link #collapsible} = true) by clicking anywhere in the header bar, false to * allow it only by clicking to tool button (defaults to false, pre-render). * * @param titleCollapse * the titleCollapse to set */ public void setTitleCollapse(boolean titleCollapse) { assertPreRender(); this.titleCollapse = titleCollapse; } /** * Sets the panel's top component (pre-render). * * @param topComponent * the component */ public void setTopComponent(Component topComponent) { assertPreRender(); if (this.topComponent != null) { Component c = this.topComponent; this.topComponent = null; c.removeFromParent(); } if (topComponent != null) { this.topComponent = topComponent; this.topComponent.setParent(this); } } /** * Adds the content from the given url. * * @param url * the url * @return the new frame instance */ public Frame setUrl(String url) { Frame f = new Frame(url); f.getElement().setPropertyInt("frameBorder", 0); removeAll(); setLayout(new FitLayout()); add(f); layout(); return f; } protected Size adjustBodySize() { return new Size(0, 0); } protected void afterCollapse() { addStyleName(collapseStyle); removeStyleName(baseStyle + "-animated"); collapsed = true; animating = false; sync(true); ComponentEvent ce = new ComponentEvent(this); fireEvent(Events.Collapse, ce); } protected void afterExpand() { removeStyleName(collapseStyle); removeStyleName(baseStyle + "-animated"); collapsed = false; animating = false; sync(true); ComponentEvent ce = new ComponentEvent(this); fireEvent(Events.Expand, ce); } protected void createStyles(String baseStyle) { headerStyle = baseStyle + "-header"; headerTextStyle = baseStyle + "-header-text"; bwrapStyle = baseStyle + "-bwrap"; tbarStyle = baseStyle + "-tbar"; bodStyle = baseStyle + "-body"; bbarStyle = baseStyle + "-bbar"; footerStyle = baseStyle + "-footer"; collapseStyle = baseStyle + "-collapsed"; } @Override protected void doAttachChildren() { super.doAttachChildren(); if (head.isRendered()) { ComponentHelper.doAttach(head); } if (fbar.isRendered()) { ComponentHelper.doAttach(fbar); } ComponentHelper.doAttach(topComponent); ComponentHelper.doAttach(bottomComponent); } @Override protected void doDetachChildren() { super.doDetachChildren(); if (head.isRendered()) { ComponentHelper.doDetach(head); } ComponentHelper.doDetach(fbar); ComponentHelper.doDetach(topComponent); ComponentHelper.doDetach(bottomComponent); } // internal, used for performance reasons protected Size getFrameSize() { Size elFrameSize = el().getFrameSize(); Size bwrapFrameSize = bwrap.getFrameSize(); Size mcFrameSize = null; if (frame) { Element mc = bwrap.subChild(3).dom; mcFrameSize = fly(mc).getFrameSize(); } int w = elFrameSize.width + bwrapFrameSize.width; if (frame) { Element l = bwrap.dom.getFirstChildElement().cast(); w += (fly(l).getFrameWidth("l") + fly(l).firstChild().getFrameWidth("r")); w += mcFrameSize.width; } int h = elFrameSize.height + bwrapFrameSize.height; if (frame) { Element hd = el().dom.getFirstChildElement().cast(); Element ft = bwrap.dom.getLastChild().cast(); h += (fly(hd).getHeight() + fly(ft).getHeight()); h += mcFrameSize.height; } else { if (head != null) { h += head.getOffsetHeight(); } if (foot != null) { h += foot.getHeight(); } } h += (tbar != null ? tbar.getHeight() : 0) + (bbar != null ? bbar.getHeight() : 0); return new Size(w, h); } protected void initTools() { if (collapsible && !hideCollapseTool) { collapseBtn = new ToolButton("x-tool-toggle"); collapseBtn.addListener(Events.Select, new Listener<ComponentEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent ce) { ce.stopEvent(); setExpanded(!isExpanded()); } }); head.addTool(collapseBtn); } } protected void layoutBars() { if (footer && !fbar.layoutExecuted) { fbar.layout(false); } if (topComponent instanceof Container<?> && !((Container<?>) topComponent).layoutExecuted) { ((Container<?>) topComponent).layout(false); } if (bottomComponent instanceof Container<?> && !((Container<?>) bottomComponent).layoutExecuted) { ((Container<?>) bottomComponent).layout(false); } } protected void onClick(ComponentEvent ce) { if (collapsible && titleCollapse && head != null && ce.within(head.getElement())) { setExpanded(!isExpanded()); } } protected void onCollapse() { if (animCollapse) { animating = true; addStyleName(baseStyle + "-animated"); bwrap.slideOut(Direction.UP, new FxConfig(300, new Listener<FxEvent>() { public void handleEvent(FxEvent fe) { afterCollapse(); } })); } else { bwrap.hide(); afterCollapse(); } } protected void onDisable() { mask(); super.onDisable(); } protected void onEnable() { unmask(); super.onEnable(); } protected void onExpand() { if (animCollapse) { animating = true; addStyleName(baseStyle + "-animated"); bwrap.slideIn(Direction.DOWN, new FxConfig(300, new Listener<FxEvent>() { public void handleEvent(FxEvent fe) { afterExpand(); } })); } else { bwrap.show(); afterExpand(); } } @Override protected void onRender(Element parent, int pos) { super.onRender(parent, pos); if (fbar.getItemCount() > 0) { footer = true; } if (frame) { String s = Format.substitute(Markup.BBOX, baseStyle); DomHelper.insertHtml("afterBegin", el().dom, s); head.baseStyle = headerStyle; head.setTextStyle(headerTextStyle); initTools(); head.render(el().dom); el().subChild(3).dom.appendChild(head.getElement()); bwrap = el().createChild("<div class='" + bwrapStyle + "'></div>"); Element bw = bwrap.dom; Element ml = DOM.getChild(el().dom, 1); Element bl = DOM.getChild(el().dom, 2); DOM.appendChild(bw, ml); DOM.appendChild(bw, bl); Element mc = fly(bw).getSubChild(3); if (topComponent != null) { tbar = fly(mc).createChild("<div class=" + tbarStyle + "></div>"); } body = fly(mc).createChild("<div class=" + bodStyle + "></div>"); if (bottomComponent != null) { bbar = fly(mc).createChild("<div class=" + bbarStyle + "></div>"); } El e = fly(bw).lastChild().firstChild().firstChild(); foot = e.createChild("<div class=" + footerStyle + "></div>"); } else { head.baseStyle = headerStyle; head.setTextStyle(headerTextStyle); initTools(); head.render(el().dom); bwrap = el().createChild("<div class=" + bwrapStyle + "></div>"); Element bw = bwrap.dom; if (topComponent != null) { tbar = fly(bw).createChild("<div class=" + tbarStyle + "></div>"); } body = fly(bw).createChild("<div class=" + bodStyle + "></div>"); if (bottomComponent != null) { bbar = fly(bw).createChild("<div class=" + bbarStyle + "></div>"); } foot = fly(bw).createChild("<div class=" + footerStyle + "></div>"); } if (!headerVisible) { head.hide(); body.addStyleName(bodStyle + "-noheader"); if (tbar != null) { tbar.addStyleName(tbarStyle + "-noheader"); } } if (footer && fbar.getItemCount() > 0) { Element div = DOM.createDiv(); fly(div).addStyleName("x-panel-btns"); foot.appendChild(div); fbar.render(div); Element clearDiv = DOM.createDiv(); clearDiv.setClassName("x-clear"); div.appendChild(clearDiv); } else if (!footer) { bwrap.lastChild().addStyleName(baseStyle + "-nofooter"); } if (!bodyBorder) { el().addStyleName(baseStyle + "-noborder"); body.addStyleName(bodStyle + "-noborder"); if (tbar != null) { tbar.addStyleName(tbarStyle + "-noborder"); } if (bbar != null) { bbar.addStyleName(bbarStyle + "-noborder"); } } if (bodyStyle != null) { body.applyStyles(bodyStyle); } if (bodyStyleName != null) { body.addStyleName(bodyStyleName); } if (headerVisible) { head.disableTextSelection(true); } if (topComponent != null) { topComponent.render(tbar.dom); } if (bottomComponent != null) { bottomComponent.render(bbar.dom); } if (titleCollapse) { head.setStyleAttribute("cursor", "pointer"); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); } if (collapsed) { boolean anim = animCollapse; collapsed = false; setAnimCollapse(false); collapse(); setAnimCollapse(anim); } if (GXT.isAriaEnabled()) { Accessibility.setRole(getElement(), "region"); if (head != null) { setAriaLabelledBy(head.getId() + "-label"); } } // early render layoutBars(); } @Override protected void onResize(int width, int height) { super.onResize(width, height); Size frameSize = getFrameSize(); Size adjustBodySize = adjustBodySize(); if (isAutoWidth()) { getLayoutTarget().setWidth("auto"); } else if (width != -1) { width -= frameSize.width; if (tbar != null) { tbar.setWidth(width, true); if (topComponent instanceof BoxComponent) { ((BoxComponent) topComponent).setWidth(width); } } if (bbar != null) { bbar.setWidth(width, true); if (bottomComponent instanceof BoxComponent) { ((BoxComponent) bottomComponent).setWidth(width); } } if (fbar.isRendered()) { fbar.setWidth(width - fbar.el().getParent().getFrameWidth("lr")); } getLayoutTarget().setWidth(width - adjustBodySize.width, true); } if (isAutoHeight()) { getLayoutTarget().setHeight("auto"); } else if (height != -1) { height -= frameSize.height; getLayoutTarget().setHeight(height - adjustBodySize.height, true); } if (mask) { mask(maskMessage, maskMessageStyleName); } } @Override protected boolean remove(Component item) { if (item == topComponent) { setTopComponent(null); return true; } else if (item == bottomComponent) { setBottomComponent(null); return true; } return super.remove(item); } }